Rating:  Summary: Arguably the funniest film of the last 20 years Review: Why? Well, for starters:1) It's structurally hilarious--a NINE FIGURE budget, years of effort, armies of programming talent, incredibly brave and skillful stuntpersons, meticulous film crews, martial arts gurus, literally thousands of dollars on Cliff's Notes versions of really important books, big budget stars, elaborate designs and fashions, bajillions of extras, cars and guns and explosions galore, crazily huge sets (they even built a freaking HIGHWAY) all for a plot that's thinner than Dude, Where's My Car. 2) Just like in real life, all the dialogue is about plot explication, military logistics, sweeping generalizations about The Council, and high-handed monologues about The True Nature of Everything. 3) Also just like in real life, all the characters have names like Mike or Suzy or Jamal. 4) In the grand tradition of Tom Cruise, when the actors talk about the "challenges" of their roles, they invariably focus on their exercise routines. Because the most difficult part of great drama is all the crunches you have to do. 5) See Keanu make love. See Keanu think about The Deep Meaning of Everything. See Keanu kick butt. See Keanu lose the love of his life. At no time does a single facial muscle move. Forget Andy Garcia, David Duchovny, Josh Hartnett, Jude Law and even Cruise Almighty--with this flick, Keanu runs circles around his rival expressionless prettyboy nonacting stars. He's all alone in HAL 9000 territory now. 6) Jada Pinkett Smith. 7) It's a scifi film with no science, no fiction, and no science fiction. 8) What's with all the sunglasses? Isn't Zion underground? 9) The Evil French Guy, pt. I: whooo, bad accent. 10) The Evil French Guy, pt. II: the Evil Cake/Aphrodisiac riff...who says crap like that to a complete stranger? I was half expecting him to move on to his fascination with the complete discography of Right Said Fred. 11) Just thinking about the hundreds of man-hours and sheer brainpower that went into achieving the cinematically unthinkable...making Monica Belluci look completely unalluring. "Dammit, the bad character exposition and the horrible dress AREN'T enough. Wait, WAIT, I've got it...an expressionless kiss with Keanu...in a badly lit men's room so everybody's skin looks bluish green...and, and, Carrie Ann Moss is there, frowning. And Keanu's frowning...no, wait EVERYBODY's frowning..."). 12) Speaking of Keanu: first there was Bill(or was it Ted?), then Buddha, now Neo--so this is the third time Keanu has saved all of mankind...is this his agent's hook now (i.e. "babe, that Confucius script--Keanu gets first read")? How did this happen? 13) Let's review: Zion is an underground city with a tech-savvy population and an impressively developed power grid...and yet no one seems to have cable. 14) What's the dress code again? For affairs of state/mass destruction, you go with the leather/dominatrix meets downtown Tokyo vibe, but for nightlife/rallying the masses you go with a Contemporary Cotton/Comfortable Caveman look? 15) Do you think poor old Larry Fishburne and Al Pacino trade Keanu stories over drinks? 16) The rave scene looks like the collective wet dream of a Magic The Gathering convention. 17) What do Neo and Carrie Anne Moss do on their nights off? Bowl? Order carryout? Scattergories? 18) Is there any chance the Wachowski brothers' honest point of view regarding the monstrous nerd magnet they created in their first go 'round with the Matrix is revealed in the character of the sneering, ever-multiplying assassin character? The one who expresses bitter resentment toward Neo for putting him in his current bind, revulsion for the whole of Zion and a relentless drive to kill everyone in it? The one who generates the only non-stunt-driven, non-CGI-driven (i.e. good old-fashioned actor-driven) fun in this whole mess? God, I hope so...
Rating:  Summary: Thinking about buying the VHS instead of DVD ? Review: Go ahead and buy the VHS version of this if you find it cheap. I was worried that I would not get the same movie theater effect, but the VHS is rather good. At the end of the VHS there is: A short trailer for Revolutions, and a Director's interview of 4 TV commericals that used the matrix theme. You get all this on the VHS version. Therefore you don't have to struggle with cumbersome menu commands, or insert Disk 2. Don't be adicted to DVDs. Save some money.
Rating:  Summary: Pathetic. Review: And so, Hollywood greed swallows another would-be classic. If you take both Reloaded and Revolutions, cut out all the pointless eye candy you would have a worthy successor. The bulk of Reloaded is nothing but over choreographed, completely plot unrelated video game like fight scenes. Why do this Wachowski? Why sell your soul to Silver? Or did you? I felt like crap watching this movie, and I really wish I hadn't. I am going to go to a hypnotherapist and get him to convince me that I have never seen this trite torment of a film, just so I can enjoy the first one as I always have. I am not just disappointed because the second film is slightly worse than the first. It's so pathetically bad I wanna cry. In the first film every single scene meant something. Everything was a precursor to something else. When Neo fights smith in the subway, it's a lead-up to him waking up to the realities of the matrix. When Morpheus fights smith in the bathroom, he is sacrificing himself to save his crew and fulfills the prophecy Oracle made. Everything is connected somehow. But what do we get in Reloaded? We get Neo flying and fighting quadrillion agents, for the sake of flying and fighting quadrillion agents. Only at the very end of the movie do you get that same feeling of mystery, of something important, something significant is about to take place. It feels like the first movie again... and then you see "To Be Continued". Oh and the dialog. Morpheus delivers lines with such incredible intensity and depth that you actually think he has something important to say. He doesn't. It's so pretentious it was almost insulting. He might as well come into a dark room, wearing sunglasses, and say: "I... had... waffles! For breakfast this morning" in his slow deliberating tone, it would have been just as deep as most of what he had to say. I loved the first movie, I watched it at least a hundred times as it was set looping on my DVD player for a month straight at one time. I saw Reloaded and couldn't believe what a sad excuse for a Matrix sequel it was. Based on what I've heard I will never pay to see Revolutions.
Rating:  Summary: Matrix: Overloaded Review: What a load of techno-poop! I swear, I can't figure out how people actually liked this thing. There is NOTHING more insulting than watching a bunch of pointless fight scenes that are used in lieu of a plot, and then having 'TO BE CONTINUED'flashed on the screen after listening to a decrepit techno-Yoda (the Architecht? Gimme a break!) fumble through some indeterminate pseudo-philosophy that was supposed to explain the whole mess. And what about the albino twins? Who were they supposed to be? Edgar and Johnny Winters' concert reunion? I thought they were supposed to be able to materialize wherever they wanted to. SO WHY A CAR CHASE??? Why did Neo stick around to fight hundreds of Smiths when he could have just flown away? Why the techno-rave-unneccessary sex scene? Why was Morpheus a wimp? WHY DID I WATCH THIS TURKEY??? If you haven't seen it yet, then preserve your fond memories of the original by avoiding this one. Stink-ola. And no, I will not be coughing up any more dough to the Wachowski Brothers, or whoever is responsible. 5 stars for visuals, -3 for no plot. -2 another for that dumb 'Architect' speech. +1 for finally ending.
Rating:  Summary: Pretentious Review: This movie wasn't as good as the first. It seems that the film crew got a big head from the success of the previous installment. The dance/sex scene was too long and irrelevant to the story. It would have OK if it were to add some amusment to the movie, but it didn't. The special effects were OK. I thought the first one did a better job. There, they'd slow something down in mid sequence, but here they'd slow down the whole scene. I think they should have paid more attention to writing story than trying to out do the previous movies fashion and special effects statements.
Rating:  Summary: Matrix disappoints Review: Neo is as stiff as cardboard, some of the other characters were ---- ridiculously cast as people from the future. Too much pointless babble, French guy and the Twins were great, but the other characters were exceptionall weak. Don't even get me started on Zion.....what a joke.
Rating:  Summary: it's a good movie Review: this is a great movie but im a fraid to say.....it gets my lowest score...4 stars out of 5. other than that it's a good movie it has great action and fighting scenes
Rating:  Summary: Pointless Action. Nothing happens after a fight scene Review: While the cinematography and sound track are excellent, watching fight after fight where nobody gets hurt (stops fighting) and nobody really wins seems like a waste of time/effort.
Rating:  Summary: Buy it if you like mysticism mixed with action Review: I am most likely not going to pursuade anyone who has not liked the Matrix sequels to like them. However, it is interesting to see such polarizing effect from Reloaded and now Revolutions. I personally enjoyed both. The films played out the idea of a few humans struggling against a machine dominated world nicely. It is definitely not a Hollywood happy ending sort of series. Reloaded can be ponderous at times but if it is at fault being pretentious, it is at least thought provoking---hence such extreme feelings. I think people who are disappointed with the sequels simply want to have a nice and coherent explaination and resolution of the story. Reloaded doesn't provide that; in fact, it turns what is learned in the original movie upside down by revealing just how much the machines are in control. If one can deal with that disappointment and is not expecting a tidy Hollywood ending, it is a very satisfying film.
Rating:  Summary: The matrix Review: Is reloaded and this movie is so cool!