Rating:  Summary: The Best Action/Sci-Fi Movie Ever! Review: I thought the first matrix was unbelievable, until I seen the trailer at the superbowl. The trailer alone was great so I can imagine how the movie will be. It was great to see neo finally realize that he was the one, but I was upset that it ended just when he discovered it. I am so relieved that the warchowski brothers are making sequels because now we get to see just what neo can do as the one. The Matrix Reloaded will blow everyone away even the meanest critics. And I am glad to see that have a great cast as well the highway scene with trinity and morpheus is amazing as well as the twins chasing them shooting at them and the scene when neo fights about 50 agent smiths is said to be one of the most difficult scenes to shoot ever. So see you in two months when we get to see just how far the rabbit hole goes.
Rating:  Summary: LOOKS TO BE THE BIGGEST SMASH HIT OF THE DECADE !! Review: No doubt all of y'all checked out the sick trailer the WACHOWSKI'S Unveiled during the Superbowl (if not, thematrix.com then go to SUPERBOWL) It looks to be the most slickest, sickest piece of filmaking that's ever been released since the last one. This one is to climax in a 20 min highway chase seen that is supposed to rival any car chase ever attempted in film history. This is supposed to be the end of the RELOADED movie, and the springboard for REVOLUTIONS, the end of the trilogy. I remember seeing the first one and thinking: "There has to be more to this story, it's just too abrupt an ending." Well my suspicions were right, and now it's coming to fruition. All I am saying is that I will have my ticket for opening night baby !! See you in the real world ! May 28th I'll be RELOADED !Free your mind people, Morpheus
Rating:  Summary: This is what I have waited for??? Review: I have been anxiously awaiting these two films for like... forever! Well, I downloaded this trailer off of The Matrix website, and all I can say is that it came nowhere near my expectations for this film. The first Matrix was awesome, not only story-wise, but visually. The fx were incredible and it contained some of the best CG i have ever seen in a movie. But these new films, contain some of the worst CG I have ever seen! A short clip of Agent Smith crushing a car looked terrible. A scene showing the freeway looked worse than some old Nintendo game. And the worst has to be Neo flying. CG can make or break a movie in my opinion. I just hope that these effects are still in their rough form. Storywise, these films are gonna rock, but Warner Bro. if you are listening, the CG needs a lot more work.
Rating:  Summary: Well,I Just Saw The Superbowl XXXVII TV Spot, Review: and boy was it awesome!I don't know much about this movie, except for the fact that it is going blow away the original.As I said in my title,I just saw the Superbowl TV spot for the movie and it was much better than the first trailer. It featured Agents jumping from car to car on a busy highway,Neo flying through a city,and even Neo fighting about 50 copies of Agent Smith. The movie will also feature new characters including Jada Pinkett-Smith as Morpheus' former love interest,Marvin Gaye's daughter will also be in the movie,and Daniel Bernhardt from "Bloodsport" 2-4 as a new agent.I absolutely know this movie is going to kick every other action movies' behinds.My mother and I are big "Matrix" fans so we're going to see this as soon as it comes out, including the third installment,"The Matrix:Revolutions". I CAN'T WAIT FOR THIS MOVIE TO COME OUT! I THINK I'M DROOLING ON MY KEYBOARD!
Rating:  Summary: Matrix Reloaded, Revolutions.... Review: i know your outher... confused what you think of what is the Matrix all about... but unfortunately no one can be told of what is the Matrix means... but in my own, Matrix is evrywere like what Morpheus say to Neo, this is a realm, i think.... Matrix is the best movie i'v never seen.. i like the cast and etc.. i like them all..
Rating:  Summary: Will it be worth the hype Review: Sure hope so. Although only a few studio execs have seen the finished product, from what i know, they were all stunned. From what i know, the film will climax in a nearly 20min car chase along a freeway! Said to be the best car chase EVER in a movie, it will involve kung fu on trucks, agents stomping down cars, mass explosions, and more groundbreaking visual effects said to eliminate the line between what is and isn't real in special effects. "It will make the fast and the furious look slow and delirious." - Newsweek. News critics have already said this will once again set standards in the movie making world that will last years and will no doubt bring around more spoofs and knock offs. The five stars are for how excited i, and many others are about this film.
Rating:  Summary: "The Dream World" Review: Let's face it, THE MATRIX is one of the best Sci Fi films ever. So a follow-up would be difficult, but with such a huge fan base and cult following, the proposition would be inevitable. And of course, cool guy Keanu Reeves as Neo and Carrie-Anne Moss (Trinity) return, as does Hugo Weaving. And let's face it, this is going to be one of the many sequels based on Hollywood's M.O: "Bigger is better", with the reported duplicates of Agent Smith and more out-of-this-world action set-pieces. Not to mention the predictable 11-volume score. But the "What is real" thing ain't there to give the new film the added edge. Not to say that the Wachowski boys are selling out, for the film itself looks set to stay on track as far as "flo-mo" action and inventive effects go. And the DVD previews certinally look impressive, with not much plot exposition but high-octane action aplenty. But where the original was a mysterious sleeper hit, THE MATRIX RELOADED will be good action, but the original idea has been done to death by slacker films like ROMEO MUST DIE and CHARLIE'S ANGELS. But it does look visually impressive, and while there's a mixed bag of thoughts and points, it will no doubt clean up at the box-office. Thousands of pale-skinned internet fan-boys around the world are waiting for May 15 2003.
Rating:  Summary: This is good, people Review: It is so hard to live up to the Matrix, which was a new hit, got dvd going, and is so different and original, but decent. The Wachowski brothers acknowledge that, and do special effects not as good as the origional (the bullet time, being the first time we had really seen it done properly, was breathtaking, but was in to many film parodies (Scary Movie, Shrek)). I watched the first one so many times on dvd (I still continue to). This has all new awesome special effects, only topped by the original Matrix. I plan to buy this one as soon as it comed out on dvd. I saw this at a Warner Brothers test screening with about a dozen other people. One the one hand, it doesn't live up to the original matrix, but on the other hand, for just a movie, it kicks ... I think that its a very good film, but fans will be semi-dissapointed, like Godfather Three or Star Wars: Episode one. Fans just don't realize that part of the Matrix's spark was because it has never been done. Im sorry but it's a once in a lifetime thing. This film is still ***1/2 /4. Feel free to leave me a helpful/not helpful feedback. Well done and God Bless America!
Rating:  Summary: Matrix Reloaded is an essential film for your dvd collection Review: After reading all these negative reviews for Matrix Reloaded, I finally had to write and defend this movie, especially for all the "true" Matrix fans who enjoyed it for what it truly is: inspired, ground-breaking entertainment sprinkled with heavy doses of philosophy, kung-fu and kick-ass special effects. I, like many others, saw it on opening weekend and I was not disappointed. Matrix Reloaded is simply an extraordinary piece of filmmaking at its highest level and is in a word, awesome. Anybody who says this film was utter trash or garbage needs to learn how to watch movies in the first place. It's impossible not to be impressed with this achievement. It's the reason why we go to the movies in the first place. The people who hated this film probably looked only at the surface and dismissed it as only mindless special effects and action with no story whatsoever (or couldn't understand the film). The true Matrix fans will see that, indeed, there are many levels to this film beyond just special effects, which indeed are truly mind-blowing and revolutionary in so many ways. The first film dealt with reality and illusion; this film deals with choice, destiny and fate. You can't expect this film to top the first Matrix, which was almost a perfect film. There's a lot to ponder if you just take the time to analyze it all with another intelligent film critic. But the real reason I loved this film was for its relentless action sequences which raises the bar like few films before it. The Burly Brawl where Neo takes on a hundred Agent Smiths is forever a classic, and the freeway chase sequence is simply awesome. Interestingly enough, my favorite scene is actually the sword-fighting that Neo has with the Merovigian's henchmen. When have we ever seen weapons-based fighting that was so well choreographed, so stylish and elegant like that? Simply brilliant. And let's not forget the music in this film, which I absolutely loved. The Matrix has always been about kung-fu and kick-ass fighting and this movie delivers; any lover of action films will be immensely satisfied with this film. And if you study the dialogue of this film and break it down, there are very few "fillers"; everything has meaning and purpose. Matrix: Reloaded has received unfair critical bashing but the film is a whole lot smarter than people truly realize. But in the end, Matrix: Reloaded is simply a film, but in a world filled with so many useless and uninspired movies, it is so refreshing to see a film that tries to push the boundaries of filmmaking to new and unchartered territory.
Rating:  Summary: It is very dissapointing Review: This movie was very dissappointing. The first one was good because it actually seemed like Neo was in some type of danger. Now he flies around like superman, can frfeesze bulets with a wave of his hand and is just immortal. The movie itself is very boring there is almost no fighting. And when there is a fight Neo always just blows them away with a wave of his hand. The only reason it got a star is because it's required. All in all the movie SUCKS. If your going to buy a movie but the original and thats the only good one in the series.