Rating:  Summary: OK Sequal to a Great Movie Review: When I first saw Matrix Reloaded I was expecting it to be one of the best movies ever. But it wasn't. It was way too long. It seemed like they through in a bunch of talking to fill up time. And most of the time you dont even know what they're talking about. But on the bright side, there was alote of great action scenes. The highway scene was my favorite.The fight scenes with Neo vs the robots got old real fast ( he had to fight them like 5 times I think ). Some of the Spe-FX seemed more like game graphics. I recommend renting this movie before you consider buying it. I would have to say the first Matrix was much better.
Rating:  Summary: Killer movie! Review: So far, I've seen this movie twice. This is definitly the kind of movie you go to see more than once. I might as well get out the fact that I've never seen the first one. So, I didn't really understand this one, but I still loved it. I'm also not too big on special effects in films, but these were pretty cool effects. All in all, this is a very cool movie, and stay after the credits if you wanna see a really lame preview for the next one, Matrix: Revolutions.
Rating:  Summary: An Action-Packed Mind Rush and Intellectual Extravaganza! Review: As you can probably tell from the titling of this review, I found Matrix Reloaded to be an awesome experience! The special effects were very well done, with an intriguing twist on gravitational physics. All prerequisites for an action-filled Matrix sequel were certainly exceeded... But I digress; the strong point of the movie was actually the near incomprehensibility of the multi-layered plot. Yes, the fact that it could not be fully understood was a major strong point, and an intellectual challenge (compare this to Star Wars: Episode I, and you'll see what I mean; not all questions are meant to be answered at once, and plots that simple are merely to allow children to understand it). When you think you've figured the Matrix out, Reloaded provides a stunning layer of complexity that goes beyond assumed superficial fabrications arising from the first Matrix. In fact, Neo's advancement can be perceived on a scale of graduality, rather than the seemingly apparent immortality he achieved toward the end of the original Matrix. In addition, there is an increasing emphasis on the real world, with even more expected in the finale. Although the end does leave you hanging, the plot twists and developments are a continuation of the first Matrix, and the connection is indeed there. Some feel that this was somehow severed from the first Matrix due to its inconclusive ending, but it is really an epic saga; one directly derived from the first Matrix, a stark and intriguing concept. Addressing other matters, there is a much stronger emphasis on intellecual conversations (and vocabulary comprehension) in Reloaded. This movie will almost certainly appeal to such a crowd that enjoyed the first Matrix. For those that did not understand it after seeing it the first time, I should note that every critical detail other than those few, big, unanswered questions were covered fairly well. This level of understanding should not be a reason to warrant criticism, as I must testify -- Reloaded is a brilliant masterpiece.
Rating:  Summary: Just how deep does the rabbit hole go? Review: The way i see it, there are three main ways you can view The Matrix: Reloaded. 1) OMG SLOW MOTION AND CAR CHASES **drool** --average teenage guy 2) What the heck, where's the plot?! They ruined the first movie!--some person 3) **raises eyebrows at above person** Yeah, they had action sequences. Yes, there was the...er, romantic scene in Zion. No, not everything was explained. But what more do you want from the Wachowskis?! The religious references were even more drawn out in this movie than they were in the first one; my friend's sister, who is nine, even caught the Architect/God reference. However, not all of them are as obvious, and if you look a little deeper into the movie, you find a compelling story among the tons of eye-candy. I don't want to spoil anything for anyone, so i won't go far into the story, but it does develope so much more of the Matrix and explains daily occurences that you wouldn't think of. Smith is back, there are new characters, and as always, Neo kicks ... with Trinity and Morpheus along to support him. This is honestly my favourite movie of all time, and i'm sure it will be for quite a while...or, at least until The Matrix: Revolutions comes out in November. --me
Rating:  Summary: Confusion and disappointment Review: This film was so weak, so heartbreakingly BAD compared to the creativity of the first film. There is no plot. The first film had a storyline. It was new, out-of-the-box thinking; we were intrigued, fascinated and appalled at the same time. There are loads of action sequences; but honestly, they don't compare with the elevator lobby scene from the first film. And the action is interspersed with cryptic monologues and speeches - mostly by Morpheus - delivered with a forced "Zen" tone. In one scene he delivers a speech (which was supposed to be rousing) to the masses of Zion, and it actually made me groan with embarrassment - when I think of the rally speeches in Braveheart and Henry V...well, this was pathetic. I think the main reason (following the lack of plot) that the film flops is that the original Matrix was shot like a graphic novel (as the creators had initially envisioned it) - and it has that look and feel throughout. The sequel is NOT shot like a graphic novel, it's shot like a conventional movie. It looks disappointing somehow...there is a scene where Neo chats with the Oracle - sitting on a dirty bus bench - and it lacks good feeling on every level. The setting is mundane, and the dialogue in the scene is mind-numbingly circuitous and enigmatic. Honestly, aside from a the expected cool visual moments(and there weren't nearly enough really good moments, just a lot of mediocre ones) the film is a waste of your time. Not only would I recommend waiting for the video - I might say skip it altogether. If they re-release it as a double feature show with the next film, which comes out in November of this year...just see it then, and pray that the final film redeems this sad affair. I may sound unduly negative, but the original Matrix was so clever and smart, and waiting four years for this mess is disappointing.
Rating:  Summary: Whassup with you guys? Review: This movie rocks! Free your mind yo, I agree the movie is hard to get into, and yes, I also agree that Neo and Trinity love each other a little to much,(Yuck). Anyways, I have a great respect for this movie, and I also have a great respect for the directors. The fight scenes are off the charts, the special effects are great, and just to sum it all up, the movie is great. The first movie is much better than this one,(sequels are never better), but the fight scenes are 10 times better in this movie. As for you Matrix fans who have not seen "Reloaded," You must see it. It will forever be known as a sci-fi classic, and maybe one of the biggest movies ever made,(but thats only my opinion). The freeway-free-for-all in this movie is awesome. Anyways, that was my opinion of this movie. To Be Concluded.
Rating:  Summary: What Happened? Review: I went into The Matrix Reloaded with slightly lowered expectations, after hearing that it wasn't supposed to be all that hot, and was preparing myself for the first hour, which I'd heard was boring as I'll get out. But, when the movie started rolling I found myself completely immersed. The action, though scarce, that was weaved into the opening hour helped take away from any real boredom, and the action that ensued after they reentered the Matrix was far beyond my wildest dreams. And so, I had a merry time at the theater and returned home completely satisfied. Then, I saw it again today, and I realized that that first hour is a lot longer than I remembered, and that the talking - the 'thought-provoking' speeches from the Oracle and Merovingian and the Architect...oh God, the Architect - is a WHOLE lot of nothing. To be completely honest, while the action was just as gosh-wow as the first time, the talking was nearly unbearable. The Oracle and Merovingian both just went on and on and on about 'why' we make the decisions we do, simply rewording the same questions and answeres over and over and over. And it gets us nowhere. The answers they provide are vague, never giving us something to believe in or bash. It's just a lot of words strung together that you think are really smart and really mind-bending because you can't follow it and then, once you listen closely, you realize that it's not worth your time. And the speech from Morpheus...don't get me started. I just didn't especially care for Morpheus through much of the movie, only seeing the guy we came to love from the original in one scene as he sits in that old red chair at the conclusion and speaks to his company with that subtle air of coolness about him. A few other things: the only scene within the Matrix where we see people going about their normal business is in Japan or China or something. Every other time we see Neo and Trinity and Morpheus in a world of their own, completely throwing out the idea that all this is going on right in front of our eyes and we just never realize it. This time, there was hardly ever a crowd or even something to familiarize with our own world...And how everything was on such a bigger scale. I didn't like the fight for the human race - that sweaty horde Morpheus calls a 'cause' - nearly as much as I liked the small battle, mostly unnoticed, where Neo found himself and battled off Agents. So, I guess that's all I got - but that's only the bad stuff. It WAS entertaining, that being why I gave it 4 stars -it was certainly worth the money-, but after a second screening I can't help but acknowledge the flaws. And, sadly, it's got a whole lot. If only they had more time to edit for Revolutions, as I fear whatever mistakes they made this time will more than likely carry over...
Rating:  Summary: Not without its flaws! Review: I`m hoping that this film,like the original Matrix, will improve on each viewing and i`ve no doubt that i will pick up on a few things that i missed first time round. We`ll have to wait and see if the final film in the series can successfully clear up some of the more confusing parts of its predecessor. I certainly won`t be writing this film off, until i`ve seen both this one again and the final film Revolutions. On first impressions I can safely say there were many good and bad aspects of the film, although I won`t go into too much detail here for the sake of those who haven`t seen it. Most of the fight scenes went on for a little longer than I thought was necessary. Surely the films makers didn`t intend their film to be swamped by martial arts action and fight scenes, which was the fatal flaw in "Fellowship of the Ring". Secondly the film contains far too much unsubstantiated philosophy, in that there`s more emphasis on trying to sound clever without succeeding in getting the point across. The result is a highly confused audience left scratching their heads, whilst trying to comprehend so many long words in such a short space of time. I don`t consider myself any less intelligent than the average film goer, but there were times during the film when I felt extremely humbled by my total lack of understanding! My guess is that i`ll see things more clearly the second time around, but that doesn`t rule out the possibility that my confusion was also brought about by overly elaborate storytelling and no shortage of rhetoric from Morpheus and the Oracle to name but a few! On a positive note some of the action scenes surpass many that have gone before them and there`s enough of a story here and plenty left unresolved to make for a great final film.
Rating:  Summary: Short, Sweet: Review: I've been discussing the film with dozens of friends for weeks now, and we've come to the conclusion that we were robbed by poor execution. Quite simply: The IDEAS and CONCEPTS introduced in the film were worthy and mostly well thought out. The EFFECTS in the film were worthy and mostly well thought out. UNFORTUNATELY, the actual use of traditional film language (foreshadowing, story advancement, revelation, cohesion, visual elements STRICTLY in service to the story) were horribly executed. It seems as if in introducing these wonderful new concepts and twists, and attempting to up the effects ante (quite hillariously at times, I must add), our favorite team of directing siblings forgot to actually make a FILM. A sore disappointment; eagerly awaiting the third film, which will hopefully give closure to the story in a respectable and far more dignified manner.
Rating:  Summary: Some people just need a lesson in humanity.... Review: I read all these bad reviews and shake my head. I'm going to address the "issues" one-by-one. The so-called "Rave" scene. Ok, humanity took some time to get to the level of civility (if you could call it that) we have now. Seemingly you don't recognize that if people had been trapped all their lives, to celebrate their humanity - to feel human; they would have an event like this? And what better thing to take your mind off impending doom than partying and decadence? It happens all the time around the world from little personal dooms (my girlfriend dumped me, I'm failing college, etc) to big ones (am I going to lose my family and friends in a war or terrorist attack). Not to mention the fact that people have been dancing since the beginning of time. I don't know maybe all out war needs to happen for you to understand this scene. The fight scenes, while not as necessary as in the first movie, were fun to watch and did further the story. Showing how many Agent Smiths there were, and that he can affect Neo with his new copy function. The car scene is a another rescue scene, like in the first. And so on. Maybe some people just don't like the amount of action, but I think it balances with the plot. Maybe, some of this has been done before. What's truly original these days? Not much. The Wachowskis borrow a lot for religion of all types, and I know unless you read about as much as they did about it - you would not get all the little references. There is not one scene where something deeper is going on, and that's what makes this movie at least as good as the first. But with all of that, the thing that makes me give this movie a full 5 stars - is the way it made me *think* at the end of it. What movies make you want to learn more about the underlying ideas? LOTR only made me buy the books to read, so I'd know the full story. This movie, I felt compelled to learn more about Gnosticism and the philosophy involved, and I know there's more people like me - I see them at B&N. You need to give this movie a chance.