Rating:  Summary: Matrix proves to be an epic full-force trilogy Review: This movie was EXCELLENT. They have the gutts to do what other movie makers have not done before. The story is about a cause, not necessarily about the people, but yet they introduce us to so many great characters that believe in this cause. Because it is about the idea, it is a truly great film and they can go where other films have not. Someone once said, "Small people talk about other people, average people talk about events, great people talk about ideas." I think that applies to this film. They still do a great job with the characters, but this time it's actually about something worth thinking about. The story ends more beautifully than I could have hoped for... I love the way they ended it, though I hate to see this trilogy over. It's one of my favorites forever more now, even perhaps outdoing my love for the Indiana Jones trio because it has no ugly middle movie- it's a perfect trio.
Rating:  Summary: Not What Your Expecting Review: Okay this movie has gotten some really bad reviews...some people cant just cope with the fact that it is of different style of the last two Matrix Movies. This one is more so a War movie than Kung-Fu kick your ass movie. It has a lot of depth to it. and a lot of emotions in it. The last finght of the movie is really cool...but I thought it could have of been longer and more of the Matrix Style. There are no where near as many fight senes in this movie. Above all I really like it and you just have to accept that its different than the last two.
Rating:  Summary: I CAME OUT OF THE THEATER CRYING Review: wow, omg it was amazing incredible spectacular shocking and unbelievable: O my heart was racing like i was sprinting a marathon through out the course of the movie, if you are reading this review you have to see this movie no matter what the retarded critics gave it ok im a girl that sees about 2 movies a week and i have been doing so for the last 3-4yrs THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING MOVIE I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE I WILL NEVER SEE ANOTHER DECENT MOVIE AGAIN I ALREADY KNO ILL B DISAPOINTED!!!!~NEO LIVES ON IN MY HEART FOREVER~
Rating:  Summary: What is the Matrix? Over, thankfully. Review: It's quite simple. Matrix: astonishing. great concepts, amazing fight sequences. great science fiction all around. Reloaded: best chase scene ever. a bit weak on story, and a dance scene that was entirely snoozeville, but still an okay film. Revolutions: Flat as pancake that's been run over by a steam roller. In Revolutions, the box-office draws are reduced to bit parts and are replaced by actors and actress with whom we have no connection. Lots of people die, but since I don't know who they are it really doesn't matter now does it? The film also suffers from poor editing. I lost track of the number of minutes that Neo and Trinity were NOT a part of the film because they were being overshadowed by the battle to save Zion. The Zion battle is entirely too long and repetitive. How much "blam blam blam ka-pow pow pow" can a person tolerate? The opening of the film is pointless. Neo is trapped between the living world and the matrix in a sort of train station stop. He begins to think, "OKay, how do I get out of here?" Which would have been a great concept to explore, but it is never developed as Trinity saves the day. A lot of subplots are simply ignored or forgotten. The council members all look like Venice Beach street artists. I guess the point is, if you look really funky you, too, can be a council member. On the plus side: Agent Smith: He has the best lines, and is by far the best actor in the film. You almost want Smith to be the victor because he's just so damn good at what he does. The climactic fight scene: The final combat between Smith and Neo is amazing. If there is ever another Superman movie, or any movie involving super-heroes and villains for that matter, the producers, special-effects crew, and cinematographers should use the Smith/Neo fight scene as the benchmark. It's that good. Overall, however, Revolutions is a sad demise to what was a great initial movie. Fortunately, the first Matrix film stands on its own. We can ignore the sequels. We can choose to take the blue pill and stay in Wonderland rather than taking the red pills and sliding down a rabbit hole of bad sequels.
Rating:  Summary: My Thoughts Review: The Matrix Revolutions is the BEST Film to date. It had Love, Sorrow,Art,Religion,Action and very good action that is. Many people disliked this movie for so many reasons 1 being that it talked to much and 2nd that they didnt get the ending.Here's what i think there was talking to tie the loose ends from part one and two of course but people these days jus want action action action. Andy and Larry ended this movie with u thinking y wouldnt they, they created this trilogy by making the viewer think and thas good because in movies no one likes to use their minds.They want you to make ur ending since this ties up with religion "THE ONE" or The Messiah or Savior will unite evil with good and he will lead his people to prosperity like Christ and Muhhamad and Buddha. This movie will effect other movies and productions (Like as if hasnt already done that)hundreds of films have followed this movies footsteps from film making to a concept and the way Andy and Larry ended their Trilogy was unbelievable.
Rating:  Summary: Sci Fi vs. Math Review: Though I enjoyed this movie tremendously, as well as I enjoyed both Reloaded and the original. It seems as though the movie's climax came to soon and was rushed. From the first Matrix I beleived we actually had an intense Sci Fi story on our hands, which we did to a point. Once Neo goes into the Matrix and learns all of the tricks of the world, it quickly shifts towards an action movie. Not that I minded the change but I thought that at some point throughout the second or third movie we would have some more science fiction. Though there were small parts of it in reloaded, the ending where you learn about the past of the matrix, they failed to make an impression with it. It seemed like throughout the second and third movie they were trying to confuse people so much that they put themselves in a corner when it came to the ending. It drops off at a point and leaves you wondering if maybe its would have been worth it to make a fourth one and actually show a good ending. One of the major disappointments is the lack of creativity when it came to action points. The fight in the lobby with seraph to free neo is a rehash of the first movie, only this time people can use antigravity. This goes against what was explain in the first movie, "rules of gravity can be bent but not broken", and the attack on the dock was almost the same images over and over. I wish that a true sci fi series could be made and i thought we had one with the matrix but by the end all we are concern about is mathmatical equations.
Rating:  Summary: Best one out of all of them...untill the last 10 min Review: This movie was so good i mean it was awsome it had it all. Battles, love, and intensity. But it seems that the makers couldnt figure out a way it end it all i mean come on people cant you come up with a better ending than that i mean 4 real wait till the video
Rating:  Summary: Matrix Revolution, not a film revolution Review: Matrix Revolution shows not only accepted diminishing artistic return, but in view of the first Matrix movie an even greater downfall. Matrix set up an ongoing phantasy that would only have been sustained by an equally good story line photography and inventive action. Not so, Matrix Revolution capitalizes on action scenes already proved in Matrix and the story line comes too close to the Dune Machine Crusade and neither resolves nor enlightens the conflict. I expected much more and had faith in the film makers here, who are not the Hollywood standard, but still fell victim to their earlier success. The actor's emphasis on performing their own stunts did not improve the story, neither did the change in characters, i.e. the oracle and crew. The machine war was visually interesting, had it not been exploited in length and repetition. The failure is the story line and resolution.
Rating:  Summary: A Brilliant Failure is Preferable to a Mediocre Success Review: I want to get this out in the open, right from the start: I loved RELOADED and I loved REVOLUTIONS. I believe that they are both thoughtful, reflective, inspired films. Nevertheless... I would like to believe that we, the Amazon.com users, are all in agreement about the fact that we would prefer smart, well-made films over the usual "same ol', same ol'" rubbish that Hollywood churns out by the gross, but I also believe that the Wachowski Bros. missed the mark. Their reach far exceeded their grasp: the scale of their ambition defeated the scope of their allusions and metaphors, rendering the subtle nuances of the meanings, ideas and implications underpinning their subtext muddled and opaque. I am not a proponent of "dumbing down" films by any means, but the Matrix Trilogy could have used a serious "concept-ectomy." If they Wachowski Bros. hadn't front-loaded the RELOADED and REVOLUTIONS scripts with so much needlessly superfluous philosophical, religious, ethical and moral baggage, they could have retained the first film's sense of fun and wonder and discovery, rather than the resultant college texts we were forced to endure. With that said, I feel that a brilliant failure is always preferable to a mediocre success. My $0.02, anyway.