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The Scorpion King Widescreen Collector's Edition + CD Soundtrack (Limited Edition)

The Scorpion King Widescreen Collector's Edition + CD Soundtrack (Limited Edition)

List Price: $39.98
Your Price: $35.98
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Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A Decent addition to the Mummy
Review: This movie was by no means spectacular. The acting wasn't anything to get excited about, not to mention the story line. The people were scantily clad and the plot was a little thin. But having said all that, if you are a fan of the Mummy movies, this one may be tolerable to watch. But it was certainly not an equal to the other two. I was expecitng a little more from this film, but it was entertainment enough for an evening at home on the couch.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Nothing against The Rock
Review: I have to say I was a little surprised at all the violence in this film. Not that I'm not old enough to handle it. Besides it wasn't gorey. It was just mostly made up of fighting. I like battle scenes. But really good ones. The fighting in Scorpion King were good but not excellent ones. The Rock wasn't too bad in this. I do like the guy. I think he's good action hero type. But can he really act? I'm not talking about fighting scenes. I'm talking about just regular dialogue. Which you don't see much of from him through the whole thing. Action scenes he was real good. But I'd have to see him in a few more movies to judge on wether or not he can even act. The movie was predictable (like most reviewers were saying on here). What movie can't you watch that isn't? They all have the basic storyline it's how it's done is what makes the difference. I don't ever watch a movie thinking the ending is going to surprise me. But anyway. This movie is worth watching. It has enough action but the scenes are kind of mellow. In my opinion it doesn't compare to The Mummy. I might add it to my 'Mummy' collection if I can find it for a cheap price somewhere.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Entertaining, but just missed...
Review: The Roc made a splashy appearance in the Return of the Mummy, and got so much attention, the producers rushed to come up with a vehicle for him. They vaguely hint this movie is connected to the Mummy films, but basically the name Scorpion King is all they have in common. When they announced they were doing a remake of the Mummy, I groaned as remakes are usually the pits you think why did they bother, but was pleasantly thrilled with the results. It was wonderful!! I own both Mummy movies on DVD and play them often, for they are movies that can be view again and again and one never tires of them.

The Problem with this film???? What made the Mummy films so perfect and the Scorpion King just miss?? I think it is because of Brendan Fraser. He is a powerhouse talent, that is super action star, but his marvellous humour, funny voices and true screen presence, backed with the wonderful Hallam as a foil,makes the Mummy movies work and work well.

Scorpion King draws on the same rich texture, the expensive sets and computer work, that made the Mummy movies so opulent. The Rock is a great action star with a bankable presence in Conan the Barbarian vein, but the movie lacks the sharp repartee, wit, heart and dry humour of the first two films and suffers because of it. The action is nearly nonstop, it is wonderfully staged, but there is so much missing.

I enjoyed the film and liked the alternative scenes and other bonus selections, but basically, a wee tad sorry I went ahead and bought the DVD solely because I enjoyed them Mummy films. While they will continued to get use, I fear Scorpion Kings is more of a once a year film and will gather dust.

The action is great, the costumes and staging on par with the Mummy films...but I hear Peggy Lee singing in the background....is that all there is....???

If you have seen the film before and wish to own a copy, you will be thrilled with the DVD version. The sounds and film quality is super, the bonus goodies great. But do not buy this film on the rep of the two mummy films or you might be disappoint, see it first!

I am sure The Rock and his OTT WWF charm will see him a huge action star. His fans will not be disappointed. It is a great action film, just missing bullseye.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: What do you really expect from a movie that was made for a non-actor? Remember that old chant? "Rocky s••ks" He most certainly does in this movie.

Rating: 1 stars
Review: The Rock is great on WWE wrestling, but he is not "The Great One" in this movie. I was very disapointed by this bad movie. I expected that is was going to be good. It turned out to be very cartoonish. When one of the bad guys is hit with an arrow, their bodies fly backwards as if they were hit with a shotgun. How is an arrow able to propel someone's body into the air ? I also must complain about the special effects. The special effects are very poor. I expected great special effects like what I saw in The Mummy Returns.

If you want to get a movie with The Rock, then buy The Mummy Returns instead. The Scorpion King should be erased from all movie history. It should have been produced as a one hour TV special, like Zena or Herculees.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Borinng....zzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZ
Review: Many fans of "The Mummy" were rather thrilled by the shedding of some backround story on who the Scorpion King was, and many kind of figured it was going to be a greatly action packed and highly entertaining piece of film, very much like "The Mummy", mixing action, suspense, mystery, and humor into one very entertaining movie... well, to spell it out in plain english this downright [STINKS}.
The DVD in itself is packed with many vignettes which would have been great, if only after watching the movie and being bored to death, you would have had the curiosity to see.
A waste of time, hollywood moviemakers, you can do better!!
By the way, I gave it two stars because of the supplemental material.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: A little flat but tolerable
Review: This movie wasn't as good as the Mummy movies but it had a decent pace.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Forgetable, if you're lucky
Review: The makers of this film placed an unsurmountable obstacle in front of themselves. By introducing the character in "The Mummy Returns", they established a connection with ancient Egypt. All that is forgotten in this prequel which is nothing more than a latter day "Conan the Barbarian" movie, with all the expected anachronisms and fuzzy attention to anything remotely resembling geography or history.

For what it is, I suppose it's not too bad - certainly, on a par with the Conan movies, but not quite as good as "The Beastmaster". The Rock has good screen presence and carries his none too demanding role well. With careful cultivation, he could inherit the muscleman turned actor crown from Arnold.

Still, there was nothing particularly memorable about it. As an hour and a half of mindless action, it's probably as good a way to anesthetize yourself as any other. I avoided both the theatrical release and the DVD and just recently saw it on pay per view. I'm glad I only spent $4 on it...

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Great movie
Review: This is the 3rd movie from the Mummy series.
If you like Dwayne Johnson(The Rock)you'll love
this movie.The rock does his own stunts and you
can see some of his wrestling moves when he fights
all the bad guys.Although I think this one is not
as good as the first 2 Mummy movies because it's
more about the Scorpion King.The special effects are cool and
they have some good battle scenes,so overall
I'd say this one is a good movie.If you love
Action,Romance and special effects,The Scorpion
King is a must see and own.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Simply awful
Review: Now don't get me wrong - I like the Rock. I thought he was terrific in the cameo that he had in The Mummy Returns; way better than the CGI scorpion at the end of the film. His Saturday Night Live episode is one of my favorites. This foray into entertainment, though, should have been left in its entirety on the cutting room floor. The story is completely predictable and trite. There is nothing lovable about the character; there are no higher values explored than an undying need for revenge and there is no subplot of any real interest. Arnold did it better in Conan, without digital effects. Read elsewhere the plot if you must, but I am sure you can already predict the story line. Don't bother buying it new, for I am sure you will find plenty of used copies at bargain prices. The very worst thing about this is that there is probably already a sequel planned.

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