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The Scorpion King Widescreen Collector's Edition + CD Soundtrack (Limited Edition)

The Scorpion King Widescreen Collector's Edition + CD Soundtrack (Limited Edition)

List Price: $39.98
Your Price: $35.98
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Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Fresh adventure heroes.
Review: Surprisingly decent adventure/action flick. The Rock is fresh and amusing as a Matias. The fight scenes are entertaining, and the plot, although not too sophisticated, smooth enough to enjoy the movie. Other actors are also doing an excellent job, and music rocks the boat. It's definitely not the "Mummy", but it could be a fine beginning for another 'Egyptian' franchise.

Rating: 1 stars
Summary: Talk about a stinker
Review: I have kept watching this movie to see just how bad it gets.
The writing is bad, the costumes are bad, the story is bad.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: well......
Review: If you like the Rock's body then there are scenes in the movie you will surly enjoy, but it definatly does not come close to the movies that it is actually a dirivative of (The Mummy & The Mummy Returns).

Honestly, it is not worth buying in new condition. I'm glad I only rented it.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not bad
Review: This wasn't to bad of a movie, could have been better with someone else as the leading actor. The Rock plays the same character all the time. The movie was good but could have been better.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Entertaining but lacks intelligence
Review: Always the victim of impulse buys, and worse the sucker to have all in a series or collection, I have purchased 'The Scorpion King' today along with a new Sony progressive scan DVD player (model NS715P, see separate review.) After viewing the movie I can not say I was not entertained to some degree or totally disappointed with the flick. Aside for some major flaws in the plot and historical reality, the movie was watchable. I feel I must point out the flaws as I always do and two of the largest lay on the shoulders of the Villain played by Steven Brand. Why on earth
would the director and casting allow a British actor to present his lines in native accent? Hugo Weaving (agent Smith) did not do it in 'The Matrix,' why would Steven Brand do it here? Second, in one scene, he used a French phrase, this a language not born until the seventh century. C'est plus qu'un crime, c'est une faute.

Overall, like its sister series 'The Mummy' and ' The Mummy Returns,' this DVD is full of interesting extras and vignettes worth watching. However, the feature lacks intelligent dialogue, is tainted with twenty-first century humor and all the CG special effects could have spent more time rendering in the computers (the snakes were ridiculous and half the ants were missing shadows). I choose to save ten dollars and not buy the release that included the CD
soundtrack. Why, oh why a hard rock soundtrack for such a period movie? I might recommend this movie, but I would not have bought it had I rented it first.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: THE SCORPION KING ain't art, but still fun.
Review: Basically a spin-off of the greatly successful MUMMY movies, THE SCORPION KING tells the story of an Akadian assassin (Dwayne Johnson AKA The Rock), who defeats an evil warlord and becomes the powerful Scorpion King. Borrowing from genres as old as Conan the Barbarian, this is an old fashioned sword and sorcery flick that, while it might not be art, still has more than its share of entertainment. The Rock has a solid screen presence and makes a credible action hero in the title role, while Kelly Hu is lovely as the sorceress who captures his heart. Of course, there are the obligitory sidekicks and fellow warriors, including the always dependable Michael Clarke Duncan as a Nubian warrior. At about 90 minutes, the film moves at a brisk pace and doesn't allow one to dwell too much on the obvious absurdities that too many films of this type may have. Having said that, THE SCORPION KING makes for a fun flick for those who love their action epics with a big helping of cheese. Recommended for those who love action films and have a good sense of humor.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Not as good as Mummy, but it had a little something
Review: I am not a WWF fan, nor a big The Mummy fan, but this movie had a little something. Like Vin Diesel, The Rock isn't the best actor in the world, but he's got something -I guess you could call it screen presence. Whatever it is, it shined in this movie. He had only like 15 lines of dialogue (there's not much in the entire movie) and most of those were delivered like a rock tossed in a puddle of mud. (pun intended, friends!)
The story was what you'd expect. Fun was had by all. When you watch the DVD, make certain you watch the outtakes. They add a significantly different twist to the story that I think should have been left in. Apparently The Rock's character was some sort of pawn in a prophecy, but all references were cut from the movie. Draw your own conclusions. I thought it would have added a little depth to the story.
Definetly worth a rental. Go get it!

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: The Scorpion King
Review: Not what I expected from the previous Mummy movies and The Rock's promos on History Channel. For some reason the writers moved the story from Egypt to Palestine. Ignoring what is currently believed about the Scorpion King and what he may have actually been involved in. For a mindless 90 minute romp with fighting and swashbuckling it was pretty decent. Don't look at this as a prequel to the Mummy movies it does not fit.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: You've seen it all before, but The Rock makes this fun
Review: You've seen this film before (Conan the Barbarian) --mysterious hero with goofy sidekick and sexy warrior babe girlfriend becomes king after a titanic, lopsided battle. That's the plot of "The Scorpion King" and half a dozen other flicks of this genre.

There are a lot of "realism" problems with this film, but, considering that it is cast with stars of the pro wrestling circuit and produced by Vince MacMahon, that's not too surprising. So I was all primed to sit back and enjoy Rock Eye Candy and have fun with this film. I wasn't disappointed, though there is a lot to overlook; for one thing, no one ever fought "The Mesopotamians"--boy, that sounds dumb. Who wrote that line? And newcomer Steven Brand is apparently a graduate of the "Branagh School of British Acting" so as a bully and brute of a king, he is disturbingly refined, with a Brit accent clashing with brutal swordplay, greasy archeo-punk haircut and nasty tricks with cobras, scorpions and the like. In fact, the mix of accents (from homie Michael Clarke Duncan's Nubian king, Brand's prissy British and The Rock's clear and unaccented American diction) is a bit jarring, but...never mind. The special effects are good and not overdone, the scenery is exciting. Even the women get fun stuff to do, not only the toothsome Kelly Hu as the Sorcerer/Sorceress (hey guys, I can definitely tell you, it's SorcerESS) and the Nubian lasses are very athletic. The one kid thrown in for cuteness doesn't get obnoxiously cute, amazingly enough.

Aside from having to accept that a lumpy camel can outrun an Arabian steed, this was quite entertaining and I look forward to seeing The Rock again, in anything. Heck, he could read a telephone book to me and I would be enthralled.

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: I Could Smell it, alright.
Review: ...a lousy movie. The movie was so cliched, the acting was barely fair, and the script was nonexistant ... The camel was seriously the most interesting character in the entire film. I also couldn't buy into the guy with the achy-breaky hairdoo as a credible villain.

I usually like cheesy fantasy movies, but this one took itself too seriously to be worthwhile for campiness.

Don't waste your time with this tripe... Get Army of Darkness instead. It's just as anachronistic, but tongue-in-cheek enough to be worth it...

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