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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Oh my...
Review: I have never read a comic book in my life, and god knows I've never seen the cartoon either, but this movie was wonderful. If/when there is an X-Men 2 I'll be there. I still don't plan on watching the cartoon or reading the comic book, because I think it's the live action that gets your attention. I loved the effects. Go see it!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A true Summer blockbuster.
Review: Few Comic books turned feature length film have enjoyed the success that "X-Men" has. This adaptation of Marvels best selling comic has become one of the summer biggest movies. As an admitted fan of the X-Men I really enjoyed this movie. The only knock I really had on it is that it's too short. At just over an hour and a half it seems too compact, and really leaves you wanting more, which is perhaps the point. The story revolves mainly around Marvel's most popular character "Wolverine". Though he looks completely normal, he is a mutant. His mutant gift is a rapid healing ability that will heal most injuries in a matter of seconds. Because of this genetic mutation he was the victim of some vague experiments that left his entire skeletal structure grafted with an unbreakable metal called ademantium. Not only does this make his bones unbreakable, he has razor sharp claws that he can extend and retract through his skin to use as weapons. He is a loner and doesn't possess the sunniest of dispositions. His path soon crosses with a young girl on the run from mutant persecution in her hometown. Wolverine befriends the young girl known as Rogue, and the two of them are quickly thrust into a war between to of the most powerful mutants on earth. Professor Charles Xavier, and his nemesis Magneto. Magneto is convinced that there is little hope for peace between the mutants and the hate filled humans, and he has formulated a plan to even the score. Xavier and his students know as the X-men are trying to find a peaceful and understanding way for mutants and humans to live in harmony.

What you have is a film mirroring the racial hatred that we face in the world today, and the ways in which people deal with those hatreds. Stan Lee, the creator of the X-Men has used his comics to make his own statement of social issues, and this film is no exception. Though it is a sci-fi type film it does not glorify these characters as superheroes. They are merely people trying to cope with the circumstances that life has placed them in. If you are not a fan of the X-Men comics, or even if you have never heard of them, you can still enjoy this movie. The best thing about this film is that it does not assume that you already have knowledge of the comic, and it's history. It tries to carefully explain itself without being to "geeky" and at the same time stays very true to the roots of the early X-Men comics.

Casting for this film includes some fine veteran actors, and some fresh new faces. Patrick Stewart (Star Trek: TNG) plays the wheelchair bound Xavier, and powerful mutant with ability to control peoples minds. He is, as always, the consummate leader, and plays the part very well. Newcomer Hugh Jackman plays the surly Wolverine. He has the physical stature to play to often ferocious mutant, and does so convincingly. The cast is nicely rounded out by Halle Berry (Storm), Famke Janssen (Jean Grey), James Marsden (Cyclops), Anna Paquin (Rogue), and the beautiful Rebecca Romijn-Stamos as the shape shifting Mystique. Ian McKellan plays the hate filled Magneto a mutant whose power rivals Xavier's, can manipulate metal with magnetic fields. Many may recognize him from his role in critically acclaimed "Apt Pupil". There are several other characters that serve mainly as eye candy for the audience, but their antics are entertaining.

"X-Men" does offer a tremendous amount of visual effects, and does not disappoint in the action department. I think this movie works well because it does not try to just an action movie, but a movie about the struggle between diverse groups of people that contains a fair amount of action. As I said before this movie ends way too soon, but does leave you eager to see the sequel that is soon to follow. With all of the actors from this movie signed and ready to film the next, it gives "X-Men" a chance to be a very good movie franchise. Many die-hard X-Men fans will be disappointed with the final cut of this film, but all in all it is very good. I absolutely recommend it.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A great movie for action-seekers.
Review: This movie is packed with Slam-Bam action that any action-loving person would love. It also depicts nice scenes of New York Harbor and the city skyline as well as scenes from Liberty Island and Ellis Island where one of the great confrontations occur -- but let me not ruin the rest of the story for those who have not seen this great movie from 2000.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Only one word....
Review: WOW!!! Ok, so a few more...it was by far the best movie I've seen this summer. I grew up part of the X-men generations and honestly give this movie 5+

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: X-Men: A stunningly great experience
Review: X-Men the movie puts those mutants that we all love and love to hate on the big screen, and it does and X-cellent job at it. In the cake baking world, without the right balance and blend of ingredients, a cake will be too dry, gooey, or just plain nasty. The same goes true in the movie world. Without the right balance and blend of cinematic ingredients, a movie will be too unrealistic, boring, deep, etc. X-Men has the recipe of a master chef. Everything from the plot to the action, special effects, and character development is terrifically balanced in the movie experience of the X-Men's fight against Magneto and his less-than-admirable plot to counter the anti-mutant frenzy that's sweeping the world. The movie is not just a thrill for adults but also great for kids with next-to-no language, and its absence of sexual stuff and other bad things that have turned great movie ideas into movies with not much integrity. Don't worry about needing any background information on the X-Men in order to keep track of and understand what's going on during the movie. The movie gives you everything you need to know to enjoy the movie, leaving out much of the unneeded minute details that often get people lost in 'cult' movies such as Star Trek and The X-Files. With a terrific balance and blend of great cinematic ingredients, X-Men is a cake that you definitely need to try a piece of.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Lots of Fun
Review: I'm thirty-two now, but I was a big fan of the X-Men back in the Seventies. I remember when Wolverine, Storm, Phoneix and Rouge were introduced. Like so many kids and teenagers I loved those characters. For years they've been talking about making an X-Men movie, but until recently the technology just wasn't there. But the important thing is this movie opted for a more "realistic" staging. Unlike the Batman movies this one is set solidly in our world and the characters, writing, and acting are more restrained. Actually the script is very smart and moves along very nicely. The Marvel comics have always stressed the fact that their characters don't have easy lives and often their personal conflicts are harder to deal with then the battles with the villians. The special effects are excellent, the music is appropriately dramatic and the message about tolerance is delivered very nicely without ever beating the audience over the head. As an old X-Men fan I also enjoyed the little touches thropughout the movie that any old comic fan would catch instantly - such as Magneto using his powers to make a bridge for himself as he walks across a huge chasm. I dare say that the director, Bryan Singer, might just be an old X-Men fan from way back when as well. This movie has obviously been written and directed by folks who know the material very well. For so many years the Marvel movie and T.V. adaptations have been so bad it's nice to see that they've finally gotten it right.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Summer Blockbuster
Review: I have to admit that prior to seeing this movie, I knew absolutely nothing about the X-Men. I had never read the comic or seen the cartoon. But, my friend was a huge fan and I reluctantly agreed to see the movie with him. I loved it, and I came away from this movie being a new X-Men fan. I knew nothing about the background of the characters, but the plot was still easy for me to follow. The casting was done perfectly. I thought the character of Wolverine was fascinating. His relationship with Rogue was touching, and the I could not imagine anyone portraying this character better than Hugh Jackman. He did a great job with bringing this character to life. This is a good action movie with humor, a little romance (the Jean Grey/Cyclops/Wolverine triangle is already developing), and plenty of excitement. It ranks right up there with Gladiator and the Patriot as the best movies of this summer. I would recommend it to anybody.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Far Exceeding Expectations
Review: Once every decade, one decent comic-to-film translation is released. The '70s: Superman. The '80s Batman, and now about ten years later, we have X-Men.

First of all, I must compliment director Bryan Singer on bringing in a movie of blockbuster proportions for only around $60 million. The special effects are no Jurassic Park, but aren't mediocre by any means.

The plot and script are pretty good, and the casting is top-notch. Patrick Stewart and Hugh Jackman are perfect as Professor Xavier and Wolverine, respectively. In fact, the only bad casting I can think of is the background apperance by Jubilee (Ok, I'm picky, but she isn't nearly as cute as Jubilee in the comic book.)

However, there are a few points that will drive fans of the comic book nuts, (That was who this movie was MADE for, correct?). For one, Bobby Drake (a.k.a Iceman), is put in his teens, when he is about the age of Cyclops in the comic book. Another major point is Rogue's age. She too, is presented as a teen in the movie when she is in her 30's in the comic. Storm is referred to as one of the original X-Men, which she is not, (She joined the X-Men at about the same time as Wolverine, and Rogue joined MUCH later). Plus, Beast's role from the comic is switched with that of Jean Grey in the movie, and Kittie Pryde and Jubilee are presented as about the same age, (I think) when, in fact, she is about twice her age. But now I am starting to nitpick, which I shouldn't do, considering that for a comic-to-film translation, this ranks up there with Batman.

Although I would have prefered that they included all five orignal X-Men, for I don't think there were quite enough, and Wolverine seems to just take over the whole movie at some points, fans of the comic series will love this, and those just wanting a fun movie will watch will like it. If this isn't what you're looking for, don't bother.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: Here's lookin' at you, kids.
Review: Routine week-end sci fi fare for the mall cubs. Dark mood, a la Batman. Slick, gleaming, predictable special effects. Mechanical plot. Of the cast, Rebecca R-S stands out as the best of the lot (surprise!), she's capable of projecting real menace. The remainder are a bunch of very talented, yet low-chemistry actors who go through the motions without much conviction. I was disappointed in Ray Park's character -- the actor's role was SO much more charismatic in Phantom Menace.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: It's no Batman but it could be
Review: I'm sure alot of X-men fans will be a little anoyed when they see the film. The fact is, the characters aren't exactly the same as the comic books and you could argue that Halle Berry is too pretty to play Storm or that Famke Janssen is too scary to play Jean or that Ian McKellen(while an excellent actor) isn't the same Magneto we remember. However, people who forget about the comic and let themselves enjoy the movie on it's own terms will be plesently suprised.

The movie has excellent special effects and the action sequences really come alive. For the most part, the actors do very well with their parts even though Wolverine is the only character that is truely developed.

The only thing which really bothered me about the film was that it felt more like an introduction to the X-men universe. With the exception of Wolverine and Rougue, none of the characters are recieve much development or screen time. The basic story of also isn't explored very much and the film seems to over a bit too quickly. This is obviously becuase the writers are planning a sequel and if the sequel is done right, it could de-throne Batman as the best superhero film ever made.

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