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X-Men 1.5

X-Men 1.5

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Disappointing...
Review: The X-Men movie had all the potential to be a good film, evenif you did have to use your imagination. But all the critics seemed to think this film was worth 4 stars, and so I began to wonder if this film was maybe different from all the other sci-fi bumf and went to see it. Wish I hadn't.

Prof. Xavier runs a school for 'gifted' children who have superhuman powers. For these reasons they are banished from society and are branded as 'dangerous' by the government. The evil Magneto doesn't think the human race will ever come to understand the feelings of these mutants and decides to lead his team on a mission to destroy mankind. So it's left up to Xavier's team consisting of Storm, Wolverine, Cyclops and Jean Gray to stop Magneto from wiping out the population of humans throughout the world.

Not even millions of dollars, jaw-dropping special effects or good performances by the leading actors can save this film. It's badly edited and the script isn't great either. The characters are never explored (except for maybe Anna Paquin's Rogue and Ian McKellan's Magneto) and the ending provides us with not-very-subtle clues hinting towards the making of a second film. Having said that, at 93 minutes the film is short enough for you not to get too bored and will no doubt rake in mountains of cash, so do you think it's creators are worried about anything else?

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Perfect!
Review: I have grown up watching the cartoon and was very excited to see this movie and believe me it didn't disappoint me at all. The character developement was involving and the cast was perfect. Patrick Stewart as Prof. X was a perfect choice and Hugh Jackman was the perfect Logan. This is a definate must see and when it is available for purchase I will buy the DVD and VHS version. Can't wait for the sequel!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Great comic turned movie!
Review: For someone who never followed the cartoon or comic of X-men, the only thing I really knew about them were that there were good and bad mutants - as seen from the poster on my friend's wall at university. Other than that I did not really know much about the characters. Thankfully I found the movie easy to follow. It was also interesting how the story followed the history of Wolverine.

I loved the way the movie kept with the comic book feel...lots of shadowy faces, etc. This is observed straight from the start especially when Professor X has his first conversation with Magneto. Hugh Jackman was great in his role as Wolverine. No wonder he's signed up for the sequel as it looked as if he had a BLAST doing this movie. My favorite line involves Cyclops and Wolverine when one asks the other to prove who he is since Mistique is impersonating everyone. Since I don't want to give it away for those of you who haven't seen it yet, keep an ear open for it.

I'm sure a lot of people just to see Mistique in her blue body paint and skimpy costume. All I'm waiting for now is the release of the movie to DVD and then an announcement of the completion of the sequel. Looking forward to seeing a lot of new characters, as well as the ones we've already come to know and love.

Rating: 5 stars
Review: this movie is the best comic to movie adaptation I have seen sense the first batman with michael keeton. and THis even rivals that. Wolvarien does a suprurb acting job, and you find yourself yearning for almost a serperate movie of just his story line. the acting and cast of this movie is excillant, The one negative is I feel the charecter of Rogue was way off base, and I often found myself asking how they could do everyone else so perfect and be so off with her.. another negative, though too not a major one, Is I feel they set this up to much for a sequel, sure sequels are almost a shoe in with this type of movie, but they left it open from the very begening.. other then those 2 minor flaws this movie was great, I cant wait to own it.. Well worth the own.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: You can have your very own X-Men soon!
Review: Ok, this is not really a review, but I will contribute a few thoughts on the movie, it will be short, so you won't waste too much time reading it. Anyway, X-Men was a great movie, Singer & crew really did a fantastic job of bringing the X-Men to the screen, the movie is fairly true to the comics, and just as Singer stated, this is not an action film, although there are plenty to satisfy the fans. I really enjoyed Singer's effort to develop each characters, giving them more substance so that you actually care what they do and experience. Stewart and McKellan are just wonderful, demonstrating their talents in all types of genre, the mind games and the struggles between these two are a delight to watch. Mane, Park and Romjin-Stamos didn't get many lines in the movie, but they were able to give a lot of personalities to each of their characters, and they are definitely menacing, evil and a force to reckon with. Jackman was definitely great! I haven't seen him before, but I really liked the fire he put into Wolverine's character, we also get to see a glimpse of his softer side. Paquin is undeniably getting better and better as an actress, while Janssen, Berry and Marsden did their part to make the X-Men feel whole. Many characters were under-used, with the main focus on Wolverine, and a little on Rogue, Prof. X and Magneto, the rest have a lot more potentials, hopefully they will develope the others in more depth in the sequels, and here is hoping that X-Men 2 will go in production soon.

A little tidbit before I leave you, X-Men DVD is on schedule to appear on November 21st (actually this was the reason I wrote the review,) same time as Gladiator and MI:2, so start saving to get them all at the same time. I'm crossing my fingers that Singer and FOX will include most if not all of the documentaries they did while filming and the 40-60 minutes of scenes they cut out in the DVD!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: X-Men: A must-see summer blockbuster movie
Review: Right off the back let me admit that I ain't no comic book geek that spends all his time reading and collecting comics, but I am a movie buff. Now for a guy whose seen all the GOOD comic book movies, this one ranks up there with the 1989 smash hit Batman. This movie is really quite down to earth and isn't nearly as bad as the flop Batman and Robin was. It also employs these days best and well known actors(Sir Ian McKellan, Patick Stewart),actresses(Anna Paqin, Hally Barry) and one todays best director(Bryan Singer-The Usual Supects.) Another plus to this movie is that it brings to the big screen somethig Hollywood hasn't seen in a while- a comic book based franchise that works. Over all, X-Men is a movie that will be enjoyed by todays and tomorrows movie goers.

Rating: 3 stars
Summary: x marks the spot...
Review: I have to be completly honest and tell you I am not an X-men fan.. so for all of you fans out there reading this review, well you just may not agree with me. When I went to see this movie I was not really excited about it.. but my dad was. When I saw X-men I had no clue what it was about.. but I caught on to the plot very quickly. So for all of the people out there who are clueless about X-men like me.. don't worry b/c it's not difficult to catch on (trust me.. i am a slow girl and even I understood). I give credit to the special effect.. the movie is great to watch.. and the mutants really are acted well. But I thought the beginning was really odd.. and the whole idea of these mutants living together in their society was kind of..well.. funny. Who knows a guy who turns into a woulf? But of course.. I guess thats why it is an action comic. I did like the movie though.. and I won't give away the ending.. but it seems like an X-men 2 will arrive to a theater near you in a year or two. It's not a waste of money if you decide to see X-men even if you don't know what it was about.. I found it entertaining. So go with your friends and get ready for those mutants!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: GO X-MEN GO






Rating: 5 stars
Summary: Really great!
Review: I was prepared to dislike this movie. After all, it's hard to make something good out of a set of characters ingrained in the minds of Americans for over thirty years. I was pleasantly surprised. With a cast of mainly mid-level to no-name actors (with several notable exceptions), Bryan Singer has brought the true spirit of the X-Men to light in a fast-paced, interesting, fun movie. The story was well written, the actors (especially Hugh Jackman as the troubled Logan/Wolverine) were all superb, and the movie wasn't afraid to show the underlying sadness of all the mutents, which has been in the comic books since day 1.

I look forward to the remaining two installments of this trilogy and can't wait to see what Hugh Jackman does next!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A well done comic adaptation
Review: I must admit, when I read an article detailing how the X-Men movie was brought in on a limited budget I was expecting the worst. Surprise! What I found was a genuinly enjoyable movie. One thing that seems to work well is some very well-rounded character development. And unlike many action films our heros are not "drowned out" by the special effects. Instead the effects are engineered to compliment and high-light the actors and their roles. Dont' get me wrong, there are a lot of nice effects in this movie - delivered, I might add, without even a whiff of the "low budget" aroma. But you also don't walk out of the theater with a bad Woo taste in your mouth going, "What actors? All I saw were stuntmen." The main character is played by newcomer Hugh Jackman. His character, Wolverine, is a tough guy with a heart and Jackman's performance is right on the money. His supposed love interest Jean Grey, played by Famke Janssen, is a little on the tepid side. In fact you might sense more chemestry between Wolverine and Rogue, the teenage girl Wolverine takes under his wing. One thing I do like about Jean Grey is that the director chooses to portray her as a mature adult and not one of these doe-eyed, barely beyond adolescence actresses you see so often paired with older actors. In fact age is the one problem I had with Cyclops, played by James Marsden. Supposedly he and Jean Grey are lovers, which creates the tension with Wolverine. But when you see Marsden together with Jackman and Janssen, instead of tension you get the vague feeling that a little boy has accidentally wondered onto the movie set. On the whole, though, this was a really well done movie and certainly one that all ages should enjoy.

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