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X-Men 1.5

X-Men 1.5

List Price: $19.98
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Rating: 5 stars
Summary: One of My Personal Favourites
Review: This film really shows the appeal of the X-MEN property, I have watched it many times. It actually had heart, unlike others like 'The Phantom Menace', and didn't feel fake or overdone. Unknown actor Hugh Jackman shows tremendous talent as Wolverine...his appeal is in his lack of a backstory, there can't really be a star to the X-team, but Xavier is the anchor. The cast is great, McKellen and Stewart are a nice match and dialogue can be thoughtful. The DVD is great, containing everything you might want connected to the film...

Rating: 2 stars
Summary: Its charm escapes me [perhaps I'm getting old!]
Review: I must admit that after watching X-Men, I felt that I must be getting old. Normally, even when I don't relate to a movie, I understand how a certain age group or a certain segment of society could. I then try to review it with that part of the audience in mind. I knew in advance that X-men was wildly popular with many teenagers. It has already gained a sort of cult status. I tried to decide whether or not I would have been bowled over by it when I was seventeen. I decided I would not have been. So, while there is a constancy to the young, it stands to reason that each generation is somewhat unique as to what turns it on and what doesn't. I concluded that I might have been better of watching X-men with a group of kids. Then I might have had the answer. Or maybe I should have just ignored my parents' strict ban on comic books.

X-men is based on the wildly successful Marvel Comics series. The time is the near future. According to the story, we are in a period of evolutionary change. The result is a growing number of people who are mutations. These people have extraordinary powers, which can be used for good or for bad. Some members of Congress fear these mutants and want to pass a law forcing them to register with the government. The mutants have banded together into several groups. One major group is led by Professor X [Patrick Stewart]. He has founded a school to teach young mutants how to live with their powers. He believes coexistence with ordinary mortals is possible. The other major group, headed by Magneto [Ian McKellen], thinks that their survival can come only through annihilation of 'normal' people. Professor X's team [the X-men] must stop Magneto and his troops before they reek havoc on the rest of humanity.

There are many elements in this story that could have led to a great movie. It is full of colorful characters. Magneto has the power to magnetize metal, while Professor X can read minds. Wolverine is able to heal himself instantly after every battle. Cyclops is equipped with laser vision, Storm can morph into another body, and Raven literally has a touch that can kill. The special effects are all decent enough. One problem is that there is little character development. The characters react as though they have feelings, but these feelings seem superficial. There is little of the depth and angst that made Batman, which had a similar plot, so memorable. In that picture the hero was almost as dark and troubled as The Joker, the villain so wonderfully played by Jack Nicholson. At the same time, both characters had a wonderfully wicked sense of humor. X-Men's director, Bryan Singer, is one of the best, but he seems to have been unable to take characters from a cartoon book and make them anything but cartoon-like. Yet the movie also does not aspire to be a spoof or a satire. The great actors Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen could have had a field day with this material. Instead, they are required to play serious, and that seriousness may be the movie's biggest problem.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: A Great Start For Marvel Film Future
Review: The X-Men is a great start in the new cinematic world of Marvel Superheroes. It refuses to go over the top, maybe due to budgetary constraints, or just a sense of respect for the Characters and their fan base. X-Men people are serious comic bookers, and the movie had to be restarined in order to appeal to that core base. The black uniforms and the general darkness of the film continues the trend started by the first Keaton Batman film. It works beautifully here. The powers of the characters are treated as logical extensions of their personalities and are very well done without being too flashy. There is a good dollop of the usual love interest plotlines found in the X-Men comics, but the relationship between Logan and Rogue is very well handled and generates a good deal of heartfelt emotion in the viewer. This is one that is subtle, yet has enough action and drama to merit repeated viewings over the years.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: X-Men............................
Review: This is a Great Movie!It tells the story of in the near future,how people start to become mutants....In the movie it tells the story of Rogue-a 17 year-old girl who recently became a mutant,her ability is to draw the lifeforce out of anyone she touches....It also tells of Logan-Also known as Wolverine,about 15 years ago he woke up with no memory of who-or what he is,he has the ability to heal rapidly and due to experimentation he has an indestructable metal graphted to his entire skeleton.....

In the begining of the movie Rogue and Logan meet by her trying to seek a ride in his trailer.....So Logan lets her ride with him,but within several minutes a crash causes the veicle to be destroyed-and a rather frightening mutant attacks Him....Rogue and Logan are saved by 2 of the X-men,and they are taken back to Professer Xaviers School for gifted children-Otherwise known as a school for Mutants..........After talking to the Professer ,logan is told that the professer thinks that a powerful mutant named Magneto wants him........So Logan makes a deal with the professer-he will stay for 48 hours for the Professer to figure out exactly WHAT Magneto wants from him and in return The Professer will try to help Logan figure out the Secrets of his past......But what is Logan isn't the one Magneto Wants??????????????????????????????????????

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: Engaging adaptation
Review: Being a DVD person, I got this tape as a gift. While I am disapointed that it is Pan and Scan instead of widescreen, I guess that's just the name of the game with the format. I was actually suprised to find that this tape did feature deleted scenes after the feature presentation.

As far as the movie goes, it's rather engaging. Not up there with Richard Donner's 'Superman: The Movie' or even the gothic-classical realm of Tim Burton's 'Batman,' but never the less a solid comic adaptation.

Taking elements from a variety of eras of 'X-Men' mythology, it is set in the very near future. It opens with a dirty, shocking and bizzare sequence in Nazi Germany. It then flashes forward to Jean Grey addressing Congress concerning the Mutant Registration act. Meanwhile, her mentor Professor Xavier (Patrick Stewart, the only choice in my mind.) confronts his former friend, current advesary, Magneto (Ian McKellan of LotR fame). And so on.

This film is firmly rooted in character development, rather than fight scenes. The three main characters (in regards to character development and screen time) are Rogue (Anna Paquin), Wolverine (Hugh Jackman), and the aforementioned McKellan.

For fans of comic books and/or superheroes, this film is worth picking up. I reccomend the DVD version, however.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: What ever
Review: I have read most of the reviews for this movies and I must say I am not all that impressed with them. Don't get me wrong I loved the movie and I am a huge X-Men fan, but we have to realize that Rouge did not get that white streak in her hair from Magneto's machine she got that when she took Ms Marvels powers and that is also when she got the ability to fly. Not to mentioned that they kill Sabretooth he is like one of the best villians that they have as for Toad I don't remember him ever being in the comic books. I was heartbroken when they did no include Gambit, Beast and Juggernaut on the movie. I think that if they make a second part they need to include more of the original comic book characters. As for the cast I think everyone did a great job if they would have picked a different crew I might not have liked the movie as much. The movie all in all was great.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: X-Men a good buy
Review: With most DVD's like this, the movie makes up for any shortcomings of the DVD extras. This is not the case here. The DVD extras will fill the new viewer into a lot of the X-Men lore. While the movie could've been done a lot better, the extras save it from being a 3 star purchase.

Rating: 4 stars
Summary: X-Men fan for years
Review: Looking forward to the growth of Wolverine and Sabertooth. Sabertooth is rumored to be Wolverines father. With 2 more movies on the way, the story line should grow.

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: SNIKT!!!
Review: How do you take the best selling comic book and turn it into something that everyone will enjoy? Well you got yourself the best example ever in X-Men.

First off we all know the story, mutants, Professor X, and Wolverine. It's all good, the fan boys have bought this film to death. So my review is geared towards the non-fan boys. Because they should be the only ones that do not own this film yet.

By the way fan boy = comic book lover.

So heres the dealeo. X-Men starts off by telling us the tragic story of how mutants and humans are having trouble coexisting, this burr is stuck between a certain senators unmentionables. Thus creating stress between the two races. In comes Magneto (picture villian with power to control magnetism)a mutant with a cause. To kick all humans .... Here enters Prof. X the good guy with mind powers and his X-Men (basically lots of mutants that help the fella out) Plus we get treated to how these characters focus around two other mutants, Rogue and Wolverine who meet up in the Canadian outback. The story then progesses along and well I won't tell you anymore, sorta ruins the whole movie watching process.

The DVD in itself is awesome with really neat interactive menus and lots of goodies to keep one entertained for awhile. But I think they should have at least added in mutant biographies to give non-comic fans an idea of who these characters are and describe them a bit better. All in all though..it's still super well done.

The story and movie is excellent as it has a lot of action scenes to keep everyone buckled in. Plus the acting is a pure treat to watch. The actors in this movie really made it work. Just a great movie to sit down and watch.

In closing, if your not a comic book fan and thinking "eh is it really worth it?" my answer yes it is, it is at least a must rent and a eventual must own. Great watch and feast for the eyes, the special effects are great and nothing is done below the par level. So go out and get this film people, what still reading this review? Go! Shoo!

By the way, fan boys not having this film yet (unless of course your anti marvel) you better go out and get it. Nuff' Said.

Till next time true believers. Excelsior!

Rating: 5 stars
Summary: How to do a comic book movie right!
Review: Fear and dread crept over me as I first began to follow the making of this movie. I cringed as Ana Paquin was announced as Rogue, I cried when they didn't cast Derek DeLint as Magneto (who looks a lot like Jim Lee's interpretation of the character) and when I found out that Beast would not be making an appearance in this film I lost all hope for this movie being any good. I figured that X-Men would enter the tradition of [bad] super hero flicks along side the Batman movies... Thankfully Bryan Singer and David Hayter (AKA Solid Snake of Metal Gear fame) are geniuses and handled the X-Men, the limited budget, the costumes and everything with a surprising accuracy that made me see this movie almost as much as I saw Episode 1 when that came out. Only with this film it wasn't the title of the movie (though I am a huge X-fan) but the movie itself. X-Men was surprisingly well written, and now I've sworn to marry Ana Paquin... For what they set out to do, although her accent could have been more consistent, she worked perfectly as Rogue, and Ian McKellin is fantastic as Magneto, no... Perfect. These actors (except Hally Berry as Storm) became the characters for me. They worked out so much better than I had though, especially new comer Hugh Jackman's incredibly accurate portrayal of Wolverine. Jackman IS Wolverine as far as anybody needs to know. The story is much better than most comic to movie translations, and the best part is that the movie stays in the grays the way that the comics do, not having any villains that are just pure evil (except Sabretooth, who is sadly under used in this film.) The fact of the matter is that X-Men is definitely a super hero flick done right, it stays true to the spirit of the comics with only Storm being a disappointment. Some of the dialogue is a bit cheesy, but it's mostly tongue in cheek, and over all the movie is a lot of fun for people of all ages, weither or not they're X-fans, I firmly believe that most people looking for a good action drama will love X-Men. (Here's hoping that Beast will be in X2.)

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