Rating:  Summary: Very enjoyable movie Review: Many others have already summarized the plot of this movie, so I won't bore you with those details.All I'll say is that Frequency contained a few surprises, a lot of heart and solid acting by Dennis Quaid and others. I enjoyed it tremendously -- so much so that I bought the DVD and have watched it three or four times already. Even though the main focus is the relationship between father and son (separated by 30 years since the death of the father), this movie of the heart doesn't shirk on matters of the head. More scientific in its foundation than Field of Dreams (which simply featured a magic cornfield that enabled the living to interact with the dead), Frequency still manages to make the viewer wonder and wish -- and yearn for second chances with lost loved ones. If you like your movies to be intelligent, well-acted and able to employ both your heart and your mind, you could do a lot worse than Frequency. I highly recommend it. If you don't want to take the plunge and outright buy it before you see it, rent it first. However, I think you'll enjoy it enough to want to own it. So just skip the middle step and order it from Amazon today.
Rating:  Summary: One That Got Away From The Box Office ! Review: I cannot believe I missed this one during it's theatrical release.This is one helluva spectacular sci-fi/murder mystery thriller sure to capture the attention of even those viewers who despise science-fiction or find movies dealing with time too perplexing.The key to understanding and appreciating this one is too pay very close attention to details throughout the film.The rest is easy to follow and comprehend. If anyone was given a second chance to re-write their past and that of others to bring back a loved one,despite the multitude of alternate consequences that could occur,would they do it ? That's exactly the basis for this film. However, detective John Sullivan did not realize just how grave the consequences would become after doing just that by using his deceased father's ham-wave radio!From here on the real ride takes flight with several unsolved serial killings intertwined ! No pun intended, but time is of the essence in catching the killer and righting a wrong... This is one of the first time altering sci- fi movies that can pull at the viewer's emotions or heartstrings when you realize that most of us in a heartbeat would love to have another chance with our dearly departed. The acting by Dennis Quaid is a genuine stellar performance. Jim Caviezel portrays his role perfectly as a man still emotionally and psychologically haunted by his father's death. His character walks through life in a half-awake,depressed, somber state while letting others sort of trample on him. Every aspect of this film with regards to story,acting,effects are astonishing ! Give yourselves a second chance and rent or buy this dvd;It may be a keeper in your movie collection...
Rating:  Summary: Hope for the future Review: I found this movie absolutely amazing. When it came out I don't think it recieved the audience it deserved, but after hearing how good it was I searched it out, as everyone should. This movie is so well woven, not just a mystery, not just a story of a father connecting with a son, but all this and much more, done in a beautiful, un-campy way. I would not consider this a "time travel" movie, but quite differently one of hope. Of a man just wishing for a bit more time with his parents, a man searching for some kind of happiness in his life. Well scripted, well acted, and complete, I highly recommend this movie. What bothers me is that some reviewers on this page have expressed bluntly that they will not see this film because of the recent role Jim Caviezel has portrayed in the film "The Passion of the Christ." Certainly everyone is entitled to their opinions. But my heart goes out to these individuals, that they would be so quick to shun, and even criticize a film such as "Frequency," a film that they have not seen, and would miss out on just because they cannot separate the actor from the role. And to say that Jim Caviezel would bring "an evil" (as one reviewer explicitly states) to this film makes me sudder at the closed-mindedness one could posses. I'm not here to address "The Passion of the Christ," but I will say that by judging blindly, one can miss out on great experiences.
Rating:  Summary: This Movie Gets Me Every Time Review: This is a movie that when you see it again for the 2cd time you forget everything and start to panic. Frequency contains drama, thrill, and suspense. When Jim Caviezel finds out he is talking to his dead father 30 years ago... well anyway this movie is a masterpiece and it is a must see.
Rating:  Summary: Riveting, Suspensful and Touching ---Great Movie ! Review: A great little time travel film in which a father and son are able to communicate via shortwave radio thirty years after the father's death. Quite a touching premise in itself, the father/son conversations will strike a chord with anyone who has ever lost a loved one and wished for just one more chance to say "goodbye" or "I love you". Ultimately, "Frequency" succeeds as a suspense thriller in which the two team up-- through time travel-- to stop a serial killer who threatens to destroy their family. This is edge of your seat stuff in which time travel proves to be both advantageous and detrimental. (In other words, by altering one aspect of the past, a whole new set of circumstances becomes reality and that's not necessarily good...) Dennis Quaid is outstanding as the father and James Caviezel really shines as his son. A great touch of nostaglia is the inclusion of the 1969 New York Mets as a backdrop throughout the film. Father and son are die-hard Met fans. The story takes place during the 1969 World Series in which the underdog Mets stunned the world by beating the mighty Baltimore Orioles(symbolism perhaps?). Baseball fans will love the inclusion of Cleon Jones, Tom Seaver, Tommie Agee et al. in the storyline. Overall, "Frequecy" is riveting, suspensful and touching. Can't wait to see it again on DVD !
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie For The Weekend Review: This movie is quite an intricate story. It begins explosively, settles you into the main characters and who they are, and then the science fiction weaves its way into the story line. Quite original thinking behind this story. Dennis Quaid plays a heroic fireman and a loving husband and father in the past. James Caviezel portrays his adult son in the future. James Caviezel character is tragic, sad because he misses his father who died in a fire when he was young. The story affords James' character to save Dennis by telling him how he would die and how to avoid it. How does he communicates with his dead father? Watch the film. It's quite simple. By doing so, the consequences goes beyond what they imagined, and the story really takes off from that point on. The story is great for popcorn on the sofa at home. It is heartwarming, exciting, and smartly written. I recommend for enthusiast of intricate story telling and acting. Thanks.
Rating:  Summary: A solid thriller Review: The first time I saw this movie, I was amazed. Well written, well plotted, well acted movies are distressingly rare in Hollywood these days. But just when you've given up all hope on Hollywood, a movie like "Frequency" comes along to change your mind. In the movie, father and son learn they can communicate over 30 years, to just before the father was killed. With warning from his son, dad avoids dying in a warehouse fire, and he changes history. Within the new timeline, however, the wife/mother is killed. Now father and son must race to protect her, by catching a killer in two time frames at once. This movie is a solid thriller. Combining edge-of-your-seat drama and suspence with heartfelt moments, Emmerich and Hoblit weave a wonderful tapestry of film. The time travel concept, which is difficult to pull off, works wonderfully well, and the filmmakers keep the science perfectly consistent. Often, inconsistencies can ruin a science fiction film, but "Frequency" succeeds admirably in that department. Dennis Quaid once again proves himself as one of the most under-rated actors in Hollywood. If you don't believe me, see "Far From Heaven." (2002) I highly recommend this movie to anyone. The DVD is full of the usual extras. Nothing extraordinary, but all the standards are here. The commentaries are interesting, and the deleted scenes are standard. The standouts are the documentaries about the science of the film. All in all, a solid DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Think Bill and Ted on steroids, with less comedy Review: This movie is fantastic. I watched it in theaters, and on video, and you just keep noticing more and more details that add to the movie, rather than detract. The story is about a cop in 1999 who finds a ham radio, but when he starts talking on it, he finds out he is communicating with his father (who has been dead thirty years). It turns out that he is talking with his father across time, and in the past, it is the day before his father was supposed to die. So the cop in 1999 (named John) decides to warn his father, and repercussions occur in what makes for a very suspenseful and very cool movie. The acting is good, with strong performances by Dennis Quaid and Jim Caviezel, and also the actress who plays John's mother (I can't remember her name at the moment). But there is also some top-notch technicality in this movie. In my opinion, if nothing else, this film deserves an Oscar nod for two features: Best Film Editing and Best Director. See if the movie does not have you on the edge of your seat, especially when you get to the climactic ending. I won't spoil anything, but believe me, you are wide-eyed with your mouth hanging open in shock. And for a side note, the film also contains the following: a few scattered swear words, including the "s" word, SOB, the "d" word, "heck," and others. There isn't any sexual innuendos or references, but we do see (very, very briefly) a few pictures of women who have been murdered, and are just clother in a lingerie top and a skirt. It isn't entirely clear in the movie whether the women were raped or not, but it's likely. Personally, I thought it was a great movie, with terrific suspense, and even some good drama. I highly recommend it (as the rating implies though, for ages 13 and up).
Rating:  Summary: Frequency (2000) Review: Director: Gregory Hoblit Cast: Dennis Quaid, Jim Caviezel, Andre Braugher, Elizabeth Mitchell, Noah Emmerich. Running Time: 118 minutes. Rated PG-13 for language and violence. Dennis Quaid and Jim Caviezel both give fine performances in this quirky science-fiction drama that combines "Back to the Future" and "The Field of Dreams". The film opens in the year 1969, with fire-fighter Dennis Quaid first introducing the game of baseball (specifically the Amazin' Mets of that season) to his son, John. Fast-forward to thirty years later, in which John (Caviezel) is a lonesome, washed-ed ex-college baseball great turned cop who stumbles upon his deceased father's old ham radio. One night, John uses the radio to connect with a man in the area, later discovering that he is talking to his father in the past. When the father avoids death in a fire that was supposed to take his life, John realizes that he can use this uncanny communication to help him with a serial killer murder case. The two join forces to change the course of history in order to save the lives of the killer's next victims. Clever premise certainly works for the most part, although there are some twists that do not seem to fit. Hoblit uses the theme of baseball as the connecting link between the father and son, which is an overdone aspect in modern film; however, the script is smart and swift, making "Frequency" a film worth the while.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Miss This One Almost Everyone Including Me Missed Review: With a little extra spending money I picked up a few DVD's 'to take a chance on', hoping for one gold nugget. Well, this one is just that. I have watched it several times in a few months, and have made a point of lending it out to my friends simply saying 'trust me, you'll enjoy it'. It has come back each time with positive to glowing reviews, and a smile showing each person did enjoy it. The script is well thought out! Tell me how many times you've watched a movie that seemed to have been roughed out on a napkin the night before they started filming? The story moves forward with... a couple surprises/twists that fit perfectly into the storyline, but doesn't overshadow the identification with and the developement of the characters. Great casting. I have been a Dennis Quaid fans for over a decade, and Jim Cavieziel was a pleasant discovery for me. I missed this in the theatre. Not too many people went to see it. Man, I might have missed it altogther had I not had a few dollars to spend... and in this case, that would have been a bad thing. You'll enjoy it, trust me.