Rating:  Summary: It is about time! Review: Finally! A Star Wars movie will be arriving on dvd. George Lucas and his marketing team have graciously released "Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace" on a special edition 2-disc dvd loaded with approximately 480 minutes of material! Since it will not be released until this October 16th, 2001, I cannot write a real review of the disc, but the press release for this special edition dvd has me really excited: "Special features on the disc include the first-ever running commentary by Lucas, an exclusive deleted scenes documentary featuring seven new sequences completed just for this DVD, and an extraordinary hour- long documentary film culled from over 600 hours of behind-the-scenes footage. Also included is an interactive featurette with a glimpse into the process of creating scenes from storyboards to animatics to final film composites. Additional features include the original theatrical trailers, TV spots, a gallery of never-before-seen cast and crew photos, an awar!d-winning twelve- part web documentary series, and five featurettes that provide an insider's look at The Phantom Menace's storyline, design, costumes, visual effects and fight scenes."
Rating:  Summary: Not able to fill the big shoes Review: First I want to say I am a Star Wars fan. As with Episode 2, I enjoyed the special effects and the most of the plot. This is a sci-fi movie by the way. Many reviewers hated Jar-Jar, but he wasn't that bad, especially compared to the whining Anakin in Ep2. For the most part, I liked the movie but not enough to give it more than 3 stars. As many other people have said, Episode 1 had big shoes to fill. It failed to live up to the original Star Wars, but it is still worth seeing.
Rating:  Summary: A great Reason to own a DVD Player Review: First let me say that I am a huge Star Wars fan. I have been since I saw the first one at a drive-in when it first came out. Do I feel that Star Wars is the best thing in the world? No. Do I feel it is great entertainment? Heck yes. And this DVD proves it. Packed with some of the best extra features I have ever seen on a DVD. Also, the best picture and sound I have ever seen or heard. Now, if you hate Star Wars. Then why are you reading this. You will only hate the DVD. But if you liked or loved the movie. You will love this DVD. Just the "In the beginning" documentary is worth the price of the DVD. I have sat for hours watching the extra features and I still need about another hour or two to finish watching them all.
Rating:  Summary: The movie simply does not stand on its own merits. . . Review: First let me say that I grew up with Star Wars. I know every line of Episodes 4 through 6 by heart, and they have always spoken to me on an emotional and spiritual level. Perhaps emotions and spirituality form part of the reason why I so revile Episode 1. The Phantom Menace has neither emotion or spirit, simply a parade of the most complex special effects that George Lucas could muster. Granted, the special effects are breathtaking in places. In fact, parts of the movie are very good. These parts are typically the ones with no dialogue. The dialogue is wooden, and the actors, a formidable array of talent, still are unable to add any life to the movie. Obi-Wan has no particular depth, nor does Qui-Gon, nor Anakin, nor Padme/Amidala, nor Palpatine, nor Jar Jar. While some have argued that the next movies will explain everything, I do not understand how 2 more movies can explain why Lucas occupied two hours of my life with utterly one-dimensional characters. Others have told me to look at this movie in the context of the original trilogy and the movies to come. I do not see how any other movies could possibly be relevant to THIS movie. The fact is that the script is poor, the direction poor, and the acting is poor. As a prequel, in fact as the very FIRST movie in a story that spans 6 films, this film should above all establish character. Instead Lucas settled for special effects. I give this movie two stars. I only give it two because of the wonderful effects and the exciting final lightsaber battle. I refuse to give it more stars on the merits of the Star Wars name. A bad movie is a bad movie regardless of its pedigree. And this is a bad movie.
Rating:  Summary: The weakest link but still good. Review: First of all I am an avid Star Wars fan and I really loved the orinigal trilogy. Me and my older sister an brother grew up with them (I was only 2 when Return of the Jedi came out). Anyway now to the review. The story is not that bad. But it was formulatic.But however the REAL story actually involves the Sith, Dark Jedis who after a thousand years of absence are now making the plot to take over the galaxy. He makes an alliance with the greedy trade federations who invades a planet called Naboo. You all know the story So I will stop here. The acting was not bad at all but its not oscar calibre. Liam Neeson does a fine job as Qui Gon Jin. He is my favoriat charector in the movie. He is probably the most interesting person in he movie. He as a Jedi even questions his superiors judgement when it comes to Anakin's fate which is dangerous. Qui Gon (WARNING SPOILERS COMING) when he was a learner (Much like Obi Wan in this film) had a very dangerous Mentor (You will find out who he is later)SPOILERS END The Special effects are outstanding, but they relied on it too much and that is not good for people can still tell what is fake and what is real. Also I did not like the battle between the Gungans and the droid army it was too static and not chaotic (Watch episode 2 and you will see what I mean). But the DVD is Aweson it has a lot of cool special features like trailers and documentaries. My final thought. Unlike the orinigal Star Wars this movie cannot stand on its two feet. It needs the following two episodes to be "complete". Enjoy the film if you don't mind an irritating Gungan. (P.S. Make sure you get the Widescreen Verion an not the fullscreen. The Same applies for episode 2)
Rating:  Summary: Very Well Done! Review: First of all let me start off by saying that I did get to view Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, right after I seen this. There is major diffrences. I loved this one, but the originals are too old for me to enjoy. But this is beyond superb. From the special effects, the acting and the directing, Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace is without a doubt one of my all time favorites. I loved the fact that Liam Neeson was in this. (He actually gives a superb performance as Obi Wan Kenobi's [Ewan McGregor] master). But like I said, I'm not a fan of the originals. If I was then I would probably dislike this as well. But the new generation accepts this and loves it! The DVD Transfer is beyond superb (one of the best DVD's out to date). I loved Jar Jar Binks (which is my favorite character) who is so funny that you will laugh until you cry. (Or for the die-hard fans, cry till you laugh). The battle scenes are absolutely marvelous and breath taking!
Rating:  Summary: Not as bad as the reviews make it seem. Review: First of all one has to know two things before watching this movie. First thing is that there is no way this movie will be able to live up to the expectations when compared to other Star Wars movies, second, one has to understand that Star Wars movies are for kids. You were a kid when you watched the first one, so there is no way that you can recapture that essence of youth now with this movie. Going back and watching the first one (episode four) this one is not that bad, its actullay pretty good. The fight scenes are great, the graphics and special effects are better than anything else at the time, only episode II has better. And the sound effects are great, even the music score is great, not great like the Imperial March. Its very interesting to see how everything came about, the movie is a little dark, in the episodes 4-6, the good guys win, this one there are little defeats. The character devolopment of Obi Wan is more interesting to see than that of the Kid, they do that in episode II. The political nature of the film is a bit dry and boring, but its needed to get to the point. Bottom line, its a good film, I have it on DVD, because its a really nice DVD to own. It makes full use of the DVD technology.
Rating:  Summary: DIDN'T LIVE UP TO HYPE, BUT STILL A GOOD FILM Review: First of all there was no way this film could have lived up to its pre-release hype.The original trilogy has attained legendary status,much like The Godfather I and II.Just as Godfather III suffered in comparison to its predecessors because of raised expectations,so does Phantom Menace.People just expect a perfect film after waiting so long for the release of a film that carries the Star Wars name.In my opinion,this film is better than Return of the Jedi and does not pale in comparison to Episode IV.It is not as good as Empire Strikes Back,but hey few films are.The thing I really liked about Phantom Menace was the fight sequences.George Lucas said that he wanted to show the audience what a Jedi in his prime would be like in battle.I thought he did a remarkable job of this.The choreography of the fight scenes were much better in this film than the other Star Wars films.I believe that the decision to cast a martial artist as Darth Maul contributed to this.Since Darth Maul was not written as a mastermind type of villain,he was more of a henchman,I thought it was a good idea to have someone who is adept at the martial arts play him rather than an accomplished actor.After all the only reason Darth Maul was in the film was as an imposing physical threat.I think those who complain that this character is not developed enough are missing the point.I personally was able to tolerate Jar Jar ,and did not believe as so many others did,that he detracted from the film enough to ruin it.Even those who did not like the plot of the film or the acting must admit that the special effects were dazzling.The pod race,the battle droids,and the underwater scenes are just some of the examples of the great effects.Overall I would recommend this film to anyone who likes the sci-fi genre.So much for my review of the film.Now I want to talk about the decision not to release this film on DVD.One of the main reasons I bought a DVD player was for effects heavy films like Phantom Menace,The Matrix,and The Mummy.I believe you get more out of films like these on DVD than you do on VHS.I waited for Phantom Menace to be released on DVD with a lot of anticipation,eagerly awaiting to see and hear the advantages a film like this can have on DVD as opposed to VHS.I would have been glad to shell out the extra money for the DVD.I am not a DVD snob,I still rent and buy VHS,however I'll tell you this I have no plans to let myself be exploited by this scheme hatched to make people buy this film twice.I will not buy the VHS version,and as much as I liked this film,I may not buy the DVD whenever it comes out.This film was released in theaters nearly a year ago.Is Lucas trying to tell us that they did not have enough time to release a quality DVD?There did not seem to be a problem releasing The Matrix DVD,and it was released the same year as the film.I sincerely hope I don't have to wait twenty years to own Episodes I,II,and III on DVD.The loyal fans of the Star Wars films have kept the interest in these films alive for over twenty years,enabling a series of prequels to be made in the first place.We deserve better treatment.
Rating:  Summary: Lightsabers, and Jedi, and Jar Jar. OH MY! Review: First of all, as Star Wars movies go, this one ranks as better than "Return of the Jedi," but not as good as either "Star Wars" or "The Empire Strikes Back." That being said, it's still a blast of a movie. It throws you into a space conflict just like the previous three, and it doesn't let up for the entire film. It is fun, action-packed, funny, kid-friendly, and wholely entertaining. YOU DO YOURSELF A DISSERVICE NOT TO PURCHASE THIS FILM RIGHT NOW. To dismiss this film would be a drastic entertainment mistake on your part, and I think we both know how bad that would be for your rep with your family and friends.
Rating:  Summary: Visually Awe-Inspiring Review: First of all, I hate when people make excuses for Jar Jar by saying "it's for the kids". Well, I was 10 when Star Wars originally came out, and part of the incredible impact that movie had on me was because of it's serious, epic tone. That movie was very powerful to me as a 10 year old, and I resent the notion that stuff always has to be "dumbed down" for children--as if they're only capable of appreciating cartoon characters and slapstick humor. But on to this movie. Jar Jar should have not been in it. Secondly, when Jake Lloyd delivers the line "But Mom, you always say the problem with the universe is that people don't help each other", well, that's almost as painful as having a searing, red-hot poker jammed in your eye. A young Olivier this kid ain't, and Lucas' dialogue doesn't help. But I still love this movie, because the art direction, costumes and sets far surpass any other sci-fi images put on film. This movie is almost like a Ray Harryhausen( Sinbad, Jason and the Argonauts, Clash of the Titans) movie x 50. It's just shot after shot of incredible worlds, creatures and vistas, with fantastic special effects, perfect music and sound editing, and exciting action. This movie may not be perfect, but it's a fresh start for the saga, and it certainly is an improvement over Return of the Jedi.