Rating:  Summary: LAY OFF THE CRITISICIM Review: Everybody is saying that Jar Jar Binks was completeley unneseceray. Not true. Jar Jar, a clumsy alien who was banished from his community, saves a planet. See a moral? George is saying that no matter your age, race, intellingence, or wealth, you can make a big difference. Also, the story had to start everything off so naturally, they had to have eight plots going at once. I found this movie exhillarating, the music powerful, the spcial effects amazing and the plot deep.
Rating:  Summary: What's not to like? Review: Everybody seems to want to comment on why this one didn't seem to live up to the original, so I'll add my .02 rather quickly. The Empire Strikes Back in many ways defined the original trilogy, and was a cinimatic masterpiece. This trilogy isn't to that point yet. So no, The Phantom Menace is not on the same footing as the first trilogy. But it's only one movie at this point. It's a first-rate entertainment that simply hasn't entered the area of legend yet :)And it's certainly high-quality entertainment. The pod race was dramatic, but even it didn't thrill me nearly to the extent that the climactic lightsabre duel at the end did. That was incredible, almost too much for one film. Palpatine and Maul have a menace, although one entirely different to what Vader presents in the earlier (later?) films. While most of the characters don't develop a lot within the course of this film, each of the major characters do have defining moments which are well-written and acted. The film has all the elements we know and love. Plus, the average quality of the acting is much better than Star Wars at least. Liam Neeson provides a strength of character and while nobody is in even the same ballpark as Alec Guinness or Peter Cushing, none of the dialog is as painful as some of that stuff from Star Wars. Still, the film is subtly different in character from Star Wars. The bad guys are more subtle, the good guys less emphatic. The (Phantom) menace is much more ephemeral, and as such the dark-vs.-light theme is less classical. And, most crucially, this is obviously film one of three. It's a setup. And as such, it's in some sense a tremendous cliffhanger. So many questions about the growth of the Jedi's understanding of the Force, Anakin's fate, and the nature of the Sith are raised and left unanswered that you can't help but yearn for Episode II, which has the potential to be every bit as epic as the Empire Strikes Back. That will be the acid test of whether the Phantom Menace, like Star Wars itslef, is "just" first-rate entertainment or whether it provide a mythology for a new generation.
Rating:  Summary: STAR WARS IS UNFORGETTABLE Review: Everybody talking about Starwars. But The Star Wars Series are historical movies. Unforgettable movies of all the time in cinema history. Everyman talks but everyman is not making a great film. Thanks to Sir George Lucas for Star Wars.
Rating:  Summary: please vote yes! Review: Everybody who hates jar-jar binks vote yes if you would like to see a special edition where qui gon jin takes out his lightsaber,slices him into 6 pieces and sells him to hungary aliens to get money to leave the planet,instead of placing a bet on anikin to win the pod race.
Rating:  Summary: A decent movie, a fantastic DVD Review: Everyone has seen the movie, so this review is mainly pertaining to the DVD itself. First of all, despite what was previously written, the audio quality is fantastic. I am a big fan of DTS, and always buy DTS whenever it is available, but this is the best Dolby Digital soundtrack I have ever heard. It makes tremendous use of the surrounds, and gives a very spatial feel. The center channel seems a bit underutilized at times, but it is not terribly distracting. Secondly, the picture quality is also very, very good. It looks as good as anything I have ever seen, and is very sharp and fluid. Finally, the extra features alone make this disc worthwhile. There are lots of neat extras and some pretty cool hidden features as well. Overall, this is an excellent reference DVD for showing off your system. I only hope that the first three episodes are released with comparable audio and video quality if possible.
Rating:  Summary: Only Buy This If You NEED To Own It Review: Everyone out there is well aware of the content of this moviealready so I will focus on the tape itself. Neither the Pan and Scannor the Widescreen is very good. The sound isn't too bad surprisingly enough, but the picture is terrible. The special effects are totally wasted on VHS as the colors are so washed out and the picture is fuzzy. Being a recent convert to DVD this is even more painful to watch. If you LOVE the movie and can tolerate its flaws at least buy the unbutchered Widescreen version. George Lucas is pushing off low quality on the consumer, what about those that just want a basic Widescreen VHS and have to pay for some cheap book and film strip? Don't waste your money if possible, wait for a DVD release.
Rating:  Summary: A great beginning to a great saga Review: Everyone out there, lets put this movie into perspective: 1) Everyone is dogging it because it doesn't have Han Solo or Vader, or the movie wasn't "human enough". This movie is the beginning of the entire story, thus certain seeds have to be lain inorder for us to get to the fourth episode and meet Solo and Vader. Lucas has to introduce us to the old republic and the way things were before the empire. If we understand the peace of the old republic then we can put into perspective how bad things are going to be when the empire takes over. 2) I think casual fans went to go see this movie and got confused real quick. They didn't understand the significance of Anakin and Obi-wan meeting, and what this will hold for the galaxy. Does any of the casual fans out there realize that Senator Palpatine is the Emperor and Darth Sidious? Do you understand that he is going to turn the sweet little Anakin into a killing machine that will eventually wipe out all the jedi (except obi-wan and yoda of course). Do you realize that by Palpatine becoming grand chancellor, he now runs the republic and can start to implement all of his dark plans. If you understand these things, then you will realize the beauty of this movie and the excitement it breeds for the next two movies. The clone wars are coming, and when this happens (in episode II) everything will change.......
Rating:  Summary: Deleted Scenes Still Deleted... Review: Everyone talks about how the deleted scenes are so wonderful, the problem, they remain deleted. Usually there's a cut and paste option, as with the new Die Hard releases. You won't find that here. Perhaps in the next release it will be. As for the story line.... Lucas is brilliant. Sure it was a little kiddish, but they will age with the film just like the rest of us did with the origional trilogy, think about it. A new hope looked like a one time shot, so he couldn't take the kid route. It's a trilogy, this was only Part I. My guess is that Part III will be pretty rockin, Part II will have to be better or Part III will never be made. The next films greatness will remain to be seen, but I can see where Lucas is headed.
Rating:  Summary: Worst Episode Ever and Bad George Attitude! Review: Everything was bad in this movie except of some Special effects, that will only look good on a DVD format, but since Goerge is Still suffering from his failare in marketing DIVX, he's just playing it straight mean! Oh Yeah and Eposide II will have Leonardo De'Caprio as the star,hmmm I see where george has totally lost his touch and how he is taking Star Wars glorie down the drain!
Rating:  Summary: Great, except for 30 minutes of it... Review: Everything was great, especially the effects. Except for the 30 minutes of when they first reach Naboo, meet Jar Jar, and go swimming for his cohorts. Ugh. We almost left the theater. Good thing we didn't because we would have missed some of the coolest scenes ever. (Pod race and light saber fight scene.)