Rating:  Summary: actually I rate it: less then one star Review: Blatant commercialisim at it's worst! This video game of a movie simultaneously stinks and ruins a legendary trilogy. Parts of the story are too convenient, others too pointlessly silly, and other's too complicated to care about. I never thought Lucas could make a movie worse then his "Howard the Duck", but then Jar Jar came in and closed the coffin on what once was a good filmaker. The only scenes in this piece of dung that are watchable are the reruns of the first three: the race, the duel, and the good guy blowing up the space station. NOTE: Whenever you have the same ending THREE times in a FOUR movie set, you have got a heap of junk that is only going to get worse. It's bad enough to see this movie, do not make the mistake of buying it. This is, to me, the worst film ever made in the history of our far, far away universe.
Rating:  Summary: too bad there is not a negetive five star rating. Review: Boy did that stink! I agree with one of the previous reviews,it should be terminated, with extreme prejudice (killed). This should get negetive five star rating.
Rating:  Summary: AWSOME!!! Review: Boy what can i say..this dvd simply ROCKS ...im a Star Wars fan for the most part of my life (im 26),i liked TPM but didn't loved it like the original trilogy...this dvd is packed with featured unlike seen on any other dvd even better then T2 and The Abyss,if you are not a Star Wars fan u just got to have this for the maximum sound and picture quality,if you are Star Wars fan..well...you probably have it already ;) now all there is to do is to wait for the original (and improve) trilogy on dvd...(...)
Rating:  Summary: A more than worthy beginning for the SW saga Review: Boy, do people hate this movie. I must admit I wasn't crazy about it myself when I first saw it. But upon a second viewing, I realized how good it was. I don't understand why people complain about it having no plot. Indeed, it does have a plot, and a good, intricate one, at that. As for the acting, that is unjustly maligned too. One does not go into a Star Wars movie expecting Oscar-calber thespianism, and the acting here is far from horrible. Even Jake Lloyd is not as bad as people say. He's a nine-year-old boy playing a nine-year-old boy. I wish the people who hate this movie and spend so much time trashing it would just give it another chance, and put aside all the negativity that has been directed at this very fine installment. I think those people might be surprised at how much they like it. "The Phantom Menace" is flawed, to be sure, but overall it is one of the most graceful, seamless, and visually astounding movies George Lucas has ever made.
Rating:  Summary: Episode 1 lets Star Wars down Review: Boy, what can one say about this movie that hasn't already been said. Very probably nothing. I was too young to really understand the impact of Star Wars when it first came out. I watched the trilogy later and got to love it. When Episode I was announced I had mixed feelings. Sure I'd go see it, and ofcourse it was going to look good. But I also believed this movie would never be able to live up to its expectations. Now, three years after it's cinematic release I can't help but feel disappointed. As beautiful as it looks, Episode 1 is mercilessly let down by it's story and some of the main characters, like Jar Jar Binks and Anakin Skywalker, get on your nerves from the word go. Yes, it looks good. But apart from it's gorgeous detailed landscape views and the spectacular showdown with Darth Maul at the end of the movie there's simply nothing much that will make you want to come back to this movie. I admit the DVD has excellent extra features and the deleted scenes are indeed unique and special. But it doesn't change the facts; Episode I will go down in history as a remarkably beautiful yet somewhat empty showcase.
Rating:  Summary: Yes I hate Jar-Jar too Review: But be fair the Movie was trying to play true on so many fans expectations, and take into accout what is almost it's own libary (Meaning hundreds of books comics short storys, ect.) of information about how things happened in the "Star Wars" world. Lucas has said he would not make the last 3 chapter of Luke's story because of this (Well the aging of the main charaters probibly dosn't help the chances...maybe a movie about the twins someday?). Any way The Phantom Menanc was well named what with Senitor Palpatine moving in the direction becoming Emperor Palpatine. I liked this one and can't wait to see the next. The movie looks a lot like what it is... A prequil to the story of Vader, Luke, and Lei. And even with Jar Jar was a lot of fun.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing Review: But I was expecting it to be. What could live up to Star Wars and Empire after all? Those first two movies were so perfect, even Return of the Jedi was disappointing, which is superior to Phantom Menace. Still, Lucas pulled a 2 for 3 with the original series, and if he can make the next two movies about ten times better than Menace, he can pull another 2 for 3 and save the 6-film set. Right now the score is 2 good to 2 bad. If Lucas fails with these next two, I guess Star Wars and Empire will just be flukes. But outstanding flukes, nevertheless....
Rating:  Summary: If you see only one video game this year, see this one! Review: But if you want a compelling story, interesting characters and those other things good movies are known to have, rewatch the original Star Wars and The Empire Strikes Back. Even John Williams seems to have lost his knack for scoring. The original trilogy, terrific as it was, would have been so much less without his great contribution. But then again, who wouldn't lose their knack after almost two decades layoff. Lucas should have at least written the prequel trilogy during his prime, even if he was going to wait until now to film them. His prime is gone now, but there's still a chance to save the prequel trilogy. Episodes 2 & 3 could make up for this letdown.
Rating:  Summary: CAN'T WAIT FOR EPISODE 4 TO BE RELASED ON DVD Review: BUT in the meantime Episode I ROCKS. This DVD set looks and sounds wonderful. Even though I don't think the movie lives up to episode's 4, 5 & 6. It is a very fun and action packed movie, with fantastic special effects. The extras are fun as well, I love the deleted LONG race seen, its very funny. I am looking forward to seeing Attack of the clones and I especially can't wait for the original three (episodes 4, 5, and 6) to come out on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: A very, very good movie... Review: But its easy to see why some people were disappointed with it. After sixteen years, a lot of fans and critics were expecting the end-all of all summer action movies. And by that standard, the movie does come up a little short. The bad guys are shadowy at best and their motives are unclear; the good guys never really seem to be in any great danger. But evaluated on its own terms, the Phantom Menace is a very good movie. Subtle, understated, sometimes a little slow, the movie sets up the characters and relationships that will drive the next five films. Storywise, the film is apparently simple - the resolution of a trade dispute between a peaceful planet and a greedy trade federation. But many fans will recognize this conflict for what it is - the end of the Republic, the beginning of the Empire, and the prelude to the Rebellion of the first three Star Wars movies. In a lot of ways the movie plays like the Hobbit, a childrens story which sets the groundwork for a much larger and darker tale. The films visuals help to contribute to its storybook feel. Brighter and more colorful, with more creatures, ships and planets than ever before, this is easily the best looking Star Wars film ever. Unlike a lot of films, with a sprinkling of effects,- a cool alien, a cool shot, here and there - the Phantom Menace washes the viewer in another galazy. At times it can feel overwhelming, a little distracting from the story, but by the end, you really feel you had visited a much different place. Dont listen to the people complaining about corny dialogue and flat characters. Star Wars tells its story with visuals and the Phantom Menace delivers.