Rating:  Summary: Star Wars is back! Review: Well, what can I say? Storyline wise this is an inventive and origonal peice of cinematic brilliance. The special effects were great, with the Pod-Racing scene being the most absorbing. The acting by Liam Neeson and Ray Park was convincing and realistic, and it finished with a cliff-hanger! If you haven't seen it, WHY? One of last years best films. Brilliant!
Rating:  Summary: Oh well... better luck next time Review: Well... unfortunately the much hyped "Episode I" did not live up to my expectations. I was expecting some amazing sci-fi action, and the classic good storytelling of George Lucas. Instead, Episode I is a mass marketed exploited fest of fake digital effects and weak storyline. In short... the story was no longer written to be a good story, but it was written to be a money making film (A lot of money).Hopefully Episode II will be better.
Rating:  Summary: Suprised to be Typing this... Review: Well...here i am, typing away to you, the reader...someone I will probably never meet...hoping that maybe my comments will affect the way you look at this movie. It's a good movie. I have it on VHS and have watched it several times....and it is proving to be a "true" Star Wars movie in that I can watch it over and over. Sure, at my first viewing in the theaters, I was disapointed...the digital animation seemed to take away from the lifelike appearance of the aliens in the original Star Wars...there is something to be said of a gritty looking alien as opposed to the free flowing, polished look of the characters here. I was also a little miffed at Jar Jar Binks. Now, I am a bit more accepting of his presence, but I hope that he will be a limited creature in the next feature.(HA! ) More criticism: Darth Maul was no doubt tough as nails...but, TOO much make up...too evil looking on purpose...lacked a taste of vilian reality...my real complaint here is in comparing him to darth Vader...Darth Vader had a political and intellectual presence that Darth Maul never attains...mainly because he rarely speaks in this movie...no dialouge or arrogent "I'm going to mop up the floor with you" type discourses that you would expect from his pointy headed appearance. However, watching him dance the dance of light sabers with TWO jedi's is wonderful...he puts on quite a show. Next realm of critisicm: The trade federation aliens were absolutely horrible...is that a racial stereotype i see in there? So, why did i give this four stars? It's still a good movie. It's still fun to watch and it gives insight into the beloved Star Wars universe...Like many, I am a tough to please fan of the original. My ultimate complaint is that Harrison Ford isn't in the movie as Han Solo...even though I know that would have been impossible...he's still my favorite character.
Rating:  Summary: DVD Review: What a great movie, one of the best 4 of all time (The other 3 are episode IV,V, and VI), but where is the DVD??. I was so frustrated when I heard that this movie was going to be available on VHS only, and get even more frustrated when I heard that in november Foxvideo is going to release episode IV,V and VI in vhs AGAIN. Please George Lucas this is the time of digital technology and Star Wars fans wants to upgrade. Many people made a great investment in big screen tv's or triniton wega, dvd players and a great sound systems like dolby digital, dts and in some cases THX. Can you imagine how disapointing has to be for this peaople watch this movies in a poor video and sound vhs quality. It's true that Lucas wants to make a special thing with the DVD of this movies and he doesn't have time for work on it right now, but after he finished episode I, he started to work on episode II imediately,and I belive that he would do the same with episode III, so when where going to have the DVD version of this movies in 2005 or 2006??? please I don't think that star wars fans can wait for so long
Rating:  Summary: May the force be with you! Review: What a great movie. Jar Jar is funny. I liked the lightsaber duels I really liked last one. Anakin was the best. The last part I really liked Anakin's Jedi buzzcut. Thank you and may the force be with you always!
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing. Review: What a letdown. I'm a diehard Star Wars fan, and I can't tell you how mediocre this film is. My heart started pounding with excitement when the opening music blared and the Star Wars logo appeared on the screen. It was all downhill from there. The much-hyped pod racer scene is dull and free of suspense- how many laps are left? Who's ahead? You can never tell, so after a while- who cares? Can't hold a candle to the speeder bike chase in Return of the Jedi- or any scene in the original trilogy for that matter. Liam Neeson's and Ewan McGregor's talents are totally wasted. Natalie Portman's performance is wooden, and what's with that accent? The computer generated effects are distracting and cartoonish. The finale is laughable. What a bummer. I think I'll skip Episode II. :(
Rating:  Summary: Poor sound quality, poor picture quality. Review: What a waste of money! The sound was horrible and the picture kept getting little white specs on it (my VCR has 4 heads and was just cleaned). Stay away!
Rating:  Summary: Phantom Menace is out of this world Review: What an excellent film the Phantom Menace is. Ok the Jar Jar Binks charactor is a little annoying and sometimes it is a liitle difficult to hear whay he is saying but overall the picture stands up well. You need to look at this film with the stories of episodes 4,5 & 6 in mind, it does answer alot of questions.
Rating:  Summary: what can I say Review: What can I say except that this film does not equal up to the first three.One reason may be because too much computer effects George should have done it the old fassioned way,but the computer effects are great don't get me wrong I mean they were good enough for an Oscar nomination.This is also the first time that John Williams was not nominated for a best original score for the Star Wars series why?I have no idea.Anyway this film is very good I mean maby its because its the beginning of it all and so things are gonna be very different and some people may not like it for that but i don't know,but anyway this is a must see...I myself thaught it was very good and we should certainly keep Jar Jar Binks.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars on DVD Review: What can I say. We all know that Star Wars rocks. This DVD is a must for all Star Wars fans. You'll be able to enjoy this film time and time again without any loss of quality. The second disk is a real treat with it's additional scenes.