Rating:  Summary: Fed up with fans giving bad reviews... Review: Well, personally liked it. And I walked into that theater to see it only expecting it to be just as good, or at least fitting to the entire story of Star Wars. (after all, all of them were written together) I walked out of that theater totally satisfied. Alone, it probably would not stand, but it's not supposed to be taken alone. And as for Jar-jar (many point to him being a downturn to the film) I found him easy to ignore, I expect that most of his purpose was for comic relief, (in the absense of R2D2 and C3PO as a duo, which they wound up together for only a few brief scenes). Yet, Jar-jar had a few pivital parts in the movie... think, you can figure them out. Just the fact that many people I have talked to expect some enormously huge movie that blows away Episodes 4, 5, and 6 and walk away dissappointed annoys me. I think that Episode 1 is a worthy beginning to the ENTIRE story of Star Wars. The effects are pleasing and the plot is just as good as the rest. If you think it's lacking, remember... it was written over 30 years ago... would you expect Lucas to totally change a vision that's been in his head for so long simply to please over-expectant fans??? I don't, and I'm very happy with his story as it is.
Rating:  Summary: One Hell of a Movie Review: Well, personaly I only buy DVD's if I know that I'm getting something better than just a movie. I'm sure that this DVD will be a best seller. First of all a ton of people loved the movie, then the movie uses a lot of special effecs which DVD is specialized for(high-resolution). Then there will definatly be a ton of extra features such as behind the sceens and the making of. I definatly recommend this to any Star wars die hard. Hope that this was helpfull.
Rating:  Summary: Far superior to Ep2, but still awful. Review: Well, the first Star Wars film in over 20 years and it turned out to be rubbish. My expectations shattered in 2 hours. Actually no make 45 mins after Jar Jar Binks appears. First, the good points. Neeson is pretty good in this and rather convincing as a thoughtful older Jedi. Palpatine is good too and subtle in his creepy role. The effects for the most part are well done, more convincing than in Ep2 actually. But everything looks too new and shiny. A problem that has yet to be solved with CGI. The ships in the originals are MUCH more convincing. They look used. Emmmm....now some of the bad points. As already mentioned, Jar Jar Binks. Well, single handedly, almost, this absolutely AWFUL character ruined what would have been an average first installment to the new trilogy. He must have been thought up when George [was not well], because I cannot imagine anyone with any kind of writing skills or imagination finding this stupid clunky, idiot being remotely funny. In fact the Gugan's as a whole were a terrible idea. But its indicative of how George Lucas's mind works. Take the Ewoks in ROTJ for example. Originally Endor was a planet of Wookies, but Georgy Porgy changed it to little teddy bears. Why? MONEY. He knew that they would be a hit with stupid people and kids. Therefore generating money. Ewok was a household name, but its not mentioned once in the entire film. Obviously Lucas hoped to replicate this in Ep1.......and FAILED miserably. JAR JAR BINKS IS NOT FUNNY. He also does not deserve to be in any film, never mind a StarWars movie. Ewan McGregor....well, hes ok. He tries hard to be a young Alec Guinness, but unfortunately I just cannot see him bringing out any of Ben Kenobi in the film. That bloody kid! Oh my God. When I first saw the poster I thought that maybe he'd be good. He looked moody and with the shadow of Vader behind him, I thought that the new trilogy would be a gloomy and grim affair, WHICH IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN. But instead Lucas decided to make a kiddies film, with a kiddy star! This child is onscreen TOO MUCH....FAR TOO MUCH. I just wanted to slap him. And that pod race.....com'on he's a child....I don't care if he's got Jedi reflexes. Its just way too hard to suspend my disbelief. Portman is beautiful, but like Jar Jar doesn't belong in a Star Wars film, but for different reasons. She just looks bored by the whole affair, like she is in Ep2. And that stupid "twist" of her being replaced by her handmaiden.....what? The "droids". "Roger, Roger" indeed. They are brutal, unconvincing and absolute no threat whatsoever. George has chosen to make the enemy a useless army of Microsoft™ bug ridden foul ups. Can anyone imagine an army of these idotic machines actually winning any battle? All in all, if this had been directed by somebody else, with a tighter script and an actually threatening "menace" then it would have been an ok introduction to the new trilogy. But as it stands, it is not worth buying. Juat so it doesn't interfer with the original trilogy. I wonder if George could go back in 20 years and edit out the Jar Jar Binks scenes, like he did with the original Star Wars, only in reverse. Instead of putting in an awful representation of a character (Jabba the Hut), he could take one out and improve the film immensely. Tony
Rating:  Summary: Disappointment Review: Well, The Phantom Menace certainly has one thing going for it, it manages to be a tad better than Return Of The Jedi. Unfortunatley, this isn't saying alot since Return Of The Jedi was so terrible. Other than that The Phantom Menace was a disappointment. Saturated in mind-numbing digital FX that work most of the time, the exception being the Gungans, The Phantom Menace is so crippled by characters with two dimensional personalities you WILL find yourself missing Han Solo at some point. Though some have rationalized this movies poor character development as symptomatic of a childrens movie, I'm quick to point out that Disney's 'Mulan' had much better character development than The Phantom Menace. The "it's a kids movie" is no excuse. The film gives very little to digest beyond eye candy. As such, when things slow down on Coruscant the film gets a little, dare I say, dull. Even the 'Pod Race' was poorly executed as it failed to put the viewer into the drivers seat. Sure, it was cool to watch but completly devoid of suspense. Though the silly two headed announcer, who looked like it could have stepped out of Return Of The Jedi, certainly did not help. Jake Loyd, as the nine year old Anakin Skywalker, looked bored. Though I suspect this has more to do with the fact Lucas is no actors director than to Loyd's ability. Ewan McGregor was wasted, but I'm sure this is because he doesn't get to develop until Episode Two (I hope). Liam Neeson actually brought some heart to this flick (quite a feat) as the wise but head strong Qui Gon Jinn. Darth Maul, the most dynamic looking character in all of Star Wars, was also wasted with only a few lines to speak. And the 'Duel Of The Fates' sequence, the lightsaber duel in which actor Ray Parks (Darth Maul) gets to showcase his martial arts skill, is ruined by the constant break away to the other conflicts. All in all, this movie IS worth checking out due to some of the powerful visuals - But there is little else you will take with you after you've seen it. And yes, Jar Jar Binks is aweful.
Rating:  Summary: Average At Best Review: Well, there are over 1200 reviews of this movie. Most of the reviews are from the fans themselves. And seemingly, the fans are more critical of this movie than a viewer who has little experience with the original 3 Star Wars movies. However, I think most of us may agree with some basics of the movie. The special effects were well worth the viewing, however, they were a little overdone. I need to agree with most of the reviews about the character Jar Jar. If there was anything annoying about this film, it was this character. For the first 15 minutes of the film, Jar Jar was bearable. However, for the rest of the film, I found it difficult not to want to walk out of the movie! My first impressions for the reason why Lucas chose to have a bumbling, annoying character in the film, distracting the viewers, was for the mere commercialism. Perhaps he hoped to use Jar Jar's "comedy" as an attraction that little children might enjoy. And thus, use Jar Jar as an attraction for children to want to buy Jar Jar dolls and other Star Wars paraphernalia. Kinda odd (that while I was walking through ToysRUS) that the only toys remaining in all the hype over Star Wars toys, was the Jar Jar doll! As an end all, I feel this movie is a good story teller, and entertaining. The acting and costumes were above average. As a viewer, you might be a little annoyed at times, however, this is a good family film to sit down to with some popcorn. As A Star Wars fan myself (of the original 3), I found it hard not to be dissapointed with this film. But rightly so!! Every fan probably has some dissapointments. We're all hopeing to relive our past somehow. We were all hoping that Lucas would bring the dream back. What we should have realized, is that there will never be another "Star Wars" such as the one in the 70's, that left the world bedazzled with something new! I only hope the series take a more "Serious" approach in the upcoming 2 films... The last thing I want to see in the battle between good vs. evil (in episode 3) is a stupid Jar Jar binks running around in the middle of it all!!! Hey Lucas!! Get off your butt and make those DVD's. Quit with the excuses *read star wars website*
Rating:  Summary: Hope the next episode can explain this one! Review: Well, there were quite a few things that completely baffled me about this Star Wars Prequel and some that just plain disturbed me. I'll only mention two because I don't want to harp on and on and on... Okay, my first "what was George thinking?" complaint: The whole "virgin birth" of young Anakin Skywalker really seemed almost too silly and outlandish to believe! If the next movie explains that the "force" impregnated Anakin's mom then I think that will be a hard one for ANYONE to take! Complaint two: Also, I almost giggled out loud at the thought of Queen Amidala ever finding young Anakin Skywalker suitable as a future mate! How George manages to pull this one off...well guess we'll see! I give this movie high marks for great graphics and lot's of eye candy but I'm hoping there's light at the end of the tunnel! I'm giving George the benefit of the doubt that he can work these 3 new prequels logically up to the 3 Star Wars movies I already know and love. I won't really have a strong opinion until the other two come out. (Fingers crossed).
Rating:  Summary: Lucas NEVER Fails Review: Well, well. A movie directed by George Lucas. Oh, sorry, THE movie directed by him, and naturaly it's one of the top 3 movies of the year. Big suprise. But just how does he keep doing it? I have all the Indiana Jones and there flawless, I have all the previous Star Wars movies and they're flawless. And now this one! Acting is great, story is great, special effects are great, what more needs to be said? I'm sorry to anyone who thinks Titanic is the best movie ever. It doesn't even come close to ANY of the movies in the Star Wars trilogy. And I hope George doesn't have Leo in mind for Episode 2, I want to see more good ACTING in Episode 2.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing at best.... Review: Well, what a disappointment... Of course the movie, technically speaking, is marvellous. But there's no substance. Lucas transformed the "series" into a show for all the family, totally inofensive, almost "Disney-like". The boy-actor that plays Anakin was a bad, real bad choice. The poor boy simply can't act. Jar-Jar binks was a bad comic relief. And now we learn that Lucas even intended to put NSYNC in the sequence (ATTACK OF THE CLONES), due to a request from his daughter!!!! The series is now nothing more than just a merchandising enterprise, and Lucas really lost his touch for direction. I hope the new sequence is better than this one.
Rating:  Summary: A nice little bundle of joy. Review: Well, what can be said about this movie that hasn't alreadybeen said? I really like the packaging for this widescreen edition. The box is nice, the film cel is a cool added touch and the Art of Phantom Menace preview book makes buying this package well worth the price. Very good marketing strategy, Lucasfilm! About the film itself, George Lucas definitely seems to be putting kids first in the Star Wars series, and it all started with Return of the Jedi (which is still better than Phantom Menace). He went from the darkest, most intense film, The Empire Strikes Back, to the most corny (belching, Tarzan yells, etc...), uninspired film of the original series, R.O.T.J. The trend continues in The Phantom Menace. People are very mixed over Jar Jar binks. Some hate him... and some will defend him until they're blue in the face. ...I thought Chewie doing the Tarzan yell in Jedi was bad enough, but this is even worse! Alright, enough about Jar Jar. The special effects, of course, are amazing. In fact, the pod-racing scenes are reason enough to buy this movie. Simply jaw-dropping! The space battles are great as usual and the backdrops of Naboo are absolutely beautiful! They also did a very nice job with the skeletal C3-PO. As for the acting, it is well done. Everyone does an admirable job, including Ian McDiarmid as Palpatine and Darth Sidious and young Jake Lloyd as Anakin Skywalker. Plus, the intriguing Darth Maul had one of the best entrances I've ever seen! ...Awesome! The only thing that mars the performances is that the dialog is pretty dry, but I'm sure the next film will expand on what was said in this one. I also hope that, like Empire, the second film of this series will be much darker. All in all, this is a very enjoyable film. ...With a cool package of goodies and at this price, how can you afford not to buy this movie? END
Rating:  Summary: this is the bast movie to date Review: Well, what can i say, this was absolutly the best film i have ever seen, and it is hard to wait another month to get it. But, i think that the people who say they don't like it have no idea what they're talking about. the only thing they can do is pick apart a well done movie, and point out all the things wrong with it. I think (just like TITANIC) it is becoming "cool" to say you don't like the movie. I also think even after waiting 16 years for antoher movie, people think Lucas owes them a lot. He OWES YOU NOTHING, and i take pity on the people who think he does.