Rating:  Summary: Mmmmmm..... Review: Well this isn't as good as it should be. The plot is alittle on it's down side, and so is the charactors. Anikans character was alittle to in to it and he acted like a show of and all. I could even make this movie better than it is..... But, Obe one Kenobe's actor was great!, and so is the graphics but: wheres ep. 2?
Rating:  Summary: A Sneak Peak Into What Lies Ahead... Review: Well this may have been a "not so great" start for what fans of the original Star Wars saga expected. I have to agree with some of the reviews, this is a kids movie. It has goofy and silly characters which may be appealing to the younger audience. Me, being a huge fan of Star Wars since the age of 8 has to say, this is a sneak peak into what lies ahead in Episode II. What I am hoping is that Episode II will redeem itself and not be as childish as it's predecesor but with a title like "Attack Of The Clones" things could look kind of grim...
Rating:  Summary: Mitichloreans? Review: Well well well. George Lucas destroyed the magic of the Force in this Star Wars movie by mentioning mitechloreans. However, he made the movie a high-special effects hype that was pretty popular. Here's another problem. With all the canon information, we know that all Jedi disappear after they die! Why not Qui-Gon? I also find it a crime that there is no DVD version of this out yet. However, if you want good stories, go out to your bookstore and at least buy the Star Wars Thrawn trilogy by Timothy Zahn.
Rating:  Summary: No heart and no soul Review: Well, after only 1,800+ reviews, I figured I would add my two cents worth. Enough about Jar Jar, we all hated him, end of story. The real problem with this movie is that Lucas has forgotten what gives a movie value and entrances the watcher. There simply was nothing to pull you in, to make you feel like you are watching some great epic struggle. This is what the first two movies had (and somewhat the third movie). Nobody cares about CGI generated tadpoles fighting CGI generated robots! "Gee wiz the special effects are great, but do I really care what happens to either side being depicted?" Um, no. Please, Mr. Lucas, go back and watch the first two movies of your own series and try to recreate the magic. Now, as for whether you should purchase this DVD or not? Yes, but skip to the Jedi lightsaber battle scenes. This is the best thing about a DVD--it's way easier to do this than with tape!
Rating:  Summary: By George! It sold out! Review: Well, as excited as one was at the premiere of Episode One, one could not help but feel a little uneasy. As the premier drew closer, the feelings were mixed. For one thing its star wars! It has to be good, on the other hand there is no way this new Episode, what's it called..uh..The Phantom Menace? could ever measure up to the old star wars, we have come cheerish. Well in thinking so, we were right. It seemed as if George Lucas had a bunch of cool toys to play with for this movie, and some where along the line he lost sight of what the original episodes portrayed. In this new installment, the audience is swept from underwater chases to dog fights in outer space, and never allowed to sit back and familiarize themselves with these awsome settings. I can look back at the old trilogy and say, man I really love that cantina scene, or Jabba's palace is the coolest! Looking back at episode one, all that seems to come into view is Jarjar Binks's annoying slapsticky (un)comic relief. Mr.Binks is an entire character which has all the appeal of Chewbacca's blood chilling Tarzan scream in RotJ. Moving along, Anakin Skywalker...man I don't know who that kid actor was, but I do know he needs acting lessons and a good kick in the behind. He almost ruined the whole damn thing! But lets be fair. Take away, JarJar and pretend that Anakin is mute, and we have a great prequel. The plot is good, the bad guys are excellent, the fighting scenes are fregin beautiful. And it all builds up nicely for an exciting grand finale. All and all it's an enjoyable fun-ride for the whole family and certainly worth the money. Until episode 2....lets just hope Leonardo DiCaprio doesn't get the part of Anakin Skywalker...because if he does, I'll be skywalking out of the theatre. good night ps. Not releasing E1 on DVD is either the smartest thing G L has done or the cruelest, most sadistical act of stupidity this world has ever seen...
Rating:  Summary: It's Star Wars- need I say more? Review: Well, even though I don't really need to, I will. For all of you out there who were disappointed in the film- I'm very sad to hear that, but be happy that Mr. Lucas decided to make the prequels at all! Imagine what kind of a decision that was- coming back to the director's chair from a sixteen year absense, not to mention to the most popular series of movies ever, fully knowing the public's impossible expectations. Don't think Episode 1, 2, or 3 will be like the original trilogy because it won't. Mr. Lucas has so much more to work with here, just have some faith in the guy that he'll tie everything up in a nice little bow at the end. You've got to remember- this is not a single movie, it's part of a series. And concerning Jar Jar- I liked him! And I'm not eight years old either! Mr. Lucas did not make this movie for one individual person- with the exception of himself. If Mr. Lucas likes him and thinks he's funny, great! Stop complaining and picking this incredible movie apart! For those of you who did like it- I'm with you(in case you couldn't tell already)! I thought it was fantastic- and not just the special effects. The plot had so much foreshadowing. Characters like Darth Maul, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan held you captive speculating about what was to come the entire 2 hours and 20 minutes! It was everything Star Wars is and was- an epic science-fiction adventure. It also left you craving for Episode 2 all the more with the unforgettable sound of Darth Vader's breathing after the innocent Anakin's theme finished the film. This movie is fantastic, and if you don't see it then you're definately missing out.
Rating:  Summary: uh...... Review: Well, George, if I can call you George, .... The Empire Strikes Back is still my favourite movie. I am going to try to be positive because I figure you have taken alot of flak for this. The first ten minutes are awesome! DIE BAD ROBOT DIE! Then Jar Jar Binks enters the film. Anyway, we can lose him in the second. [Should have had him less homnoid-looking; maybe kangaroo-like] I love the way the queen talks. Same with the Federation yokels. And I like the kid's mom's accent too. Uh ..... great special effects. Without peer. The sabre battles are perfekt. That Darth Maul can move. He must have hired for his background in dance, either that or his double. Those sabre battles are the best part of the movie. Except for the music during those sabre battles. Battle of the Fates. Unbelievably moving. Beyond words. Constructive critcism you want? I liked the old Yoda doll better, but you can edit that when you rerelease it. Whosever doing his voice doesn't sound at all like Frank Oz. Jar Jar Binks should be less homonoid and I must admit I wanted him dead from the moment I saw him. I didn't see this until March of 2001. Everyone I talked to said it was a "kid's movie". If you ask me it was only slightly better than Return of the Jedi... which I loathed. The First two movies released are still the best and I would dare anyone to find another movie which compares to Star Wars or Empire. This one, however, .... George, please take your time on the next one. Sand it. wax it. Sand it again. There are very few Mozart's in the world. Beethoven had to rewrite again and again. This movie needs some sanding. To be honest if you made JJB less homonoid looking and not so annoying [and less prevalent], the movie would be vastly improved right there. The kid needs to redo his scenes until it doesn't sound forced. And the ending.... the kid just isn't REAL if you get my meaning. Take your time on the next one George. It's your baby.
Rating:  Summary: The Phantom Menace Review: Well, here it is, the first chapter to the hugely popular Star Wars saga. And in my opinion, it was a mesmerising experience. I'll be honest, I wasn't even born when any of the original ones came out (I was born in 85), but I have been a faithful Star Wars fan since the age of about 6. You see, my older brothers had the toys and the videos from when they were little, so naturally they got passed down to me. When I saw the first Star Wars (A New Hope), I was hooked from then on. So when, in 1997, I heard that the first chapter of the Star Wars saga was finally going to be made, I nearly fainted...no joke. I remember when I went to watch this in the cinema on the opening night. It was the first 2 hours in my life when I never coughed, snivled, or scratched my eye. I was, well and truly, en-grossed. The film is set 32 years before A New Hope, and it introduces us to a slave boy named Anakin Skywalker (who is 10), who as we all know, grows up to become the evil Darth Vader. Together with Jedi Knights Obi-Wan-Kenobi (played by Sir Alec Guiness in the originals) and Qui-Gon-Jinn, he is thrust into the adventure of a life time. Out of all the Star Wars films, this is definitely the most 'kiddiesh', which might put some people off. Not me, though, because I know that the trilogy is gradually going to get darker. Especially in Episode 3. The acting is pretty standard. But hey, the acting in the originals wasn't anything to brag about. Liam Neeson, though, is quite good as the wise but rebellious Jedi, Qui-Gon-Jinn. The special effects are obviously top-notch. Kudos goes to Jar Jar Binks, who actually looks as though he is interacting with the 'real' characters. One special mention also will have to go with the final lightsaber battle, fought between Qui-Gon-Jinn, Obi-Wan-Kenobi and Darth Maul. Absolutly superb. That's all I'll say on that matter. The direction by Lucas is a little rusty, but it's still stylish. Come on, folks. He ain't directed a film since 1977, give him time. I mean, his directing is much better in Episode 2. So, if he continues to improve, his directing in Episode 3 should be great. So, all in all, this is a worthy addition to the Star Wars mythos. Enjoy.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars strike back! But not so hard... Review: Well, I came in and read a few reviews, none over 3 stars sadly. When I started reading the one star reviews I was immediately ready to disregard anything they said. But, after I read the whole thing, I saw the points they made, and actually, they were really good points. In Star Wars, we have an all powerful evil we have to destroy of it will soon take over the galaxy. The Death Star is destroyed, much to the relief of everyone by Luke Skywalker. In the Empire Strikes Back, the same evil is back, and this time the evil wins, and Han Solo is lost to Jaba. In Return of the Jedi, the Death Star is back, and supposedly it is "out of order" but as we find out it is "Very operational". Again it is destroyed by our good friend Lando, and everything turns out for the best. Then, we go back to the beginning. We have an evil force, but it's not so big and it's not so bad. Most of this movie takes place on land, not in space where we all hoped, and even some underwater. We meet Darth Vader, or Anakin Skywalker, and he sure does need to take some acting classes. George Lucas's best accomplishment is finding out how to make young Anakin into an older Anakin, and a different actor. ... It had no plot, and it gave the watchers what they wanted, action. "Breakthrough"? I think not, the plot in the last 3 films was what made us watch this movie, and sadly you left us wanting more. I'm not devestated, it's just a movie, and I will watch it again, because let's face it, that light sabre scene at the end was just awesome, the fight choriography was great. The only reason I give this movie 3 stars is for the action and the past. I'm sure the final film in 2005 will be the best, it has to be. Mark_Sigel
Rating:  Summary: Not bad... Review: Well, I don't want to spoil everyone's fun, but this movie is basiclly for the kids. For anyone who's ver seen and liked the original, I reccomend this as a renter to see if you like it. Jar Jar Binks, the "comic relief," isn't funny (unless you're laughing at how incredibly stupid he is), he's just plain annoying! Hardly faithful to the Star Wars series, I reccomend A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back, and Return of the Jedi.