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Star Wars - Episode I, The Phantom Menace (Widescreen Edition) |
List Price: $19.98
Your Price: $13.99 |
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Rating:  Summary: Captures only a fraction of the Star Wars magic... Review: To anyone who hated this film the first time, don't see it once! I am NOW prepared to praise SOME of the film's aspects. Some of the film's dialogue was so bad that I now really appreciate the actor's performances. Jake Loyd was pretty good. Liam Neeson brought a lot of conviction to his role. I'll give Lucas this; he constructed the storyline well and the epic plot seems very Star Warsian. I payed more attention at home than when I was in the theater so the plot seemed more engaging. Some of the special effects are great; esp in the cloud city-esque chamber where Obi-One and Qui Jon fight Maul. It looks quite beautiful. I hated Jar Jar alot less this time and his simplistic good nature (NOT is annoying accent and slapstick) is very Star Warsian. John William's score was bombastic and serviceable but not as good as his other Star Wars scores. The Pod race scene was O.K. but it was too obvious CG. The problem with the CG creatures are the creatures design not the CG itself. Some of the aliens in the pod race look extremely cartoonish. The film is not a good movie. It has too many weak elements and unsatisfying scenes. One scene is extremely awkward; when Anakin asks Qui Jon about the micro-creatures in his blood. It's a really bad scene, and of course the whole notion of the force being generated by creatures in your blood totally demystifies it. The fight with Maul COULD have been alot better had Lucas milked more drama out of it. Everyone moved so fast. The duel had none of the power and finesse of the Luke/Vadar duels. The Jedi-council scene was weak because Yoda looked and sounded horrible. It was rediculous that just because Anakin said he had fear that Yoda deduced he would turn to the dark side. The kid was only like 9 years old; why wouldn't he be scared for his mother? The climatic battle with Gungans and the battle droids was very empty and unsatisfying. There were too many of those dull moments. Ultimately, TMP recaptures only a fraction of the Star Wars magic.
Rating:  Summary: Let Lucas Be Review: To be honest, I am really getting sick of reading negative reviews against this movie. It seems people almost feel it's cool to dish this film. Frankly, it just comes off in my opinion in poor taste... but since I am in the review section I have to say something of more substance. George Lucas is in the process of creating new myths with his Star Wars films and I believe to compare it to the other three films is unfair. When this series is done all the speculation and debate over what he was trying to do wih the films will be answered. Until then we can only guess what things mean and what is the best film in the series. Who knows? An incredibly minor point in this film might explain something in the third movie which would link it to Return of the Jedi... This is George Lucas' world and I enjoy being a part of it from time to time. So let's enjoy them for what they are. Good stories told by an exceptional storyteller.
Rating:  Summary: Not as bad as people say, but not as good as others say Review: To be honest, I wasn't expecting much from this movie when I went to see it in theaters. While some people were waiting in lines weeks to get to see it and had prophecies of it being the best piece of film ever made, I figured it could go either way. The first thing I noticed from the previews was that they seemed to rely heavily on the special effects, at least as far as the sales pitch. The previews were basically a collection of the best eye-candy in the movie. This observation still held true after I saw it. Think about the first 3 Star Wars movies and how little they relied on special effects yet still created heavy doses of awe. This movie tends to rely too heavily on the special effects, which adds very little to the movie and creates that horribly cliched "Episode 1 was made for little kids" line. What I don't understand when I hear someone say this is why they think this is any different. The original Star Wars trilogy could have been just as easily entertaining to children as to adults, a rare feat indeed. There is so much I could say about the movie but I will sum it up with saying this. The movie is a good prequel but that is it. Imagine *just* watching A New Hope. You had to see the other 2 to get the effect. I'm sure when the other 2 are released in 2042 the series will be just as enjoyable. The lowpoint of the movie were the characters. Some were hatable (Jar Jar), others underdeveloped (Young Anakin), some just there for old times sake adding nothing to the story (Jabba), and others were inconsistent with the original (Qui-Gon). The highlight was Queen Amidala - well acted, memorable costume. Maybe the movie was made for Lucas' kid. Maybe it was just another Hollywood ploy because Lucas' bank account is running dry. Whatever it may be, it's still an average movie that does and will add something to this classic storyline.
Rating:  Summary: A Masterpiece. Review: To everyone who bashes the Phantom Menace I ask, could you have done any better? I think not! George Lucas is a genius! Episode I is a Masterpiece and it serves it's purpose well, which is too introduce the charcters. I love it as much as Episodes 4,5 and 6. Also, people say it doesn't live up to A NEW HOPE. Well, they may have forgotten but Episode 4: A NEW HOPE was critized in the same way THE PHANTOM MENACE was! People were not in love with Episode 4 when it was released either.
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars EpisodeI is best in Widescreen! Review: To get a load of this fantastic sci fi epic, and special effects show I strongly suggest the Widescreen version. It by far is the most effective for dispaying the true beauty of this wonderful fantasy picture. Dont listen to all the critics on this one, this film is down and simple fun. It is not meant to be taken so seriously, so just sit down relax and be taken to a galaxy far far away with Star Wars Episode I.
Rating:  Summary: A huge Star Wars fan Review: To make a long story short, Episode I is, in my opinion, the best sci-fi movie ever made. In fact, it is my personal favourite video. All of the Star Wars movies are a must-have for your video collection. The Phantom Menace is a film for all age groups too. Young Jake Lloyd is perfect as Anakin. I watch this movie at least once a week. It's absolutely wonderful - perfect movie. BUY IT NOW.
Rating:  Summary: Good DVD, lousy movie Review: To me, this is the worst movie in the entire world, & the best DVD in the entire world. Has anyone in the entire world figured out that Star Wars movies are lousy. Why do Star Wars movies have to be lousy, I just don't know.
Rating:  Summary: A Real Stinker Review: To respond to a review which asks "could you have done better?", I say a first year film student could have done better. Please, what an irrelevant question. Can you make a better car than an auto company? Can you make a better computer than a Dell or Gateway? The point I am trying to make is that lay people do not need to have in-depth expertise in a subject in order to review or comment on it. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, this movie really stinks. If you are into special effects and nothing else then go see it otherwise just keep on rewatching the trilogy until George gets it right.
Rating:  Summary: Want to know how goodSW:TPM really was! Review: To review this movie you have to step aside from the modern trend of bashing cultural phenomenoms and really look at what this movie tried and achieved. George Lucas has a vision that he wowed the world with with the first three movies. Episode one is the most carefully laid out ground work and introduction to the story we have already seen since 1977. With the FX of today Mr Lucas has managed to bring us nearly unimaginable visions. Droid armies fighting Gungans, a galactic formula one race that literally blows you away and every scene filled with more than you can capture on an initial viewing. This movie had the hardest task of living up to Star Wars and it's sequels. Many people took the easy path of knocking it because they don't understand the effect their own expectations can have on something they love. In time, with the perspective of the next two prequels, Episode one will be as revered as the others. Enjoy!
Rating:  Summary: Impressive at times, but too simple Review: To say I was looking forward to this movie would be a gross understatement, but it left me irritated. The action scenes were phenominal, as were the backdrops. The problems were in the characters. Jar Jar did a VERY poor job of replacing R2-D2 in the comic relief role. His base humor seemed more appropriate for a Three Stooges film than Star Wars. Added to the other connotations he illicits, he is a very poor character choice indeed. In fact, I don't think I've ever prayed for one of the good-guys to die before! The acting was nominal, but the plot used foreshadowing and formula to the point that there were no surprises at all. The dark hero persona (Han Solo previously) was also sorely missed. The story was just plain bland! I really hope Mr. Lucas will listen to his fans and not repeat these mistakes (and yes they are mistakes!) in the future installments. I would pay considerably more for a much shorter film if only the scenes including Jar Jar could be cut out. Sigh......disappointing.