Rating:  Summary: Widescreen fan! Review: This widescreen version of Star Wars episode 1 is not too bad,considering there was no DVD release at the time of its release. My beefs are that is is available only in this extra cost version. ... (The ONLY way to see a star Wars movie on TV) The film strip,book,and feautrette is not bad,but I would have preffered a WS Movie eonly tape piced the same as the pan/scan. Thankfully there is a DVD,but it's still important to have a widescreen VHS tape.
Rating:  Summary: Jar Jar ruined it for me Review: This would have been an average movie for me if it hadn't been for Jar Jar Binks, the CGI reggae-talkin' muppet that doesn't shut up. I couldn't imagine what lucas was thinking when he gave as many lines to Jar Jar as he did. And now, according to starwars.com we get to enjoy yet another installment of Jar Jar in Episode 2! Help us please.Overall I think that Lucas focused entirely to hard upon the under-12 age catagory when he made this film - i.e. Jar Jar's idiotic lines and young Anakin the hero. If he wants to redeem himself for the next 2 movies, Lucas really needs to refocus and stop thinking about how he is going to market the next version of the Darth Maul action figure.
Rating:  Summary: Lucas's underappreciated work Review: This, in my opinion, is the best out of the 5 (soon to be 6) volume saga. Out of all the Star Wars movies, this is the most creative, the most out there, the most visually amazing out of them all. Sure the characters aren't that developed, but then again, is that really why people watch Star Wars? I mean, in this movie we are shown, an amazing undrwater bubble city called Otoh Gunga, a Roman-ish Babylonian-ish city called Theed, and an entire planet taken up by city called Coruscant. These kinds of ingenious visions are why I, and many others, like the Star Wars saga.
Rating:  Summary: This is an awesome movie!! Review: Those that say this movie isn't any good obviously aren't a serious star wars buff like myself. if you are, shame on you!! This movie had a good plot, even better acting, & even better directing. It follows the story perfectly, and now the stage is set for episode two & three. Watch it and read the book - it gives a lot of background.
Rating:  Summary: A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away. Review: Those words have become apart of American culture almost like rock and roll . The names Skywalker, The Force, and Jedi Knight have been mentioned in more movies, books or interviews than anyother piece of art (except the Bible). In this first installment of the Star Wars epic, George Lucas skillfully creates a world full of exotic creatures and grand cities. This is the world, of course, before the dark times. Before the rise of the Empire. Just like Tolkien, Lucas uses mythology combined with the Human spirit. Those who have seen the original trilogy will love the new charecters. Those who havn't seen them will marvel at the art work. In this movie, their is no Luke Skywalker, or Han Solo to save the world. It takes place a few years before the outbreak of the Empire. The charecters here create a new, remarkable band of heros. Watch this movie. Don't listen to the idiotic critics. Form your own opinion, bask in the world of George Lucas And then ask yourself "Who was destroyed, the master or the apprentice?" Maybe we'll find out in 2002.
Rating:  Summary: Give it up, nerds! This is a horrible movie! Review: Though Neeson and Mcgregor were well cast, they were too stiff and uninspired in this terrible excuse for a film. Yes, it's an interesting story but the effects were overdone and the rest of the cast was so pitiful I could barely stand it. This cult needs some cinematic taste! If you want epic, try the new Lord of the Rings that's out in theatres. Now that's good stuff! It has everything this movie was missing. Jar Jar alone is worth burning every copy of this film on DVD or VHS!
Rating:  Summary: Help, Lucus is out of Control ! Review: Though the special effects and final 30 minutes of the film were fantastic. The storytelling, screenplay, characterizations, and editing seemed to comercial, un-interesting, and inept to telling the tale of the first Star Wars sequel. I do plan to buy the tape in order to have the entire set. The magic from the orginal three films is noticably absent from the extravagent proceedings. I for one waited in line 9 hours for Day 1 tickets and was momentously disappointed. The film did have the Star Wars heart just not nearly enough of it. Lucus, go find Irvin Kisinger NOW.
Rating:  Summary: Okay, the movie wasn't perfect but it's a great DVD Review: Though this movie does not stand well compared to episodes 4, 5, and 6, it is still a decent movie (and would have been much better had there been less anakin and less jar-jar binks). It has a good story line (and saying there is no plot is erelevant because so did the earlier movies) and GREAT CGI. Also, i hate to comment on another review but had this movie premeired back when star wars did...it would definitely NOT be a flop, the exact opposite, it would have no hype whatsoever therefore no other movies to live up to. Had someone watched this movie without knowing about the previous films, i think they would have enjoyed it. The DVD is great though. good commentary, good LONG featurette, and many deleted scenes, some of them were put back into the film (its a directors cut) i heared george lucas also took out some of the anakin-jar-jar scenes.
Rating:  Summary: George needs to know his limitations.... Review: Throughout Lucas's career, I've picked up on something. He is absolutely no good at any kind of comedy! . Have you ever seen Howard the Duck? Or Willow? I'll get to Jar Jar in a minute. Why do you think that Empire Strikes Back is widely considered to be the best in the original trilogy? Because Lucas left his 'sense of humor' at the door and gave us a serious, well thought out masterpiece of a movie. What little comic relief there was came either from Ford or one of the droids, and it kept a fairly low tone. Threepio always did get on my nerves, but the Ewoks were much worse. And with the intro of Jar Jar, I nearly got sick. What's up with slapstick in a Star Wars movie! It's totally out of place. If he wants to try and be funny, at least do it with dialogue. The characters in The Phantom Menace were way underdeveloped, and instead of fleshing these caricatures out a little, he has dumb-a s s Jar Jar tripping over stuff and being annoying. The main purpose of the first part of any trilogy is to introduce your characters. And my two favorite got killed! Maul and Qui Gon! ( I bet Maul will be back though! They didn't call it the Clone war for nothing! ) But you can be sure that George will keep that fake-looking clumsy, annoying Jar Jar around for all three movies! Obi Wan, you're my only hope! When I was 6, I didn't need any bad comic relief to get into Empire! Neither did anyone else. The kiddies always have Ewok Adventures! But with the beautiful visuals, epic story and fast pace, Lucas shouldn't have to resort to his sorry attempt at comedy to appeal to the 'younger' audience. And what happened to the alien languages that gave the original trilogy so much flavor? Replaced with ethnic and racial english! Why not have the Ewoks talk like they're from the hood? That would fit in with Lucas's tasteless attempts at comedy, as well as do a good job at offending people! Overall, however I am a diehard Star Wars fan. I think that Lucas has a brilliant imagination that has taken millions of people far, far away. It's just that he needs to realize his limitations. Stay away from the comedy! Or at least get some help with it. Your ideas are brilliant! But your not a very good director. I've come to expect it from you though, and because Star Wars has had such an effect on me, I'll forgive you. And after all, isn't a movie just a way to get away from things for a couple hours? The Phantom Menace does a good job at this. But the original trilogy took me away for much longer than a couple hours, and perhaps that's why I feel a little disapointed. And all sarcasm aside, you really should kill-off Jar Jar. You have to realize by now that he was a mistake, and that 80 - 90% of people who saw this movie did NOT like Jar Jar. Pleeeaasse take him out of the next two - I'm begging.
Rating:  Summary: Welcome back to my world! Review: To an extent it is agreeable with the initial criticism that the long awaited prequel lacks depth, maturity and the unique quality of character found in episodes IV, V and VI. Nevertheless, the very feat of bringing us back to the Star Wars universe in such authenticity after a twenty year gap, can only be applauded. George Lucas has without doubt satisfied his own minions of fans whilst encapturing the millions of young imaginations who were deprived of the previous three outings. This film is in no way a masterpiece, but is a standing prophecy of the completion of a six part masterpiece. May the mystique of the JEDI live on!