Rating:  Summary: 2 ½ stars ------ It looks like Lucas may have lost his magic Review: This movie was almost --- almost ------- as disappointing as "Pearl Harbor." Both are mere shadows of what they could have been had more attention been devoted to the crafting and telling of the story and less concern been devoted to making easy to digest summer blockbusters.By any real standard, "The Phantom Menace" doesn't belong as a part of the Star Wars family of movies. The choice of actors is off the mark. The fight scenes and action sequences are not nearly as thoughtfully staged as they were in the original trilogy. And worst of all, the storytelling is flat. Keen storytelling with good special effects trumps a thin story and excellent special effects every time. The latter is what makes a summer blockbuster. The former is what makes a classic. My hope is that Lucas will invest more time into refining the storytelling in Episode II and obsess less over the CGI and pyrotechnics. On a similar note, less of the hyperactive shifting back and forth between action scenes and smoothing out the editing and letting the scenes evolve a bit more slowly would also be improvements that would serve Episode II well. But that may not be much of a consideration or possibility in light of how much the average attention span in our society has shrunk in the 25 or so years since the first Star Wars. Bottom line: Episode One was shoddy.
Rating:  Summary: I HATE THIS STUPID MOVIE! Review: This movie was an outrage to the Star Wars saga. How did Mr. Lucas even release this terrible piece of film. Jar Jar MUST DIE. He was terrible, I missed half the movie because I could not understand one word that he said. Anakin MUST DIE AS WELL. What a terrible actor! How could George Lucas think that he was even acceptable. This torrid excuse for art is money in Mr. Lucas' pocket, he must be stopped. I can not believe that anyone liked this movie! What is our movie world coming to? I HATE THIS MOVIE!
Rating:  Summary: I didn't quite suffer too much but........ Review: This movie was awful. The reason I didn't suffer too much is because it did have some good visuals and special effects. That was all this film had that was good. The acting was the worst in years. The story was non-exsistent. Did we even care about any of the characters? And as for the worst of all the villains. They were unintersting and not even worth disliking. This movie was a waste of a lot of money (not just mine) and it seems as it were forced. It does not even deserve the name of star wars.
Rating:  Summary: More imagination than a dial tone Review: this movie was dull, flat, tedious, unimaginative, badly acted, and just not entertaining. You have to be a serious Star Wars fan to like this..I mean it was awful..I recently have seen an interview with george lucas from the 1980's in which he stated (at the making of The Empire Strikes Back) that his heart was gone out of this trilogy , he just wanted to get it over with and the only reason he is making the next 2 films is because he promised they would be made..and it showed The Empire strikes Back is so cheesy and plastic I find it comical..so why did he make this movie 20 years later? For commercial reasons, his heart isn't in it and sorry folks George Lucas is not an imaginative person, well maybe as imaginative as Dr. Suess...please
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: This Movie was excellent! Im so glad they made it different than the other ones. Dont get me wrong, the others were great to but why would I want to see the same stuff over and over again, the cast (especially Natialie Portman) really apealed to me! And the Special Effects are awesome, who goes to a Star Wars movie for a good story any way? GIVE ME A BREAK!
Rating:  Summary: Still Part of the "Star Wars" Family Review: This movie was excellent; judged on it's own account. Yes, there may be a character or two whom we do not like, but it is still "Star Wars" in all its glory. It is refreshing to know that there is still hope for the science fiction media realm. A savior from all the "monsters are coming to kill us, and take over our world just because it is there" movies that we are constantly forced to swallow. Thank you Mr. Lucas for giving us worlds we would LIKE to visit, and even if Jar Jar is obnoxious, I'm sure there are plenty of us out here that would love to go to the Gungan city for a visit. Beautiful special fx, and there is still a story line, proof that it can be done, and is being done. This will always have a place in my video library.
Rating:  Summary: Great Review: This movie was great...
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars Episode 1: The Phantom Menace Review: This movie was HORRIBLE!! It will never live up to all the attention that it got. Quite possibly the worst movie of 1999. It was really bad because it didn't have any good plots in it at all. Even the special effects weren't great. I was yawning and almost fell asleep within the first half hour and that situation didn't change much for the whole movie. And the title, The Phantom Menace??? Yeah, I'm really sure everyone figured that out. And the title for the next movie in the series?? Attack of the Clones. That title is reason enough for me not to see that most likely horrible follow-up to this unbearable-to-watch movie. I plead with my life to you-PLEASE DON'T SEE THIS MOVIE!!! It's so bad that you will feel guilty about seeing it. I still can't believe that I didn't get up and leave during the movie. Even though I was in another state watching the movie, I would have happily hitchhiked all the way home. You want another reason not to see this movie?? BAD ACTING. The kid who played Darth Vader as a child (do we really need to see Darth Vader as a child?) is the worst child actor and shouldn't be acting. It is so obvious that this movie was made solely for the publicity. The "real" Star Wars movies were made to be masterpieces and they are masterpieces and this piece of trash only makes those movies look bad (as well as the so-called actors in the movie). Do not waste your time and money on this movie. Go out and rent a movie worth seeing. And if you can't get rid of the urge to see this movie and do give in, I hope your intelligence won't be hurt too much but it definitely will be. Trust me. Seeing this movie is one of the things that I most regret doing in my whole life.
Rating:  Summary: I am one disappointed Star Wars fan... Review: This movie was not even nearly as good as the oringinal Star Wars. While Episode I did have some great special effects and good animation, the sense of humor was an overkill. I hated Jar-Jar, who I thought was just another horrible comical addition to make this movie a joke. What were the directors thinking when they used those pathetic-looking droids as troops against Queen Amidala's army? The storm-troopers were much more serious--and they had better costumes. I feel that now George Lucas has the ability to develop his creativity more (due to the changes in technology) he appears to be focusing too much on the visual effects and animation, thus abandoning the potential for character development. From my point of view, I do believe that they had the right actors for this movie, but they could have given them better lines and a more sensible portrayal of their feelings. For those of you that have seen the oringinal Star Wars trilogy, they did a great job of the characterization--and there was nothing overly humorous about them. They did a good job with Luke--who was torn between his feelings for his long-lost father and saving his friends, along with the Force. What I saw in this movie wasn't even remotely like that. However, I will say that the way they portrayed Anakin was good. Even though he was only a kid, I could definetly see him becoming Vader in the future. He was very strong with the Force, but he had an aggressiveness to him--which makes it understandable as to why Yoda objected to him becoming a Jedi. Anyway, I hope that Lucas does a better job in the next movie. I'm all for the special effects and animation, but I hope he cuts back on the childish humor and focus more on the main characters. While I don't expect it to be as compelling as Star Wars, I do hope it's more dramatic than this one.
Rating:  Summary: AUESOME! Review: This movie was one of the bast movie ever. This movie never had a boring part. The thing i really liked about this movie was there was a buch of problems. Not just one big one. It wasn't just about Darth Maul. One problem was to get Anackin free. Another was to get Anackin to be a jedi. There were others that was just two. I just want you to know that if you somehow still havent seen this movie go out and buy it.