Rating:  Summary: Awesome DVD! Review: Although the movie didn't quite live up to my expectations dialogue wise, the action and graphics were incredible. Jar-Jar was a bad idea, but George Lucas (the writer/director) wanted a...character to appeal to the children. The DVD's extras are awesome! It has behind the scenes, deleted scenes, and extras galore. I rate the movie 4 stars, and the DVD itself 5 stars which in essence rates it as 4.5 stars. It's an awesome DVD. BUY IT NOW!
Rating:  Summary: Not my favorite, but great! Review: Although The Phantom Menace is not The Empire Strikes Back, I don't think it deserved a lot of the flack it received when it first opened. There was some funny dialogue, and while the scenic graphics were best seen in the theater, I thought the computer-generated characters actually translated better to the small screen. With good performances (especially by Ewan McGregor and Natalie Portman), and a cool, double light-saber weilding villain, The Phantom Menace makes a great beginning to the Star Wars saga.
Rating:  Summary: Disappointing, but still worth owning. Review: Although this DVD is packed with goodies, looks great, and I am a Star Wars fan, the movie itself is disappointing. If you are expecting the same caliber storytelling from George Lucas as before, you are in for quite a surprise! Jar-Jar Binks is the most annoying character, and some of the storyline is a bit hard to swallow. Yes, one should suspend their beliefs when watching science fiction, but this was too much! The future Lord Vader as a kid yelping "Whoopie" was just plain silly! Granted he IS only a kid, but let's face it, the Ewoks were more appealing!!!On the other hand, the sets, costumes, pod race, and Darth Maul make it tolerable and still worth owning. Too bad he had to die off, Darth Maul is one of Lucas' best bad guys! Hopefully the next episode will be better!
Rating:  Summary: Simply breath-taking Review: Although this movie is much more comercial than the original triology, and with much less "wisdom", the special effects are breath-taking, the set-ups are great, as well as the music, costumes and characters. Some parts are slow, but the movie is worth it, I'm a Star Wars fan, and I wasn't dissapointed at all, I think George Lucas did a great job, as well as the ILM.
Rating:  Summary: A good movie, but has its issues Review: Although this was a good movie overall, there were many things that just made me wonder if Lucas is taking drugs. 1) No DVD until all the movies are done? Why not release E1 now on DVD and re-release all the episodes again later with the features he intended? People tell me Lucas isn't in it for the money anymore cause he has a ton of money, but it seems like he's pretty greedy to me. 2) Mostly bad acting. Neeson and McGregor seemed to have no emotions, but they acted MUCH better than Natalie Portman and especially Jake Lloyd ("Wow, this is tense!"). Bad script, bad acting. 3) I don't think C3PO and R2D2 should have been in the movie. Anakin as the creator of C3PO is a really lame idea. Obi-Wan meeting R2D2/C3PO here would have meant he already knew them in Episode 4, but we all know he really DIDN'T know them in Episode 4. Darth Vader didn't know them either. The only really good things about this movie was the special effects, the Jedi battles, and Darth Maul (scary character even though he wasn't shown much and didn't say anything). Pod race was OK. This movie was also too much of a little kid movie compared to the other episodes, thanks to Jar Jar and Anakin.
Rating:  Summary: Excellent! Review: An all around excellent movie. The only flaw I saw in The Phantom Menace was Jar Jar Binks. George if you every read this, PLEASE leave out Jar Jar Binks in Episode II & III. Otherwise a truely awesome film. The Lightsaber duel at the end of the movie cannot be beat. Excellent!
Rating:  Summary: obi is the kewlest! see the new star wars! Review: An excellant movie for us teens.it has love,adventure,and nice guys. obi wan was the kewlest.i don't know the actors name who plays him but he was cute and had skillz. me and my friends saw this at the theatere and loved the pod race best. the sfx were awesome, never better. the action was super, very exciting. dont you be a loser and check the new star wars out. i sure did! *~bye~* (:pUNk rAwK ChiCkz ruLe:)
Rating:  Summary: Exciting, energetic, and visual. Review: An extraordinary picture which follows the journey of the young Anakin Skywalker (Vader) and Obi Wan Kanobi. Very exciting with great visual effects. Story is not as good as A New Hope or Empire Strikes Back; however, the acting is not as bad as what the critics have said. The fight sequence between the Jedis and Darth Maul is spectacular; better than Luke vs. Vader or any duel (light saber, sword, or otherwise). The pod race is also very fast-paced and exciting. Definitely worth buying, especially if you are a fan of the Star Wars epic.
Rating:  Summary: Visually Stunning, But... Review: An older time, a different society.... I would like to give "The Phantom Menace" the benefit of the doubt and say that the characters were boring because it was a more stolid age (like the Romans under the Stoics). That might make sense, because Star Wars is derived from Asimov's Foundation series, which is based on "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" by Edward Gibbon, which is an actual history of the fall of Rome. As Rome moved from civilization to barbarism, its manners changed from being more rigid to being more passionate, chaotic, and violent. That's my "good" spin on Phantom Menace; and how many of you just got bored reading about Roman history? I rest my case. TPM is more like a dramatic recreation of history, like one of those Civil War reenactments. You have a general idea of what's happening or what's going to happen, and you admire the pageantry of it all, but are you really MOVED by it? It all depends on your attachment to the material, I suppose. Look, we all went into this film KNOWING that Han, Luke, and Leia were not going to be there. But we expected the same sort of magic, energy, and passion, didn't we? Yet it wasn't there. Anakin is annoying. Amidala remains poised throughout. Ewan McGregor is nowhere near as interesting as Alec Guinness. The most Qui-Gonn does is smart off to his bosses. Darth Sidious just talks. Darth Maul practically DOESN'T talk. So where does that leave us? With a very beautiful, slightly long prologue to a trilogy we all loved that did not live up to its potential. When I wrote the words above, Episode II had not come out yet. My feelings for this film have changed slightly. Compared to Attack of the Clones, The Phantom Menace is at least charming in some way. Star Wars II is nowhere near so kind, and it lacks the worthy presence of Liam Neeson. I can at least sit through this film again without yelling at the screen for skipping (much). It still takes too long to build to its conclusion--too much talky-talk and not enough grab-your-lightsaber-and-go--and thus it does not live up to its original lineage. One can always hope for better things in Episode III, but I'm not holding my breath.
Rating:  Summary: Give Ed Wood Millions of dollars... Review: and a huge ego, backed by millions of people telling you how amazing you are, and you get The Phantom Menace, one of the worst films ever put onto celluloid. Everything about this movie is pure garbage, from the 3rd grade reading-level script, the ludicrous plot lines, flat cardboard characters, everything. Phantom Menace isn't about not living up to the hype, it's about being pure cinematic tripe. Hmmm, Lord of the Rings certainly had a lot of hype behind it, and Peter Jackson is a real director, who can actually make real movies. George Lucas has spent the last 25 years hiding from the fact he is incapable of recreating Star Wars, and now he finally believes the hype, that he has some talent. What a shame. Here's an idea, hire REAL directors with skill and talent to direct your big-budget movies. It worked in ESB, why not here. Oh that's right, Mr. Lucas' ego! Don't waste your money on the DVD version of this, want something pretty to look at with zero substance, look at a fashion magazine. You'll get more out of it.