Rating:  Summary: An Awesome Film Review: the film Phantom Menace was just beyond the original films. The special effects were way advanced,the script should of had better dialouge, none of the less this film was the best film from Star Wars. But still it doesn't capture the essence of the first three films.
Rating:  Summary: VHS Brings the Film Down Review: The film was great in theaters, but the fact that it isn't on DVD yet automaticaly brings the movie down to just being a good movie. When the DVD comes out my rating will change, especially since Lucas should have enough time to put in as many special features as possible on the DVD, like the music video to "Dual of Fates" and the making of Episode I. Hope some of you enjoy the movie just fine on VHS, but for me I rather own the DVD.
Rating:  Summary: From a 20 year Star Wars collector Review: The film was great, but it is the least favorite of the four. Why? Jar Jar Binks! I have no idea what George was thinking on that one. We needed more Darth Maul. George, DO NOT bring Jar Jar back for episode 2.
Rating:  Summary: The Force behind the Phantom Menace Review: The first impression of Episode I might be of the level of sheer cinematic excellence, but the true majesty behind the Phantom Menace goes beyond just a pretty face. No, this isn't the Star Wars of twenty years ago, nor should it be. Episode I elegantly keeps a sequel prequel from being more of just the same, while laying down the tantalizing hints of what we all know is to come later. I highly recommend adding this piece to any home movie collection.
Rating:  Summary: Where it all began................... Review: The first in the three part prequel trilogy in the incredible and groundbreaking Star Wars is a starting point of where all of the events of the entire Star Wars began. The story begins in the Galactic republic headed by a mysterious named Queen Padme Amidala. The start of the rebel forces start to take shape in this Chapter in the Star Wars prequel with Padme's position of senator being jeopardized by the increasing rebel activity and the threat of galaxies breaking away from Amidala's republic. Also an Evil Trade Federation is also planning to take over her home planet Naboo. An organization called the Jedi Knights sends in a young Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn on a diplomatic but they don't realize that they are heading into a trap set up by Darth Sidious who's plotting to take over the republic and now a battle is about to begin as they now wage a diplomatic and military war against Sidious to stop his malicious plans and repel his droid warrior forces. During the course as we all know, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon meet a young boy named Anakin Skywalker, and they want him to train him to become a Jedi Knight but Yoda objects believing that Anakin is a serious danger to the Jedi and the galactic republic. They also meet a mind numbingly loquacious amphibian being named Jar Jar Binks. While I don't necessarily dislike Binks nearly as much as most others, I thought that he was incredibly annoying on some occasions and almost felt like an extra character from a rejected kids cartoon show put onto Star Wars compared to the rest of the characters. On the other hand though, Jar Jar makes up for it though with some funny moments on an otherwise dark movie and is almost like the extreme opposite to the two main villains Darth Sidious and Darth Maul. The latter was a bit disappointing to me. It's not that Maul was one dimensional or showing little or no malice, quite the contrary, it's disappointing that THERE WAS NOT ENOUGH OF DARTH MAUL!!! I expected more of a role from him than what I expected. For that reason, I can't help but say that that was the main disappointment that I had with this movie thus taking a star off the ratings. Darth Maul though during the moments the spotlight focused on him, was awesome and the face definitely shows the extreme malice that he had in him. I even remember being Darth Maul for Halloween a few years ago but let's not change the subject of the review. Darth Maul though was one of the best characters on the movie and came off intelligent and evil and not just a background character. If "Phantom Menace" becomes forgotten in the distant future, Darth Maul though will be remembered. Padme Amidala, the one with the fancy Asian-style make-up, actually is a special decoy used by the real one who is played by Natalie Portman. I actually liked the fancy decoy version better as she looked more like a leader but the real one isn't bad either. Young Anakin Skywalker though was one of the best kid characters on a movie that I've seen in a long time, showing lots of bravery for someone so young. It's kind of odd how a 9 year old Anakin could actually build a racing pod vehicle! I thought that Jack Lloyd did a great job playing the young Anakin Skywalker. All of the surviving characters would improve on "Attack Of The Clones". R2-D2 and C-3PO also meet and began their long friendship. This might sound odd but R2-D2 and 3PO, I've always liked more than most of the human characters in "Phantom Menace". To tell you the truth, I even like Jar Jar Binks too at times despite his sometimes highly bumbling character performances. There is quite a bit of mumbo jumbo in the movie and it tends to sink the movie down a bit but the special effects though are absolutely stunning and stupendous, thus making up for the unnecessary mumbo jumbo. The battle scenes I thought were awesome to watch and lifted this movie off the ground of mediocrity. The sceneries and numerous landscapes though are visually stunning and the Senate Room was a visual feast. The Pod Race was probably one of the best sci-fi action movie scenes that I've seen in many years at the time of this movie's release. Even so though, "Phantom Menace" suffers from poor plot development in some occasions and even some downright bumbling moments and these render it more for the Die-Hard Star Wars fans. I had relatively low expectation of this movie but despite being quite flawed and occasionally silly, it turned out to be a great movie and the opening chapter of Anakin's descent into the dark side. Still though, even I cannot deny that this was slightly disappointing in some areas. It's nowhere near the heights of the Episodes IV, V, & VI and even "Attack Of The Clones" was better but this movie could've been much, MUCH worse but overall, despite the major flaws to it, this is not a bad Star Wars movie. I think of it as more of a large bag of potato chips or popcorn and a can of soda as opposed to a mind-blowing epic masterpiece like the original three. "Phantom Menace" could've used better plot development and greater roles from Darth Maul but for the first chapter though, it's more like lying down of the foundation of the next five episodes. This movie only scratches the surface of what was to come on the Episode II and the cataclysmic events that'll become the backbone of Episode III! Overall though, "Phantom Menace" once it's finished will leave you hungry for more. Not a bad job from Mr. Lucas. I simply say that this is a great and astonishing movie, plain and simple!
Rating:  Summary: Star Wars Makes an Excellent Comeback Review: The first in the trilogy were and will be the best, the technology used back then was the best, and now we have come by computer aniimation, and it seems that this costs more than it did back when they had no computer special effects, star wars will always be a deep though in everyone that watched it, these movies will live on for a long time.... even though everyone hates Jar Jar!
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie, just not legendary Review: The first three Star Wars movies are legendary. They are timeless classics that have a cult following. That brings us to the fourth episode in the series Phantom Menace. This was a very well done movie with a great story of how Anakin Skywalker and OB Won Kanobi first meet. The special effects were wonderful, Even Jar Jar Binks. I may be in the minority but I felt Jar Jar actually added to the movie. Just as in all stories the beginning is the slowest, it is where characters need to be developed so the story is usually slow. It is an important part of the story but the movie just doesn't reach that legendary level of the previous three. On the DVD the extras are worth the purchase. There is a sit down interview with George Lucas which is very rare since he does not do a lot of interviews and he gives you a behind the scenes look at how they made the movie. I still recomend this for anyone who likes the Star Wars movies or is a sci-fi fan.
Rating:  Summary: No attempt at creating a believable world Review: The first three Star Wars movies created a believable fictional universe, then filled it with complex, likable characters and a strong plot. This movie, supposedly based in the same fictional world, has fat CGI creatures that fly around on tiny wings, floppy, stretchy creatures with undersized joints and oversized appendages, and spacecraft that look as if you'd break a piece off if you bumped into them in a docking bay. It's also got a little kid who can fly a space fighter better than the adult masters of the original movies. AND he's got a magical luck surrounding him which deflects all harm and makes his enemies clumsy. Don't forget the battle fought with ridiculous blue globs of goo. The special effects, with the exception of the blue globs, were on par with other modern sci-fi movies. The plot was dismal. Characters often did not make believable choices, and events bounced between confusing and illogical. Of course, Jar Jar topped it all off. He projected no screen presence, and couldn't "act" worth a damn. CGI is no excuse -- I've seen plenty of "real" animated characters. And, of course, he is SO irritating I find myself grinding my teeth. Unfortunately, he got a lot of screen time, often upstaging the far more enjoyable actors. I give it two stars because although the movie was awful, the DVD did contain plenty of features.
Rating:  Summary: Every Story Has A Beginning... Some Are Better Than Others Review: The first time I saw a preview for this movie, I was extremely psyched. The pod race, the double-bladed lightsaber, and the subtitles, which stirred up many emotions in me. I couldn't wait to see this movie. Then I did. I must say this: I liked it. I definitely do not have the same respect for this one as I do for the original trilogy, but I liked it. Although I did think that Jake Lloyd could have acted better, and that Jar Jar was a little exuberant. Anyway, years before the time of the Empire, there was the Old Republic. Each intelligent species would have a Senator on Coruscant, the capitol planet, later featured as Leia and Han's home when they become leaders of the New Republic. The Trade Federation have decided to blockade a small peaceful planet, but their intentions are unknown. We soon learn that they are not behind it, but a Sith Lord named Darth Sidious. The Sith were a group of Jedis who used their power for evil, but they eventually killed themselves. Now, there are only two left: Darth Sidious and his apprentice, Darth Maul. The Supreme Chancellor of the Senate dispatches two Jedi to help the planet Naboo in this ordeal, but when they rescue the Queen, they are forced to land on Tatooine, a desert planet. They are stranded, and their only hope is a young boy named Anakin Skywalker. He wins money for them in a race, and they are able to leave, but Qui-Gon Ginn decides to take Anakin with them because he believes that he has great potential to become a Jedi. When they get to Coruscant, the Senator from Naboo, Palpatine (the future Emporor), informs them that the Chancellor will be unable to help them, and suggests that the Queen rally that the election for Chancellor be moved up. When everyone gets back to Naboo, they all learn how to stop the Trade Federation, and each person has a different role. The two Jedi get sidetracked, and must duel with Darth Maul. For the most part, this movie was good, but it was more of a kid's movie than the others. Rest assured, Episode II will return to the old format. Also, as I said, Jar Jar and Jake Lloyd were the two biggest faults, and also, there is a scene where the Queen reveals a secret about her identity, and she could have waited for a more intense moment to tell everyone. But I still liked it, and I plan on seeing the next two, which will be more like the originals.
Rating:  Summary: It could be worse... Review: The first time I saw this film (in the theatre), I was greatly disappointed, but when it came out on video I rented it to see if it would grow on me if I watched it a couple more times. I don't know that I can say it GREW on me, but it did get better. Still, Lucas should have done a lot more script-polishing, left out the "kiddie"-oriented elements (this is too much like a corny Saturday morning cartoon), and spread around some of the creative control over the film. This is HIS baby all the way; he's a little bit rusty and it shows. The gungans aren't that bad, but there are times when you'd give anything for a translator. I had more of a problem with Lucas' "midi-chlorians". Microscopic organisms living inside every living being, cluing them into the presence of the Force (or not) depending on how many of them a particular individual has in his or her system? This makes it sound like all of the Jedi Knights have raging cases of interstellar psychic herpes or something. Give me a break. Also, the young Anakin Skywalker is TOO young. If Queen Amidala decides to get together with him in the next film, she COULD be looking at some jail time. Having all of the other characters calling the future Darth Vader "Ani" was another point of annoyance. I was half expecting Daddy Warbucks to show up. That, or for somebody onscreen to break into a performance of "Tomorrow"...