Rating:  Summary: Loved it! Review: I agree with all these reviews that this movie was amazing! If you have not seen it, BUY IT NOW! The movie has such an amazing heart and it pains me that more people didn't see it in the theaters. This movie ranks as one of my favorites.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie Review: This is a great movie no matter what other critics say. When it was released critics gave it bad reviews except for a few. The concept behind the movie is great, those other critics don't know what they are missing. It is very Matrix esque, but is much better in my opinion. The story is very compelling, and it is full of action. Anyone who likes action movies should see this. Gun-kata is so awesome.
Rating:  Summary: Simply one of the best movies I ever saw!!!! Review: I just finished watching Equilibrium and let me tell u, i am absolutely blown away by it. Made me sit down and writing my first review ever. This is really one of the best Movies I ever saw. Really strong acting, especially Christian Bale , a very good story and these incredible fighting scenes which were really really awesome. Sad that this movie didn't get the attention it deserved, sometimes its really strange to see which movies are busting the block and which are not. If u liked Gattaca and The Matrix (in that order) this is the movie for u. Check it out, u won't regret it.
Rating:  Summary: Equilibrium Review: When I went to go see this movie with friends, I had no clue as to what it was about. Someone said, "It's like the Matrix, but not." That perked my interest. So I went, but mostly just to hang with my friends.Beautiful Moving I can think of no better words to use for this film. It was a rather low-budget, but you wouldn't really notice it while you're watching it. They were able to make the movie in such a why as to NOT be expensive. Most of the sets are monochrome, yet sleek. So why does it work so well? The basic plot of the movie is this: Humans are an emotional creature, strong emotions lead to hate, hate leads to war, thus emotion is the enemy of mankind. Ruled by a "benevolent" dictator, the city pumps itself full of a drug that suppresses emotion. A special type of law-enforcers, called "Clerics", police the citizens for items with "Emotional Content". Objects like artwork, books of poetry, perfume, things with color and decoration. The overall plot is pretty predictable, but that doesn't lessen the movie in any way. The most moving scene is when you watch the Star, Christian Bale, begin to "feel" for the first time. I sat in my seat and cried. And the action sequences were something to drool over. This is probably the first movie that I've watched that satisfied both my Action/Fighting craving along with my desire for good Drama. If you haven't seen it, GO SEE IT! It's worth the drive, it's worth the rental, it's worth BUYING! You WILL NOT regret it.
Rating:  Summary: NOT A MATRIX RIP OFF Review: This movie is packed with action and has a great, new look on an old plot with tons of twists to always keep you guessing. If you like action movies, see this movie. If you like martial arts movies, see this movie. If you like guns, SEE THIS MOVIE!!! You are gonna hear alot about how this movie is a Matrix rip-off, but it's not true at all. Just because they use guns, martial arts, and wear all black automatically makes it a rip-off? There is NO wire fighting and NO bullet-time which made the Matrix. Sure the movie poster looked a little like the one the Matrix used, but big deal. The only things that really links this movie to the Matrix are the trenchcoats and the awesome fight sequences (in my opinion, Equilibrium has faster paced action).
Rating:  Summary: Best action movie since The Matrix Review: Forget what the people who gave this movie bad reviews said. This is movie was a limited release in theatres, ... Dont get me wrong, The Matrix is absolutely one of the best movies i have ever seen, but this surpasses the Matrix in its style. It has a good plot, that will keep you entertained in the non-fighting scenes, and the fighting scenes get better througout the movie. By the end of this movie you will be blown away, at how amzingly well made, and how satisfiing it is.
Rating:  Summary: A great film, deserving of more credit then it recieved Review: The Matrix was a great film, but in many respects it has come to represent to modern viewers all that is modern and innovative in the realm of fight cinematography. What was in actuality the logical culmination of years of HK cinema coupled with the power of the computer age of film-making has become an figurehead of innovation to the narrow-minded movie-going public. While the Matrix will always be one of my favorite movies, in this respect it has prevented films which also take the same logical step from gaining any widespread support. Equilibrium is one such film that has suffered under The Matrix's shadow. This film, because of its use of martial arts inspired, CG-aided gunplay has been cast aside by most critics as a Matrix clone. This label does this film a great disservice. As if wrenched straight from the pages of 1984, A Brave New World, and Fahrenheit 451, the story of Equilibrium is pure, unapologetic science fiction. While the plot is obviously somewhat derivitve in premise, the cast grants the film a great deal of legitimacy with their performances. Particularly of note are the performances of Christian Bale (American Psycho, Reign of Fire), and Angus McFadyen (Braveheart, Titus). Bale's captivating transition from the haunting detachment of his drug induced complacency to the passionate recognition of the true value of feeling is brilliant, and perfectly brings to the fore the message of the film. The fight sequences of the film are nothing short of amazing. In start contrast to the drawn out encounters of The Matrix, the fights scenes in Equilibrium seem as if they last only a few seconds. However, Wimmer managed to pack some of the most explosive fighting seen in a film into those few seconds. The on-screen explanation of the martial arts form employed by the clerics, called Gun-Kata, was a nice added touch. It allows viewers to suspend their disbelief much more easily when witnessing a single man dispatch a room full of foes. The Bottom Line: A great movie. Its one of those films that you feel special for seeing and enjoying just because you know everyone else missed out on it. Solid acting on all fronts and great fight scenes come together to make the best movie nobody saw.
Rating:  Summary: Absolutely fantastic! Review: Equilibrium didn't seem to go down too well here in the UK, for some weird reason. This movie is an absolute must for any fan of sci-fi/fantasy. Although I originally only wanted to see it because it had Sean Bean in it (yeah, I'm a fan, so sue me :P) I found myself glued to my seat for the entire show and went back to see it over and over in every spare minute I had. I'm eagerly awaiting it on DVD. If you're reading my review, you'll probably go on to read or will already have read the ones giving you a rundown of the story, so I won't bore you with that here (besides, why watch it if you know what's going to happen :P) but suffice it to say that Equilibrium is a fast, gripping movie that'll have you on the edge of your seats and keep you guessing until the last minute. There are one or two particularly nice parts; the fight in the Nether, the raid in Sector 7 and the shootout at the end in that big hallway (you'll understand when you watch it) but Equilibrium is probably the best movie I've seen in a long time.
Rating:  Summary: The worst movie I've seen this year Review: Once again, I see a poor movie, and then come on Amazon to see scores of people who have writeen a briliant review of it. This is undeniably a rip off of the Matrix, an obvious cash in on a cult movie, but then again, I guess it was only a matter of time before that happened. Now I was actually hoping to be pleasantly surpirsed by Equilibrium, as the storyline seemed to be a very promising one. Set in the future in the aftermath of World War 3, a drug is given to people to keep their emotions stable, with the thought being that it is emotions that account for wars beginning in the first place, thus eliminating them would rid the world of war altogether. But one person forgets to take the drug, and so it goes... But it seems the storyline is only good thing about this film, as it drags on to become a total bore. It's main weakness being the action sequences, good on effects, but completely ridiculous on realisation, as we see one man wipe out a gang of twenty or so other men time and time again. The scenes are corny, and I found myself laughing at the stupidity of them countless times. There were only about ten people in the whole cinema when I went (which figures) including my friends, and even they, who had been eagerly awaiting it admitted afterwards that it was bad to the point of being laughable, so I honestly don't know where all these good reviews have been coming from. Then again. there were a few morons in the audience who seemed to be enjoying it, so I suppose they could have come from them . I'm not saying this a truly, truly, awful movie. As I've written in my title, it is the worst movie I have seen this year. I'm sure there have been worse ones than this, but I wouldn't know because I only try to watch quality movies. But compared to the rest I have seen this year, this is definitely the worst.
Rating:  Summary: "A Brave New World" & "Fahrenheit 451" Review: For those who werent fortunate to read these classics, i suggest you do, and then watch such a great moive as "Equilibrium". Its a perfect reason why "utopian" societies fail, because the idea of reason and thought... It is the definition of the color blue - to a blind person. It is the defining moment of a song to a deaf person... It is the reason why we are what we are, who we are, and what we are to become.