Rating:  Summary: One of the Greatest Love Stories Ever Review: Christopher Reeve gives one of his best and most heartfelt performances in SOMEWHERE IN TIME. Starting in 1980 he attempts to return to 1912 to revisit (unknown to him) his true love played by Jane Seymour. Jeannot Szwarc directed the film with an effective screenplay by Richard Matheson (of Twilight Zone fame). This movie is high on emotion in great part due to John Barry's unforgettable score. Once you see this film you will never forget it.
Rating:  Summary: Somewhere in Time Review: My husband and I fell in love with this movie when it first came out. We've watched it so many times that we knew we had to go on the "Somewhere in Time" weekend that is held at the end of each October on Mackinac Island at the Grand Hotel. It is one of the most romantic weekends conceiveable. We met most of the cast, director and producers. We highly recommend this movie followed by a weekend at the Grand Hotel for a real treat
Rating:  Summary: Lovey-dovey, mushy stuff, plus time travel travel! Review: I first saw it on TV. at age 5. It was one of those late night movies they show on the weekends. I had the chicken pox which allowed me the privilege to stay up late. At first, I had no interest in the movie because I was (and still is) an action/adventure type movie go'er. Yet, the idea of time travel had its appeal and drew me in. (Also due to the fact, that I couldn't reach the remote control!) So, I watched the movie and I actually enjoyed it. (Although, the ending was a bit tragic.) Thus, "Somewhere in Time" became on of my favorite mushy, lovey-dovey, chick-flicks! The plot is rather simple(heh heh). A guy meets a mysterious old lady in the present (well during the 1970's). She gives the guy something and tells him to "Come back to her!" The guy is like what the '----' who is this chick (paraphrasing here) and like whatever!. Some years later, the guy gets dumped (I think?) and is suffering from play writer's block. So, the man goes to a nice hotel that was there since the early 1900's for inspiration for his play. The hotel--incidentally--has a history museum and the guy decides look around. Then low and behold, the dude sees a picture of this bodacious babe. He finds out that the chick in the pic was non-other than the mysterious old lady that he met years ago! Like totally weird! The guy gets totally obsessed with the bodacious babe in the picture and tries to find out anything and everything about her. This does not help cease his 'thing' for this girl and he wants to be with her. Question is, how? She's long gone and in the past while he is stuck in the 80's. Hmmm, well time travel seems like a good (but whacked) idea! So, our love sick playwright opposes all the laws of classical physics--without a Dalorian (sp?? Back to the Future)and his "Superman" powers (the 'reverse the earth's rotation thingy')--in order to be with the love of his life! The rest of the story is pretty much history. I don't want to give too much away (probably did)to those who have not watch the movie! Yeah, story is a bit corny (and vague) at times, but it has its 'oh that was so romantic' parts in it that would sweep anyone off his/her feet. The actors and actresses in this movie did a good job in their roles. Christopher Reeves was charming and fit his character well. Also, Jane Seymore made and excellent Elise. The costumes that were used were pretty cool (especially Elise's awesome dresses). Plus, for all those Rachmaninof fans out there (like I am), you'll love the score. Hey, Rachmaninof and romance go together and this is a romance flick. So, if you watched the movie and liked it, then kudos for you! Might as well get the movie. Might as well get it on DVD. I did! Also, if you didn't see this movie, then go see it. However, beware of the ending. It is sad. Just as sad as the "City of Angels" chick, that got hit by a truck after getting it on with the cute angel dude! (What an idiot! Sorry that movie just ticks me off! Maybe, I should review it!) Then, after you've seen the movie, write a review for it on Amazon.com. Just like what I'm doing, at 2:02 in the morning, supposedly studying for finals!
Rating:  Summary: Could have been a great one Review: I say this because I think it could have been great but the plot holes are just too large and is it necessary to have Reeves in every frame of the movie? We get very little perspective on Janes character. The plot holes are quite large and I won't even stir up the "well when was the first time he went back for her to have remembered him?", paradox. Ok, why is it after he's tied-up and realises she has left does he fall apart? Doesn't he realise he can just go find her in the next city? I mean he HAS gone through time for 'crise sakes! Hopping a train MAY be easier! Why is it that Janes manager simply has Reeves "tied-up" to be begin with? Doesn't he realise that when Reeves is untied he will simply come looking for Jane? And the whole "You are going to marry me aren't you?", line by Jane at the end of the movie is just nausiatingly unrealistic. Life just doesn't work this way... I'm sorry but not even in the movies. These and many other silly things that just don't add up can be found. And they hit us over the head with "Arthur" and his red ball too. Ok, we get it! Thats the old man from the future! Arthur this and Arthur that, Arthur, Arthur, Arthur! I don't have the new 20th Ann. addition, and all I can say is I hope the transfer is better than the early one on dvd, the picture is quite grainy... so much so that it will make you wonder whether your dvd player is on the fritz! After all is said and done, I like the "idea" generated here. I do like Jane and her managers performance... I like the soundtrack... I like the sets... but honestly the chemistry was flat, and thats the most important part of it all. Ok, Arthur?
Rating:  Summary: Great directing and acting! Review: Perhaps the lead reviewer thinks this is a silly picture, but then most pictures would be silly by his views on things. This is a sort of SciFi picture, a time travel picture, or perhaps the lead character was just dreaming, who knows? Very entertaining and well acted, fine background scenes. A Can't miss picture.
Rating:  Summary: Somewhere In Time Is Timeless Review: Having owned the VHS version of this movie, and having a wonderful wife that searched for the DVD version in every video store we frequented, I was compelled to order her the DVD. I learned a long time ago that pleasing my wife makes life great. Insofar as the movie is concerned: The critics bombed it; the public loved it. They still do. Of the many romantic fantasies on screen, this movie stands alone. It is romantic from beginning to end and, though a bit loose at times, the story fascinates and keeps one's attention. Even for a guy married 20 years, romance is still a nice thing. Seeing my wife enjoy this movie slightly more than I is even nicer. DVD quality is superior over the VHS version. Take a chance and buy the DVD. I think that you will watch it more than once and enjoy it with each viewing. And, not to be rude, I must say that the actors are fascinating and very convincing. Darn those critics, anyway!
Rating:  Summary: Beautiful Film Review: This movie is ten times better than Titanic. I loved the scene where Jane Seymour's character breaks dialogue in her play performance and confesses her love for Christopher Reeve's character..........fascinating!
Rating:  Summary: Forever My Love Review: I'm not exactly a lover of period pieces, but as this movie went on it started to feel as though it was pulling me inside making me a part of it. Laughing when they laughed, crying when they cried. I didn't see the very beginning so the ending caught me off guard. Had I seen it from the start I would have figured it out. I believe that's what made it so enjoyable.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie, Great extras Review: I think enough has been said about the movie Somewhere in Time. You either love it or you hate it. But if you are trying to decide whether to get it on DVD, I can tell you YES emphatically. The documentary into the making of the film runs about an hour, not the usual 10-minute slapped-together documentary found on DVDs. You learn how certain shots were set up, including the famous scene where Christopher Reeve walks past a window, a person inside pulls down a black shade, and in the reflection, you (and Reeve's character) see Elise (Jane Seymour) for the first time. Great and interesting addition to the film.
Rating:  Summary: I keep coming back to this movie. Review: Somewhere in Time is one of those movies that, while primarily set in 1912, is timeless in it's appeal. I have watched this movie innumerable times. It is just one of those magic tales that caught me and has stayed with me ever since. The plot centers on an elderly woman coming to Christopher Reeves's post-production party of a play he has written and giving him a watch and saying 'come back to me'. Who is she, what does she mean? From there, Reeve is off on an adventure that will change his life. In the need of a break from writer's block and a failed relation, Reeve goes to the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island for a night. He sees a picture of an actress of 1912 and is arrested by her and turns to researching her, plowing through the library searching for information. He even finds the woman who was her companion in her final days and learns that there is more to the woman than present day information reveals. A book about traveling through time comes into the mix and Reeve is caught up in the possibility that it presents about going back in time. After more reserach, false starts and frustration, Reeve finally finds himself in 1912 on Mackinac Island and the adventure really starts. The principle actors are excellently casted, Plummer, Reeve and Seymour, but the smaller roles and extras just make the movie that much more entertaining. One charecter, Arthur appears in both the present as a post social security age hotel worker and also as a 5 year old with a tendency to bounce his ball in the hotel lobby in 1912. It is a detail like this that makes the movie appealing. The musical score is a tremendous compliment to the film. Without this score, it might never have made the impact it has over the years. The book from which this movie is adapted is set at the Hotel Del Coronado in San Diego, but I think the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island is better. It is a little misleading since Reeve uses a car to get to the hotel and I recall reading that there are only two vehicles, emergency vehicles, on the island. But that minor point is of no weight to the movie because once you get there, you don't want to leave. I've been to the Hotel Del and just think the setting in the Grand is more in keeping with the film. The whole setting, from Reeves bumpy introduction to the world of 1912 through his abrupt departure, is captivating. His first encounter with a cut throat razor is quite impressive, not to mention Seymour's response to his appearing with a face plastered in toiler paper to stop the blood loss. The constant surveilance from Plummer, of the two, gives a sinister aspect to the film. I'm not sure if I dislike Plummer's charecter as a controlling, manipulative manager or like him as a father-figure interested in making sure his daughter isn't hurt. Each time I see the film, I'm reevaluating Plummer's charecter. Right now, I rather like him, but that may change. The catastrophe which befalls Reeve and Seymour is at once abrupt and almost inevitable. No plan is fool proof and a penny is a small item to affect the lives of all involved, but it does. In all, I found this a film of tremendous appeal. I've seen it countless times and need to get a new tape as the one now is starting to show signs of overuse. I recommend this to anyone with an interest in "what if ..." films. I think part of this film's appeal is that it falls into many categories, drama, romance and science fiction, so it has broad based appeal. This is a fine film, well worth watching and rewatching because you always see something you missed before.