Rating:  Summary: A Heartland Tug at the Heart Review: I've just finished watching the movie as part of a TV Valentine's Day Movie Weekend. It certainly belongs with a group of love and romance movies,and the touch of science fiction won me right away. Did you ever lay in your bed and hope, and dream, that if you really concentrated, you could travel to Mars? I used to do it frequently when I was a teenager, and I guess I never concentrated enough, because I never quite made it to the Red Planet. Well here Christopher Reeve tries and then tries again, to go back to 1912 to be with the every-lovely Jane Seymour, a noted actress from that period. Somehow he succeeds. Bravo on behalf of all romantics and science fiction fans out there! Her manager tries to quench the hot and growing romance between these two,but he not only has to compete with their desire, but with the stately historic hotel in Michigan's Upper Peninsula, and all its trappings. Kind of like the Chicago Cubs trying to get to a World Series. Anyway, see the movie, buy it and cherish it. Today when I saw it I started to think about poor Christopher Reeve, now paralyzed from an accident. I pray that he can overcome that affliction, just like he overcame decades of time to be with the woman he loved. Earl in romantic Northern Alaska
Rating:  Summary: Why My Perspective Is Valuable: Review: In 1980, when this film reached cable TV, I was an insufferably-obnoxious and entirely-nerdy nine-year-old boy. I approached the movie strictly as a fan of time travel (and, obviously, curious to see how "Superman" acted in other films.) I was not interested in girls, and I *certaintly* wasn't interested in romance stories.This film just punched right through all that, through the facade of cynicism and superiority young boys so often affect. It's a true tear-jerker -- rather than "adding" pathos to a mediocre plot, the situation is inherently conflicted. The romance of it is so undeniable, you don't need to be in love (or even BELIEVE in love) to be carried away by this overwhelming story. Having just ordered the DVD, I am recalling the film from memory. I may update this review after a fresh viewing.
Rating:  Summary: The ending I would have liked to have seen. Review: A beautiful love story with a beautiful musical score, unfortunately I never liked the ending which basically had them meeting in heaven, which meant that she still lived a horribly unhappy and lonely life and he died young and unhappy. The ending I would have liked to have seen would have had the penny that returned him to the future 'magically' drop from the bed (after his frustrating attempts to return, failed) and roll out of the room (under the door), then fade onto the picture of her and watch it morph into a picture of THEM, leaving us with the understanding that he returned back in time and they lived happily after after.
Rating:  Summary: Romance or fatal attraction? Review: I saw this movie for the first time when i was about 15 I loved it then thinking it was a great romantic story. However watching it now, i can't help but think of richard's character as a stalker in time. When my husband pointed out how creepy this guy really comes off I couldn't help but laugh at how true that statement really was. First of this guys becomes obsessed with a picture of a woman he doesn't know. Then he travels back in time to follow her around. Not to mention he makes an attempt to ask her out at 6am in the morning. Even when she tries to turn his offer down he refuses to take no for an answer which makes me wonder what would he do if she didn't share his feelings...All in all it ends in such a sad way where one should feel sorry for the poor guy but really he just acts pityful. One could look at the story as part of destiny and just admire the beautiful couple but other than that it really could almost be compared to fatal attraction, the crush or fear. It's kind of funny looking at it that way I at least can't take this film seriously anymore :)
Rating:  Summary: A 'GUY' movie...Better than Terminator. Review: I am offended by the reviewers who have referred to this movie as a "chick flic." I am a guy, with red blood, and I am exclusively heterosexual; yet this movie is my favorite movie. Anyone who doesn't give this movie 5 stars must have never truly kissed a woman. Have you ever kissed a woman, just kissed her gently, and you both were sent high up into the air, even above the clouds, you both could feel your bodies floating up and up and up. Your hand was on HER back, but you could feel that same hand on YOUR back, as if you were her, for that moment. You experienced it both through your own lips, and hers. It was magical. If you HAVE experienced this, you will relate to this movie. If you have NOT experienced this, you are missing out on LIFE... This movie speaks to me on the deepest level of who I am. I consider it so sacred a movie, and unlike any other, that I don't mention its name to my friends. Even the few who have discovered my connection with the movie have been asked by me to not talk about it, even in the most positive terms. Pearls are not meant to be cast before swine, and if you don't keep pearls tightly clenched in your fist, you never know when the swine are around you, which might snatch the pearl.
Rating:  Summary: THE ALCHEMY OF A GRAND ROMANCE. Review: True romantics will love 'Somewhere in Time' with its haunting overtones of other fantasy romances: 'The Ghost and Mrs. Muir', 'Portrait of Jennie' -- and touches of 'Laura' too, with a man falling in love with a portrait. Christopher Reeve and Jane Seymour are perfectly cast in the leads with Christopher Plummer in a memorable supporting role. Of all the films to which Jane Seymour has brought grace, this one might be her shining glory. She is effecting and lovely as in this appearance and perfectly cast. Her brief soliloquey on stage is by itself well worth the price of admission. The settings are fantastic -- including the Lake Michigan hotel area -- and costumes, photography and music give added weight to the slight story. John Barry is a composer of film scores whose work never ceases to please and charm. His signature counterpoint of deep strings responding to the central theme reach the depths of the heart. His contribution here is exacting. However, the towering success of this film is in its managing to bring light to the this elevated plane of a grand romance, so rare that most of us never even see it for ourselves in a lifetime, much less experience it. We all yearn for it. It is the aerial dream of souls that have evolved to subtle levels of discernment. It is for this reason that this film has risen and continues to rise to the level of a cult favorite and far above the heads of its boorish critics. Yes, it's fantasy, but so is true romance.
Rating:  Summary: Superb time travel fable Review: This is a time-travel fantasy on a par with "Back To The Future," but far more romantic, and using, arguably, a more interesting device for time travel: self-hypnosis. The fantastic premise is simple: what if convincing yourself you were in the past actually took you there somehow? First, the basics. The script is great. The plotting is airtight. The cinematography is perfect. The acting is very good. The direction, and the timing of action, is stellar. It has what I'd call the best on-screen kiss. And the crowning feature of the film is something I don't dare mention. What makes the film work, though, is that it doesn't spell it all out for you. At its end you'll be thinking lots of "hows" and "whys", and wanting to see it again to figure things out better. Jane Seymour (as actress Elise McKenna) is luminous here. Christopher Reeve is winningly gawky and hunky at the same time. Their romantic tension is palpable, and it makes their high-speed love affair very convincing. Christopher Plummer has great substance as Elise McKenna's protective manager. This film at once takes romance seriously, and uses time travel to create a mind-bending plot that will haunt you afterward. The only weakness of this film is that it is a bit light on the characterization. We see that Richard (Reeve) and Elise (Seymour) love each other, and we must guess that it is ultimately because of their love for the theatre, but this is never made fully explicit. Still, this "weakness" is in the nature of this very plot-driven film. It's mainly a series of events that all fit together like a puzzle, rather than a study of human nature. That the romance is so believable is a tribute to the acting and the direction, rather than the script.
Rating:  Summary: A beautiful and at times difficult movie......a near classic Review: First of all, this is a beautiful period piece..set in 1912. The story is fairly simple though it is hard to precisely figure out whether Jane Seymour's character or Reeves's character initiated the "contact" with the other. The score by John Barry (responsible for James Bond music 1962-1985) is SUPERB and that and the scenery alone are worth the price of admission. Jane Seymour is (and today STILL is)a stunningly beautiful woman! The chemistry between the two is excellent. This is not a chic flick nor is it a corny old romantic story alone. It is an almost classic plot with quite a bit imagination to help it along and to update it. After all, the movie started and ended in 1979 when it was shot.
Rating:  Summary: THIS IS A CULT FILM. Review: "Somewhere In Time" is a cult film. That means that half the people will think that this is a masterpiece, and the other half will think that this is simply a good movie. "Somewhere In Time" tells the story of a writer from 1972 that develops an obsession with the image of a young actress from 1912, somehow he thinks that this woman is someone important in his life. So he finds a way to travel back in time: he can concentrate and separate himself from his actual time, and project himself in the past (...) to find his love interest. "Somewhere In Time" doesn't have great special effects, doesn't have spectacular performances, but does have a charming story that will provide two hours of good, clean entertainment. The movie is especially recommendable for the romantics, usually they are the greatest fans of this movie and they think that this is a classic.
Rating:  Summary: How do I love thee... Review: I this story we have one of the most handsome men in the world, and one of the most beautiful women in the world, on the same set. Set in the 70's, playwright Richard Collier becomes entranced with an older woman who gives him a pocket watch after the opening of his new play. After visiting the hotel that has traces of the woman's history he finds himself immeshed in the theory of time travel and proceeds to successfully go back to a time at the hotel when she was a beautiful actress starring in a play on the grounds. Love is never without it's obstacles and it is also never without it's share of sadness, hence this movie takes some turns, but in the end love wins. Death is stronger than life... but love is stronger than death, is the theme here.