Rating:  Summary: Donnie Cheesy Ending Darko Review: This Film tries to be Such an intellectual film,that turns out to try to fall into the "Artsy Indie film wannabe" Category, And Actually, it falls flat by a Horrible,cheesy, unexplained,I've been watching alot of X-files, I can't figure out how to end a film logically,easy way out Ending...This is the type of film that could have been brilliant, but tries too hard to be different, I give it Two stars for the Acting.....the actors are NOTHING short of AMAZING!!!, this New guy "jake" is AWESOME!! I see him being the next big "thing", so see this film if you Must for the Acting ONLY, Or if you like "David Lynch" style weirdness! Otherwise do yourself a favor, save your money and get something that makes Logical sense...
Rating:  Summary: Blew me away...... Review: This movie raised the bar for directors and actors alike. DD will be loved or hated, no room for middle of the road folks. Regardless of if you are a fan of Independence Day (or similar movies) you "will" talk about this movie. As stated in other reviews, the cinematography is outstanding and the acting is incredible. A must see for avid movie fans!!
Rating:  Summary: Good Until The End Review: The ending is a big let down. It actually creates more problems than answers. There is a major paradox that becomes screamingly evident with the final revelation. And that's disappointing because I was really enjoying it up until the end.
Rating:  Summary: Nothing short of amazing... Review: Being a filmmaker, I have found an immense respect for Richard Kelly and I really can't express it enough. If I meet this guy in person, I'd have to thank him for changing my life. Donnie Darko us undeniably one of the most underrated movies ever created. It combines every genre and packs it into one movie. (Rarely achieved successfully by a director with obvious influences from Stanley Kubrick and David Lynch and even Spielberg himself and yes, this director can be compared to greatness.) The acting and cast was perfect (I can't put Jake Gyllenhaal's performance into words, I'm still baffled!!!). The 80's musical score was perfect as well as every aspect of the film. A Logical illogical ride into divine intervention, Donnie Darko is nothing short of amazing and is right up there with E.T. and Mullholland Drive. For his first Directing gig, this director reminds me of a young Orson Welles. His work is truly amazing! P.S. I must warn you that this movie suggests intellectual participation so the average moviegoer: BEWARE!
Rating:  Summary: I rarely write Amazon reviews... Review: In fact, this is my second.I just finished watching Donnie Darko for the first time. Once I finish this very short review, I will be watching it a second time. Without a doubt, Donnie Darko is one of the best Generation X films (not that this film should be categorized in any way shape or form. Perhaps I should delete this line. Bah! I'll keep it.) ever made. The film is poignant, witty, and absurd. Unlike other phantasmagoric/surreal films, the absurdity actually comes together quite nicely at the conclusion. At the end of the film I wasn't left scratching my head wondering if maybe the director was just shooting way over my head (which sometimes [not always] happens to me with Lynch films). To me, Donnie Darko represents everything that American Beauty should have been. And I think American Beauty was a great film. It's just that Donnie Darko enters uncharted territory in the examination of the dysfunctional family territory. "Because if the world ends, it'll just be you and him." Or something to that effect. The other reviews here are much better written and more detailed. Read them. And. At least rent Donnie Darko. I do not think you will be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: I...er...uh...I'm speechless. Review: I cannot even begin to explain how much I loved Donnie Darko, but I'm gonna try. Lately, I've become so incredibly annoyed and tired with run-of-the-mill, cookie-cutter, "normal" movies. I'm gonna puke if I see one more Meg Ryan romantic comedy. I want something different, something original, something artistic...something great. Donnie Darko is all of these things...This movie is unlike anything I've ever seen. There is nothing to compare it to. I've never seen a film that is at once hilarious, suspenseful, scary, beautiful, sad, moving, deep, confusing and disorienting. It's about so many things: troubled youth, love, destiny, family, mental illness, loneliness, time travel, fate, death, God...and a demonic bunny. This film's greatest strength is its amazing characters. I can relate to several of them, especially Donnie and his "Caulfield-esque" way of thinking. I can also relate to Jena Malone's character, Gretchen, who is drawn to the mysterious "bad boy." And I think we can all relate to Cherita, the lonely outcast with the unrequited crush. This is the first time I've seen Jake Gyllenhaal in a film (other than City Slickers, which doesn't really count). I gotta say...he knocked me on my [rear]. From the scenes with Donnie's family, to his hypno-therapy sessions, to his rant about the Smurfs, he is absolutely perfect. I hope to see a lot more of him in the future. Watch this movie. And when it's over, watch it again. And then...watch it again. It will blow your mind and leave you dumb-founded.
Rating:  Summary: Forget what you think you know about this film... Review: Like many people who write reviews, I tend toward slight grade inflation. Every once in a while, I have to go back and down-grade a bunch of films I reviewed, because a great film comes along and shows me what is really possible given a talented cast and great script in the hands of a good director. This is such a film. The first two acts set up our expectations - a nervous young man with a troubled past and a lot of barely concealed anger is abused in various ways by both kids and adults. He tries to stay in control, but some darkness within makes him stop taking his anti-psychotic medication even as he tries vainly to fight off visions of "the end of the world", brought to him by the ghost of Bad Times Yet to Come in the form of a satanic-looking rabbit. Family and frinds just watch as our hero starts circling the bowl. When will he crack ? Then the bomb goes off and this film rockets to my "must buy" list. Not only did I not get a Columbine-style "gun battle" that the marketing for this film seemed to promise, I found I was in the middle of a supernatural thriller. I will not say much, except that subplots and strange phenomena abound, which are resolved in one of the best third acts I can recall. I waited in vain for the payoff we usually get with supernatural thrillers in which the "unspeakable evil" shows up and is actually quite speakable, if not outright lame. What I got was worthy of M. Night Shyamalan ("The Sixth Sense"). This remarkable achievement came not through trickery (hiding the Bad Thing) or cheats (making the Bad Thing invincible), but through not letting the the plot swallow the characters. Instead, the characters are drawn so well that when the Bad Thing reveals itself, (note: the Bad Thing is actually worse than anything we could have expected - it is classic in scope and scale) the characters act accordingly and the emotional payoff just rocks. The resolution of the film was so strong that while I watched it, I was taken in, but when I think back about the events early in the film in context of what I know comes later, I get serious chills. The DVD contains several fully-realized scenes and extensions of scenes in the film, some of which I wish were in the film or at least watchable as part of the main narrative. The commentary, what I heard of it (Blockbuster, two days on a new release is NOT enough!), was insightful, as well it might be given how much was going on in this film. See it, see it see it.
Rating:  Summary: Good God, where to begin... Review: Donnie Darko is my absolute unquestioned movie of the year. I honestly do not believe that I have seen a more incredible movie in my lifetime. The acting was superb, the cast was wonderful, the plot was incredible, and it all came together to create what will no doubt be a cult classic forever. If you have any doubts about this movie, I can guarantee you, they will be erased upon viewing it. This movie is as close to perfect as you can get. Unforgettable.
Rating:  Summary: An Intricately Woven Piece of Art Review: As soon as I began to watch this movie I was enthralled. When it was over I was amazed and emotionally attached. By the time the credits were fading out I was still happily stunned. Donnie Darko made me think. Even two days after I had watched it the story seemed to be playing over and over again in my mind. Definitely a must-see for anyone who enjoys a very well put together suspense thriller or Sci-Fi. The plot is forever moving along with so many layers to it you wouldn't want to watch it just once! I can't wait to see where they might go next with it. Jake is incredible and gives a stunning performance alongside such a wonderful array of people.
Rating:  Summary: In a genre all it's own. Review: This movie left me with more than a question mark shinning over my head. It left me in awe. The filming style is gorgeous, the story is fantastic and in the end you're left feeling like a surfer who's just been plowed over by an enormous wave. This movie takes you on a trip you won't soon forget. It's blends the world of reality with the world of possibilty through the eyes of a dark, eeire teenager. The bunny is one of the coolest characters i've seen in film. N.B. the scene where Donnie is stabbing the eye of Frank (the bunny) with a butcher knife. It left me with my body hair standing on end. Great flim.