Rating:  Summary: The Funniest Sci-Fi comedy since Men in Black Review: Galaxy Quest is about a former Trek like cast who's tv went off the air. Now all the cast has to look forward to is autograph sessions, well that is until a group of real aliens named Thermians need their help. The Thermians have the show mistaken for historical documents thus thinking that everything on the show really happend. Now the former cast find themselves doing battle with an evil alien named Sarris on a ship that has everything the ship on the series had, the only problem is that they're just actors that don't know how to use the real ship. Tim Allen, Alan Rickman and Enrico Colantoni are very good in the movie. I thought Enrico did a great job as the leader of the Thermians, he was very funny and kid like, he was very beleivable as a not too bright alien and I mean that in a good way. Galaxy Quest is the best zany Science Fiction film since Men in Black, if only movies like these were made more often. Star Trek fans with a good sense os humor will love this movie.
Rating:  Summary: HOTNESS AT IT'S BEST !!!!!!!!!!!!! Review: When I first saw the preview for this movie I thought it would [be bad], but then I watched it and...the movie is funny! The best part of it was the hot and smart trekkie Brandon, (Justin Long) I'm mean he is way sexy! I hope to see more of him !! ...!! GOTTA LOVE IT !!
Rating:  Summary: geeks, unite! Review: Let's get right in to it. Y'See, Tim Allen (who I normally am not amused by) plays an actor who played the leader of a space crew on a now-defunct show from the early 80s. In typical sci-fi fashion, the show developed a cult following, and the actors now travel from convention to convention, signing autographs and dealing with their various stages of depression in different ways: The show's "doctor" (Alan Rickman) goes off on rants about "theatre" and Allen is in complete denial, completely immersed in his Shatner-esque (screw 'esque,' he IS Shatner) role. Anyway, REAL aliens show up. They have received the show on their planet, mistaking them for 'historical documents' and effectively thinking the crew of Galaxy Quest are the best crew in the universe. What makes this film so delightful is the fun that everyone had with it. The filmmakers point fun at the genre, but still lovingly embrace it. You can tell that these people have seen a LOT of episodes of Star Trek, probably multiple viewings of all the Star Wars movies, and everything in between. So, I suppose this movie could be a For Geeks By Geeks deal, but if you've seen ONE Star Trek, you can appreciate this movie. The special effects are actually pretty good, which surprised me. I, quite honestly, cannot think of ONE wrong thing with this movie. I just smiled uncontrollably throughout the whole darn thing. Tim Allen and the rest of the cast (Sigourney Weaver, to name one) positively shine. It's laugh-out-loud funny (if you're of the 'Scary Movie fanbase... look elsewhere. No male full frontal in this one.) It has a heart to it all. It never pretends to be anything bigger than it really is. Agh, I could go on and on, but..
Rating:  Summary: Put Galaxy Quest to the Test Review: Galaxy Quest is another space-age movie but with a comedic twist. Tim Allen, Sigourney Weaver and Alan Rickman head the cast of actors who starred as astronauts in a cult Television series over twenty years ago called Galaxy Quest. Loyal fans still flock to Sci-Fi conventions to pay homage to their adventurous heroes. It is at one of these conventions that Commander Taggart (Allen) meets the Thermians, a race of aliens from the Klatu Nebular. They have misinterpreted episodes of the series as 'historical documents' and arrive on earth to whisk the actors into space, thinking that they can use certain 'documents' to help them defeat a deadly adversary. After a string of hilarious events, the crew are convinced that the Thermians plight is genuine and the actors are beamed up on a mission to help save them. Now it is time for them to put on the performance of their lives! All ends well when the actor Jason Nesmith (Commander Taggart) gets in contact with a fan on earth and he along with his friends who are fellow Questrian fans, guide the crew back home after they save the Thermians. Once Galaxy Quests gets you laughing, it will keep you in hysterics. In addition to the humor, this movie is full of great special effects, action, excitement and an unpredictable romance. I loved Galaxy Quest because it appealed to me as a Star Trek fan. A must see for Space Cadet fans alike. You are guaranteed to love it even if you are not into Sci-Fi films. It constantly pokes fun at this genre but at the same time, pays tribute to it without insulting its audience. Never Give Up! Never Surrender!
Rating:  Summary: Gets better with repeated viewings Review: When I first heard of the premise of Galaxy Quest it reminded me of "The Three Amigos"; actors trying to be their characters. I didn't especially care for Tim Allen, and wasn't anxious to see it, but saw it on cable one night and enjoyed it. I've seen it many times since then, and it just keeps getting better. There are many lines and bits that make me laugh when I see them coming. It is a great spoof on fading celebrity in general and Star Trek in particular. It definitely transcends its genre.
Rating:  Summary: Pretty Funny Review: If you like science fiction, you'll enjoy this Star Trek like spoof with it many innuendoes to the whole cottage industry around the Star Trek shows and movies.
Rating:  Summary: Funny and emotional Review: this movie isn't as cheesy as it looks! the dialogue can be extremely funny, and the plot is well thought out. Also, the acting is great and the theme song can be pretty catchy. But most importantly, i think this movie has a lot of emotion behind it. you can really see the struggles and humility these aging actors are going through. And the quellek and alaxander scene near the end of the movie was so good it nearly brought tears to my eyes! This doesn't make this movie any less funny though! it's hilarious, then it's serious. a great family movie!
Rating:  Summary: Good Laughs Review: I was expecting this movie to be rather bad. Just when I was beginning to think renting this film was a horrible mistake, Tim Allen's character encounters real aliens. The real fun and real hilarity begin here. The jokes had my boyfriend and I giggling for days. The special affects are good and there's plenty of action. The only down side to this film are the appearances of the pig monster and the alien enemy. The pig monster looks exactly like what it is--a man in costume. The enemy looked like a variant of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. In contrast, the baby aliens (obviously computer generated) were fabulous. Both their look and their movements were superb. Fortunately, the appearance of the pig monster is brief and it doesn't take much from the overall feel of the film. I was able to thoroughly enjoy the movie and would love to see it again. If you like comedies and you like Star Trek, you're sure to like this film.
Rating:  Summary: A great DVD for kids and adults! Review: This is a great story about a crew of type cast, out of work actors from a Star Trek type TV show. They are enlisted by a group of peacefull endangered aliens who don't have much of a stomach, or skill for fighting. The cast of the show is quickly brought aboard a real version of their star ship and fight the evil warlord who is hunting down the aliens. I brought my 7 year old son to see this film when it hit the theatres. He insisted on seeing it 4 times then and loved it each of them. This is a film I thought would be as cheesy as Jungle2Jungle, but I was very wrong. It's great! First you have an amazing cast. Tim Allen (jungle2Jungle, Home Improvement) is really on top of his game in this film. Sigourney Weaver (Alien, Working Girl) looked great and showed a side of her rarely seen in her films. Alan Rickman (Die Hard, Harry Potter) does an incredibly convincing job as a Shaksperian actor turned cheesy TV show cast member who is forever type cast. Tony Shalhoub (Wings, Stark Raving Mad) who is in my opinion one of the funniest guys around, does a great subtle role as a laid back Trekkie crew member. Enrico Colantoni (just Shoot Me) amazed me as the alien, and Tommy Mithcel (Sgt. Bilko, 10 Things I Hate About You), who was great on John Larroquette brings his usualy talent. But I have to say that it was Sam Rockwell who provided the biggest laughs. His portrayel of a star struck former extra on the show is flawless. It's his character that really makes you think about all the cheesy ideas of a Star Trek type show. Even though the this is one of the funniest films of the year, it's not really the humor that makes this a great film. First, the effects are great, and if you're thinking of getting less than the DTS DVD, think again. The sound is amazing on my DTS home system. There is a great blend of action with the humor and it really moves the film along. Second, this is a film with a very real messgae. A scene where Tim Allen is channel surfing through countless gunfights and other violent scenes and ends up on his Star Trek type show makes you realize that all the Star Treks are a nice break from the typical TV line up. It requires people to think, imagine and be creative. How often does TV allow that? Then there is the message of the show. What was Star Trek really about? Not laser fights and things blowing up, but a group of people exploring. Loyalty, standing up for what you believe in, courage and honesty. I'm not a huge Star Trek fan, I would rather watch Start Wars over any of the Star Trek films, and I have seen very few of the shows, but I do give them credit for having a message. My son has watched this film so much that if it were a VHS, we would have need two replacements. It's one of his favorites. Just the other day his grandparents asked where he heard the phrase, "Never give up, never surrender." This is a great movie for the kids. It's fast paced, funny and doesn't contain anything that most parents would object to.
Rating:  Summary: This movie has it all. Review: This movie has it all! Hilarious one-liners, great sight gags, sci-fi inside jokes, heart, and a plot, to boot! I'm not a Trekkie, but I recognized and enjoyed the Captain Kirk "body language" and chest exposure along with a host of other references to Star Trek. The movie manages to poke fun without being mean spirited, remembering this BIG part of our national culture as fondly as most of us do. I have a four year old who loves this movie so I've seen it about a zillion times and it still entertains me (THAT, as every parent knows, is the hallmark of a great movie!). I still laugh out loud every time Sigourney Weaver freaks out with "Let's get out of here before one of those things kills Guy!" revealing her true feelings after repeated assurances to him that he is not going to be killed just because he's an extra without a last name. Sam Rockwell is hilarious when he grabs the vox to give the Captain important advice during a desparate battle with a giant rock "I know! ... Look around you. Can you fashion some sort of rudimentary lathe?" I could go on and on, but, I'll spare you if you just promise to get the movie, okay?