Rating:  Summary: A Disney Film Worth Waiting For Review: I saw 'Lilo & Stitch' tonight for the first time and spent most of the film breathless with laughter. Here is a Disney film that honors the Disney traditions of Innocence and The Big World without resorting to the skateboard and street-slang treatment of some of its more recent fare.Fans of Chuck Jones' animation will be enormously gratified at the film's wit, humor and impeccable timing and, unlike some of the other viewers, I found the moral of the story not heavy-handed, but rather dealt with in unexpected ways with surprisingly honest and often clever dialogue. It is also a film of enormous heart, more like the kind of film Disney used to make long ago (before their sequel franchise became their focus), and is one of the few Disney films of the last decade that is both contemporary and timeless. Kudos to both directors and the artists that made it. I rented this tonight, and am heading out to buy my own copy tomorrow. I'm kicking myself for not seeing it at the cinema. I promise you'll enjoy it.
Rating:  Summary: What a great movie!!! Review: Lilo & Stitch is quickly becoming one of my favorite movies. It will undoubtedly gain popularity as I'm sure straight to DVD/VHS movies will follow and I can't wait. This is so much fun for everyone in the whole family. Heck, I'm 22 years old and I love it. The music is probably my favorite thing about it. Not only is Lilo a virtual Elvis Presly expert, but it's perfect that the home of "Blue Hawaii" be the setting. The songs are some of his best and they are superbly woven into the story. I love the island music and the accurate and respectful treatment of of the legendary hula dance. It is so much fun to hear this toe tapping music with infectious rhythms. I have the soundtrack and it is ESSENTIAL summer music. I love cranking up Hawaiian Roller Coster Ride and rolling down all the windows. The voices are perfect. Daveigh Chase is so adorable. Tia Carrere is the perfect voice to put to Nani, they're practically twins. Jason Scott Lee is great as David. His character and Jason's voice go together like pieces of a puzzle. Kevin McDonald as Pleakly is hilarious. I loved him on The Kids In The Hall and I love him even more as that goofy alien. David Ogden Stiers is stellar in the role of Jumba. He is a big cuddly alien, though evil genius he may be, but he's so funny, especially when Stitch is "very persuasive." Finally, who else could you hear as Cobra Bubbles than Ving Rhames after seeing him on screen. The water colors for background and just about everything is so fitting with the setting in Hawaii. The sky is so beautiful and it's just like looking at a great big painting, an ever changing always moving painting. This could easily have been made digital as is every other animated movie today. But thankfully, the rounded characters and the all hand drawn and water color utilization is a nice throwback to the classic cartoons of old. The extra features are great and plentiful. The explanations for deleted scenes is nice. The create your own alien game is fun even for someone twenty two like me. The learning to hula featurette is very interesting and enlightening. The sing along with Wynona and A-Teens featurette and video are fun. I love the mock trailers with recent Disney films and the "Stitch Through the Years" is cute. This is an excellent DVD if you are a fan of getting lots of bonus features with your purchase. The story is great. It's full of comedy and action and adventure and drama and suspense and romance thought the end looks bleek for Stitch and Ohana, it has a very happy ending that everyone can enjoy. It is the most original and unconventional Disney film since Toy Story. It's characers are lovable and memorable. The music is great. The picture is great. The voices makes sense with their characters. I love this movie and give it my highest recommendation. It is appealing to young and old, sense of humor or not, lovers of animation or science fiction. Stitch is going to be the next great enduring Disney character you won't be able to get away from. Once again, this, one of my favorite films, one of the most entertaining and enjoyable for the whole family in A LONG TIME, get's my highest possible recommendation.
Rating:  Summary: Disney best animated movie in a while!!! Review: GO OUT AND BUY THIS MOVIE ITS 10 TIMES BETTER THAN ICE AGE... Its a great storie with the most beautiful artwork..
Rating:  Summary: So original - I just wish I could have seen it when I was 8! Review: First of all, please forgive me for going on in this review like I'm writing a college essay - the film is light and fun, and I don't want you to get the impression that it is anything less. I just want to answer the charge that no thought has gone into the issues covered in the film, or that the film indulges in meanness for the sake of a cheap laugh. This is not an attack on the reviewer that made the review I disagree with, but an explanation of why I disagree with the reviewer's points. I've never answered a review directly before, but I liked this film, and feel that the review by "storyboarder" elsewhere on this review page (who no doubt makes points that others agree with) was a little unfair, and that maybe the reviewer and others aren't reading between the lines as well as they should if they're truly choosing to hold this film to its apparent themes as rigorously as they claim. The film did indeed take on a weighty subject as the reviewer says, but I don't agree it was handled lightly - grief is implied, not ignored. We don't need to be shown in a Disney film how people react to grief, and to expect Disney to explain the concept of the death of a parent to children is unfair... Disney is in the business of giving us and our children entertainment. Penny in "The Rescuers" was an orphan, but I don't remember anyone expecting a detailed study of how being an orphan affected her present or future life! The true theme of the story is, in my view, isolation and loneliness, feelings probably experienced and understood by many children at some point in their lives. Stitch was supplied as a different perspective to the same pain - where Lilo and Nani have lost their family, Stitch never had one. Bringing Lilo and Stitch together combines two characters who are natural companions because they both understand what it is to be lonely and isolated, and almost by definition only have each other as true companions, even if they don't realise it. The film is light in places - it couldn't be "sad" all the way through otherwise it would grind on and on, either sending children to sleep or into tears. The characters relieve the tension with plenty of fun moments, such as training Stitch to be more like Elvis, or "frolicking on the beach". Who cares where the little Elvis costume came from! I've seen kids on television impersonating Elvis... maybe Lilo bought it from the same place as they did! The fun and companionship in the surfing scene is also a necessary element for Stitch to witness, not just an excuse for a surfing scene, as it shows him what he is rejecting when he fights Lilo's attempts to make him part of her family. As for meanness in the story or jokes in the film being mean-spirited - well, part of the theme of the film is the redemption of Stitch, just as it is for Ebeneezer Scrooge in "A Christmas Carol", a character who is similarly mean-spirited, and also a parody of himself. As with Scrooge, Stitch's redemption would have no value if he weren't really bad to begin with! The greater the bad, the greater the value of the change to good at the end, and also the greater the goodness of the good characters for putting up with and persisting with the bad one! "Lilo and Stitch" is one of the best animated films I've seen in many a long year. It isn't out to force-feed anyone's view of family morality, but is instead a true-to-modern-life story that many, many children will identify with, and also a nice redemption story in it's own right... if it has a fault, it's that the Disney mould for running time is too short for such an original and therefore valuable story, and perhaps it also ends a little too suddenly at the end, as if a better idea for an ending was abandoned at the last minute in favour of a more compact ending. Chris Sanders, the voice of Stitch, is the person who came up with the idea of the story, did the original design drawings, contributed to the writing of the story, and also co-directed it along with Dean DeBlois. It is my hope that here is another great like Don Bluth in the making (and perhaps a Gary Goldman in Dean DeBlois). I will be watching out for their names in the future. Well done Disney... I'm only sorry I wasn't able to see this film when I was 8, and had it to enjoy as a childhood memory throughout my life. I'll bet it's a while before we see the like of this film from Disney again. "Lilo and Stitch"'s unexpected popularity will probably cause it to be seen as a 'winning formula', and see it milked for all its worth, but I hope this first film of any future series manages to stay looking as fresh and original as it is now forever!
Rating:  Summary: EXCELLENT MOVIE Review: I love Disney films, in general, but would not go out of my way to write a review unless the film was beyond superb. This movie will make you laugh, cry, and bring out emotions that surprise you-- for adults as well as children. At the outset of the film, the alien nation is a little weird and I was certain, based upon the depiction of Stitch at that point in the movie, that I could NOT come to love him in any way, shape, or form. Boy, was I wrong. Disney takes an otherwise grotesque alien and makes him a lovable creature you WANT to own too. And they take a snotty little girl and give her SUCH human qualities (the scenes with her sister early in the movie are HILARIOUS because they are true-to-form for any 5 year old-- I'm a kindergarten teacher- I know all about it) that you want her to be able to keep Stitch and stay with her (a little misguided and young) sister at the movie's end. All in all, the movie is a heart-tugger and it WILL touch you even if you don't like warm and fuzzy movies. Trust me, this is a movie no home should be without- whether you have kids or not.
Rating:  Summary: Finally, a Disney Movie that incorporates the REAL world ... Review: Both my seven year old daughter and I found Lilo and Stitch to be a great movie. I personally like it for the theme, the Elvis music, and the way the characters seem so "normal" in comparison to fairytales. Yet, even with the real world theme, they bring in an alien and lighten the movie up with it, adding flare and comedy. It's definately one of the best Disney movies ever made, especially because they went out on a limb a little and loosened up...used words like "stupid head" and small amounts of violence...it made me feel like my daughter wasn't getting a warped version of things for once, even with the singing alien! Also, the plot seems to help children who are from dysfunctional backgrounds, and may not relate to a fairytale. These children need something to relate to and this movie can definately provide that for them. My daughter liked it because of the "cute" Stitch and the fact that it was staged in Hawaii, one of her favorite places. She has it on her wish list for xmas and has been anxious for that ever since seeing it in the theater in July. BUY this MOVIE....it's GREAT!!!! sUPERB! Fabulous, exciting, and IMPORTANT!
Rating:  Summary: LOVED IT! Review: I loved this movie so much that when it came to the theater i work at i went to see it 8 times. one of those times i took my mother and grandparents. they loved it almost as much as i did. i cant wait for it come out on dvd!
Rating:  Summary: The Best Disney in Years Review: Let's face it: most of us think of hand-painted, high quality animation when we think of Disney. Not CGI (this is not a knock on Pixar. They do great work. I'm talking about the Mouse here). The last few efforts; "The Emporer's New Groove", "Tarzan" and "Atlantis" were not Disney's best, despite the reciepts. I don't know why, nor do I claim to know enough to speculate. That's why "Lilo & Stich" was such a happy surprise. A Hawaiian girl and her sister, struggling within the states Social Services to stay together despite many pitfalls (they lost thier parents in a car accident), end up involved with an escaped experiment from a distant galaxy. This creature was designed to have no guilt or remorse while rampaging. However, when it was supposed to be sent into exile on a deserted planet it escapes to Earth, a planet considered a Wildlife Preserve for skeeters by the galactic community. Along the way, it learns the concept of family and belonging. This could have been a bad movie. It WAS in production limbo for quite a while. However, someone saw the film for it's originality and cut it loose. With minimal promotion, it went on to become a huge winner for Disney. Never too slow, never too preachy and having enough humor for adults to appreciate without being gross, this is indeed a family film. Buy it. You never know when they'll make a good one again.
Rating:  Summary: Great movie. Review: This movie is awesome! It is good for all ages. Portrays the hawaiian culture very well.
Rating:  Summary: Laugh out Loud Funny Review: I was very surprise to see a Disney movie without a musical number and it is a welcome relief. This one is laugh out loud funny. I well defined story line. Buy it, your kids and YOU will not be disappointed.