Rating:  Summary: Alien 3 is a bad try at a remake of alien. Review: Sigourney Weaver once again reprises her role as Ripley this time a fire threatning the Sulaco her pod lands on a penal colony.When she land she finds that she the only survivor of this crasy and the planets inhabitants are every single know vermon in the face of the universe.But an Alien has been abord her ship the hole time this alien being more faster and keener then any before Ripley is once again chosen to her fate of fighting the creature once again. A lack luster script often dark but at times fallen short to a mediocre script with not much to go on however sigorney weaver is good in anything no matter weither it's bad or good the Dvd is not very imressive but picture quality is good and sound is even better but your best bet is to get Alien or Aliens.
Rating:  Summary: One Of The Best... Review: This is a pretty good sequel. It's better than Aliens. And it has a pretty good ending. You should get this!
Rating:  Summary: An emotional drama ahead of it's time. The poetry of fear. Review: Well, instantly I love David Fincher (I feel like a criminal for missing "The Fight Club") but even beyond that, this film is a treasure and my defining moment for Sigourney Weaver. I read an early script draft of the third installment, and it would have made "Aliens" fans delirious, but it was so predictable and thoughtless, I was thankful things ended-up the way they did, even with all of the criticism this film has recieved. I almost dislike "Aliens" for removing the emotional overtones that I enjoyed so much in the first film, and when "Alien 3" decided to expand further into the emotional implications involved in the saga, I was very content. And emotion was delivered, atmosphere gave it nutrients, and the pure story played itself out with a thoughtful concept of reality meeting the story. What I mean by reality is the real character responses. It was no longer a tear for the present situation, but an almost subconscious emotional response came about. And all of the characters were performed very well, with all of the seasoning one could imagine from the film's reality, and in the same instant it kept the characters in correlation with the atmosphere, so nothing was over the top. This is a good film, a great insight into the poetry of horror, the beauty that is possible in science-fiction. But it doesn't register to me as sci-fi, but rather drama, great drama in a setting that is all too effective and original for anyone to appreciate fully.
Rating:  Summary: How not to make a sequel. Review: OK,forgetting the obvious faults of this dreadful film like 1-there is a fire on the ship and no-one gets awakened by the computer 2-the escape capsule is ejected and still no-one gets awakened 3-the capsule shoots though the atmosphere without burning up,falls at high speed without a parachute and hits the planet with the impact of a meteorite.And yet Ripley somehow survives(absurd)4-the prison planet has no guns. Forgetting all those faults,THIS film's premise is that after all Ripley has gone through,she apparently is so dumb that after destroying the queen Alien she doesn't even bother to check the ship for others? What happened to the lifeform monitoring devices?And the producers idea of a heroes finale is for Ripley to fall in a vat of molten lead while an alien rips out of her chest? After a good first week gross,this film dropped like a rock once fans were made aware of the producers dreadful stuff-up of what had been a good series.I hope that they never make a movie again because they ruined what the first two movies had set-up.Killing everyone off was a cheap and unimaginative gimmick.Very poor writing.
Rating:  Summary: A very sad and shameful sequel Review: Don't even try to make sense of the story. This movie was rushed and it bombed!
Rating:  Summary: The story continues, better than ever. Review: Alien 3 is not the sort of movie that will please most people. It takes the idea of the original ALien, rather than of the sequel Aliens and gives it a whole new dimension. The theme of Alien 3 is in my opinion better than of the first two movies. The audience becomes more involved with the characters than ever before as a group of convicts, knowing their attempts are doomed to failure go on battling the alien monster. In many ways this shows the ambiguity of human nature, for while the convicts, all hardened criminals have found a purpose and display surprising tenacity and dignity in their hopeless struggle against the inevitable, the 'good people' represented by Lance Hendriksen are willing to throw all other considerations away to get their hands on the monster. Sigourney Weaver as the now truly doomed Ripley does excellent work. You keep hoping, that she will find a way out proving how much alive she has become to her audience. Her death scene is one of the best ever. Fincher's directing adds a whole new element to the series. partof the shots are actually done from the Alien's point of view and the sheer andless chase through the corridors of the prison keeps the suspence at an unpresedented level. Score, camerawork and script all live up to the level of their predecessors A great addition to a great series.
Rating:  Summary: Worst sequel ever made! Review: "Alien" was a relentlessly bleak, beautifully atmospheric masterpiece of horror and dread, one of the few truly adult examples of the science fiction genre. Its sequel, "Aliens", was far less disturbing, aiming more for visceral, action-movie thrills; nonetheless, it was still a powerhouse of a movie, especially in its wonderful "Special Edition" DVD incarnation. The notorious "Alien 3", on the other hand, is an utterly miserable failure, certainly the most insultingly juvenile follow-up to a good movie since the equally terrible "Return of the Jedi". From its hopelessly rushed, sloppily-edited opening title sequence, to its endless, murky "alien-cam" chase finale, "Alien 3" consists of nothing more than a shocking series of miscalculations on the part of the filmmakers, who manage to create not even one moment of suspense, horror, or thrills in nearly two hours of MTV-styled tedium. Particularly frustrating (and embarrassing) for the viewer is watching Sigourney Weaver and Lance Henriksen, two great performers, struggle to create anything interesting with their underwritten characters; both fail horribly. Even "Alien 4" looks great in comparison to this, possibly the worst sequel ever made.
Rating:  Summary: Puke! Review: This is one of those movies that just should NOT have been made, and everyone associated with it should feel ashamed. The first, and most glaringly obvious problem is the script. How this script got past anyone remotely familiar with ALIENS is beyond me. For starters, there are eggs on the ship. How did they get there? Impossible. Second, half the survivors die within the first five minutes. Is that supposed to be "artistic"? I used to give this movie 1 star, but now I bumped it up to 2, because as lame as it is, it is still better than Alien Resurrection, which has no style to it. Alien3 at least has that, which is due to Fincher directing.
Rating:  Summary: An storng underappreciate sequel. Review: Before he made Seven, three years before, there was alien3. The least successful film the series. True for some, they think this film haves plot holes like, how the alien pot get on the ship. Remember the alien queen in Aliens. This film haves strong acting, better that all the alien films and we also thought it was the last film. A fire get start it, while they are in the sleeping pods. Then emergency sent three survivers in a pod ship with the malfunction droid also the alien also. The pod ship goes a planet, the people in that planet is a prison with no fire arms or almost no weapons, what so ever, now all the prisoners plus the only survivor from the pod ship is Ripley are planning to stop it but Ripley may also have an alien inside of her. This film is digitally remastered in THX Picture Quality and Sound. An strong anamorphic Widescreen(2.35:1) format & Also on the Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround. Grade:A. Panavision.
Rating:  Summary: Biggest disappointment of my life! Review: After the tense thriller of Alien and the stroke-inducing terror of Aliens, Number Three totally bummed me out! It was like following up the world's two scariest rollercoasters with a ride on the ghost train featuring an old guy in a sheet yelling, "Boo." I didn't care about any of the characters, least of all Ripley, the dingy sets didn't make me scared, it just made me want to wash, and although the final set-piece was impressive, I was thorougly bored throughout. Resurrection restored my faith in the franchise a little, but I just couldn't get the bad taste outta my mouth.