Rating:  Summary: The best "Alien" movie ever made. Review: Alien Resurrection ROCKED!! The special effects were phenomenal!!! Sigourney Weaver gave an outstanding performance in portraying Ripley. Non-stop action continued throughout the whole film. The plot of the movie lived up to all of my expectations, as did the alien effects and characters. It is definitely the best Alien movie.
Rating:  Summary: Alien: Resurrection was well acted and filmed feature. Review: I found Resurrection to be a totally enjoyable film. The acting was convincing and the directing was impressive. I really liked the feel of the movie, which captured the dark and dangerous side of space exploration: that in exploring the unknown mankind may discover that there are some very unpleasant lifeforms that do not share our sense of morality and conscience. There was a responder that slammed Ryder's performance, well that's your opinion and your entitled to it, but do not disregard Ryder's talent, which is one of the brightest and powerful in the business, I found her to be a convincing Resurrection charachter. ALL the actors in the film contributed something to the movie and I give it FIVE STARS!
Rating:  Summary: Not as bad as others think Review: This movie is highly underrated by others. I think its one of the best 2 of the series, behind Aliens. Good story, great special effects, great action sequences. It deserves 4 stars, or at LEAST more than 3 of them, same with Alien 3.
Rating:  Summary: Witty and ironic script make this worth watching Review: Weaker than the first two films, the witty script and campy performances make this worthwhile. Although the director is clearly not comparable to either Ridley Scott or James Cameron, he does an admirable job.I tend to like to pretend that the third film never really happened--it's the Dallas shower sequence of the series: it's all a bad dream. The characters are not as well written and tend to come off like, well, caricatures of characters from the previous films. Perhaps this is an omen...I hear there is an Alien Vs. Predator film in the works. Too bad, it'll cheapen a film series that probably should have been finished after the second film.
Rating:  Summary: There are things to be said for it Review: We knew this would be formula fare, OK? We knew a bunch of people would get stuck on a space station with some nasty aliens, most of them will die, a couple of survivors will get out, end of story. Lots of drippy goopy stuff, aliens jump out from behind (or above) characters, an excess of blood-n-guts, etc. No surprises here. But... I am not sure why people are slamming this movie so hard. Could it maybe, just maybe, be that BOTH the leads are female, and that the core issues of the movie (behind the usual slime-n-gymnastics-n- explosions formula) are things like integrity and self-determination -- for female characters? Maybe the (stereotypically, according to the movie industry) youthful, almost exclusively male audience for SF/action/thrillers just can't relate -- to the malfeasance of medical professionals, the abuse of women's reproductive capacity, the threat of secret weapons development, you know, totally irrelevant non-issues :-) What I wasn't expecting and what impressed me was Sigourney Weaver's acting. I have found her pretty wooden in other films, including the first 3 Aliens. In this one she really seemed to get into the alien-ness of her part. Even her facial features were subtly made up to emphasize her odd bone structure -- her skinniness and this subtly reptilian facial cast made her, imho, pretty spooky, and she managed to act up to it without (most of the time) overacting. In motion, facial expression, body language, she never let down the role, and I appreciate that. The "evil scientist" theme (or the "massive irresponsibility of military research" theme) is something else no one mentions. For my money, the mad scientists in this movie were all too real. We know these people. They work at Los Alamos, at Lockheed, at Morton Thiokol. They love the engines of mass destruction that they build, one suspects, with the same sick fascination the last surviving fictional scientist shows for the next-generation alien. There's more than a little social commentary going on here. Heavy handed, yes, but hey, this isn't "Forbidden Sun" -- it's not even in the running for Most Brainless SF Movie of All Time. Not even in the minor leagues. For me the crux of the movie is Ripley's destruction of the lab where her failed clones are preserved (dead, or more horribly, still living). And my interpretation of the opening voice-over is that, yes, there are monsters. The real monsters on this station are the humans. Space pirates selling frozen bodies to the ghoul scientists who need alien-fodder -- the hideous, suffering abortions in the lab -- how much more monstrous do you need to get? The script wavers unsuccessfully between high-school (well maybe undergrad) humour and occasional moments of strong genuine feeling. I wish it had stuck to the dark-n-gloomy myself, the humour seemed misplaced. About Winona the less said the better. Convincing neither as a human being nor as an android. What was she doing in this movie? Was Daryl Hannah not available or what [sorry, couldn't resist]... Point I have the most trouble with: ditching the space craft into earth's atmosphere. If it hit about where you would think it hit from the "orbital picture", the loss of life would be in the hundreds of millions; yet this goes by as an unquestioned plot mechanism; not even one of the characters has the grace to mention how many people are about to experience the equivalent of several Hiroshimas. I mind this a lot more than I mind the amazing lung capacity of all those people swimming through the flooded kitchen :-) if you want a more realistic dive movie, watch the director's cut of The Abyss. Anyway, I thought this movie actually was a cut above the other Aliens in the series, especially number 3.
Rating:  Summary: Was a good movie Review: I liked Alien Ressurection I thought it was a good movie. I loved the first two but the third one was the one that gave the series a bad name, now they needed to come up with a fourth installment to make up for Alien3. They did a good job doing it all thats needed is a 5th one to close out the series on a high note. (Only thing I didnt like was the weird human alien at the end)
Rating:  Summary: Though plot falls short, Weaver shines through it all! Review: This film does not hold up next to ALIEN and ALIENS, for those two were completely original films, however, this film does stand above the third installment due to it being more focused on the alien rather than a group of criminals. The negative first- this film lacks originality, as said, and the plot is very elementary. It lacked the depth and emotion that ALIENS and dare I say it, ALIEN 3 had, and it lacked the atmo-phere that ALIEN had. I also don't think it should have had so many comical characters, for that took away the emotion... HOWEVER... There is one reason to see this film and it can be summerized in two words- Sigourney Weaver. The performance she gives is totally original, for the idea of genetically crossing her with the alien made her character more feisty and more dramatic. She deserved an Oscar nomination for this one.
Rating:  Summary: Very Clever Review: This movie is a worthy sequel, it has it's flaws but all the films in this series do. You are supposed to hate the other characters in this movie,in order to sympathize with Ripley. I love how they brought her back and the way her character keeps growing with each film.
Rating:  Summary: A MYSTERY TO ME Review: Why this film received any negative reviews (some even giving it grudgingly one star) remains a mystery to me. It is highly original, imaginative, both emotionally and intellectualy stimulating, etc. etc. The casting and the dialogue are something else, e.g., Perlman is asked by a crew member, "You never F-----d a robot?" Coll (Wynona Ryder in a great acting job, says, "I am disgusting" after she is revealed to be an android (the best one of all in the series, I might add). Come on,Wynona, I'd trade my rubber doll in for you any time! It has just the right mix of super special effects, horror, and campyness, to my mind. Ripley's display for the somewhat look alike "child" is wierdly touching. Well, no great loss there. The DVD could have use some more special effects. I did see a PR documentary on the making of Alien Resurrection, which was quite good and should have been on the DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome Plot Review: It had an awesome plot. Kinda of a twist. This movie out does Alien 3 by a long shot. Alien 3 really really was stupid.