Rating:  Summary: Crap! Review: I liked ALIEN. I adored ALIENS. I thought ALIEN3 wasn't all bad. Sadly, the latest installment is the worst. ALIEN RESURRECTION fails totally because it simply doesn't feel like an Alien film. There is virtually no suspense or terror - instead we are given little more than lots of gore. The cast are actually quite good, but the Aliens themselves...well, a lot of the time, they really do look like they're computer generated. The plot is rather weak, and the script is also rotten. The direction is bad, and the music is totally un-creepy. Sigourney Weaver is far too alien to impress as she is yet again Ellen Ripley (her furious human nature was why she was so popular in the other films - seeing her almost sympathetic towards the aliens is irritating). The newborn Alien is passable, but the director makes a mistake: Making it's death scene sympathetic. You think "Aww, he's not so bad - look, he's crying!" It's a film that depends on effects - and even these are generally unimpressive. The conclusion is weak, and Ripley's character is left alive (think about it - if she lives, she's guaranteed to meet more aliens in the future). You can't help but think ALIEN V is going to follow, and if it does, let's hope it gets a new director, a new writer, and a better setting. This is an insult to the other 3 films in the series.
Rating:  Summary: THE BEST ALIEN MOVIE AFTER ALIENS Review: This flick has pure action nonstop,this is an alltime sci-fi/action movie.Love this movie
Rating:  Summary: Pretty good. Review: This movie is funny man. The things they say, the way the aliens act, it's hilarious, but it's also creepy. If you like messed up movies this is for you. I just love the acting and special effects. It's a one way movie though, you either love it or hate it, it depends on your taste. I thought it was great but the ending leaves you hanging. This movie is way apart from the other "Alien" films.
Rating:  Summary: I like the alien movies Review: I fyou like the alien movies ore anny scifi whit lot of monsters and GREAT effect thene you must se this,, i thinck its a masterpiec great scifi and great action mixed upp just like Rippley :) who is terific!! ,, se it in a movie theater ore in a dark room whit big tv and large speakers,, for a great KICK
Rating:  Summary: Yawn Review: The worst thing about this movie was how much of it was predictable. I watched this with my son and long before the final sequence where the Alien confronts the survivors in the escaping vehicle (deja vu) we were both shouting at the TV, "Kill Ripley! End the Agony!". We don't even need to get into the ludicrousness of mixing human oxy-breathing DNA and Alien acid-blooded DNA. This is supposed to be a Science Fiction movie. This sort of unscientific crap relegates this flick to Independence Day level, without the action to redeem it. Still, it was better than say, any made-for-TV Sci-fi flick. Or any Sci-Fi Channel 'Original' Production. Though Babylon5 beats Alien4 hands down.
Rating:  Summary: Alien Ressurection/Alien 4 is okay, not the best. Review: There was a formula to the life cycle of the aliens. First a queen alien lays a nest-load of eggs, the eggs hatch face-huggers, the face-huggers plant an alien in another lifeform, the alien is either a soldier or a queen. If it's a queen you start over from the beginning. Alien Ressurection defies this simple formula. The movie is okay but not the best. If you liked the original trilogy than you may not like this movie. If you like it and want to buy it. i reccomend you get it on DVD (always suppliments galore, and great picture quality, esspecially on DVD-ROM), VHS is okay, but if you have access to DVD than, get it on DVD. If you haven't seen the series than just get the first three. You'll love them, but you may be dissapointed by this one.
Rating:  Summary: I liked it....is that so wrong? Review: A lot of people seem to be going into this expecting another 'Alien.' None of the 'Alien' movies have been like any other 'Alien' movie. This one works best as pure sci-fi. If you see it that way, it's a pretty darn good movie, Winona Ryder's questionable performance aside. Sigourney Weaver does an excellent job. Then again, I can't remember the last time she didn't. I liked what they did with the character. She's now a lot weirder, and I can relate with weird. Sure, the special effects look cheesy, but the entire plot is shallow. Your not meant to analyze. You just go with it. How many people would enjoy 'Die Hard' if they constantly analyzed it's artistic intergrity?
Rating:  Summary: What a waste Review: I cant understand how anyone could rate this movie higher then 1 star. Everything about this movie su**ed. Bad effects, bad script, bad story, bad acting, and tons of just plain stupid c**p. Next time some studio wants to piss millions down the toilet just right the check to me and ill put it to better use.
Rating:  Summary: Bleah! Review: Of the four ALIEN films, this has to be my least favourite.What bugged me the most were the gaping inaccuracies: None of it madeany sense! And even if you could ignore all that, what about the acting? Everyone played a stereotypical character, except for Winona Ryder, who played her usual, whiny, stock character, and I kept thinking that if there were anyone not suited to be in an ALIEN film, she would be the one. Still, I have to admit, Sigourney Weaver played a different sort of Ripley, which showed off a bit more of her range, and I was pretty impressed with her naive, bad-attitude self. Unfortunately, that was the only bright spot. The other three films focused so much on the human characteristics that set the human race apart from the aliens, but RESURRECTION missed that point entirely. I guess having a clone and a robot as the main characters detracts too much from that theme. I can't even say much for the action sequences, which were supposed to be so much different from anything else on the screen. Ooh, an underwater scene. (Yawn.) Aliens popping out of floors. (Deja vu!) And instead of trying to actually scare us with the aliens, the director used buckets and buckets of blood that were supposed to provide us with the horror. Remember how claustrophobic the first movie was? How about the sense of helplessness in the second movie, or the desperation in the third? That's horror. It gets under your skin, not all over your clothes. Each of the ALIEN movies set out to reset the standard of movies of its type, and each one -- including ALIEN 3 -- did so. RESURRECTION is just a hodgepodge of the main elements of the previous films, but done much less successfully than the others. Even if you don't compare this movie to the other three, it's still a failure, because it's nearly impossible to care for any of the characters. Do yourself a favor, if you love the ALIEN series, and skip this one. Just pretend like it doesn't even exist.
Rating:  Summary: Ugh, i'm gonna puke... Review: what a total pile of crap. worthless. they screwed so much up it wasn't even funny. since when do the laiens spit acid? the newborn alien was so pitifully done (not to mention a bad concept in the first place) that I would have laughed (but I don't laugh at bad effects, that's the only reason)sheesh, cloned Ripley who has no emotion. No thank you. Instead of making Wynona a MORE advanced synthetic, she's LESS advanced. they were synthetic humans for both Alien and Aliens. now they're mechanical robots? that sounds like a step BACKWARD...oh well I'll calm down on my bashing of this rubbish and let you decide for yourself I guess...