Rating:  Summary: A Slick Sci-Fi Thriller Review: Pitch Black is the story of a ship that crash-lands on a planet that is a scorching desert with three suns. The survivors of the crash include Fry the ship's pilot (Radha Mitchell), Riddick a prisoner (Vin Diesel) and Johns (Cole Hauser) who is guarding Riddick. While searching their surroundings the cast eventually finds some nasty aliens that live in darkness. And it turns out an eclipse is coming also. The story is relatively simple, however there are quite a few plot twists thrown in that keep the viewer constantly guessing. The effects are quite impressive for a movie of such a low budget. And Vin Diesel is one of the best anti-heroes. Keith David also provides solid support as a Muslim Priest.The cut presented on the Unrated DVD is 3 minutes longer than the rated. There is no more violence then the R-Rated version. It is actually more character development and a few more scenes that only serve to add to the film. The picture on this DVD is quite impressive. Just watch all the colors that the three suns emit when they are walking along the horizon and you will see how impressive this DVD is. The sound is also very impressive. Especially the DTS track, just watch the opening crash scene with it on and get ready for a full on surround workout with amazing depth and clarity. The extras however are not as impressive as the sound and video transfers. There are two audio commentaries, one with Twohy, Hauser and Diesel and another with the FX crew and Twohy. The first commentary is more casual were as the second is a technical one. Other than these two commentaries there is nothing of great value on the rest of the DVD. The 20 Minute Pitch Black Rave Event is a waste of space and should be avoided. This is quite a good Sci-Fi film that is much better than Supernova and most movies that came out in 2000. The Unrated DVD presents the film with an excellent video transfer and two amazing soundtracks with limited extras.
Rating:  Summary: Pitch Black - The Surroundings and the Hero Review: As an African-American, I am glad any time the black man gets to be the hero. IN this case, Vin Diesel turns in a scene stealing portrayal of a hero who rises above his hatred to save a group of white folks, stranded on a planet that is about to turn -- PITCH BLACK! This movie pulled off what is so difficult in today's cinema: providing lighting in intensely dark situations. The movie is unique in that the creatures who lurk in the dark are only seen a few times; much of the time there are shadows, quick shots, and the rest is left to the human mind. The movie's twist, with Diesel outlasting the typical white hero, is evidence of what Hollywood can do when it goes beyond the formula and simply does the right thing. "Pitch Black" described the environment that the humans were placed in, and their trek to get back to the ship with only small light sticks to rely on (the white man's biggest fear is the dark), but Diesel, is also "Pitch Black" in regard to the lily-whiteness of the rest of the movie's characters. Right on. We need to see him in more movies.
Rating:  Summary: A Very Likable and Original Sci-Fi Thriller Review: Contrary to popular belief (probably by those who have never actually seen this movie), Pitch Black bares little if any resemblance to ALIEN or any of it's sequels. This movie gets by completely on it's own merits. Not only is this movie intensely suspenseful and very scary (mostly by what you hear and don't see). Not only does it have incredible special effects galore and original (and extremely vicious) monsters, but it has character development. Surprisingly, the development of these characters is totally unpredictable and a little bit shocking. So is the end of this movie. You don't know whom to route for... or who to hate, but you eventually figure it out. In most movies of this genre, you know how the movie will end as soon as the opening credits have stopped rolling. This movie was a pleasant surprise in that respect. It was also an unexpected emotional trip and a hard lesson in salvation and ultimate redemption as well.
Rating:  Summary: A fun, refreshing, thrilling and original Sci-Fi movie Review: One would think, this movie being a USA pictures release, that this movie would be incredibly poor and full of unnecessary junk. WRONG. This movie is a refreshing break from the 'Try-too-hard-to-be-Aliens' sci-fi movies. Vin Diesel gives an EXCELLENT performance as the bad guy you just have to love. Full of plot twists and surprises, the special effects are very good and the the entire movie will keep you on the edge of your seat. Suspenseful, shocking, scary and all-out fun. DON'T miss it!
Rating:  Summary: Claudia Black and Pitch Black Review: Great movie, though doesn't explain why a night creature is on top of the food chain when 99.9 percent of the time it's daylight. Unless these creatures weren't indigenous to the planet to begin with, were introduced by the miners/colonizers/visitors which upset the ecological balance of the planet, and laid waste everything in it's path. That would explain why they were so destructive to the environment. Or maybe the planet fell out of orbit and the surface life died (which were bountiful or hearty enough to survive the night creatures attack) because of the constant heat and not the night creatures. So, again the ecology got thrown out of balance. It's science fiction, so anything is possible. Anyway, the real reason I'm writing is because of Claudia Black. This is the first time I've seen her anywhere and I was absolutely stricken. I hadn't even heard of Farscape yet until a week ago. Claudia Black is now on my top ten babe-a-licious list. Wow, I wish I could say more about her, but I'm going to be a male pig about this. Claudia, you are the jam in my jellyroll, the whip cream on my banana sundae with tiny chocolate sprinkles on top, and the fluoride in my toothpaste. Anyway, I think you get the point. Oh yeah, your a pretty good actor too. You have to be a good actor to split yourself in two like that. Doesn't that hurt?
Rating:  Summary: Where did this one come from? Review: "Pitch Black" is a movie whose cast is mostly unrecognizable (at least they were to me, except for Keith David). As I began watching this film, I thought to myself, "There goes another 20 bucks down the drain." I guess I'm use to blowing a few bucks looking for something new that may have potential, but always seems to fall considerably short. Soon after the opening 10 minutes (which admittedly caught my interest), "Pitch Black" began to settle down to a hum-drum, routine flick with all the typical trappings; a stranded crew on a deserted planet with an assortment of oddball and unsavory characters. But just before losing total interest, a funny thing happened. This film began taking unique twists and turns that I hadn't expected, and I found myself getting very interested in what was going to happen next. Folks, this film fooled me. Instead of a low budget sci-fi movie that has plot holes the size of the Grand Canyon, this one began shaping up rather nicely. Yes, this film had its own assortment of plot holes, but nothing to the point of distraction. The ecology of the planet and deadly creatures within suddenly began to make sense. And the producers of this film didn't cheat the audience with marginal special effects. They spent some money, and it showed. I soon found myself hooked because, frankly, I didn't have a clue how this one was going to turn out. I'm not going to go into the plot or the characters except to say that some of the characters work and some don't. The pleasure in this film is discovering its surprising turns, and it does get very intense at times. No, there were no Oscar worthy performances, but this team did good work most of the time. And that's especially true of the script writers and the direction from Twohy. Between 1 and 10, I give "Pitch Black" a solid 7. While this film pays obvious homage to the movie "Alien", it stands pretty well on its own merits. If you are looking for something that is not quite run-of-the-mill, and come into it without great expectations, this movie may fit the bill. Who knows? You might find yourself leaning forward and grabbing the arm of your chair more than just a few times.
Rating:  Summary: Don't waste your time Review: This movie just flat out sucked. Badly. The plot was thin and forgettable, the actors where terrible, the alien creatures weren't scary, and the special effects where only okay. All this movie is, is a group of annoying people put together who crash-land on some distant planet, and start to get eaten by "mystical creatures from the night, who live for darkness, and prey on flesh", with a murder, and swearing every other word. If that's your idea of a good time, go for it, but for the other 99.9% of the population, stay away from this movie. It more than earned its place in the Sci-Fi Hall of Shame, right next to Star Wars: Episode I.
Rating:  Summary: Pitch Black; what a ride!!!! Review: If your a sci-fi purist and never satisfied, don't watch this film (How could a sci-fi fan not accept whatever comes? That is what space travel will be one day.). But if you opt for adventure and suspense, tune in and prepare for a ride! This film was shot in the same location as Mad Max, by the same cinematographer and I feel the same raw grit and vision. From the opening scene where the choice between life and death is given to an unsuspecting pilot; through the visual breakup of the ship as it slides across the surface of a mysterious planet (and I mean visual breakup, I've never seen anything like this); to the realization that many of the passengers did not make it; this film will hold you prisoner. Don't compare it to Alien! Alien set the bar for sci-fi. It is all by itself in "deep space" adventure. Yes, the characters are stranded on a planet. But they are not alone. Creatures are watching and they are HUNGRY! You will ask yourself, how did this species survive itself? Deadly is not terminology that defines them. Fearless will not work either. Just demonically evil and relentless will work. These creatures are silent, but not. How the stranded humans survive their own fear is the perplexing conundrum presented in the film. Get from point A to point B, don't think about it! Staying alive is enough for these travelers. Pitch Black does not fit the standard sci-fi formula. Yes, there is a ship. Yes, there are creatures. Yes, there are humans with problems aside from the survival situation. But, the way the director puts the puzzle together will make you want to see this one again and again. I saw it once and bought the DVD. It has been watched several times and I've yet to be disappointed. DON'T HESITATE! GET IT NOW!
Rating:  Summary: Average at best Review: Pitch Black has its moments and it's a good rent, but the movie just has too many flaws and weaknesses for me to give it any higher than an average rating. The good: special effects. CGI, of course (the wave of the future--cheap special effects), but quite nicely done. As another reviewer mentioned, the eclipse scene looks impressive, as does the starship crash landing and the aliens themselves. The characters are for the most part weak in this movie but there were a few exceptions. I thought the female pilot, Frye I think, was pretty interesting. Her turnabout is a little hard to swallow, but with a little effort... The addition of Muslim supporting characters was an interesting touch. The bad: the plot is pretty weak and derivative. It's largely an Alien ripoff and not too good at stealing the best elements of the Alien films. The CGI aliens, at times impressive, almost seem to break up into pixels at other times. They should have done a little more post production work to "decomputerize" them more. The ugly: the characters are pretty weak. You have Vin Diesel as the consummate anti-hero. Why he has this relationship with the merc, Johns, was a bit confusing for me. The pilot, Frye, is a bit more believable than the other characters as mentioned above. The ending. I won't blow it for you, but was "the big sacrifice" really necessary to the plot? I kind of thought it was superfluous. The verdict: thumbs sideways. This was an okay movie and good escapist entertainment. Just don't expect the next Alien franchise out of this one.
Rating:  Summary: Pitch Black: Underdog Sci-Fi Flick Review: This movie caught a lot of us Hardcore Sci-Fi fans by surprise. It makes a fine edition to a science fiction collection. It had a good run in the theatres but I find a lot of my dates that are not into sci-fi haven't seen it and love it once they do. The special effects and style in which this movie was shot was awesome. You really get lost in the environments the movie is set in. There are several plot twists they will keep you guessing and some good character development. I hope we see more of the star, Vin Diesel. He has a certain something that could make him the next B grade action star replacing Kurt Russell. He actually is writing scripts now for his own vehicle.