Rating:  Summary: I like bad movies Review: This movie was made in Montreal so that explains why it wasn't any good.Travolta is an ego muncher
Rating:  Summary: Man-animals agree: this movie rocks! Review: Battlefield Earth is one of those rare movies which make you think. Despite what others may say, this a decent film which is based on a story by L. Ron Hubbard. The movie is built upon the following premise: 1,000 years ago (year 2000 CE), Earth was invaded by a warrior-race of aliens calling themselves "Psychlos." The aliens defeat all the nations on Earth in nine minutes. Humanity is enslaved, save for small bands of people living in key areas of the land (you'll find out why, and this only strengthens the resolve of our heroes). Flash forward 1,000 years and humanity is a dying species which is allowed to live solely for labor. What follows is the story of resistence and liberation from the oppressing entities which seem to exist solely to dominate and brutalize man via actions and views of race/spirituality/materalism. There is a certain message which can be extracted from this film for those willing to put aside bias and watch it.
Rating:  Summary: Oh goodness! What a trip! Review: I'm SOOO glad I didn't see this in the theatre. The comercials advertising this movie made it look great. Like plenty of people, I was glad when it came out on video and rented it. The good parts are pointing out all the cheezy special effects, holes in the plot, lack of plausibility, terrible acting, and so on, and so on, and so on. There's a reason this movie won so many 'Raspberry awards'....Worst leading actor, worst leading actress, worst couple in a movie(John Travolta and anyone on the screen with him at the time)lol! Worst director and others....I think it won nine raspberry awards in all! The movie had some potential, I was dissapointed more wasn't done with it. I groaned as cave men people decide to take ancient fighter jets and fly them, never even having seen one before. The fact that the airplanes hadn't been flown in over a thousand years and *still worked* was just a minor detail they overlooked(yeah, right). Just try leaving a well running new car sitting in your driveway for six months or a year and see what happens. And where did the electricity come from?? If people have reverted to the stone age, and all the old cities are in ruins, how were they able to simply turn on the lights when they find an old military instilation?? Good points....um, the lead guy had a nice looking horse. But, that's yet another bad point, I cannot imagine that goregeous Lustino stallions are running around for the picking in the american southwest regions over a thousand years after everything falls apart. Mustangs took only a hundred years or less to turn into short, rough, and not very attractive forms. We're suposed to belive that a horse who looks like he'd win a modern conformation competition will easily be around? Also, the ammount of time things have suposedly been different....the ammount of ruin of the buildings they found looked more like fifty or a hundred years tops worth of weathering and ruin. All in all, a terrible movie, but I'll probably rent it again for a party so we can laugh at it sometime and throw popcorn at the screen.
Rating:  Summary: Hysterical!! Review: I couldn't stop laughing John Travolta with something hanging out of his nose and his clothes looking like what Sting wore in Dune. This could of been a good movie it had a good plot but it was horribly done.A wonderful film to pick fun at.
Rating:  Summary: One of the worst movies of all time! Review: Terrible acting, unbelievable storyline, ridiculous "aliens" (John Travolta on stilts with dreadlocks! Ok, I laughed at that part!), simpleminded plot, humans that go from stone age to fighter pilots overnight... the list goes on. I always thought Plan 9 from Outer Space had to be the worst movie of all time but it's got Battlefield Earth beat! This isn't even a Camp or Cult film, it's just BAD!
Rating:  Summary: I Loved the Trailer. Then I Saw the Movie. Review: I was hyped up when I saw the trailer. A little worried about the Harrier jets, but I was still hyped up. It just looked cool. Then the title credits appeared. My hopes were soaring. It looked like a good high-budget film. I was stoked. Then I saw Barry Pepper on that horse and my heart sank. It was all downhill from there. In the hands of a moderately competant scriptwriter and director, Battlefield Earth could have been made into a pretty good film. The story even had the potential of being a blockbuster SciFi flick. Unfortunately, we got stuck with this piece of stinking garbage. Travolta in his silly stilt costume is actually one of the more forgiveable aspects of this wreched film. If you have read the book, then you have to wonder why they made the changes that they did. Harrier jets working after 1000 years? Casts of hundreds that go "urh! urh! urh!"? What is this about? These changes do nothing to make the movie better or understandable to people who aren't scientologists. They do nothing to make the book's plot tighter for cinema. In fact, they degrade the story and make the screenwriter look like a hack that was hired because someone lost a bet. Bad writing, bad directing, and bad acting all conspire to make for the most ambitiously bad movie I have seen. Even Deathstalker II was better than this. As other people have said, it doesn't even deserve one star. But that's as low as the ratings system on this site will go...
Rating:  Summary: Ummmmm,I Think I'll Pass. Review: Battlefield Earth is by far one of the worst movies ever made.I feel sorry for the people who bought this DVD and said they enjoyed it.Giving this movie any more than 1 star is just foolish.Save your money. Peace Out.
Rating:  Summary: Unbelievably bad - doesn't even deserve one star Review: This inept sci-fi movie is the proof that Scientology ain't no good influence for people. Based upon a thick novel published by L. Ron Hubbard, the creator of the sadly famous sect, the film deals with the Psychlos, a race of weird, bloody and stupid people who invaded and conquered the Earth, treating a group of dirty and ignorant humans like inferior people (easy!). It even doesn't explain how they managed to take control of the planet and only tells us the story of one human (Barry Pepper, not convincing), resisting the Psychlos' tyranny and trying to set the humans free again. Not easy at all, when you're on your own, and unarmed, but this is a Hollywood movie after all, so why not?... If "The World is not enough", scientologist John Travolta isn't either. His presence can't save this ridiculous story from the complete failure. Here dealing with a work from his Lord and Master, he's ugly and stupid, and his acting is so bad that there's nothing to say about it. The good art direction and Forest Whitaker ("Bird", "Ghost Dog") can't save him either, and we can wonder how a great actor like Whitaker got involved in such a lousy project. We often think about "Plan 9 from Outer Space", from Ed Wood, who's been considered for long as the worst filmmaker in movie history. "Battlefield Earth" is some kind of a modern version, so we can say it's the worst film in movie history, as well as Roger Christian, the worst director.
Rating:  Summary: I never even made it to the climax Review: Sorry - couldn't get into it. I was so turned off by the pathetic attempt at creating an alien with all-too-human characteristics that I never got to see the plot unroll. I tried watching this movie three times at the recommendation of others and couldn't get past the first hour on any attempt. Usually I made it about 25 minutes and then started cleaning my house as a much more exciting way to spend my time. I mean really, in this day and age a twisted hairdo isn't enough to represent an alien.
Rating:  Summary: Good movie Review: After I read all the hard reviews that this movie has received you probably don't want to watch it. I really like it, It is not Star Wars but It is a good sci-fi movie.