Rating:  Summary: Not a classic, not the worst ever. Somewhere between. Review: I am a big fan of the novel, and have been waiting for the movie for some time. Compared to the novel, the movie pales in comparison, yet I still found the movie entertaining.I will admit that there are severe implausibilities in this movie which, ironically, were covered well in the book. To wit: In the book most vehicles are nothing but piles of rust. In the movie they haved weathewred the years MUCH better! In the book Jonnie recruits his mining team from a tribe of Scots who, though primitive, have preserved much of their culture and some of their knowledge. In the movie, they become a band of face painting, spear throwing savages. In the book, Jonnie and the Scots, after months of training with them, use the Psychlos own equipment against them. In the movie, Jonnie and his band of savages find Harrier jets in pristine condition, all fueled up and ready to go, and manage to learn them in seven days( I will say this, they did put in dialog that at least shows it was a monumental task to learn it)! Having said that, the movie did keep somewhat close to the spirit of the novel. duplication would have been near impossible unless they wanted to make a movie that'd make Titanic look like an preview in length! the acting was alright. Some people apparently don't like the type of evil the Psychlos are, maybe they like their villians with some redeeming qualities. Travolta and Whitaker do good jobs with their roles, though I could have done without Travolta's in-again, out-again accent. Pepper has his moments, though I couldn't quite get behind him as the hero. The rest of the cast is a mixed bag. Director Roger Christian tries to do his best George Lucas impersonation, with mixed results. He spent most of the movie making the off kilter angle shots, and though I understand that he was trying to achieve a partiucular effect doing that, it didn't really work for me. Special effects were quite good, my main complaint was the final battle scenes were way too dark. You could hardly make out what was going on. My main gripe has to do with the Screenplay. Corey Mandel is the blame for the implausibilities. There is no way this movie is the worst movie ever, or even close. Off the top of my head I can think of half a dozen Van Damme flicks which are real stinkers. Personally, I think many of the extremely bad reviews for this movie come from people who have an agenda other than panning the movie itself. There is no way this movie is a classic. See my reason stated above. If you want an entertaining movie which doesn't ask you to engage your intellect, go see this movie. In the end, it is up to you either way. Just remember the famous saying: "Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach. Those who can't teach, criticize." I am willing to bet those putting the movie down have the knowhow and ability to do better.
Rating:  Summary: Don't listen to the critics Review: When I saw this movie I couldn't understand why the critics bashed it so much. The performances are good and the special effects are excellent. But, it does have a few plot holes and some parts are not fully explained. Seen worse but I've also seen better.
Rating:  Summary: What on Earth is this? Review: I am still in suspended animation as to how bad this film is. I am still in disbelief that millions of dollars go into such ventures as this one. What were they thinking? Oh yeah, now I remember. John Travolta's bank account is as big as his ego and proportinately small is his acting ability. What do you call Klingons, Blade Runner, Star Wars, Alien, Predator and KISS all rolled into one? Battlefield Earth. My suggestion is, enjoy watching the above mentioned works of art on a seperate basis, for they are the real thing. I got to see Battlefield Earth for free. With its makeup design ripoffs of the Klingons, sets modeled after Logan's Run and John Travolta's boots and costume stright out of the Ace Frehley archives, it was still too costly even with a free sneak-preview pass. It took two hours out of my life and it insulted mine, and others intelligence. It's a good thing the movie was free, because the cost in other terms was immense. A film with all special effects and no story or acting is how I would describe Battlefield Earth. My condoleces go out to Forest Whitaker. A genius of an actor/director, it is a shame his repetoire has association with such a film. The difference is that because Whitaker is so talented, I have no doubt he will bounce back. There is not a negative number of stars large enough with which to rate this film.
Rating:  Summary: yikes... Review: It's bad folks. Many others have taken the time to tell ya why, Travolta's ultra-hammy performance, the lame special effects, the brainless plot with more potholes in it than a third world country roadsystem. I have only this observation to add. They casted Kim Coates (as Carlo) as the exact character he played in Waterworld (the Drifter lookin' for action.) The difference being in this movie he's made out to be heroic. It's that bad folks.
Rating:  Summary: I Agree With Ben H.-excellent film Review: I cannot see why people hate this film. Everything bad said about it just can't be justified at all. I saw the film just yesterday and was very impressed by what I saw. Plot holes? There were no plot holes. If you weren't paying attention to the film, you would miss something and then think there is a plot hole. Bad acting? Not by a long shot. My advice, see the film instead of reviewing it first if that's what most people are doing. Spreading bad word about something good is not good. But what is good is this film and any person with an open midn and the ability to suspend disbeleif should like this one. By the way, this film has nothing to do with Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard chose to leave that out of the book, and it didn't make it into the movie. If the reason you hate this film is because you hate Scientology, you're hating it for the wrong reason.
Rating:  Summary: not the best of movies, but okay for summer Review: Battlefield Earth is by far not the best movie out there, but it is a good "summer" movie.
Rating:  Summary: Dark humor really works for this sci fi fan Review: After a couple of years of far too serious sci fi, it is great to see the irony of an L. Ron Hubbard novel combined with the wit of Travolta at his evil comedy best. I highly reccommend this one, and I will definitely see it again.
Rating:  Summary: An entertaining movie Review: As someone who read the book and saw the movie, I was slightly disappointed that the climactic event that occurs midway through the book was absent in the movie -- I'd been looking forward to that. However, on realizing how difficult it must have been to adapt such an epic to the screen, I have to say, it was a good job. It's easy to sit back with a critical eye when you're not the one having to make the critical decisions. I found myself on the edge of my seat, despite having read the book, throughout the movie. There were also several humorous points to relieve the tension. It was, overall, an enjoyable experience and I'm looking forward to the sequel.
Rating:  Summary: I never saw an uglier alien Review: Forest Whitaker is the ugliest guy I've ever seen who looked at me with a straight face. He looked totally real, like guys you might see downtown. This movie had a lot of that, you actually see the stuff in real life. Like John Travolta's evilness. This even applied to the pg-13 gore scenes. I never actually saw anyone get their head blown off in front of me, most people I'll wager haven't and you won't in this movie either. I didn't expect it to be so much for kids, but as someone who read the book also, it's worth a see.
Rating:  Summary: Unrealistic Review: I thought the movie started off okay, with a few jokes that at least got a giggle out of me, but from there it turned into a very hokey and unrealistic movie. I walked out at the end of the fight between humans and Psychlo because it became too rediculous. This is a movie I do not want to watch ever again.