Rating:  Summary: Nonsense, nonsense, and more......... Review: I rented the DVD of this film yesterday so I could see first-hand how bad this film was, and can only say that there was NOTHING redeeming about it whatsoever. The screenplay, special effects, acting, and everything else was simply sub-par. I am still debating If I should listen to Roger Christian's director commentary, but I don't know If I can sit through this film for another two hours. Besides, what could he possibly say that would justify this travesty? A waste of talent, time, and lots of MONEY. Geez, as horrible as Michael Bay is (Yes, he is BAD), at least the special effects are up to snuff despite the absence of everything else that makes a decent film.
Rating:  Summary: Not great, but interseting Review: This movie took a serious hit by fans and critics, and I'll admit that B.E. is extremely cheesy(your enjoyment of this film will be based on your movie cheese tolerance). With all that said, I found myself enjoying it. I like the way that the Psychlos were portrayed and the look of the film is spectacular. Everything is shot at an angle, and I actually started liking that aspect as well. If you like ID4 and Godzilla, then you might want to check this one out. Personally I feel that this film is better than Mission to Mars and Red Planet, because it is what it is and doesn't try to be anything other than a B grade sci-fi, and for that I have to tip my hat. There is an interseting final solution for getting rid of the bad guys that I felt was original. Lastly, I also feel that too many people bashed this movie because of the Scientology backing, and that is a shame.
Rating:  Summary: Avoid this movie like the plague Review: I had been looking forward to seeing this movie for about fifteen years at least, back when I read the novel in high school, and the cover said soon to be a major motion picture. How little I was to know how long it would take to be made, or how badly it would be made. I had my reservations when I first realized the movie wasn't even going to be quite two hours long. How could they take a nearly 1000 page novel and condense it into an under two hour movie. Quite easily it seems, just rip everything good out of the novel, end the movie at about the point nearly half way into the book, and put out the piece of junk that they did. All they kept was the very bare bones of the novel, and twisted it so horribly that I could hardly recognize it. I have to wonder: did L. Ron Hubbard approve of this? The acting in this movie is horrible and too much way over the top, especially by John Travolta. To say that he wasn't what I was expecting Terl to be like from reading the book would be a drastic understatement. There wasn't one actor I could recommend as having even done a semi-decent joy in this movie, they all looked like they were sleep walking through it, and perhaps they were, just hoping that the finished project would turn out better than the individual scenes. One of the most painfully stupid scenes was when the humans went to Fort Knox and discovered the gold. If gold was such a precious commodity, even on other planets, it's ridiculous to assume that the Psychlos wouldn't have found it themselves, considering that the building was still intact. My sense of belief had already been severely strained up until then, but that really took the cake. There are also far too many scenes of Terl strutting around, bugging everyone with what he called pictographs, so that he could blackmail anyone who stood in his way. It was ludicrous, the amount of double crossing that was going on, as deals are constantly being made and broken. Just unbelievable. For your own sake, stay far away from this movie. Don't rent it, don't watch it if someone else rents it, and if you get it as a gift, return it immediately without even having opened it. Trust me, you'll thank me for it.
Rating:  Summary: There's bad, and then there's Battlefield Earth Review: If your asking yourself how bad could it possibly be, it's worse! I am embarrassed for John Travolta (who does nothing but laugh for the whole two painful hours). The special effects look worse then something off the sci-fi channel. The plot, if you want to call it that, is incomprehensible. Don't these movies get screened before they're put into theaters? It's so incomprehensibly bad that it's worth a viewing, because no words could describe it to you.
Rating:  Summary: Yeah. Four Stars. Eat it. Review: I wasn't programmed to hate this movie. It's like The Postman all over again. A movie i was implored to avoid. People begged me to stay away from this movie. Never in my life have i seen any movie get completely lambasted as this. So needless to say, i was pretty eager for it to come out on dvd, having missed it in the theaters. First let me say that i have read the novel. Not at all an L Ron Hubbard fan, i am however a fan of LONG 1000 page epics, and moderately interested in science fiction. But just moderately. I knew right away that any attempt to be completely faithful to the book would be impossible. A faithful rendering of this book would play like a 20 hour Ken Burns documentary. The book is simply too complex, too long. Too many things happen. Hubbard's not a big fan of description, leaving him more room to make things complicated. So i was prepared for a simple version of what ended up being just the first half of the book (which is good because the second half is like a bad sequel). I was fairly impressed with the special effects, i was only vaguely annoyed by travolta's performance and that of the rest of the psychlos, but i kept in mind that they were supposed to be...too much. they're somewhat eccentric. certainly this movie broke no new ground, and some of the filming techniques (constant use of slo-mo, "star wars"-like transition shots, etc.) were unnerving. true enough, this movie wanted so bad to be star wars. considering director christian's previous work on star wars (yes, he was set director for the original, and second unit director for episode I), this isn't surprising. however, i found none of the glaring problems so many people complain about. it was entertaining. worth my time and my money, and at no point was i bored or frustrated. it was a good tale of david vs. goliath, a very common story technique; common because it is successful. i felt somewhat relieved it wasn't nearly as bad as YOU PEOPLE say it is. needless to say, thankfully i have a mind of my own, because wow, if i had to rely on the narrowminded opinions of others, i'd be in a real mess, wouldn't i.
Rating:  Summary: Lazy man watches a bad movie Review: I've read many of the reviews posted here, and agree with any rating it 1 star. Unfortunately, "kick the director in the groin" is not a valid rating! A buddy of mine told me this movie was bad, but I like to decide for myself. Oh baby was he right. I've never written a review before due to my extreme laziness, however I felt compelled to write my thoughts on this movie. First off. Let's say an alien race takes our planet by force, this still doesn't explain why we would revert to cavemen! Second. The aliens dominate us within minutes, and would have seen that we had various technologies, but somehow 1000 years later they manage to think that dogs were higher life forms. Third. Everyone mentioned this one, but how are cavemen going to learn to fly fighter jets EVER, let alone in days. Fourth. The effects were terrible in some spots, not to mention a lot of failed tries at ripping off other movies. The fade ins and outs from Star Wars, the shooting scene in the hotel lobby from the Matrix. Fifth. The ending is ridiculous. It's comparable to watching a Bruce Lee movie, where instead of hand to hand combat, one guy jumps in and yell's SPOON, and Bruce Lee explodes for no reason. I like a lot of movies, even some that most people hate, and I really thought about stopping this movie a quarter of the way in. It was like a car wreck though, and I couldn't look away.
Rating:  Summary: YOU MUST OWN THIS or else you are a STUPID MAN-ANIMAL! Review: This was probably the best movie of 2000. It had great acting by John Travolta as the magnificient and humourous Terl. He always had something funny to say. Everytime he opened his mouth you were ready to laugh. Great acting on his part. The role of Terl was perfectly suited for Travolta. The direction is also amazing. I love how the camera always seems to be tilted one way or another, like the director was sick to his stomach. I also like how the colours were washed-out and saturated. The story was very entertaining and should be told to our kids for generations and generations, so this tale will always survive. This DVD is great and I think everyone should own it! Best movie of 2000, best DVD of 2001.
Rating:  Summary: I don't understand the complaining! Review: I did not go to see the movie because of the bad reviews, but went ahead and bought the dvd. I just received it and watched expecting an awful movie and was very surprised. I thought it was a very good movie. Perhaps, I had a better appreciation from reading the book. While many scenes were changed, from book to movie, the overall theme stayed the same. Many have complained that there is no plot, but I had no problem following the story and thought it was good. Granted, the timeline in the movie is a bit crammed together. Events took months to unfold in reading, but in the movie seemed to take a very short period of time. So, I can understand this problem. The special effects were also good. Some have complained about the shimmering effects as being cheap, but they were shown as Hubbard described them. Perhaps the best advise would be to read the book first, then see the movie. Overall I thought it was really good and John Travolta did an excellent job portraying Terl.
Rating:  Summary: An impossibility Review: There are many words that go through my mind when I think about this movie but I cannot say them without sparking criticism from various violence defamation leagues. Why this picture ever got funding is one thing, but John Travola planning a sequal (despite the fact this film has LOST money for studios) is beyond me. Let me put it this way: When I go to see a movie that has been brutalized by critics I will go in with low expectations and find the movie not being as bad as I thought. I am afraid this is not the case for this film. Believe me when I say that staying through to the end of this movie was painfull. The urge to walk out was strong, but I knew I had to stay as I would meet up with a fellow geek who would say 'well you missed the surprise ending!' The reviews praising this film make me think they have been planted by those who are going to profit from the sale of this film. It's time to kill ugly cinema! If you plan to watch this film, get a group of friends! Get as many people as you can! Make sure the studio makes as little money as possible! But then again, if you think that teaching cavemen to fly 1000 year old harrier jets with 1000 year old fuel is utterly concievable, then your opinion is yours and this film will satisfy you.
Rating:  Summary: Battlefield Mirth Review: There's stupid, there's inept and then there's "Battlefield Earth". One of those almost other-worldy cinematic experiences that makes you shake your head in utter disbelief, "Battlefield Earth" will unquestionably be the "Plan 9 From Outer Space" for the 21st century. Having read about a third of Hubbard's "Mission Earth: The Invaders Plan", I really have to wonder how Scientology has flourished around a hack writer with paranoid notions about psychology (ie: The Psyclos") and beauraucracy (evidenced in this film and "Mission Earth"). This movie can only be fully appreciated whilst heavily intoxicated or not completely awake. And as for a sequel..... END