Rating:  Summary: How Disappointing! Review: I saw a portion of this movie at the theater - it is the only movie I have ever left. I am a movie buff, John Travolta fan, love science-fiction, and am easily amused. I have learned to never expect anything, then I am not disappointed BUT I do expect a little more than this movie gave: bad acting, poor story-line, dirty, dull settings. . . Definitely rent it before you buy. It doesn't even qualify as a bad "B" movie.
Rating:  Summary: Watch it with your buds...but not with the wife Review: As with all things Hubbard, Asimov, or Moe Curly & Larry... Women just don't get it. My Wife sat through it begrudgingly and was considerate enough to wait till the movie was over to tell me she did not like it. As I see it the difference is this: Men Enjoy the entertainment value, While Women seek a deeper meaning that just isn't there. Call us Simpletons if you will ladies, But we just don't need a deeper meaning to be entertained. On the Other hand, I have a particular fondness for Sci-Fi and enjoyed the story, even though it offers little explanation of how a near-neanderthal individual learns to fly a Harrier Jump Jet in only two weeks...Is this typical of L. Ron Hubbard or just poor moviemaking? I'll let you decide. I reccomend this selection on DVD also for the extras. It gives a little background info on the Novel, and provides bios about the cast.
Rating:  Summary: I don't get it??? Review: What I don't get is the Bum Rap this movie gets? I didn't go see it at the theater because of all the bad reviews - like the ones listed here on Amazon. After seeing it I thought there must have been some "critic conspiracy" against it? I really thought this was an exellent Sci-Fi movie, at least as good as Independance Day and along the same the same lines. Top notch acting and special effects, great visuals - a good action movie. My theroy is that most so called critics just don't have the imagination to get science fiction like this??? I own about 200 DVDs, mostly sci-fi, and can say this is at least one of the better ones. I think a lot of people who would've liked it won't get to see because of the bad press?
Rating:  Summary: People missed the point to this movie! Review: I think that anyone who complained about this movie completely missed the point. It was supposed to be silly! I think you have to have read the book to truly appreciate this movie. John Travolta did a great job as being the snobbish, idiotic Psychlo. He pulled it off great. The book was a bit better but aren't they always? I have no complaints about the movie at all and took it for exactly what it was worth. Fun and amusing.
Rating:  Summary: Great book ¿. Absolutely horrid movie Review: When I first read Battlefield earth nearly 20 years ago the cover said, "Soon to be a major motion picture!" and I could not wait. The more I thought about it however, I realized that no screenplay could take that much plot, character development, story and action and put it into a move lasting less than 20 hours. The movie adaptation is therefore no surprise. It leaves the viewer: - Laughing at the absurd coincidences that the humans fall into. Ex) 1000 old US Airplanes that still fly. - Mortified by the lackluster story. - With no sympathy for the humans struggle to survive due to NO character development. - With no fear Terl or appreciation of his capacity for evil - Absolutely no understanding of the aliens inhabiting earth - On and on and on ..... This story should have been left where it was best told, on paper.
Rating:  Summary: worse than expected Review: I rented this expecting to have a campy good time...had a few beers and sat down with a few friends for a few hours of entertaining cheese. However, the movie wasn't even enjoyable. It's not campy, just poorly written, poorly acted and poorly directed. It's just bad. Stay away at all costs.
Rating:  Summary: Ten Things To Like About Battlefield Earth Review: TEN THINGS TO LIKE ABOUT BATTLEFIELD EARTH10. Kevin Costner didn't produce, direct, write, or star in this film. 9. Forest Whitaker looks embarassed, and after what he did in Ghost Dog and Species, he certainly has reason to. 8. None of the bombs have a red LED countdown timer, and no one says "The blue wire or the red wire?" 7. No one leaps sideways in slow motion while firing a pistol in each hand and hitting a moving target while simultaneously avoiding a hail of machinegun bullets. 6. It's so seldom you hear a villain laugh a genuine "Bwah ha ha!" laugh. 5. You can save money: With the price of one rental you can see Dune, Bladerunner, Star Wars, Planet of the Apes, One Million Years B.C., Clan of the Cave Bear, and half-a-dozen other films. 4. The plot made a lot more sense than that of Star Trek: Insurrection. 3. Good news! Detroit's learned how to make cars that won't rust out in a thousand years. 2. Once you've conquered the universe you don't have to brush and floss. and the number one best thing about Battlefield Earth: 1. No Jar Jar Binks.
Rating:  Summary: True Sci Fi Review: Different from your run of the mill movies in almost all aspects, this movie makes a point: any oppression can be toppled with knowledge and intelligence. Great acting, filming and directing. Pay attention and you won't be let down. I especially liked the added scenes to the DVD that were not in the original movie. I highly recommend the book by the same title. It is the best sci fi book, no, actually it's the best book I've ever read. You just can't put it down!!
Rating:  Summary: Clean SciFi / Good FX Review: After renting the DVD and buying it a couple of days for reasons of non-bloody SciFi entertainment, I can say that the movie got a blend of Independence Day, Planet of the Apes and Stargate. Give the movie credit in the excellent FX work done by the studio. So, the aliens move slow and act like they don't look like smart space conquerors or humans that learn how to fly jets quickly. If I begin to dissect movies for the sake of its realistic story, I might as well chuck out most of my movie collection and watch On Golden Pond. Watch it as pure entertainment, a movie in which language, blood and gore are abscent for once, hooray for Hollywood!! Too much junk out these days, so thanks for the clean story! You may not buy it but at least worth seeing once. Can be appreciate for its story line.
Rating:  Summary: Big guilty pleasure. Review: I usually agree with the critics when it comes to big-budget sci-fi films. In the past few years, I've found Waterworld, The Postman, Wild Wild West, etc., to be just as bad as the critics said. And with all the terrible reviews Battlefield Earth received (barely a * star rating average among the critics), I was expecting to hate it, too. However, I found myself enjoying the movie despite myself. Sure, it's absurd, with plenty of large plot holes and an over-the-top finale, but I still found it quite entertaining, due to the fun performances, constant bickering and planning amongst the characters, and great special effects, which were bashed for no good reason at all. Admittedly, Roger Christian's use of the tilted angle is annoying, and the sight of cavemen flying 1,000 year-old harrier jets is so bad it's not even funny. Yet, it was an enjoyable experience. At times, it had a mild epic feel, the lead character, played by Barry Pepper, is very likeable and he delivers a fairly good performance. John Travolta and Forest Whitaker ham it up as the villains, and they're all the more fun to watch because of it. There were some things I was disappointed about. For one, a film with this sort of title would lead you to believe there would be non-stop action, but the action doesn't come until the last 20 minutes. Even then, they're not as exciting as they should be, mostly because of cuts that are too quick and the fact that the aliens seem to move too slow to be too huge a threat. There's also a strange change in tone every several minutes. When the film focuses on the humans, the actors take it all very seriously. When the focus is on the aliens, the actors go over-the-top, resulting in pure cheese, and while I like both aspects, the constant change is a little annoying. The way I see it, if you go into the movie wanting to like it and have already read plenty of the reviews and know full well what to expect, you'll most likely enjoy the movie. If you want to hate the movie, you also most likely will. As far as the post-apocalyptic genre goes, this is not the best, but it's far from the worst.