Rating:  Summary: Superb sequel and a sci-fi cassic in its own right Review: Emulating Ridley Scott's 1979 classic was always going to be tough, but incrediably Cameron did it and not only that but created a superb film that stands on it's own. 57 years after the original nightmare unfolded, Ripley, played to perfection by Weaver, wakes up and reluctantly leads the Marines back to the planet where she first encounterd the dome headed monster only to find that there is not just one of them but hundereds. After the build up of about 40 minutes, that includes a chilling recount by Ripley of the events in the first film while the faces of the dead crew flash up on a screen behind, its off into the depths of the universe to kick some butt! Cameron plays the film superbly and also produces easily the best script that he has ever written to date and develops themes from the orginal, that really ever sequel should do. These include Ripley's character, as she nutures the young Newt, her fear of andriods and turns her into a tough herione, more than the damsel in distress that was forced to struggle to survive in the first film. Other themes that are taken further are the beasties themselves: the face hugger can actually scuttle along by it legs and the xenomorphs are in their multitude. The main draw backs from Scott's film is the fact that the tension is unfocused and Cameron the suspense is not quite as nail biting as the orgianal. This is a small price to pay though for the effects laden, terrifying blast fest that Cameron employs as he takes your worst fears too their extreme. Two and half hours fly by like 90 minutes to lead into a memorable show down at the end.
Rating:  Summary: A WHOLE FLOCK OF 'EM! Review: Despite the fact that Warrant Officer Ripley is now a Lieutenant (that would not happen in today's Navy!), this second entry in the ALIEN series is great! Just imagine; all of my sisters are now chasing us! Full of venom and hatefulness, jealousy and narcissism, thier goal is to destroy everything and everyone in sight. A terrifying ride!
Rating:  Summary: Adam Dodd's ALIENS summary Review: Okay, you want my honest opinion, this is the best movie I have ever seen. The cast of characters, Ripley, Burke, Bishop, Hicks, Newt, etc, were very easy to follow and their actions throughout were justified. For instance, since Burke was a company man, he was ordered to take back an ALIEN sample. Since the WY company is really screwed, they don't give a damn about the risk. Burke portrays the ideal WY employee. A word about my favorite character, HUDSON. BRING HIM BACK MAN!!! BRING HIM BACK!!!Anyways...as I was saying...with a great cast of characters, such as Sigoruny(sp?) Weaver, Lance Hendrikson, Bill Paxton...where can you go wrong? And how can you NOT like the names of Spunkmeyer or Wierzbowski? The plot only had one weak spot in it, the fact that no one stayed abord the Sulaco during the mission...other than that it rocked big time. The best of the Four movies IMO. I also think that Trevor Steedman, and Tip Tipping, who played Pvt. Wierzbowski and Pvt. Crowe, could have been given more screen time and lines. But other than that...WHAT A GREAT MOVIE!!! GAME OVER MAN!!! GAME OVER!!! Adam Dodd
Rating:  Summary: 5 words: where is the DIRECTOR'S CUT? Review: 'nuff said
Rating:  Summary: Best sci-fi thriller ever! Review: Unlike most sequels, "Aliens" far surpasses its predecessor, "Alien" in what we expect from sci-fi thrillers. James Cameron, who had recently risen to fame as director of "The Terminator", utilized much the same formula in creating cycle after cycle of gut-wrenching suspense, followed by astounding action payoff. There's far more payoff here than in 'Alien", as there are a whole lot more aliens who show up for the party! "Aliens" is no mere "wipe 'em out" 'B' movie extravaganza. Graphic evidence of the aliens' impossible intelligence and intentions keeps presenting itself, amplifiying the fear of an already horrified audience. The only thing scarier than an alien is a bunch of really smart ones who are determined to get you, and they're coming! The relentless, emotionally-charged pace continues nearly to the end, and just when you're sure it's over, the most adrenalin-pumped terror is about to begin. Sigourney Weaver reprises her role as Ripley, lone survivor of the Nostromo, an interstellar ore-carrier she set for self-destruction to kill the alien that'd wiped out the rest of her crew in "Alien." Ripley's escape pod is recovered, and she is returned to earth, only to learn she has been asleep for 57 years. The Company blames Ripley for the Nostromo's loss, considering there was no evidence of any alien presence on the now-colonized planet where the Nostormo had encounterd it. Overwhelmed with guilt, grief and recurrent nightmares of her ordeal, Ripley sinks into depression, until Earth's contact with the planet colony is suddenly lost, and Ripley is recruited as an advisor to accompany a Marine platoon on an investigative / rescue mission and reluctantly agrees to go. Cameron-favorite Michael Biehn plays a Marine corporal; Biehn's presence is almost invisible at first, but his cool 'never-say-die' screen persona becomes the audience's dearest hope as the story builds to climax. Other Cameron disciples appear. Bill Paxton plays a whiney, yet wise-cracking Marine private, and Lance Hendriksen plays a synthetic, or as his character puts it, "an articficial person" whom Ripley intensely despises and distrusts. Paul Reiser plays what would nowadays constitute an off-beat role for him; a double-crossing corporate flunky, whose secret objective is to assure preservation of the aliens' physiology for the Company's weapons technology division...at any expense to the mission and personnel, of course. Expect a distinct sensation of "exhaustive relief" by the time the credits roll.
Rating:  Summary: King of the World! Review: I was merely 7 years old back in 1986 when the theater went dim. Little did I know then how Aliens would shape my life. Aside from Star Wars, I haven't seen anything since that has impacted my life such as Aliens did. In my opinion, the first two movies in the series are the only two, with Aliens being the finally. The last two movies so off the mark that I almost felt sick when I saw them. I was happy when James Cameron finally got the recognision he deserved for Titanic. People should take notice of his earlier work. If only Fox would release the director's cut on tape or DVD.
Rating:  Summary: BEST MOVIE EVER!!!!! Review: Aliens is by far the best out of the four. I just wish that they would release the directors cut out on VHS. Sigorny Weaver is my favorite acctress. I have (and will continue to see!!) every movie that she has ever played in!! But by far her best role ever was Lt. Elen Ripley!!! The Alien movie series is by far, in my terms, the best Sci-Fi releases ever and how a Sci-Fi action/thriller should be portrayed. A definatly *****!! If you know anybody who so happens to have a copy of the Directors Cut on VHS, PPPLLLEEEAAASSSEEE contact me!!
Rating:  Summary: True to the original Review: See the original first. Then see it again in the sequel. Aliens has essentially the same plot developments as the original, Alien. However, in this encounter, nerve-racking suspense is accompanied by seamless action. True to the original, characters are developed fully, and the plot, although simple, is logical and flawless. Perhaps the greatest sin of modern science fiction/horror films is that the audience cannot feel for the characters. Not so with this gem. Once again, Gigger's alien ravages the audience, and is left mostly out of sight, limiting its movements and intentions only to the audience's imagination. A worthy successor to the original, in every way.
Rating:  Summary: Amazing, f****** incredible, A masterpiece Review: Aliens has to be my all time favoute movie.There is no better,Aliens brings brilliant action, classy lines(favoute'I say we grease this rat-f***-son-of-b**** right now'(Private Hudson)and('let's rock')Private Vasquez, wicked casting(favoute Hudson,Bill Paxton)a range of funky weapons(favoute M-41A Pulse Rifle),a brilliant Director(James Cameron) and some great sounds and speacil effects(the aliens). Aliens is well worth buying (try to get the speacil edition, it's much better)if you don't see it you must be mad
Rating:  Summary: ALIENS: Dazzling sequal and a masterpiece Review: In 1979 director Ridley Scott gave us Alien, a frightening look at the unknown of space. Seven years later director James Cameron did the same, but with much more intensity - he gave us the outstanding sequal Aliens. Sigourney Weaver is back once more as Lt. Ripley, fighting a being so dark and evil it cannot be conquered it seems. Actually this is still my favourite film of all time, and with the special edition it becomes even more impressive. This is a film one just have to see, it cannot be explained in words. Seven academy award nominations prooves my point.