Summary: Not Enough
Review: For an hour and twenty minute movie, we should have gotten more. Makes you wonder how bad the scenes were that were cut out. The leading lady is less than interesting. The finest moments belonged to the dog, and most of those have been featured in trailers and commercials. Lots of great special effects, but the story wore thin.
Summary: K Follows J (but Not For Long)
Review: With tongue planted so firmly in cheek as to be in danger of serious injury, Barry Sonnenfeld set out to surpass his own 5 year old triumph with Men in Black II. He didn't quite clear the mark set by MiB, but he came much closer than I ever thought he could. Clearly, the goal of the MiB2 cast and crew was to expand the best elements of the first movie and lose those bits which didn't work so well. They had a great idea and implemented it well, but I think that they may have gone just a tad too far in paring the story and script down. MiB2 is a great ride, from the first frame to the last, and rarely have I seen 90 minutes go by so quickly. A little too quickly, as it turned out.
This flick is even more densely packed with one-liners, droll humor, visual puns and delightfully cynical satire than the first. It opens with a segment from a no-budget TV series on strange and unexplained phenomena (hosted by Peter Graves, of course) describing how the Earth narrowly escaped destruction in 1978 when we were caught between Serleena, a powerful and evil alien, and the object of her desire, a mysterious force known as the Light of Zartha. At that critical juncture 25 years ago, a super-secret government agency (which licenses and polices alien activity on Earth) kept us out of the line of fire by refusing the Zarthans' request to hide the Light on Earth.
Cut to the present day and Serleena's back. Naturally. She's still looking for the Light of Zartha and she's severely POed that she hasn't found it yet. Arriving on Earth undetected, her first problem is the same faced by the galactic cockroach in MiB: find a disguise that will pass among the primitve humans. As a shape shifting nest of snake-like apendages, though, she had an easier time of it than the 20 foot Bug. Almost immediately, she comes accros a magazine open to a full page Victoria's Secret ad and before you can say "brand new Edgar suit", she's taken the form of Lara Flynn Boyle . . . in nothing more than Victoria's best black lingerie. This is one dangerous alien.
Actually, Boyle does a good job of filling Vincent D'Onofrio's shoes. She's a smarter (if less ghastly) villain than the Bug and before long has put J and K at a serious disadvantage by completely taking over MiB headquarters.
Ah yes, Jay and Kay. Let's face it: the real key to the success of Men in Black was the hillarious juxtaposition of Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones. Well, Kay is back and the chemistry has lost very little zing in the 5 years it was on the shelf. it turns out that the erstwhile Agent K is the only human being who might possibly know how to find the Light of Zartha. Unfortunatly, he's still got a 35 year gap in his memory and is working as the Postmaster of a small town in Maine. Zed dispatches J to bring him back and get him de-neuralized, post haste.
I won't give away any more of the plot than this; it's thin enough as it stands and I wouldn't want to spoil what few surprises there are. Fortunatly, the movie isn't really about the plot, now is it? it's about the gags, the special effects and watching Smith and Jones have *way* too much fun. Several other characters from the first flick also return, including Tony Shalhoub as the occaisionaly headless pawnbroker Jeebs, the four ungrateful worm guys and the wisecracking, karaoke singing pug, Frank.
Go see it, it's a hoot. The humor is a bit more juvenile than in the first movie, perhaps, but it really doesn't suffer much for all of that.
Summary: An Ok, fun movie, but in no case a masteerpiece.
Review: MIB II suffers from the sequel disease: it's fairly good, but doesn't live up to the original. My biggest problem with the film is it's pace. At times, it just moves too damn fast. Characters say and do things so quickly that it's hard to keep track of everything. Second problem: Johnny Knoxville is absolutely awesome, but he just kind of disappears. He's in the whole movie till about three quarters of the way through, and then he's just gone, and it's never explained what happens to him. Third problem, Because of the pace being so fast, alot of the action scenes fall flat due to you wondering why the hell it's happening. For all these bad points I've brought up, there are some good things aobut the film. It has that same fun, upbeat feeling of the first movie. I know Tommy Lee Jones and Will smith are the stars, but three other actors nearly stole the movie for me. Patrick Warburton (TV's "The Tick") is abslutely hilarious in his small part in the beginning. He just has this stupidity to him that's always present... And it's funny. The next good actor was Johnny Knoxville, with one of the best parts in the whole movie. He plays a stupid two headed alien that works with the big bad guy (or girl), and he's just funny, and also a very simpathetic character. Last but not least, we have Frank the Pug, who is the talking dog that now has a bigger part working for the MIB. He gets the most laughs out of any character. In the end, the movie is worth seeing once, but it's not the best movie of the summer by far.
Summary: Give Me Back My 6 Bucks!
Review: ...I enjoyed the original, 1997 "Men In Black." It was a nice entertaning popcorn flick. Harmless fun for everyone.
This film is harmful, very harmful.
Now I know I shouldn't look for too much in "summer blockbusters." I only look to be entertained. Not be treated like an idiot by Hollywood screenwriters.
This movie is really, truly, a classic bad movie. It's got all kinds of great bad movie hijinks. Sloppy romance. Jokes made of 100% corn. And of course...the "solutions" in this movie...these things are the little things that screenwriters do to play us, the moviegoers, for idiots.
-Will Smith simply pushes a button and saves his "object of affection's" life...what the hell?
-The bad guy (or girl, whatever) is simply shot once with one of those stupid little silver guns the MIB carries...thats it...just a lame send-off to cap off a lame chase scene.
-They OBVIOUSLY couldn't get Linda Fiorentino to come back to play Agent L...so they make up some...explanation to why she's gone.
-The final sequence of the movie seems like a bad outtake that they meant to put on the DVD. Not to mention that remember in "MIB1" the ending showed us that our univerese is nothing more then a marble (yeah...I'm serious). Well, that was pretty cool...but "MIB2" decides to tell us that our entire universe is contained inside a locker in what appears to be Fraggle Island. What the hell?
Whatever. If you liked this movie, more power to you.
Summary: Good, but not quite there
Review: Ok, this was a good film. Funny, action, hot girls, nifty special effects, etc. But to me, it just wasn't quite there. I know sequels can't capture the atmosphere of the original, but this one just didn't feel as "magical" as the first one. There were a few pretty stupid one-liners, and a lot of it felt kind of recycled, cause you have to admit, it was the same basic plot. This one also seemed to feel like they were aiming it at a younger audience.
I think they should have expanded Tee (Patrick Warburton)'s part, he's hilarious, and probably the most random thing I've ever seen in a movie was when they opened that locker in Grand Central Station. I won't spoil it, but it was hilarious.
All in all, good flick, they just tried to top the original and it didn't quite work out, especially in the allotted 90 minutes...should have been longer!
Summary: Its not as good as it looks in SOME ways !!!!!
Review: I think the main reason that seperates this from the first is the sci-fi part it is not as realistic as the first and is a big downfall to me i think that the first was much better and in was actually really disapointed in it throughout the whole movie i kept waiting for it to get better but it didnt. Of course will smith is funny throuought the movie. In all this was a great thought up sequal but not my type of genre.(Also there is nothing about basketball in it)Just kidding!!!!!
Summary: MIIB = Man It's Incredibly Bad
Review: Unlike the first film, there is no chemistry between Tommy Lee Jones and Will Smith. There is no chemistry at all in this bad sequel.
The story brings K (Jones) out of retirement because he is the one who supposedly holds a secret that will save the world. It is a decent premise that gets underplayed by the (often gross) special effects. The climax plays like a very weak "Star Wars" rip-off, and the wrap-up scene is a "I really don't know how I want to end this, so I'll just put this in and see if it works or not!" sequence that will leave the audience with a gigantic question mark hanging over its head.
Rates two stars for its few laughs and a great cameo by--AGENT M. Rated PG-13 for violence and gross special effects.
Summary: Very disappointing
Review: Let's face it, I didn't go in expecting to watch an Academy award nominee... I just wanted to take in an enjoyable summertime movie. I was very disappointed.
How do I begin? This movie lacked the charisma, humor, and great timing of the first. All the funniest moments were already seen in the trailers (sounds like any movie made by any ex-SNL cast member). I also got the feeling that there were several special effects/monsters injected that were simple contraptions to tie together a very weak plot. There was also a very poor chemistry between J (Will Smith) and K (Tommy Lee Jones) -- this was one of those movies that I kept thinking, "Even I could have written this one better!"
All things considered, I'm sure it will be a big blockbuster hit, and I'm sure all the 12-year old boys will "ooh" and "aah" over the large assortment of big, silver weapons and aliens in this movie. However, it doesn't go on my "recommend to others" list, and it dang sure won't go on my "Gotta get the DVD when it comes out" list.
Summary: Same planet...New Scum!
Review: Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones reprise their roles in Men in Black 2. It may not be as great as the first but, this movie never slows down and never takes itself seriously(like the first). This new adventure leads them to another big problem in the universe, seems more like something out of a "Sightings" episode. Where "J"(Will Smith)is out find
"K"(Tommy Lee Jones)...again,whos memory was dicesed in the first,and completely renuralizes his memory inorder to find what happend to this "necklace" that has myserious powers and if not found will distroy the universe...no need to spoil more. Overall the graphics were dazzling and it was just a fun summer movie you go and take the whole family to go see or for people who "loved" the first might wait till video!