Rating:  Summary: A very Entertaining Sci-fi Work from Paul Verhoeven. Review: This one of Paul Verhoeven's Best work with Total Recall and Robocop, it's also on my list of best movies of 1997. It is based on Robert Heilein's 1958 Novel about a group of young men who arrive on a planet filled with deadly alien Insects who crave for Human blood and the war between Man and Insect has began. It's filled with Spectacular visual effects and lots of Gore to fill a Sci-fi lover's taste for movies right here on DVD, you won't be disappointed.
Rating:  Summary: StarShip Troopers- The Cliff Note edtion Review: Having now seen the movie read the original Novel and the Graphic novel. (all 3 are different) I felt the movie while obviously taking creative license by changing and omitting many things. Was An excellent effort. Obviously a popcorn movie Starship Troopers(ST) was a fun ride. The Best person in the film was Michael Ironside as the roughnecks LT. THe movie which follows Johnny Rico's entrance in to the Moble Infantry(MI) first to impress his girlfriend second to rebel against his parents. Johnny finds friends, hardships and heartache as he fights his way thru the film. Denise Richards as Carmen Ibanez as the love of rico's life rides thru the film with a stepford wife grin on her even when nearly dying a few times. If you read the book you may not recognize anything. and vice versa. if you need a good ride or good popcorn movie then see it.
Rating:  Summary: They don't make them like this Review: This is one of the better films made in the US by the talented Dutch director Paul Verhoeven. Since he left his native country he has been treated with both honors and contempt at the box office, by the critics and audiences.No wonder this film did not do as well as it should since it eschews Hollywood's usual PC treatment of ideas and characters as well as sentimentality. The norm for mourning a dead character in this film is about 30 seconds. What this film deserves is a letter writing campaign to Sony/Columbia to make a sequel! The film presents a regimented future society faced with a challenge presented by an alien race whose biological superiority is a threat to the survival of humanity. By following a group of young recruits we learn more about this future society besides being treated to some masterfully directed sequences of futuristic warfare. The Music was composed by Basil Poleudoris a director turned composer who also did the musical score for Conan the Barbarian (directed by John Milius). Brilliant casting of Michael Ironside as an one armed war veteran turned teacher turned warrior once again. I also recommend this film to all Denise Richardson fans.
Rating:  Summary: Good video, OK features Review: I won't comment directly on the video itself (it was a GREAT film), you can read the hundreds of reviews already on the film - but I will comment on the quality of the DVD: The video quality was superb - very sharp and crisp and virbrant colors. The sound quality is pretty good but at times you can't tell the difference between the DVD and VHS version (I own both). The extra features are OK - nothing to whine about but there really isn't much there. Die hard fans of the movie (I consider myself one) will appriciate the extra scenes, some which add an extra insight to the Zander-Carmen-Rico relationship. However, there are only 5 such scenes and each is about or less than 30 seconds long. The commentary left much to be desired: at many times it stated the obvious ("we used computer generated bugs") and then there was Paul Verhoven's rambling which was inaudiable for most of the commentary. At one point, Mr. Verhoven tells us which scenes include computer geneation and which don't - he ends up saying:COMPUTER!REAL!COMPUTER!REAL! over and over again extremely fast to the point where you can't tell what he's talking about (they only flash the scenes for about 1/2 a second) nor do you care. Overall the video quality and sound quality are good and the extra features are OK - a fan of the show to any degree will most likely enjoy the DVD although first time viewers or neutral viewers will be dissapointed.
Rating:  Summary: Good flick, although not true to book Review: This is a pretty good movie, it's exciting, easy on the eyes and has a decent plot. It's based loosely on the book although the movie can't really decide whether it wants to be inspiring like the book or a satire on war. Some reviewers have suggested that the book is like this which I completely disagree with. In my opinion this movie turned out a lot like director Verhoeven's Total Recall -- it started out as a serious, intellectual movie but as work on the movie progressed, the special effects took over and the acting [was bad], so they made it seem like they meant to do that. And like Total Recall, they pulled it off. Overall it's a decent flick but completely different in tone and purpose than the book.
Rating:  Summary: Well done that man Review: The director doesn't need to justify this film as he attempts to do in the commentary; it should be self-evident what he's getting at. I can see why he spends so long on the politics, because if you were a little behind on your history, it might all look new to you! The DVD transfer is simply the best I've got, with the football match scene in particular beautifully coloured and detailed. (This one I have on Region 2). This was the best sci-fi to come along in years, with a brilliant adaptation of a 50's sci-fi plot to the screen. I am deeply indebted to these guys for doing this. When are they going to surprise us all again?
Rating:  Summary: big disappointment Review: This movie will be a terrible disappointment to people that have read Heinlein's book. The movie mangles to plot, ignores or misunderstands all of the ideas, and worst (for an action picture) leaves out all of the cool military hardware, arming the soldiers with what look like rejected weapons from the A-Team and armor from a high school football team. The commentary by Verhoeven and Edward Neumeier (the screenwriter) is illuminating -- neither of them have the slightest understanding of the book, and they keep repeating that the point of the movie is that "war makes fascists of us all". Heinlein is not one of the more subtle writers, so I can't decide if they were so dumb they didn't get the boo, or if they chose to ignore it. On the dumb side, they don't understand plenty of things in their own movie (such as why Denise Richards doesn't come off as a "career woman"), and the plot details are absurdly incoherent (the bugs shoot at spaceships by farting rocks into space, for instance, and somehow manage to do this over interstellar distances in very short periods of time). And I wasn't able to find any points for the "not dumb" side. The acting is, for the most part, rotten. The male lead, Caspar Van Dien, has all the charisma of a blue jeans model (which he might be for all I know), and Doogie Howser is really bad, too. Denise Richards is really pretty, but she's rotter here. The only somewhat bright spot is Dina Meyer, but it isn't enough. All of the details about the society of which they are part are cartoonish and incosistent, and the special effects are lousy wit h the exception of some of the bug attacks. The actors look good naked in the shower scene, and that's the high point of the movie. It's a waste of time, and there are no armored suits, like those in the book, so don't watch it hoping for an army of RoboCops...
Rating:  Summary: Good Movie Review: Ahh! Co-ed showers. If only the real world was as enlightened as fiction can be.
Rating:  Summary: Get a Grip! Review: There are so few movies out there that can combine action and satire in one sitting, yet Starship Troopers manages to blend both into a refreshing cocktail of entertainment. True, it doesn't stay TRUE to the book, but whats the last movie that has been based on a book that has been completely faithful to the book? I dare you to name less than five movies that haven't strayed from the book, and that have been a commercial success. (Couldn't name three, could you?) Most of the people criticizing the movie didn't mention a thing about the characters, or the plot. (they mentioned that the plot didn't exist, but that's it) What is up with that? Casper van Dien plays Jonny Rico, a good ol boy from wherever. His girlfreind, Carmen Ibanez (ooh, first deviation from the book! Extremists beware!)decides to join the Federation, and he follows in her footsteps. He gets assigned to Mobile Infantry while she gets to be a Starship captian. To complete the triangle Dina Meyer plays Dizzy Flores, who likes Jonny despite the fact he likes Carmen. Ah, the tangled web we weave whenever we plan to decieve(or something like that) The result comes out as interesting interplay between the characters. The plot isn't really a factor in the movie. This might be a death nell to some other moveis, yet starship troopers has no problem explaining things on the go. The plastic acting(they're supposed to be plastic, by the way. Something about having to fill the role of a steriotype) is exeptionally...plastic. Each actor plays their part to the best of their capability. All in all, this is not only an enjoyable DVD, but an interesting story as well. It touches on the totalitarian fears that Heinlein had in his novel, yet easily appelas to people who've nerver read the book. If you like action, interplay, and just want to kick back, check the movie out. It is definitely worth your while. (to all those who say the movie is bad, try directing your own movie and see how easy it is! It wasn't as if this movie was even as bad as the Avengers!)
Rating:  Summary: Want Sci-Fi Adventure? Movie. Need to sleep? Book. Review: About time someone made 'The Master of Snooze' Robert Heinlein's book into a watchable movie. Heinlein's writings are almost without exception very dry and unfilmable, with the possible exception of "Have Spacesuit, Will Travel". I've plodded through the book and seen the movie, and I can say this: While the film diverges wildly from the book's original plot, the movie takes the good parts of the book, adds a few parts of its own, and makes it into something that is more entertaining than anything Heinlein's ever written. Sci-Fi action at it's finest, with no worries about being PC at all. Best line? "I'm from Buenos Aires and I say KILL 'EM ALL!"...either that or... "God-Damnned bugs whacked us, Johnny!" Cheesy, sure. Fun, definitely. In this film you get a pretty good feel of what Heinlein was writing about...but the preachiness and the sense of "I am the greatest Science Fiction Writer Ever" thankfully never rears its ugly head. Of course, this is very obviously a film made by the guy who directed "RoboCop", so the violence takes center stage over the social commentary. You can bash the book, or you can bash the movie...but they are two gloriously different things, and I say if you want to have a good time, watch the film. If you're out of Tylenol PM, read the book. DVD specs? Great Video, Great Audio...demo material here. A few extra features, but as this was an early DVD release, it's not really on par with anything released these days. A few deleted scenes, screen tests, etc. The commentary by Verhoeven is good if you can get through his thick accent.