Rating:  Summary: PLAN 9 FROM CAPRICORN ONE Review: Usually I look at the other reviews before I put keyboard in mouth. But this time I didn't. I saw it at theatre, then went back again. I guess I liked it because I then purchased it. The beginning is horrible! SOOO boring. Once they go in space things get better. Transmissions twixt te spaceship and command center are cartoonish and hokey. Then something happens. There is a zero gravity dirty dance between two of the astronauts to the song DANCE THE NIGHT AWAY (Van Halen). I think they are married. Their subsequent approach to the planet is about as sophisticated as SPACE GHOST, but once on Mars, the film takes off. The special effects are awesome. The rescue of a marooned coleague is intense, and the revelation of mankinds roots is chilling. This entertaining film begins like Plan 9 meets Capricorn One, and ends like Close Encounters meets A Space Oddysey. Captivating. Well worth seeing. By the way, I don't mean to slam Plan 9 or Capricorn One, both were good in there own way, its just the commonalities. I liked Plan 9!
Rating:  Summary: As bad as you might think it will be Review: After recently renting Red Planet on dollar day I thought I should watch the other Mars dud of the last year or so. ... Anyway, after a bit of a slow start, the movie hints that it may have potential when the first Mars mission runs into an unsavory situation on the Martian surface. I was left wanting to know more, but in order for this to happen I had to suffer through the rather unsavory middle portion of the movie. This is where the movie really falls off. It continues to hammer into the viewers brain the fact that Sinise's character is still grief stricken over his wife's death. I thought the movie accomplished this at the cookout, but I guess DePalma had little other material to work with. The action aboard the space craft in transit to Mars is also lacking. And I don't really mean in a kinetic sort of way, but more in an intellectual sense. The movie stimulates the mind like an episode of Momma's Family, but without all the witty banter. And when things do start to pick up, they really just slow down. There's really no better way to put it. I will give Tim Robbins credit for excising himself from this sinking ship when he did. And while I realize the ending of a story usually isn't as interesting as the setup, the ending of this movie is rather lame. The way the movie contrives to get to the endpoint that it does is really rather weak and amateurish. If the rating scale provided, I would probably give this movie 1.5 or 1.75 stars, as it is by no means the worst movie I have ever seen. I would still try to avoid it though, as the movie provides an uncomfortable viewing experience.
Rating:  Summary: A Standard SF movie... Review: This is your standard space travel action movie, filled with the usual cliches, future space technologies and philosophies of the origin / future of mankind. If you like this kind of movie, then this is a good choice, on account of the good cast, and nice special effects (which is why I gave it 2 stars).
Rating:  Summary: Well, for me it was very good Review: I have heard people, and critics who say that this film it's bad, well i don't think so, the acting was great, the storyline was good,the dialouge was good, and, well here is my report card for the film Acting: ***** Plot:**1/2 Entertainment value:*****1/2 Story and character development:***1/2 Smartness:**** Originality:*1/2Okay, the only flaw for me was the plot, it was just way too short!, and i don't care about cliches, but in here there were just fun, well here goes a message to those guys, who say that is bad, about the theory of Cydonia, and the origin of life on earth: You just have no imagination and such religious inteloreance.
Rating:  Summary: Decent movie, but does have its shortcomings. Review: If you are a sci-fi or space-movie fan, you really do have to see this movie. Actually, the film itself is quite enjoyable, and the video and audio quality of the DVD are superb. Additionally, the special effects are excellent, and don't look lame like the specials effects of older films. The only problem I have with this film is that the premise is simply unbelievable. I won't go into that in this review, as I don't want to ruin the ending if you watch the movie, however, I think that the movie would have been much better if less, rather than more, information had been portrayed about the conclusion.
Rating:  Summary: Too many critics sank a good movie Review: I'll come out and say it - I think this was a great movie for kids. I mean that in a positive way. Really, all sci-fi is aimed at kids or the kid in us that remembers a sense of awe in the unknown. This movie, unlike most others these days, successfully plays off that sense of awe in the grandeur of the universe. Unfortunately most sci-fi movies these days use violence and profanity to cover plot holes, and the directors spend their time thinking up bigger and badder bugs to shoot. This movie used its impressive special effects to actually put us in space AND on Mars without making it obvious it's fake! That is impressive. If anyone says it was too slow (I didn't think so), they should try watching 2001 sometime. That was a reasonably good movie, wasn't it?
Rating:  Summary: Too bad the writers did not crash on Mars Review: I won't waste my time trashing this movie with a long review. You will have more fun reading all the reviews on this site telling you how stupid it was. Here are some samples: a man lives in a tarp on the surface of Mars, Dr. Pepper is plugged throughout, a face comes to life on the planet, professional astronauts on an urgent rescue mission are more interested in dancing to Van Halen (no wonder they crash the ship)... Dumb plot, dumb action, dumb effects, and I am dumb for having paid to watch it. This is Hollywood at its worst. You will wish the actors had all been taken away by aliens, never to return, after seeing this stupid flick. Get some popcorn, throw this movie in the fire and watch it burn.
Rating:  Summary: ... Review: Worst thing I've seen for a long time. Moronic scenario from beginning to end (that poor I don't remember his name who can't go to Mars because his wife chose the wrong moment to die, and who finishes as the first man transformed into dog-food for martians, ...). No rythm, weak special effects, poor acting, and I don't even remember the music (most probably the same as in every "grand spectacle" american movie). After seing that yesterday, I had to watch 2001, as a medicine. Very effective !
Rating:  Summary: Bonus Footage, What Bonus Footage? Review: I like this movie. I bought my own copy after enjoying it several times on cable. And I recommend it. BUT, don't buy this edition and expect to view the advertised bonus footage, as it's simply not there. The box is labeled "Exclusive Video Bonus Edition," but given that the bonus footage was left out, perhaps it should be relabeled "Elusive Video Bonus Edition."
Rating:  Summary: Competent boredom Review: The movie starts at a barbeque, which really set my interest down quite a few pegs. Then we go to Mars and experience an accident and some impressive sfx. You think that "well, maybe there is something interesting here after all". But no, we are quickly transported back to boredom with talk, talk, talk and some astonishingly un-suspenseful suspense. Technical mumbo-jumbo is then turned into new-age mumbo-jumbo as we, together with the wide-eyed crew, experience even more impressive sfx in some supposed "profound statement". And isn't it strange that the ones that are killed by this alien force and non-americans. Well, to sum it up, don't waste your money on this. You will do better with "Event horizon". Not that it is a good movie, but at least it's fun sci-fi.