Rating:  Summary: Good grief Review: Wow, this was a bad movie. I didn't actually think that there could be a sci-fi movie with with such a cool premise that could turn out to be so horrifically bad. Slow from beginning to end, no real character development, and a conclusion that just makes one want to giggle at the absurdity. (Think 2001: A Space Odyssey on a bad drug trip.) If you have the urge to watch a Gary Sinise space movie, watch Apollo 13 again instead. You'll thank yourself for it in the long run.
Rating:  Summary: Has wonderfull moments; but they are few and far apart! Review: My fiancé, Jennifer summed it up well. She said, "The first 30 minutes and the last 30 minutes of the movie are good. However, the one hour in the middle is terribly boring". Unfortunately, I have to agree. The first and last 30 minutes of Mission to Mars VHS~ Gary Sinise are very good. I especially like the heartbreaking encounter with the alien in the end. However, this can compensate for Tim Robbins sleepwalking performance and the fact that most of the dialogue in the movie has nothing to do with mars. Another factor that I thought was extremely odd was the fact that it took them forever to land on the red planet, i.e., Mars. Hello, a movie entitled Mission to Mars is supposed to be on the Mars for most of the time...eh?
Rating:  Summary: Didn't anyone learn anything from "The Angry Red Planet?" Review: Oh, brother....where to begin. Inititally, the theatrical trailer last fall looked somewhat promising, but like so many other films, I resisted the urge. Now, after viewing the DVD, I understand why. 1) QUESTIONABLE PLOT, or should I say, a near-total lack of a believable story. Setting the story only twenty years in the future is pretty ambitious, though no more so than "2001" or "Space: 1999"; however...did all space-faring nations suddenly discover an endless pork barrel to finance not only the initial mission, but an immediate rescue mission? One can only hope the future of the Space Program can see this kind of funding. 2) CLICHE after CLICHE. Okay, bad science aside...if you don't have either 1) a believable story, or 2) believable characters, you've got problems that NO amount of glitz and bad CGI can spackle over. I was almost willing to forgive the first half of the movie...the hull-puncture sequence wasn't THAT bad (though I think the amount of time granted our heroes in finding the leaks was to say the least, generous). However...the dreaded "space walk" to the orbiting satellite had me split between nervous giggles, and wiping tears from my eyes. It seems necessary to mention the COMICAL ending that Robbins' character comes to, but we'll save that for the sequel, "Honey, I've Decompressed The Kids!" 3) HORRID ABUSES of SCIENCE DEPT: once again, our hereos' spaceship roars majestically as it passes the screen. Sigh. 4) THE RE-TREAD ENDING: Hmmmm....let's take the beauty of "2001" and toss in more than a heaping helping of "Close Encounters". Let's put the blender on HIGH, and serve this concoction over the finale of "Star Trek: The Motion Picture". Yum! If you get the idea I was definitely NOT impressed by this fiasco, well, you're on the right track....
Rating:  Summary: Yawn Review: It has the stars, Sinise and Robbins and it has great special effects but Mission to Mars does not have the substance to become a great scifi classic. It has no zing, no intrigue and awe like Krubrick's classic 2001:A Space Odyssey. It has the feel that it was slapped together quickly while there was interest in the Mars face. Don't go out of your way to see the movie, it will be on Fox soon. If you want to see a great Tim Robbins movie check out Arlington Road!
Rating:  Summary: Poor marketing hurt this film's theatrical debut Review: Poor marketing led to misguided expectations that hurt this film's theatrical debut. When I initially saw it at the cinema I thought the pace was trying because I was expecting something much different. Having seen it again (this time on DVD), I didn't find it slow at all. In fact, I enjoyed the film very much. The underlying concept is thought provoking and engaging, and the visual effects are sensational. Both the video and audio transfers are excellent (the planetarium scene is nothing short of spectacular). Given the lack of success at the box office, I was surprised by all the extras they threw in. I purchased this DVD, and will surely recommend it to others.
Rating:  Summary: Buena Explicacion Review: Esta pelicula habla o muestra sobre unos astronautas a los cuales se les atribulle una misson a marte pero se encuentran que haciendo unos calculos a una montana en marte y en la punta de la montana se ve una especie de piramide la cual segun una maquina baja hasta lo mas bajo de la montana. Derepente una especie de tornado succiona a tres de los astronautas dejando solo a uno.Enlaestacion espacial de la tierra uno de los amigos de los que iban a la expedicion a Marte trata de que el capitan de ahi les pemita hacer una mission de rescate para rescatar al unico sobreviviente que quedo de esa mision el capitan aprueba la mision y cuatro astronautas van en la mision todo ba de maravilla pero derepente algo hace que uno de los pilotos pierda sangre y casi les cuesta la vida pero lo superaron despues prenden los motores pero no se dan cuenta que en una de las mangeras esta rota y la gasolina que sale y explota una de las turbinas y expulsan una nave en la cual llegan a marte y encuentran a el sobreviviente y les ensena un sonido que de acuerdo con la computadora es una cadena de DNA pero falta halgo ellos encuentran lo que falta y emiten ese sonido de una cabesa marciana se abre una puerta y tres de ellos entran y se encuentran en un planetario tridimensional que explica que hace mucho tiempo un meteoro pego en marte que hantes era como la tierra y todos los que vivian en marte se fueron hacia la galagcia de andromeda pero solo uno se quedo y le dio a la tierra vida osea que por ellos empeso la vida en la tierra y despues uno se decide quedar con los "marcianos" y los demas se ban a la tierra y el que se queda al final esta en el agua sin pder moverse y empieza a sonreir.
Rating:  Summary: DVD doesn't play on Toshiba player, but plays on computer. Review: For some reason the version of enhanced DVD format they used doesn't play on my Toshiba DVD player. It, however, played on both my desktop and laptop computers, Compaq and Dell, respectively. I wonder if someone would know why this happens. If you do, please post your insight on this board.Thanks. A frustated consumer.
Rating:  Summary: A complete disappointment Review: With the caliber of talent assembled here (Brian De Palma, Gary Sinise, Tim Robbins, Don Cheadle, etc.), one would think that "Mission To Mars" would be several cuts above your usual space opera. Wrong! With plot twists you can see coming for miles, along with every space/life cliche you can think of (and a few you wish the screenwriters had forgotten), Kraft dialogue--it's the cheesiest!--and a ending that will have you covering your face in embarrassment, "Mission" makes you wonder just how much money the studio waved in the director's and actors' faces to get them to make this farce. Not even a so-bad-it's-funny movie. You have been warned!
Rating:  Summary: Worth renting, not buying Review: I just rented this movie, knowing nothing about it, except that Gary Sinise and Tim Robbins were in it. The movie itself was a slow, but great ride. My eyes kept getting wider as the movie progressed to its climactic finish. De Palma did a great job of developing the characters and fast-forwarding throughout the film, jumping effortlessly from one scene to the next scene 13 months later. The space scenes and characters seemed realistic, not hokey like in Space Cowboys. Bottom line: I might rent it again, but I wouldn't buy it.
Rating:  Summary: Sappy, campy, slow-mo rocket ride...loved it. Review: Visually appealing, mind numbingly simple plot, heroic & good looking, yet dull characters, made it a wonderful shallow sci-fi ride. It has a special place in my science fiction heart. A film which appeals to my love of noble attempts which often fall short but inspires to try again... ...on all levels and in the best sense.