Rating:  Summary: Intense! My favorite. Review: I wore the first VHS out and had to buy a second copy of this movie! The only time I've done that with anything. It has several rare qualities and I didn't know I could like Bruce Willis having never seen a movie of his before. The rarest quality might be how the individual characters are tied to one another by appearing to finish a sentence begun by others, elsewhere. It's a delight to see that! Also a delight is the futuristic and totally believable locations such as the spaceport. It makes me want to live to see it. Obviously I "bought into" this movie, the pace it sets doesn't let you have it any other way. It's too cool, check it out!
Rating:  Summary: Pay no attention to the critics Review: Anyone who doesn't love this flick has got issues... If you like Willis, this is a classic. Great fun.
Rating:  Summary: Right, keep entertaining us. Review: The fifth element, the sixth sense, the seventh donnut. A string of movies that all are bad (well, the last one I think they are shooting now). Not to blame Bluce Willis but his charm cannot save the picture. Maybe he should be more careful with the scripts he accepts if he wants to consider himself a respectable actor. Well, who cares anyway. About halfway through the plot takes a nosedive and you really have to tie yourself to the chair to watch the end. Will appeal only to mediocre thrill seekers who have nothing better to do than watch anything that comes their way. There is bad taste in the title as well, the director announces that he has discovered the fifth element - fashion models or something like that. I did not see any women complaining in the reviews. Definitely not worth seeing or buying.
Rating:  Summary: Stylish nonsence...and fun! Review: Luc Besson's THE FIFTH ELEMENT has amassed quite a cult following and I can see why. Think of it as a sort of "Anti-BLADE RUNNER," in which all of that movies'dark corners have suddenly switched to daylight and with a smile to boot. Describing the plot will make one sound like a rampling drunk...let's just say Bruce Willis is another DIE HARDed hero, Gary Oldman is another slimy villian, and Milla Jovovich is fate of mankind (and sexy, too). With obvious nods to the illustrative style of HEAVY METAL magazine, BESSON creates a whacked, multi-racial, multi-political, multi-spiritual universe that is in many ways not too far from the dynamic of today's pot-boiled metros'...only souped up with mind boggling technology. Unlike any sf films i've seen, this looks and feels EXACTLY what the 23rd century will be like. This is the same "used-future" that George Lucas was after with the first STAR WARS film (i.e. what is amazing to us is actually mundane to its characters) and its on glorious display on the wide screen version of the DVD. Director Besson (LA FEME NIKITA) is unabashedly french which is why I think THE FIFTH ELEMENT's european flavor is lost on some americans. Like his previous films you sometimes feel you're about to slip on the shiny waxed floor of a loud Parisian disco. But then again, like that country's music, you either love it or hate it and with this light-hearted, action-packed, sci-fi cult classic (I've proclaimed it), I choose the former.
Rating:  Summary: NEARLY INCOMPREHENSIBLE Review: This is a poor film wrapped around some good action scenes. The plot is nearly incomprehensible and the direction is just lame. Don't waste your time or money on this stupid film.
Rating:  Summary: Not Star Wars, more like Buckaroo Bonzai or Lost Starfighter Review: This flick is not meant to be a serious sci-fi experience like Star Wars, Trek, Dune, or Stargate. If you're looking for such a movie, look elsewhere. If you're in the mood for something entertaining, lighthearted but not intellectual check this film out. It should keep you amused like ID4 or JP2 and has some nice special effects and very colorful scenery. BTW, I think this film has one of the best opening sequences I've seen in a long time. Enjoy...
Rating:  Summary: Excellent Film, Terrific Disc Review: This is probably, one of the most original and innonative science-fiction flicks of all time. The acting is not exactly Oscar worthy, but the actors do play their roles almost perfectly, while also making the viewers care about them as well. When the film moves along, the story develops in a brisk pace, leaving some unanswered questions for the viewers. Fourtanely, the extraordinary visual and special effects (although some are a bit lacking), the characters themseleves, the great action sequences (Especially the Cab Chase Sequence), and Chris Tucker's comedic touches make up for the lack of story development. Also, the music score by Eric Serra is by far the best I have ever heard (Along with the score for Sleepy Hollow); of special note, if you rent or buy the DVD, watch two certain chapters: The Opera/Leloo Fight Sequence, and the DNA reconstruction sequence for the best score of the entire film, not to mention the excellent editing of the scenes (these scenes almost rival the Odessa Steps Sequence in editing, almost). The DVD is also excellent, with a fantastic picture quality, and terrific sound mix (Although sometimes it felt a bit awkard). Unfourtanely, the disc doesn't have any extras to support an already reference quality DVD, hopefully a Special Edition will come soon. As for the film, I very highly recommend it, even if you think it's stupid or weird, it's only for fun, and that my friends, it has a lot of...
Rating:  Summary: What a piece of crap movie Review: This movie is bad. Horrible plot, bad special effects, bad villians, the whole thing sucked. I usually like Chris Tucker, but in this movie he is SO annoying. Boring in parts as well. Bruce Willis didn't help either. One of the worse sci fi movies I've seen. Want a good sci fi movie, go see Star Trek or Star Wars. Do not watch this.
Rating:  Summary: "DIE HARD" IN THE 23RD CENTURY Review: Even though THE FIFTH ELEMENT came out in 1997, this hilarious sci-fi action flick is so much fun, I just had to say a word or two about it... right now.Unlike so many sci-fi productions that sacrifice plot and character development on the altar of special effects, THE FIFTH ELEMENT's strengths lie in its off-beat, tongue-in-cheek story and characters. Yes, there are cool effects to "wow" us, but it's the film's very distinct cyber-punk "look" and witty style that really makes it. Actually, one should check out a sampling of Luc Besson's earlier work-- the "Harry Canyon" segment in HEAVY METAL, the 1981 compliation of adult fantasy animation-- to get a sense of how his vision evolved. Speaking of characters, I like 'em all-- from the totally stylin' aliens, the Manageewa and Mangalors, to Bruce Willis' Die Hard-esque war hero-turned-Brooklyn cabbie, Korbin Dallas, and Milla Jovovich's other-worldly, yet delightfully innocent "Action Babe" heroine, Lillu. My personal favorite: Gary Oldman's Southern Gentleman-turned-megalomanic villian, Zorg. A lot of folks have panned Chris Tucker's performance as the screamin', flamin' media personality, Ruby Rhod. To be sure, a little Ruby certainly goes a long way. However, in the context of the story, the Ruby character does work. My only complaint: sometimes the dialouge seems a little disjointed. Still, like a Borscht-Belt stand-up comic's routine, it doesn't "stand still" long enough for you to really notice (Sid Ceaser, when queried about how he dealt with flubbing on live TV, smiled and said, "You just go faster...."). In short, here's a flick that doesn't take itself seriously. Yet, it is a fine, well-made production, with the emphasis squarely centered on having a blast. So, just what is "the fifth element," referred to in the title? I'd have to say, "fun!"
Rating:  Summary: FUNNY, CLEVER, AND WIERD Review: VERY strange, it's a hilarious comedy, but in the advertisements they never said a single thing about comedy. They just made it look serious. I liked this movie. It was funny. I like the bad guy, his name was Zorg and he had a pink elephant for a pet.