Rating:  Summary: Starship: Small Suprise Review: From Verhoeven we get the likes of Showgirls, Robocop and Total Recall. The trailors for this film did'nt do it much justice. The theatre going crowd saw what looked to be a campy sci-fi ride with no real meat behind it. What this film turned out to be was a visually fun statement on anti-war, anti-voilence, and the insanity of it all. Everything else was pure "put it in your microwave, on a tortilla, for one heck of a cheese crisp" filmaking. But even the cheese tastes good because it is presented in this silly "look how cool I look" attitude that you can't help but to laugh at. The news reels are particularily clever as we see how the press sensationalizes the actions we have previously seen. Much like Robocop, Verhoeven puts his 'desensitized society' agenda in full swing. We see the 'bugs' getting slaughtered, but a censored sacrifice of a cow. The militant Mormon group getting whacked was amusing as well. Visually this film is fun and the effects are well thought out and excellently executed. The script is light and I think the dialogue could have been much more intelligent than it was. But then the scales even out as you consider that maybe that's the point of the whole movie.
Rating:  Summary: An Unusual Twist Review: Here's something you don't see everyday. Hollywood takes a controversial book, dumbs it down in the name of political correctness, and it turns out to be a good idea. The book, "Starship Troopers" is not my favorite Heinlein novel. While I was impressed by the book's willingness to present controversial opinions--I particularly liked it when Heinlein justified capital punishment for the criminally insane. It has to give the most hardened liberal pause for thought--I thought that the plot on which Heinlein hung these opinions was mostly stuff I'd seen before. When I heard about the movie, I was curious to see if the film would be as politically incorrect as the book. If so, I predicted there would be picket lines outside the theaters. Well, it turns out the movie got away with this by dispensing with much of the politics and treating what remained as toungue-in-cheek. Meanwhile they breathed a lot of life into the plot making it into a special effects extravaganza. The film may be less intelligent then the book, but it is also funnier, more exciting, and therefor better on a purely aesthetic level.
Rating:  Summary: Great action - comic book story Review: First rate action scenes, but comic book story and characters. The futuristic movie follows a group of former students who enlist in the armed forces and find themselves fighting giant insects. One young man goes from raw recruit to colonel in only a year ("Here's to bloody war and quick promotion", you might say) Fast forward the first hour, but watch for the uni-sex shower. The battle scenes are intense and exciting (and gruesome). The characters suffer from testosterone overload, even the women, as fights break out frequently and everybody tries to out-macho the next guy (or gal). If you want exciting action, this movie has it, but if you want drama as well, it's not there.
Rating:  Summary: West Point should call it "How To Lose A War 101" Review: I regretted paying American money to see this bloodbath. It started out as some sort of World War Two-style film and quickly devolved into Vietnam. I counted at least 8 different ways for people to die. The coed shower scene was totally unnecessary. One thing really bugged me (no pun intended): if the Bugs were these ten-foot-tall spider aliens that were basically a cross between a scorpion, a "Jurassic Park" velociraptor, and an M-1 tank, why are the humans shooting at them with bullets fired from guns that are basically an M-16 grafted to a pump-action shotgun? Do NOT buy or see this film unless you have a high threshold for gratuitous gore.
Rating:  Summary: Awesome and very smart Review: Some people could not take the huge amount of violence and gore that was in this film, but it is more than just that. As Leonard Maltin puts it: "A gung-ho WWII movie transplanted to the future" . This is exactly what Starship Troopers is. Like in WWII, young people were encouraged to join the war, and the media made it look like it was a proud and easy thing to do. This is exactly how it is in the movie. When they finally get to the surface of a bug planet, they find just how dangerous of a situation they are in. Exactly like WWII. Yes, the movie is very smart, but it is also funny and energetic. The battle scenes are awesome, and the movie is never boring. Buy this movie!
Rating:  Summary: Starship troopers contribution to b-rated films Review: This is the worst example of book adaptation i have ever seen. The only thing that stayed the same from the book are the names of the characters. Verhoven even changed some of the characters genders. The only reason i saw this movie was because i didnt see the preview. If i had seen who was in this movie, and who directed it, i wouldn't have payed 7.50 to watch this junk. I cant believe that he slapped on the name Starship Troopers. This is my list of changes. 1.Bugs did not have ships or lasers. 2.There were no high powered suits. 3.They took out the skinnies(if you didn't read the book the skinnies are aliens they fought in the beginning) 4.The movie did not explain how the bugs colinated other planets. 5.He basicly cut the book in half and left out the good half. 6.Dizzie is supposed to be a guy. 7.Most of the characters and their backrounds in the book were deleted 8.In the book the fighting was completely different from in the movie ex.In the movie the troopers could fly and had various other weapons. 9.The ships and the landings on the planets were different. Even though all of that makes me angry, there is something else that just pushes me over the edge. Verhoven took a glorious book about a human kind that advanced themselves into a great race into a war film that was made just for special effects and not for the plot or dramatizing issues.ex. In the book i felt sorry for those people in Ricos home town, but in the movie i didnt even give it a thought. the only reason that verhoven put it in there was so that he had a reason to bring rico back. The last thing that angered me was the nazi-ism in the movie. The flag in the backround at the bar was a nazi flag that i've seen in books. The eagle they used for the fleet people looked exactly like the bird that pirched on the nazi swastica(don't know how to spell it). The characters in the book were raised in a hitler youth type of place and looked like nazi-poster boys. The propaganda was nazi-ish as well as the uniforms. The last straw was the rank insigia on carl when they were at dizzy's funeral, it was a colonial nazi insigia. We are all a little bit dumber for watching this, i award it no points, and may god have mercy on verhovens soul.
Rating:  Summary: A GREAT SCI-FI WAR FILM! Review: I own this on vhs format for 1 year I seen it alot of time,now I got a DVD player & a Dolby Digital-DTS receiver,then I plan to buy this movie on DVD then I did buy it!so I put this on my player,I was surprise of the sharp picture quality and the full 5.1 surround sound.This is better then the clunky VHS I own,so the Starship Troopers was a great sci-fi war movie,killing all the bugs and lot of action and humour.I know this movie got lots of bad review back of 1997,but for me and everyone that like this movie go out and buy this on DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Horrible, disgusting, nearly worthless film Review: An insult to one of the better science fiction books written by Robert Heinline. This film totally misses the point of the book (which was a study on both the nature of politics and on the future of warfare). Instead we get some really cute young boys and girls and some really disgusting deaths and maimings and some (it must be admitted) spiffy special effects of space armadas and alien insects. The plot of this film makes just about no sense. Character motivations are trivial and dull. Worst of all: there are no starship troops in powererd armor! Why didn't they call this film "Starship Lookers (get eaten by bugs)"? The director (Verhoven) hasn't had a good idea in 10 years. Why Hollywood film companies still let him spend millions of dollars to produce junk like this, well, that's Hollywood for you.
Rating:  Summary: Not even close to the book Review: What's that whirring sound I hear? Why, It's Robert Heinlein spinning in his grave. Were he still alive, I'm sure he would have been very unhappy with this adaptation of his book. Heinlein could have been described as a pro-military but anti-war libertarian. This movie, on the other hand, is simply soaked in Nazi and Fascist ideology -- the uniforms, the double-headed eagle, even the WWII German helmets the soldiers wear. I get the impression that the director thought he was aiming this satire at America. Bad shot -- he missed by half a world. The movie is anti-European. The ideology in the movie is exclusively European --home to Communism, Fascism and Nazism...not to mention two world wars. Great battle scenes, though...just not much else.
Rating:  Summary: CLASSIC SATIRE -- CLASSIC VERHOEVEN! Review: I simply cannot believe some of the views written about this film. One of my lecturers at University (I do film studies) called it a "a nasty little facist film". I have seen similar views here. You people just don't get it do you? While Heinlein may have been a fascist, anyone who knows Verhoeven's work knows how his WWII childhood affected his life and his films. STARSHIP TROOPERS is ferociously anti-fascist, and it's "hero's" are portrayed as bland and unthinkingly acceptant of their society on purpose to make a satirical point about the world today -- namely that people accept their lot all too readily. The people who watch this film and accept that we are meant to emphasize with their political beliefs are missing the point, while proving it at the same time. These "heros" have very little free will and are simply fodder to throw at the bugs! Besides, any film that has the audacity to put Doogie Howser in a gestapo outfit cannot be taken at face value...