Rating:  Summary: Time Travel Made Easy Review: First Contact is widely considered the best of the Next Generation movies. This is probably because it has more action than the other TNG films and it involves the most famous villains from the tv series, The Borg. Unfortunately, The Borg seem to act differently in this movie than they did on the show. For one thing they can time travel like it's nothing which leads to a lot of questions as to why they didn't do it before. They also act more like horror zombies in this one instead of the very subtle robotic way they behaved in the two part tv series. I also didn't care for the characters on Earth that Picard and company run into. I'm sure that James Cromwell is probably a good actor, but I really thought he was awful in this movie. And as for him being helped by Picard to get the first warp ship rebuilt, why in the world did doing this not have an effect on the next movie? By Picard interfering in the past as much as he did, the whole future would have been changed severely....... yet in Insurrection it's like there never was any consequence to breaking the prime directive and nothing has changed about their future. Most of all, I hated the Borg Queen angle because it just shattered the whole mystique about The Borg and she was nothing more than your standard evil woman who is really annoying. What was cool about the Borg on the tv show was that they were mostly silent, but this Borg Queen does nothing but talk using psychological tactics and screams when things don't go her way.......... what a joke. Another thing is the fake looking Enterprise since this was the first Trek movie where a model wasn't used for the new Enterprise E. This CGI Enterprise ends up looking pretty fake and the space battle sequences suffer as a result from it. They sure don't make Star Trek movies like they used to. I suggest they get new writers.
Rating:  Summary: Picard Kicks ... Review: In the movies unlike the series Picard actually leaves his captains chair and takes an active roll in the stradagies he comes up with, Surprising that works out fine.In First Contact(you find out what at the end what exactly that means) The borg Attack. Defying orders Picard and the Enterprise-E join the fight. The movie has Picard's quest to destroy the borg, time travel and a realization of Data's dream.
Rating:  Summary: Probably the best of all the star trek movies-VHS version Review: This review is for the VHS version not the DVD version. First contact is the first star trek movie to feature just the next generation cast. The story begins with another invasion of our fun loving (resistence is futile) friends the Borg. Starfleet is cautious about Captain Picard being involved with the battle because he was simulated by the borg (Best of both worlds). Starfleet is loosing bad so Picard takes over the fleet and destroys the borg cube. The cube releases a probe that goes back in time to prevent the first human contact with aliens. The crew notices that the Earth has been completely simulated by the Borg. The Enterprise then goes back in time to stop the Borg and Find Zeffrem Cochrane (Played by James Cromwell of "Babe"). They go to ensure that he makes his historic warp flight. But in the meantime the borg have turned the enterprise into their own personal hive. There a side story of the frienship forming between Cochrane's assistant Lilly (Played by Alfre Woodard of "Miss Evers Boys")amd captain Picard. Picard becomes obssed with destroying the Borg that he would risk his own crew. A key scene is where lilly compares Captain Picard to Captain Ahab of "Moby Dick". Picard then relizes his efforts are futile. In the meantime the Borg Queen, played by Alice Krige, Tries to get Data to destroy Cochrane's ship. Well Data doesn't destroy the ship. The Vulcans see thee the ship and realizes that humams have obtained Warp Flight and to decide to make first contact. The scene were the volcan ship landing and the volcans making contact with the humans is similar to the contact scene in "Close Encounters of the third kind." This movie shows why humans and vulcans have a close relationship. This movie eventually became the basis for the series "Enterprise" that takes places ninety years later. Gene Roddenberry's utopian vision of the future has become a pop cultural phenomenon. First Contact is a magnificent portrayal of the first steps toward that new world. When Picard leaves to return to the enterprise Lilly says she enies the world he is returning to. Picard says he is envious of her because she is able to witness the early steps that will become his world.
Rating:  Summary: Another Trek time-travel thriller Review: In "Star Trek Generations", the "Next Generation" crew had to share their first venture onto the silver screen with some of the original series veterans, including Captain Kirk, who perished at the end of that film. In "First Contact", the NG crew gets to shine on their own, and do they. The plot, action and characterizations are all first-rate. Combining the NG crew's arch-enemy, the Borg, plus mankind's first warp drive space venture, as well as time travel, makes for a solid adventure. Picard, Worf and Data, perhaps the NG crew's most interesting members, are given ample time to shine in this movie. Guest stars James Cromwell and Alfre Woodard provide top-notch Earth-bound support. A MUST for all Trek fans!
Rating:  Summary: Sure makes up for Generations Review: Following the worst Star Trek movie ever, well maybe tied with The Motion Picture, First Contact became one of the best movies, not just Star Trek, I've ever seen. This movie does it all. As someone who can very honestly say he's seen every movie along with every episode of all five series, I can say they stayed true to the ever growing timeline. Patrick Stewart has a superb performance, as does the rest of the crew. Troi and Riker both add some comedic relief at the right times, along with a wonderfully cast James Cromwell as Zefram Cochran. After the many failures of Generations, from a weak plot, to it coming off as a giant episode of The Next Generation, rather than a movie, to the absolutely useless and pathetic killing of the Great James T. Kirk, First Contact rectifies the previous injustices and goes all out. You wanna know what really made it work, look no farther than the director's credit. Frakes could easily be one of the top director's in Hollywood.
Rating:  Summary: The next generation of Star Trek movies Review: After I felt mild disappointment with "Generations," I had hoped that a film devoted entirely to the Next Gen cast might work better. My wish came true, as "First Contact" is TNG's best film so far (we'll have to see how "Nemesis" turns out). Director/star Jonathan Frakes knew his cast and his audience as he had directed several great episodes of the television series. The film is a nice even mix of spooky suspense, gore (a new addition to the Star Trek movie universe), and a bit of humor. It's a breakthrough story for the character of Captain Jean-Luc Picard (Patrick Stewart). The usually collected captain becomes livid with revenge. I will only say that. I'm not going to draw out the description of the plot for you. Plenty of other reviews on this site slice it up for you. I will simply say that it's a great story involving one of the most destructive Federation enemy races, the Borg. The cast is superb, as almost always. Some fans have not been happy with the portrayal of Zephram Cochrane (James Cromwell). I thought he was quite good. Besides, if Cochrane had been the easy going, caring, thoughtful individual, there would have been no conflict between him and the Enterprise crew. Conflicts keep stories going, not simple solutions. Alice Krige was icy and scary as the Borg Queen. Everytime I see her in another movie or on television, I keep envisioning her with her floating, slimy, bald Borg head. She must have been that good, huh? Needless to say, there were plenty of eye catching special effects and new Enterprise-E gadgets (zero gravity boots, a holographic medical assistant) to please sci-fi buffs. If there were historical discrepancies (as in Star Trek history), I didn't notice. I'm a fan of the show, but I'm not one of those people who breaks out the "Star Trek Companion" to find contradictions. It happens sometimes, and I just deal with it. No offense to die-hard fans, though. The DVD offers nice picture and sound, but only a trailer for a special feature. This makes me a little mad because I know there was at least an HBO-First Look special. I think Paramount's just waiting to release a special edition so they can make more money. Typical. But in the meantime, it's a great movie: gritty, action-packed, and even funny. Trek fans enjoy...and pray with me that "Nemesis" continues the tradition of "FC."
Rating:  Summary: Love This Movie Review: I love this movie I must have watched the movie more than one hundred times and I am still not sick of it. This movie is about the borg going back in time and altering the corse of the future but the Star Trek crew from the show the Next Generation was there to stop them. I always love the stories about the Borg and this Star is one of the best. I recommend this movie to anyone.
Rating:  Summary: Wonderful! An amazing addition to the series! Review: This is my favorite Star Trek movie of all nine currently on the market... This movie's got everything you could want. The acting is great, most notably from Patrick Stewart as the valiant Captain Picard, Alfre Woodard as Lily Sloane, and Alice Krige as the perfectly creepy Borg Queen. Nearly all of the crewmembers got good lines and moments (the only one whom I think was a bit stiffed was Crusher, but its always like that somehow), especially Deanna Troi. If you want a laugh, watch Chapter 12, it's great. Picard got some absolutely awesome lines and the scene between him and Lily in the readyroom is powerful stuff. Of course, the Borg are stupendous in this movie. They're downright scary at times, and the special effects have just the right amount of gruesomeness. Alice Krige as the Borg Queen is mysterious and creepy and plays off well with Picard and Data. Although it was a bit off-putting to some, Zefram Cochrane was portrayed as a drunk "hoodlum" more interested in money and wealth than scientific progress. His performance is interesting and the joke about "taking a leak" with Geordi is very funny. All in all, this was a great movie. It starts off right away with action, has fabulous acting, the lines are emotional, the humor is not forced or overdone, and, of course, the Borg make it just scary enough so that you may sleep with the lights on. Best scenes: Deanna and Cochrane bum out over tequila, the assimilation sequence when the Borg are gunning down all of the defense checkpoints, the conversation between Lily and Picard in his ready-room, and Crusher's escape from sickbay. Best lines: "It's a primitive culture. I'm just trying to blend in." "You're blended, all right." (Deanna and Will) "If you want my professional opinion as ship's counselor: he's nuts." (Deanna) "I'm a doctor, not a doorstop." (EMH/Voyager's doctor) "They destroy our ships, and we fall back. They conquer entire worlds, and we fall back. But not this time, the line must be drawn HERE." (Picard) "Don't you people from the twenty-fourth century ever pee?" (Zefram Cochrane) Rated PG-13 for language, sci-fi violence (phasers), and sensuality (Data and the Borg Queen, eeww). Special features: Two trailers (theatrical and teaser) and different selections in language. Watch it in French, its a riot. And look for glimpses of the Enterprise-D, "Generations", and the episode "Best of Both Worlds" in the teaser trailer.
Rating:  Summary: Yuck Review: I hated First Contact. It was a travesty of Star Trek: The Next Generation, and a really nasty film to boot.
Rating:  Summary: The Best of the Next Generation movies! Review: Star Trek: First Contact is no doubt the most underrated of the sereies. It starts off with Capt. Picard having nightmares about the Borg and soon enough appear and try to take over the Enterprise. Their mission isn't to just take over it and turn crew members into Borgs though. They want to stop first contact between mankind and alien from happening. To do that they plan to stop a scientist, played by James Cromwell from inventing light speed. When Picard, Worf and Data fend off the ship, Riker and others go to earth to mkae sure first contact happens. Back in "96" when I just saw the movie for first time, I found it a real treat. Found it even better than Indepence Day honestly. It has intense action, a cool villain in the Borg Queen and fine chemestry between Patrick Stewart and Alfre Woodard. Generations and Insurrection were ok movies but just don't match First Contact entertainment wise at all. Well anyway, this is my favorite next to the Wrath of Khan and The Search for Spock. I hope it gets a Special Edition released soon.