Rating:  Summary: Perfect blend of Action/Sci-fi/Adventure Review: A new kind of movie - make an effort to watch this movie. The soundtrack is spectacular.
Rating:  Summary: Excels in its own way Review: I can't believe it when I read the reviews that this movie is "hokey," and "loses its way." I think that you have to watch Stargate with a different attidude than you have to with most movies; it's not supposed to be a slow-paced drama, or a fast-paced thriller, but an interesting tale with many twists and turns that you may not understand at first, but it registers soon enough. They took many good ideas and flipped and twisted them, to create a marvelous character setup. The concept surrounding "Ra" is very well-put together. He is a shudderingly evil and sadistic parasite (to sum it up.) And the scene where the Stargate is reopened is Euphoric. To sum it all up, this movie is a magnificent, different movie that cost a ton of money to make. When you watch it, think of it as an adventure instead of a movie.
Rating:  Summary: Flipping the disk is dumb Review: I like the movie very much. The picture quality is standard DVD quality, which is excellent. The sound is standard DVD quality also. This DVD however can be improved. First of all, it should offer a Pan & Scan version also. Secondly, the DVD is only half on 1 side and the other half on the other. The disk must be flipped over to the other side to finish the movie. That's dumb. I've seen longer movies contained only on 1 side of the disk. Lastly, I do like widescreen movies but this should not be at the sacrifice of losing some of the view from the top and bottom of the movie. Everyone's heads get cut off. This is intentionally done so that the ratio is "the same" as in theaters. What they don't tell you is that you don't see as much what's on the sides as you do in the movie theaters. You don't even see as much vertically as the Pan & Scan version. Overall, it's a good DVD movie but needs the little items to make it an excellent DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Third-rate science fiction. Review: Well mounted but overly flawed sci-fi epic boasts excellent special effects, a good cast (Kurt Russell, James Spader, Jaye Davidson and Viveca Lindfords) and an interesting idea (archaelogoists of Ancient Egypt discover what appears to be a portal), but fails to live up to its premise. Unfortunately, Ms Linfords' performance and the top-notch visuals can only carry this so far. The relationships between team Russell/Spader and the new world natives are laughable, to say the least.
Rating:  Summary: What can I say? Very, very, very good. Review: I just went out and bought an NTSC video so I could watch the special edition.First, I love the way they blend Ancient Egyptian beliefs and legends into the storyline - the Egyptian Gods are actually Ra's henchmen in their battle helmets, The Pharoh's sarchophogi were based on Ra's bed and so on. They did a wonderful job in blending these little hints in - never saying it overtly, just letting you pick it up if you saw it. The characters are fun...the two hero's approaching nominal normality from opposite ends of the spectrum. The action scenes are also good fun, as is just about everything else. There are a couple of niggling little problems, but frankly they're too petty to mention. One of my all time favourite films.
Rating:  Summary: good Review: rhkwçlg rgftv rbvg rld. rhae.hgnb erb. er.b rýevgn rbn. .þýerhb er.ýb zeran.rg rgnb grnb gýerhpnawbn erýþbn
Rating:  Summary: Different Movie than LaserDisc? You be the Judge Review: First off, I love this movie. But I do hate the way this Disc is formatted. Two sided!?!?!? Every other DVD I have is Single sided (some Dual Layered) why couldn't they do a single sided disc with this movie too? But that's not all! There is one scene that is TOTALLY DIFFERENT than in the LaserDisc version and from what I remember in the Movie Theater. It's the scene where Jackson and the other head honchos are looking at the video from the malp probe, and Jackson says he can decipher the markings on the other gate. O'Neil's line is totally different! Instead of saying "Your Call" and walking away like he does on the LaserDisc and Theatrical relase (which makes a lot more sense), he says "He's full of sh*t." and walks away! Which makes no sense at all! Especially if West ingores that remark and tells Jackson "You're on the team." I've checked both discs, DVD and LD, totally different lines. Now which one was it supposed to be? I'd really like to know... But I'll keep my DVD and LD versions until a NEW and IMPROVED Stargate DVD comes out, hopfully addressing these issues.
Rating:  Summary: This is one of the best sci-fi movies I have ever seen Review: LIKE I SAID THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST SCI-FI MOVIES I HAVE SEEN, AND THE IDEA OF WORMHOLES IN SPACE IS PRETTY SWEET.
Rating:  Summary: Good Time-Waster Review: I pointed out to my daughter that the same person who directed "Independence Day" also directed this movie. She replied, "Is that why they're both so good?" Well, truth to tell, I thought Independence Day was a pretty good movie because it didn't pretend to be anything more than a good earth vs. bad alien movie made to entertain people. Stargate attempted to be a bit deeper but ended up being silly. No more so than the old black and white sci-fi movies I used to watch on weekend afternoons or late Saturday nights, I guess. I liked those and I liked Stargate as long as I accept them for what they are- implausible and somewhat silly. But they're fun, too. My two kids really liked this movie and found it fascinating, and I'm sure I would have felt the same way when I was their age.
Rating:  Summary: Well above average sci-fi ! Review: I found this to be a rare experience where you wish the editing team had left it a bit longer and you got to see some of the footage that was clipped. While Russell's performance may be a bit one-dimensional, but then the character he plays is just that -- someone transforming BACK from the 'dark' to a, pardon the cliche, well rounded person. Spader on the otherhand comes off better than 'well' from the start as the geek archiologist -- looking a bit like Bill Gates at that, whose more human side likewise transforms. The good special effects augment a strong story rather than being the centerpeice itself. Veteran actress Vivica Linfors is perfect as the kindly if somewhat matriachical civilian project leader whose domain is overtaken by the military. Overall it is an evenly enjoyable experience with good production values that draws in the audiance and holds them all the way through; certainly a credit to good direction but equally so to a fine script.