Rating:  Summary: I agree with the Dutch guy Review: To assume aliens have managed to traverse the universe yet can't manage to find their way past a wooden door is so insulting to anyone with any intelligence, it ruins the entire viewing experience. As JRR Tolkien said,in fantasy, the world, though a fabrication, has to make sense, has to have an intrinsic rightness. This screenwriter has forgotten that, no doubt pumped up by his past success. He should be ashamed to have produced this garbage with it's inconsistencies which are so far-fetched even those who suspend belief..cant quite believe it.
Rating:  Summary: For all naysayers Review: Come on this was a fun summer movie. Mel Gibson can make any movie good. So maybe it wasn't "The Sixth Sense" but it was a good story just the same. This was a FUN SUMMER MOVIE it was not the "Titanic", it was not William Shakespear, nor Geoffery Chaucer. Just a plain fun movie. I loved the movie because it was entertaining not to mention that it had Mel and Joaquin. I went to see it at the thearter and will own the DVD too. Thanks
Rating:  Summary: Not just another Sci-Fi thriller Review: No doubt about it, M. Night Shyamalan is one of the most talented names in Hollywood. His works do not rely on flashy special effects or cheap thrills. As both writer and director, he is able to breathe new life into familiar subjects.In "The Sixth Sense" Shyamalan delivered a refreshing twist on the popular ghost story. With "Unbreakable" he gave us a unique glimpse into the tragic life of a reluctant hero. Now, in "Signs," he treats us to a science fiction tale that is unlike any other. When we are forced to wrestle with the mysteries of the unknown--when we have no choice but to confront our deepest fears--we come to the realization that faith and family are our greatest allies. This film explores that truth in a very uplifting and inspiring way.
Rating:  Summary: A masterpiece of filmmaking, but not for everyone. Review: Most reviews on this film typically falls at one extreme or the other. People who hated the movie almost always point to the aliens being disappointing either visually or intellectually. People who loved it usually fall in two categories - either they enjoyed it at an emotional level in terms of the suspense and mystery and didn't overanalyze it, or they have a filmmaker's mind and see it for the brilliance in areas of the characterization, acting, cinematography and the simple yet powerful examination of the human struggle to find meaning in life. This movie is NOT storyline/plot driven, if you know a little bit about filmmaking, you'll understand when I say that the plot is just a minor player/device in a film whose "purpose is to evoke pure emotion through the use of skilled acting and direction" (Roger Ebert). Stanley Kubrick said there is one type of movie viewers that he hates and do not make films for - the type that can't enjoy a movie simply on the emotional level because they try to analyze everything, yet fail to correctly analyze the movie because it is beyond them intellectually. Kubrick always tries to satisfy at least one of the following: the average Joe moviegoer or the true film critics. This is what M. Night Shyamalan has done with Signs. He didn't bother to explain why the aliens are bipedal, why they do not mix well with water or why they create crop circles (gasp! Isn't that what the movie poster displays!? Oh no! It doesn't follow your expectations! God forbid a movie that gives you something unexpected!). If you want to see sci-fi that attempt to explain xeno-biology or xeno-technology, watch Star Trek: Next Generation TV series. For those of you with good filmmaking background or those who just want to enjoy a great movie that is suspenseful and emotion provoking with a bit of philosophy, this is a film you must not miss. Oh, one last thing, those of you who think this is a movie to promote religion, what religion does it promote? Bring this movie to a priest/rabbi/whoever and ask him if he would use this as a tool to convert people or ask him to point out where it supports their specific religion. God did not show up anywhere in this movie to make the aliens susceptible to water. God/Allah/Yahweh/Zeus did not come down and save all the religious people. SOMETHING did allow the humans to be saved and Father Graham Hess interprets it as an act of God and thus restores his faith. The moviegoer is free to interpret it as luck, as a supernatural force, as anything and that is the POINT of the movie - people will react differently to explain the cause of events.
Rating:  Summary: Very Good Movie Review: This is a really good movie. One of the best thrillers that came out this year. I find it really annoying when people give away the plot of the movie then continue to bash it. If you don't like the movie fine don't ruin it for other people. Anyway this movie stars Mel Gibson as a former minister who has lost his faith. He lives on a farm in Pennsylvania with his brother and two children. One morning he wakes up to find crop circles in his cornfields. Is this the work of aliens or is it an elobrate hoax. There are some very creepy scenes in the movie that will make you jump. If you like thrillers than you should give this one a chance.
Rating:  Summary: Over People's Heads Review: "Signs" is an incredibly engaging film. It's one of those films where you either get it or you don't. Judging from the one star reviews and their predictable, expected rants, a lot of people didn't get it. There is a religion arc that runs thru the film and many will not take kindly to it. Like the filmmakers are trying to push religion on you. Uh, no. It's a story. It was a story arc that just fit with the character and what was going on with him and his family. Obviously, a lot of people won't see it that way and will make something out of nothing. It was very expected. The acting was great. The kids are adorable and Mel Gibson did one of his best jobs, if not his BEST job. This wasn't some hokey, special effects laddened film. This was a film about real people and what they, and you and I, would do and react if this was happening to us. It was done in a very honest, human, and natural way. Again, completely lost on some people. Sure, there were things that didn't quite fit and that I would of done differently, but I'm not complaining. Not seeing too much is what made the film. It wouldn't of been as effective or interesting if we saw everything all of the time. The aliens were creepy and look good. The ending wasn't as good as one would of hoped, but it is forgiveable. All in all, "Signs" is a wondrous film that has the benefit of a clever and intelligent script. People didn't see that either. Go and watch this movie. If you read the one star reviews, make sure you don't fall into the predictable and cliched problems these people had. "Signs" is a great movie.
Rating:  Summary: Great Movie Review: I do not understand all the bad reviews for this movie! It was a great movie with great acting to back it up. The plot was easy to understand, even for those non-sci fi folk. The script was good, and the actors were even better.
Rating:  Summary: One of the Best Review: Signs is the only movie that I saw in 2002 which I immediately wanted to see again. In terms of pure entertainment and fun Signs is one of the best ever. This movie was chilling, funny and not as predictable as some reviewers made you feel. Based on the audience's reaction during this movie I can say I was not alone in being spellbound with this offering. Is this Shyamalan's best effort so far? It might be but the more I see Unbreakable and Sixth Sense the more I like them.
Rating:  Summary: Best Movie Of 2002 Review: Spider-Man and Reign of Fire were excellent movies, but this one simply beat them ALL! Suprub performances by Gibson, Pheonix and everyone. This movie will make you think, "Do you believe in coincidences or are you the type who believes in miricales?" Don't understand me? Watch this amazing movie and find out.
Rating:  Summary: Scary and Frighteningly Realistic Review: In an age where action movies with over the top explosions and death-defying battles with manevolent extraterrestrials in spacecrafts the size of planets or mind-numbing shoot-outs with druglords and cyborgs are too commonplace, M. Night Shyamalan's Signs is a terrifying and welcome return to the roots of what made movies of this type so great in the past: tension and fear. A small-town Pennsylvania preacher loses faith and becomes a farmer. One of his children develops a bizarre habit with drinking water. His dogs start to become frighteningly agressive, as if some sort of predator were on the loose... Just remembering the scenes of this movie give me the chills...a clear indication of how well Shyamalan's film-making and direction steer this movie in the direction of utter terror. Mel Gibson is superb in his role as a preacher turned farmer who slowly begins to realize that all is not so well in this small countryside Pennsylvania town. When a number of bizarre occurences, and an unforgettably terrifying encounter both outside his daughter's bedroom window (which is giving me goosebumps just thinking about it) and in his own cornfields in the middle of the night sends his family and other locals into a paranoia fit, he must contend with his own inner struggles and beleifs to help guide his family through this terror. Perhaps the most frightening aspect of the film is that it is so realistic. The events and occurrences on the film never go beyond unbeleivable...they are all very down to earth(no pun intended) and rational. People who fear or are generally frightened by the thought of alien invaders will be completely terrified by the film's basic yet beleivable events. Unlike most alien invasion type films, Shyamalan opts for a seemingly forgotten key in film making: Less is MORE. Like the Ridley Scott classic Alien, Shyamalan plays more on fear and emotion rather than visual effects. This may disappoint some, but for most people who see this movie, including myself, it helps to convey a poignant and moving story while keeping you on the edge of your seat with your heart racing and chills running down your spine. And as with most Shyamalan movies(namely the Sixth Sense), Signs has a message to convey to the audience and has a basic principal to the entire premise. Overall, Signs stands out as one of the most terrifying films I have ever seen. It is so basically beleivable that one may lose sleep after seeing this film. By all means, don't watch this film alone, and don't be embarassed to be frightened by this film either...I sure was, and all others who i've asked said the same thing: Its so realistic, that it's just terrifying. M. Night Shyamalan does it again...Signs is a must-see movie for any suspense/horror/sci-fi fan or alien afficionado. Don't pass it up!