Rating:  Summary: Bogus VISTA series release Review: I am very disappointed with the DVD release of Signs. I love the film, and I'm a fan of Night's work, but how it qualifies as VISTA series I don't understand. The other titles in the series are at least 2 discs with DTS sound, bonus artwork, and unique packaging. I thought that's what made it VISTA series. It's implied when you hear "Coming to video and VISTA series DVD" in all the commercials. The people who bought the beautifully packaged, 4-disc Director's Cut of Pearl Harbor expected more than a typical keep-case and a 1-minute clip of Night's first creature movie? It's not right to set a standard and not stick to it. BVHE was on such a roll with VISTA. I hope that Who Framed Roger Rabbit doesn't get cheated the same way this film did when it hits VISTA series DVD in March.The film is wonderful, but there is no denying that more could have been done with the DVD.
Rating:  Summary: Easy to watch more than once! Review: I think this was a great movie. If you are a doubter this may not be for you but if you ever think twice about the timing of things and how they happen like it was planned out,ENJOY!!!The acting was incredible and the family dynamics were very true to life. This is in NO WAY a step down for Mel Gibson, I think it's a step up from some of his other characters. Joaquim Phoenix was great and the kids were amazing. A movie does NOT have to be gross and bloody to be entertaining. There were,however, 2 deleted scenes that should have been in the film and the 'behind the scenes' was fun. I didn't see this film in the theatre but I have watched it several times at home and each time I catch something new. All the dialogue in the movie counts!! SO please don't skip! I know this will be compared to The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable and this film has the sincerity and honest intentions of The Sixth Sense.I found Unbeakable very distrubing personally.(when that guys broke in that family's house it scared me for months) So please watch and enjoy! Besides Mel and Joaquim are very easy on the eyes;)
Rating:  Summary: Another UNORIGINAL film by M. Night Shyamalan Review: I think that M. Night Shyamalan is the most unoriginal director ever....The aliens in this movie got me upset the most. If water burns them like acid, then why did they come to earth? Humans are mostly just bags of water. There's no way they could get us. If we are sweating and they grab us they would get burned. Just like James Cameron's Aliens, our spit would be just like acid to them. That's a hell of a lot scary than some poison gas that comes out of your wrist. These aliens are either arrogant or dumb as rocks. Why not wear a suit to protect yourself from getting burned? And where are their weapons? They have the technology to travel to Earth, but their only weapons are their bare hands and some gas. Come on. They're able to move fast, jump on roofs, and take a beating with a bat, but can't break down boarded up doors. Has Hollywood completely ran out of NEW and ORIGINAL ideas for movies? Or is it that Hollywood is afraid to try something new for a change? Instead they remake and combine movies formulas that have worked in the past. By all means Signs is no exception.
Rating:  Summary: Great film-making,but dull script Review: I loved THE SIXTH SENSE and UNBREAKABLE and looked forward to another MNS film.SIGNS looked promising,but my feeling after watching it was that it didn't nearly have the creativity of what came before.Fine performances,but dull and predictable plotting make them not as potent as they could have been.Great look,but the script should have been rewritten.
Rating:  Summary: Try using your imagination! Review: Not every movie has to be perfect and SIGNS isn't. The reason most people don't like this movie is because it doesn't follow and formulas and it is different. Out society is so used to the dumb scary movies that are supposed to scare us but they don't because they are all [the same]. This movie is something new and unique, get a grip and realize what it is really about! M. Night is awesome!!
Rating:  Summary: Missing all the "SIGNS" Review: I wanted to like this film, I really did. The director had shown real skill in The Sixth Sense and Unbreakable, both excellent films with haunting characters and engaging scripts. I'd seen the previews for "Signs," and it looked, well, scary...not in that Halloweeny way where you never know what's going to jump out at you, but in a more psychological way. Scary like you're not sure what is happening. Scary like "did I really see that?" And while the movie does visually approach its alien characters in this way, the psychological drama is missing here. It is, alas, simply a rather flat, predictable story of a minister regaining his faith through the crucible of an alien attack. For Shyamalan, the "signs" of the title are not the crop circles that mysteriously appear on Gibson's farm; those are simply, absurdly, needed to help the next wave of aliens navigate the planet. No, what this movie is concerned with are the "signs" of the Judeo-Christian god, as described in the bible: "How long will this people spurn Me? And how long will they not believe in Me, despite all the SIGNS which I have performed in their midst?" "There are two types of people in the world," says Mel Gibson's character. He goes on to explain that the first type believe that this world is all there is, and that your experiences in life are merely chance and luck; and then there's the type that believe there is Someone watching over you, guiding you- the type that believes in miracles and has faith that nothing happens merely by coincidence. Gibson's character, a former minister now angry at his deity for the untimely death of his wife, is supposed to be showing us the pitfalls of those in the first category: the non-believers. His newfound renunciation of his faith won't let him "waste one more minute of my life on prayer," even though his kids desperately need the comfort that comes from that kind of magical thinking. The writing is so biased and juvenile, however, that all he shows us is how immature and self-centered an angry theist can be. The potential viewer should be warned, however. The intent of the script is to belittle skeptics and non-believers, showing them to be powerless and full of fear in the face of the unknown, unable to meet the needs of others under pressure. Only those who believe there is a god watching over them, giving them "signs" to decipher and use in their daily life, can truly know what to do when faced with unforeseen events and challenges. Shyamalan has purposely turned what could have been a touching story on one man's spiritual reawakening, into a condemnation of ALL those who find it difficult to believe that a caring supreme being is watching over us and lovingly intervening in our lives by causing fatal car crashes and giving small children asthma. Admittedly, there are a couple of good scenes and a couple of good scares in this movie, in keeping with the tradition of the genre. But for skeptics, the occasional thrill is probably not worth putting up with the continuous, pounding agony of the pompous religious message hitting you over the head.
Rating:  Summary: What a waste! Review: Oh Mel! What have you done? I could sum up the entire movie in two words: Bulging eyes. There was very little dialogue, and what little there was, was let's say.. zzzzzzzzzz... There was little plot. I call it a B rated 1985 flick, pretty much equivalent to the "Night Of The Living Dead." We used to stay up late watching corny movies with friends on the weekends. This one was a snoozer! I was able to get up about five times to do things and STILL not miss anything! It was definately NOT a thriller!
Rating:  Summary: Must see Review: This is a true jewel in the ocean of sex-violence or "don't-worry-be-stupid" American (or any other) media. Don't watch it if you are in for relaxation - but don't miss it if you are in for feeling alive.
Rating:  Summary: My boyfriend wrote this ... I'm in the shower Review: Since I'm signed on with someone else's account, I'll be happy to pen a review. I had no preconceptions of this DVD when I sat down to watch it ... except that I tried to watch "The Sixth Sense" twice and never made it even halfway through the movie. I made it all the way through this one, however. It was a witty movie, played well by all the major characters, well cast (except the Indian with the pantry) ... and very tense in all the right places. The plot was WAY too predictable, and the scene one-third through where Mel tells Phoenix about the two kinds of people could have been WAY better written. Very enjoyable movie. I did catch myself looking toward the windows of the house several times throughout. The kids were the exact opposite of the Bundy kids, though - no kids exist ANYWHERE in the world like the kids in this movie - too sappy to be real. The scene where his wife dies is remarkable. Watch it. Today.
Rating:  Summary: Right... a B movie Review: This film is fantastic. How could anyone call it a B movie? The acting was great, the story line was good, and there was even some humor. It was nice to see an alien film from the point of view of a family rather than the Armed Forces. Great movie!