Rating:  Summary: be one movie not 2 Review: The movie premises around circles & aliens but focuses entirely on this priest/reverend's family. They all say things that almost sound like they were taken from Independence Day, but it's all about them hiding in the cellar. I understand the movie's about their collective healing but it's wrong to base a movie on a sci-fi platform & then abandon that platform for an entirely different one. Mel didn't need to go with "aliens" to make this story.
Rating:  Summary: A great film, Unforgettable. Review: I don't get some people, obviously. Especially the critics or reviewers who had a problem with this film.This is a truly outstanding film about faith, love and miracles. It is not "Independence Day" or "War of the Worlds", the fact that some people are overly concerned with comparisons to other "Alien" flicks is probably why they didn't understand the film. Mel Gibson gives his best performance ever, and he should be seriously considered for an Oscar nomination. The film is multi-layered and beautifully filmed and acted by a very good cast. I was really impressed with Shymalian's first film "The Sixth Sense" but I didn't really care for "Unbreakable". Signs delivers the goods, and was, in my opinion the best picture of 2002. The DVD is excellent, some interesting extras.
Rating:  Summary: Losing My Religion In A Not So Subtle Way Review: M. Night Shyamalan's latest film, Signs, is nothing more than an attempt to mix science fiction and religion in one film. Taking cues from the late author Carl Sagan's Contact. All Shyamalan really did though was make a film with an so-so start that has a very weak payoff. Graham Hess (Mel Gibson) is a preacher, who has lost his faith, following the sudden death of his wife (Patricia Kalember). His brother Merrill (Joaquin Phoenix) is helping him take care of the kids, Morgan (Rory Culkin) and Bo (Abigail Breslin), as well as their Pennsylvania farm. Soon the Hess family finds themselves fighting off an alien threat. First and foremost the film just wasn't all that scary. And maybe that isn't the point of the film, but if you are going to market the film as a thriller, than it has to be at least a bit...well thrilling. As for the relgious subtext? Ok I get the title of the films' double meaning and all of that, but it seems to me that most of the successfull message movies ever made don't make the message so easy to spot. Films have to entertain too. Gibson plays the part very understated here. He seemed to phone in his performance this time. Why must director Shyamalan make the kids smarter than the adults in evey film he makes? Even Spielberg knew better early on, than to copy himself, every time. The ending of the film marks the 2nd film in a row, made by the director, that is a total wash. Here you have been watching for 90 minutes, waiting for the big finish, and it just sputters out instead. I was expecting more thrills and less of a sermon on religion and faith--and got the reverse The Vista Series DVD extras are standard for a Shyamalan film The six part documentary takes you from inception to release. There are also 5 deleted scenes that were well chosen to be edited from the picture. A muti angle storyboard section and yet another one of Shyamalan's homemade shorts from his childhood top off the extras. Yet another over-hyped film from 2002....
Rating:  Summary: A GREAT DVD! ADD IT TO YOUR COLLECTION! Review: "Signs" remains the best sci-fi thriller ever made. "Star Wars" and "Star Trek" are mere child's play compared to this film, which is even scarier and more intense than "The Blair Witch Project." Although the DVD appears to be average (especially for a release from the Vista Series line of DVD's, of which the one-disc "Signs" is small compared to the four-disc set for the Director's Cut for the often maligned but great Romantic Historical Epic "Pearl Harbor"), "Signs" doesn't warrant that kind of DVD release. The extras on this disc are great. Get your copy of the "Signs" Vista Series DVD today! What are you waiting for! Go now! I don't see you moving! LOL! Movie/DVD Grade: A+
Rating:  Summary: Surprisingly awesome... Review: I thought it was awesome and was much better than I had anticipated. There wasn't much verbage, and what was there was, I found either meaningful or just plain funny (I enjoy that type of sarcastic humor). I especially liked the role of Mel Gibson's and what was happening in his life. This movie held a much deeper and greater message than what was expected.
Rating:  Summary: Much to Enjoy, But Just Short Of The Mark Review: In a documentary that accompanies the film on DVD, M. Night Shyamalan admits that SIGNS was greatly influenced by such films as NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD and Hitchcock's THE BIRDS--an admission that will come as no surprise to any one who has seen SIGNS in the wake of those films. Although very different, all three have one thing in common: they ultimately focus on a small group of people fighting off an unnatural entity that attempts to invade their very ordinary homes. The story is an unusual mix of meditative religious and classic sci-fi elements blended together by Shyamalan's remarkable sense of visual style. Mel Gibson is a minister who has lost his faith in the wake of his wife's tragic accidental death and who now rejects the concept of unseen powers entirely--so he is nonplussed when his children discover a crop circle in his own cornfield. He remains skeptical even as television news coverage reports alien crafts hovering over major cities. But his denial is exploded when he and his family have a close encounter of the extremely nasty kind. The small cast is extremely, extremely good. I generally dislike Mel Gibson as an actor, but he has grown tremendously since his macho-bravado BRAVEHEART days, and while he might seem an unlikely choice for the part of a failed minister he carries it extremely well. Joaquin Phoenix is perfectly cast as Gibson's younger brother, and the children--Rory Culkin and Abigail Breslin--are flawless. What isn't flawless is the story. The blend of religious and sci-fi motifs is an interesting idea, but director Shyamalan (who also wrote the script) doesn't quite manage to hold them in balance, and ultimately winds up beating you over the head with the film's religious elements while giving the sci-fi elements the short end of the stick. I did appreciate the fact that the film builds suspense more by what it does not show than what it does, and I have no qualm with that--it's a welcome choice after such special effects overkill as INDEPENDENCE DAY and the like--but several of his plot devices smack of stereotype, and the film's conclusion is such a deus ex machina that it is not to be believed. There is indeed a great deal to admire about the film, but when all is said and done it somehow lacks sincerity and falls just short of the mark. Entertaining nonetheless.
Rating:  Summary: Don't Believe Other's Opinions Of This Movie! Review: When I first heard about this movie and who was directing it, I thought to myself, "Hmmm, M. Night Shyamalan is behind this movie, I wonder if it'll be as good as 'The Sixth Sense' or 'Unbreakable'". When the movie premiered and I watched it several days later, I liked it considerably. Mel Gibson's character was portrayed so well as a Reverend who has lost his faith after his wife was killed in an accident, who now has to question his faith with the appearance of crop circles at his home. Then, I began to hear my friend's opinions. Most of them bad. To them I would say that just because "Signs" is by Shyamalan, it should not be compared to his two previous films. All because they are not meant to be related. So while we all say that "Batman & Robin" was the worst BATMAN movie, "Signs" should not be tagged as the worst M. NIGHT SHYAMALAN movie, for the sole purpose that it is such a departure for the director. The only thing that this movie is lacking would have to be a more believeable performance from Joaquin Phoenix. For some reason I just didn't believe that he was the brother of Mel Gibson's character. Otherwise, I recommend this movie to anyone who wants to watch a good movie, and to those that watch movies for the sole point of a good story, not for "shock" endings and high-tech special effects.
Rating:  Summary: best movie ever Review: this movie is the best movie of the year
Rating:  Summary: Thought Provoking Review: After viewing this movie I was left utterly speechless. I had to watch this movie twice just to make sure I didn't miss anything the first time. I have never been more emotionally or spiritually moved by a film, ever. I instantly fell in love with the little girl's character. I knew she was going to be my favorite character. Her characters intuition at such a young age amazed me. I must admit I didn't understand the point of the water glasses everywhere until the very end but that's okay. I assume it was given a "B" rating due to the lack of funds alloted to its' development. "There are basically two types of people in the world. Those that believe in luck and those that believe in miracles. Which category do you fall in?" Great question. Some of you may have to watch the movie prior to answering. Some of you already know the answer and the rest of you can care less.
Rating:  Summary: A 'Small" movie, Not a "B" movie Review: I loved this film. It deals with basic human emotions concerning a huge world event. It brings an alien invasion down to a single corn field and how it affects a family already affected by the most horrific invasion, the untimely arrival of death of a mother/wife. It is both funny, touching and introspective. No big spaceships, but plenty of spooky moments that will make you look over your shoulder or checkout that shadow in the corner. Forget the naysayers and sit back and enjoy the ride.