Rating:  Summary: What a bad movie Review: While I LOVED "The Sixth Sense", the writer/director has let fans down in both his movies since then. "Signs" is well acted by Gibson and Phoenix, but the story line sets the viewer up for a let down in the ending. Don't waste money buying it before you see it.
Rating:  Summary: yawn, yawn, yawn, yawn, YAWN! Review: Oh my GOD! I'm SO glad that I only rented this movie! Watching it was almost PAINFULLY boring. If straining to hear dead-pan faced people whispering to eachother for 90 minutes over formula ("ooh!") "suspenseful" music where nothing EVER EVER happens (okay, okay- 'til like the last ten minutes) is your idea of a 5 star movie, then forget I said anything... and enjoy the movie. Sorry, I need a little more than "the phone rings suddenly" or there being nothing after all in that darkened hallway or "the animals acting all strange-like all over these parts lately" to scare me... Sorry Mel. Luv ya, but NOT in this one. It was suspenseful all right. I couldn't wait for it to end!
Rating:  Summary: Very Disappointing... Review: With all the hoopla, a major draw like Mel and the fact that Signs was filmed a few miles down the road from where I live, I was ready to snuggle in and enjoy a winner. NOT the case... This movie starts out good (5 minutes) and then deteriorates into a low budget alien attack flick, except that the aliens appear at the very end and are frankly pathetic. Theres not much to keep your attention, the acting is marginal, and the plot is simply rediculous. Very little if any of the weak plot makes sense. Put your money into Twilight Zone reruns.
Rating:  Summary: best movie ever!!!!! Review: if i have to recommend any movie of any movie ever this is the one!!! i watch this movie at least 7 times a week! thats at least once a day!!! plz if u ever buy a dvd or vhs this is the one to buy. mel gibson played an awesome part in the movie. my favorite part in the movie is probly the end!(wont tell what happens) u will just have to go out and buy it to find out what i am talking about
Rating:  Summary: SIGNS: A GOOD BUILDUP; ALAS A CONFUSING END Review: I love any movie with Mel Gibson in it. I feel that he brings an emotional range to even the worst films.He did not disappoint in this one.He seems to convey physical fear like no one else. The build up of the plot was intense and creepy.It reminded me of that old flick the last man on earth?.The supporting actors were excellent. Joaquin Phoenix was a great supporting match for Mel in this movie.The children were great especially the little girl. My only beef with the movie was that it was unbelievable.I really enjoyed the "Sixth Sense" because the fear was palpable and entirely beleivable.I really wanted to see the Sheriff come save the day or at least die trying. I was a little disappointed in the "Alien" but I really liked the nod to the "Wizard of Oz" with the water destroying the alien.I really liked it.
Rating:  Summary: Missing the point... Review: Oh man, some of you are missing the point of this movie by several million light-years! It is unlike the last two movies both in terms off premise and sentiment (great in their own ways, I must add), thus any comparison will be unfair. This movie is really not about alien invasion. If you really need one, see Independence Day (also a pretty good "summer flick," I must also add, if you've decided to take a break from thinking too much). Enjoy the performances, feel the mood, listen to the score, smile at the subtle humor...
Rating:  Summary: signs Review: I LOVED THIS MOVIE AND THE DIRECTOR, I think he is the next superstar of directors. -The movie was strongly influeced by Hitcock. -Dont watch it alone or in a cornfield -The actors all do a great job I espcially like Phoenix.
Rating:  Summary: Shamalamadingdongs worst film yet Review: I am in udder amazement at those who gave this trash film 5 stars. And on this reputable site. These people are either mindless drones or relatives of Shamalamadingdong. This movie was junk. This directors first film, The sixth Sense, was outstanding and a true 4 star film. There have been very few directors who have gone on and made great movie after great movie and this guy is nowhere near one. He had a great idea and vision for his first film and has been blind since. For god sake 5 stars out of five is unbelievable. These people need to buy more movies and rethink their rating. Citizen Kane, Shindlers list, Casablanca these are a few great 5 star movies. I find it hard to believe anyone with a pulse would rate this movie with those classics. It was simply a bad movie with the whole idea stolen from a great film, The War of The Worlds, with a different perspective. The bottom line is Mel Gibson should be ashamed, his brother in the film should be un employed, the little girl was very good and why is anyone giving this Home Alone kids brother work they have no acting skills. As for the director all I can say is if you're going to keep up this terrible career of yours leave your no acting self out and please give those willing to watch a chance to skip your awful commentary. It is obvious in his commentary that he loves himself, his image and the sound of his voice but the rest of the world does not.
Rating:  Summary: GREAT ACTING AND ATMOSPHERE! LOUSY ENDING!! Review: I'll skip plot summaries, since I think most people know this is about an alien invasion. The plot in and of itself is nothing special...it's the way the story is told that makes it fun. Director Shymalan really shows us the effectiveness of the "less is more" idea. Throughout most of the movie, he doesn an incredible job of building up a sense of dread. We spend much of the movie on the edge of our seats, waiting for something horrible to happen. There are many wonderful moments when we can almost feel the dread the family is going through. We sense the tension in the family, as well as the love, and of course, the fear of dying. Near the end, when they are down in their cellar, all the lights go out. That's a terrifying moment, not because the lights went out, but because of all the tension leading up to it, and the worst thing that could happen if FOR THE LIGHTS TO GO OUT, because we've just GOT to see what's happening!!! Joacquin Phoenix is very good in the movie, playing a more ordinary guy than he's been asked to in a long time. Mel Gibson, although retaining some of his usual mannerisms, is effecitve and touching. The kids are great. The editing and cinematography are first rate, and Shymalan the DIRECTOR does everything right. Shymalan the writer lets us down BIG TIME. I'm sorry, but the ending is very disappointing. We've had a terrific build up through 95% of the movie, but the final couple of scenes are just a huge letdown. Never have I said "THAT'S IT????" with more disappointment and fervor. I highly recommend the movie, and think most will enjoy it, but just be prepared for a payoff that doesn't rival THE SIXTH SENSE's or even UNBREAKABLE's. But it is still creepier than any movie in a long time.
Rating:  Summary: Wimpy Review: Is anything going to happen??? Thats what I was left wandering throughout the entire film. I had great expectations for this movie. For I am very interested in the supernatural, and all things of sci-fi and everything out of this world. But this was to much. To emotional and sappy....The movie had an awesome story and plot, but its like they didn't know what to do with it..and second....Mel Gibson was extremely miss casted, Mel Gibson is an action movie actor, Lethal Weapon, Road Warrior, Mad Max, not some cheeseball priest. I think Christopher Walken would have been more suitable for Gibsons role.