Rating:  Summary: My god, it's full of stars... Review: One of the biggest reasons why I think the so-called purists had such an allergic reaction to 2010 was that it was such a departure from Kubrick's 1969 masterpiece. In 2001, the audience is largely a witness to events and then must reach their own conclusions. In 2010, the audience is told what is happening through a host of wonderful characters that simply were not present on 2001. Heywood Floyd (Roy Scheider) is a fantastic protagonist. He obviously a gifted scientist, but unlike his counterpart and HAL-9000 creator Richard Chandra (Bob Balaban), seems far more connected to the human race than his particular field of expertise. In the end they are two completely different films. 2001 is a landmark film, no doubt about it, nothing like it had ever been seen before, but it was made in the 60's and perhaps younger people feel disconnected from it for that reason.2010 begins 8 years after the Discovery disaster. The massive ship had been dispatched to Io in orbit around Jupiter to investigate a second monolith, identical but larger than one found on the moon. A Russian scientist Moisevitch (Dana Elcar) informs Floyd that the Soviets will reach the Discovery almost a full year before the Americans will and that Floyd should check Discovery's orbit. When he does so Floyd learns that the ship's orbit has begun to decay and will fall towards Io unless it is recovered. Moisevitch convinces Floyd that having American scientists onboard would make the trip go much smoother. Now that the scientists agree it is the politicians who now must be convinced. Unfortunately, the Americans and the Soviets are headed for a showdown off the coast of Honduras which may lead to war. Four months later aboard the Soviet ship the Alexei Leonov, the joint American-Soviet crew arrives at Jupiter and in a spectacular sequence must use a process known as aero-braking in order to slow down enough to put the ship in position to rendezvous with Discovery. After this we are introduced to Walter Curnow (John Lithgow), the engineer and brains behind the Discovery II, the ship the Americans were building to go to Jupiter. Curnow and Russian Maxim Brailovsky (Elya Baskin) must transit over from the Leonov to the Discovery with the violent moon of Io spinning dangerously beneath them. Once on board the spinning American ship, they get its systems operational and pull it out of the decaying orbit. It is then they release Chandra to see if he can recover the damaged HAL-9000 (Douglas Rain). (Interesting tidbit: Add one letter to HAL and you get IBM). Once recovered both ships move towards the second monolith which is two kilometers long. Things sour back home on Earth and both crews are ordered by their governments to return to their respective ships It is here that Floyd, aboard Discovery's bridge, receives his first message from David Bowman (Kier Dullea), that he must leave the area within two days. Believing it a hoax, Floyd asks HAL who is sending the messages, to which the computer replies "...I was David Bowman." then, "Look behind you..." And we see David Bowman for the first time-still young and still wearing the orange spacesuit. Floyd follows him into the pod bay where Bowman is revealed to be an old man. Floyd is told that "...something wonderful is going to happen." and then watches dumbfounded as Bowman transforms once again into the starchild. Back on the Leonov, Floyd argues with Captain Tanya Kirbuk (Helen Mirren) that perhaps they really ought to head back home. Kirbuk is skeptical and can't find any reason to go along with Floyd's crazy plan. Only after they concoct a plan to use the Discovery as a massive booster rocket that the large monolith vanishes is Kirbuk convinced. Only problem now is convincing HAL to go along with the plan- the AI was created to be curious, but also to look after the Discovery and if the ship is left behind it may be destroyed. It then becomes a race against time as a large black spot appears on Jupiter that seems to be consuming the planet. The massive gas giant begins to shrink. Ultimately 2010 boils down into a wonderful science fiction movie- yes, it's 'science fiction' and not 'sci-fi'. The only reason I think that abbreviation is used is because most people have short attention spans. It is not 2001, as the movies are separated by a generation of directors who had different values and a different audience. Strangely enough, Arthur C. Clarke's book makes far more sense than Kubrick's film does and even the short story that the book and then the movie were drawn from is more conclusive. 2010 is a sequel and not the same film as 2001, if it were, Kubrick would have directed it and it would have been called 2001: Part II. Both films are excellent, but they aren't the same.
Rating:  Summary: Probably A Lot Better Than You Think It Is. A Good Watch ! Review: If you're looking at this DVD, then the odds are pretty good that you've seen, or perhaps even own, 2001:A Space Odyssey. You know who HAL is, and Dave Bowman ( "Open the pod bay doors, HAL" ). This is good. You have some background to this movie. What's better though - is that you don't need that background. This film works even if you've never seen the classic "2001". It does a great job of giving you some background as part of the plot. This is a very good, stand alone, film. It works on a lot of levels and is a great sci-fi story. Yes, the monolith is back, and yes, it's doing some strange things. Roy Scheider is sent to check out some of the odd happenings. He's hitching a ride on a Russian ( It helps to remember that when this film came out, we were still pretty deep in the "Russian's Are Bad" mentality. ) Spacecraft, complete with a strong female captain and a ( english speaking ) crew. Scheider has his team along for the ride. The interaction between the American Crew and the Russian Crew is wonderful. Roy Scheider, who can sometimes be a little overpowering in his acting style, is wonderful here. His main counterpart is the Russian Captain, played by the always watchable Helen Mirran ( of "Prime Suspect" fame ). Also along for the ride is John Lithgow and Bob Balaban ( as the tender Dr.Chandra ). The cast if first rate and the writing and storytelling are right on. I don't want to give away any plot points but the mystery of the monolith is still there. This film probably isn't as "deep and meaningful" as the original but it does hold it's own as a sci-fi movie. Oh, and yes, that's Candice Bergen as the voice of SAL 9000. Give this movie a try. Go in without expectation and you'll be surprised. It's a good watch. Best Regards, turtlex
Rating:  Summary: Actually 4.5 stars Review: I really enjoyed this movie and compared to most sci fi movies, it is entertaining and very smart. No, its not as good as 2001, but so what? That movie is a masterpiece. This movie would have failed miserably if it has tried to be like that one. Instead, they decided to make a smart and more modern looking movie, in terms of tone and pacing. It is easily one of the best sci fi movies of the past 20 years. STOP acting like this is a failure cause it isnt 2001. By that measure, few movies would be a success. Show some latitude in your thinking.
Rating:  Summary: 2010 DVD treatment. Review: The makers of 2010 seem to abandon the idea of turning Clarke's "2010: Odyssey Two" into a Stanley Kubrick caliber flick. Instead, it appears that they set out to create a sci-fi motion picture that is almost as thought provoking. Although the pacing is rather slow (only Kubrick could get away with that), they still succeeded in producing an exciting movie sequel. Oddly enough, 2010 (made in 1984) is more dated than 2001 (made in 1968). If you'll remember, the early 1980s were a time when US and RUSSIAN relations were strained. This fact deters from an otherwise good movie experience. The continuation of the events in 2001 are mostly well done. However, there are some things from the original that should've been explanded on. In 1984 I'd give 2010 5 stars. But now it's more like 3.5. The DVD quality is mostly good. Slight graininess in the picture. The sound is a little disappointing. There's a "Making of" documentary worth checking out so you can see how small those space vessels really were. Now...as for Clarke's "2061: Odyssey Three"...Mr. Speilberg? Are you busy?
Rating:  Summary: Too bad Review: A lot of people say that you shouldn't compare this movie to 2001, but why not? Because the first one is so good that any sequel couldn't possibly be as good? Well, it is a sequel, and it IS fair to compare it to the original. One of the strongest images and ideas from 2001 is that of the monolith that brings knowledge, technology, a leap forward in development, whatever your theory. The elegance and power of the single black monolith is destroyed in 2010 when you see the fleet of black monoliths flying around the solar system like so many thousands of rectilinear birds. At first, that made me laugh. Then I realized that everything I had loved about 2001 had just been horribly mocked by this terrible B movie. There's a reason Kubrick didn't make 2010 and that is because 2001 stands on its own. Actually, this movie does serve one purpose...It shows just what a great director Stanley Kubrick is.
Rating:  Summary: Better than the origional Review: Many of us were left scratching our heads after the first part, 2001. This movie not only explains that and pulls it together, but it expands on it as well. It has everything you hope for in a sequel and more. In fact, I'd say the sequel is better than the original. It's certainly more entertaining and fast paced. It's also a little more believable with post star wars effects. No question...important part of ANY sci-fi library.
Rating:  Summary: A Good Film on its Own, But DO NOT Compare it to 2001! Review: On its own, Peter Hyams' "2010" is a very entertaining movie of hard science, and the cultural and political clashes of a hypothetical Cold War setting. Roy Scheider plays . . . well . . . Roy Scheider, the American astronaut, Heywood Floyd, in a slight change from the Heywood we saw in "2001: A Space Odyssey." Scheider really plays our rational side experiencing an environment beyond human comprehension. The plot is rather pedestrian compared with "2001," which is why I really recommend that you see this movie as a stand-alone story. Any attempt to compare and contrast this film with the brilliant Kubrick film is a mistake. If you enjoy hard science stories set in a near-futuristic world, and you can see the film as it's own work of art, you will be entertained.
Rating:  Summary: The difference between ART CINEMA and ENTERTAINMENT MOVIES Review: 2001: A space odissey (five stars) is one of the best Art films ever made in history. 2010: The year we make contact was not intended to be Art cinema but of entertainment, because in our age (80's, 90's) art films are very rare and unwelcome, (think the deep footprint STAR WARS left). 2010 is not an ugly movie, but it's more for entertaining than for admire (the goal for art films). If you didn't know what is the difference between Art cinema (2001) and entertainment movies (2010) here it is the perfect sample.
Rating:  Summary: Very entertaining (but underrated) Sci-Fi flick Review: 2010: The Year we make Contact is a film that is largely underrated. The reasons are good. Some of the questions of 2001 are answered. The special effects are also not up to the standard of 2001. However, the plot is still good. The year is, obviously, 2010. The countries of Russia and the U.S are on the brink of war. A joint U.S/Russian mission is launched to rendezvous with the derelict of the Discovery. The goals are to investigate the Monolith near Jupiter, Board the Discovery, and Find out what happened to David Bowman and find out why Hal went mad and possibly reconnect him David Bowman (Keir Dullea) appears throughout the film promising us that something wonderful is going to happen. Hal also returns. Will he once again mutiny? There are also several other connections with 2001 throughout the film. Try to find them! I for one have mixed feelings on 2010. It does have cool special effects and is a well made film. But it answers several questions from 2001 and thus, takes away the mystery. But, you don't have to have seen 2001 or have read the novel version of 2010 before you see this: They give you a basic overview of what happened in 2001 before the start of the movie.
Rating:  Summary: Jupiter's Secret Review: Did you know that Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system, is the only planet that radiates energy on it's own? If you want something to really think about.....