Rating:  Summary: not bad Review: The version I got doesn't have any extras. Three of the photos on the dvd are not even from the movie (they are from SANTA CLAUS,a Mexican movie). As the other reviewer said, the title of the film is missing! otherwise, though, it looks pretty good. it looks better than all the various VHS tapes I've seen of it, so I'm glad to have this DVD, and if you like this movie, buy it. By the way, Al Nesor is NOT Jamie Farr; Nesor acted in TV shows and died in 1999.
Rating:  Summary: Martians Kidnap Santa, But All Turns Out OK In The End! Review: This has been one of my favorite holiday films since I first saw it back in the 1960's. It's an extremely cheesy, super low budget film, but that just adds to the charm. The Martians wear tons of green make-up and are dressed in green tights, with hilarious headgear which looks as if the costume designer had lots of pipe left over from a plumbing job and didn't want to waste it. Mars children are depressed because they don't know how to play and have fun, so the leader of the Martians goes to Earth to kidnap Santa. Don't worry, there is a happy ending. Lots of fun and many laughs (not intentional!)
Rating:  Summary: Oh, for that long lost piece of my childhood.... Review: This is a classic holiday film. I used to watch it every year on TV. The only film that seemed to get more air play was "Santa and the 3 Bears." Now, at the age of 38, I can't wait to torture, whoops, I mean entertain my two young girls with this heart-warming tale of Kris Kringle's ability to win over a warrior culture via non-violent peaceful means. Sure, if you're an old fart and haven't seen this film before, you'll say it sucks like a galatic black hole. However, if you're still a kid at heart, you can't help chuckle at this very special piece of Christmas film history.
Rating:  Summary: Too bad not to be a classic... Review: This is so bad, it is hilarious. Great fun to watch with your friends...you will roar with laughter over the costumes, the acting, and the script. It's become a cult classic for this reason, sybolizing the great "B" movie genre. For this price...you can't loose.
Rating:  Summary: And the Best of the Worst of the Worst is: Review: This movie ranks at the top of my Golden Turkey list, right along with "Plan 9 From Outer Space". It is so-o-o bad it is actually good.Like many other bad movies, it was mocked and scorned by the guys on Mystery Science Theater 3000, and is still being watched and traded by the diehard fans.If you were to (purposely) get one bad movie this year, make it Santa Claus Conquers the Martians. It's a laugh a minute.
Rating:  Summary: The Cheesiest (And Best) Christmas Movie! Review: This movie rocks on so many different levels. I really don't know where to start. Let's see. In this movie, Santa is played as a delusional old coot on the verge of senility. Then there are the Martians! Man alive, were they something else! The wonderful cast of Martians consisted of nobody actors (including a young Pia Zadora) in green makeup, green body suits, and antennae on their head! Oh yeah! There was also a goofy (and incredibly annoying) Martian who looked like he was the product of an affair between Jamie Farr and Imogene Coca.Then there's the cheesy special effects. Sets that look like they were constructed by Miss Smith's second grade class... awful costumes... and there's a freakin' man in a polar bear suit! Yes, you read that one right! A man in a polar bear suit... and you can see where his "head" ends and the costume begins, too! The trifecta of hilarity ends with the theme song. It's the best score in the history of cinema, I tell ya! I urge you all to run... don't walk... to your bedroom, get your credit card, and BUY this movie! It's the funniest Christmas film I've ever seen... and, while the humor isn't intentional, it's still great! HOORAY FOR SANTY CLAUSE!
Rating:  Summary: One of the best of the "BAD MOVIES" Review: This one is an absolute "HOOT".If you enjoyed PLAN 9 from OUTER SPACE,you'll love it.The theme song itself is worth watching the video for .It is without a doubt one of the best of the "BAD MOVIES"An absolute must for the collector of pure SCI-FI silliness.
Rating:  Summary: Boo For Santy Claus! Review: This would be on my top 5 list of worst movies ever made. This is the most hideous, annoying, poorly done, ... no good, Christmas movie ever made. It's the story of Mars, and their kids are depressed, so to cheer them up, they kidnap(an incredibly stupid or drunk, can't tell...) Santa Claus. So Santa is shot into space with some dumb Norwegian kids I suppose, and bring happiness to all the Martian kids, and beat up the bad Martians with ...toys...wow... If you want to see this movie, please see the Mystery Science Theater 3000 version. If you chose unwisely and see it without Joel, Servo, and Crow for protection, you will be infected with insanity... Oh and don't show this to little kids, because if this is how they believe Santa is meant to be, they'll be ruined...
Rating:  Summary: Possibly the worst movie ever made! Review: Which is why it gets five stars. This all-time king of box office bombs entertains by awfulness. Must be seen to be believed. Buy two because you'll wear one out very quickly.
Rating:  Summary: Hooray for Santy Claus! Review: Ya know, it's a good thing there's a movie like "Santa Claus Conquers the Martians". Not only does it give you a good laugh at its silly acting, really corny lines, threadbare-shoestring production values, and just plain overall cheesiness, it gives ya a greater appreciation for the good Holiday movies and specials. Ya know, stuff like "A Christmas Story" and half the Rankin-Bass Holiday `toon catalogue? Yeah, NOW ya know what I mean, don'cha? Glad I didn't hafta spell it out for ya...
Anyhoo: "Santa Conquers the Martians" has become required Holiday viewing for me. Not only does it get me into the Xmas spirit with its way-too-jolly titular star and way-too-awed young'uns, it also helps satiate my incessant craving for trash/camp/cult cinema fare with the slapstick bumbling of the "naughty" Martian and his dopey minions. And who can help but get a good cheap laugh outta the bumbling antics of Droppo? It's the simple things in life, lemme tell ya...
This latest DVD release has decent picture quality considering the fact it's transferred from a print that's seen better days. Also, it doesn't have anything in the way of bonus features, save for a mini-catalogue of other DVDs that this movie's distributor is offering. Eh, it ain't like ya need all that sideshow junk, anyway; just enjoy the flick, willya?
Please note: the movie is NOT in black & white, contrary to what the description for this item states.